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I'm not saying she's a D student or anything, but girl just wants to have fun. Jubilee is the 4th candidate. This is another case where I didn't love the Evolution character design, not least of which because it looked almost nothing like the comic character, and that if you put here and Magma in a room together, turned out the lights and had them spin in circles, and then turned the lights back on, it would be impossible to tell them apart. So I improvised. And by "improvised" I mean I went with the comic version.

Jubilee is a party girl, more up for things like dancing, group activities, not super easy, mind you, just "uncomplicated." She is a little like Kitty in a lot of ways, so that could get a bit redundant, but I think she looks cute. Also she's a vampire who drinks blood to live, so there's that.

And btw, obviously still working on the next build, it'll be a little while yet, but I've got some fun stuff in progress, like some new poses/activities for Laura, and more assertiveness from the girls. And again, I'll be introducing maybe a couple more candidates for girl 5, and then at the end we'll have a poll to select which one the community wants to move forward with first. If your favorite isn't picked, don't worry, we'll do it again once the 5th girl is fairly well established, and the existing candidates will be part of the pool again.




Think jean will do the best but this art design for her is awesome


Sounds cool, liking both options so far.


Jean and Jubilee! \o/


Awsome. Always loved the thought of jubilee and x23 double date


Laura best girl <3 Any updates regarding her makes me happy ^^ If it goes for the Jubilee.... She's cool but overall the idea is meh, nothing really special, I would like to see Magik but this character ain't really that original (or maybe I'm wrong? ) I think the best possible candidate for now would be ..... Storm ? Or that alt-Jean Grey (well I like her bit better as a girl nr 5 then Storm) Yeah pretty much best possible option :3 All the best Oni and good luck with the updates and ideas :D


Nice, maybe I'm psychic, or maybe Jubilee just fantastic and beloved. In any case as a huge Gen X fan if we get jubes I am going to be pushing for Monet for the next girl.


Aw man, she looks cute af :D Really hyped for the next major update!


I like Jubilee and Doreen so far.


Personally I'm leaning towards Storm myself. Would love to get some of those sparks flying ;)

Breon Flowers

i always loved Jubilee actually honestly when i first saw the character in evolution


How about add Magick in poll? I personaly like her a lot. by the way great work, look forward to next build.


Seems Cute, can we Stil ask on some xwomans to add in question?


Loving the candidates so far. Do you have any plans to expand the addiction mechanics for rogue or bringing them to other girls?


Yeah, I should at some point here. I think I want to streamline how it works with Rogue and then expand it to the rest to varying degrees.


I like the design of Jubilee the best so far but the personality needs more work since her and Kitty will have some overlap. She can also introduce a nightclub or weekly party night. Throw in a mechanic that the other girls get upset and lose affection for you if you said no to them or you show up with other girls. That said, I can't wait for all the girls to get in eventually. Keep up the good work oni! 1 Ororo 2 Jean Grey 3 Jubilee 4 Doreen (personal bias)


I really just want laura's content expanded or at least finished, packed up and shipped. Do that and i'll be happy regardless of who the 5th girl is.


Yes! Jubilee is my favorite of all the student characters IN X-Men. I actually once years ago commissioned Steve Gordon (character designer for Evolution) to do a second more traditional take on Evolution Jubilee.

philip brown

oh hell yeah. loved jubiliee. and i agree. didn't like the evoluton art style. loved the 80's ver. and being a vampire. any thoughts on if there would be any mecanics that the chars. powers would affect to her.

philip brown

there are so many good choices. this will be a tough choice. so many good ideas on the characters.


Please don't let this become the Wonder Twins in Super Friends.


Loving the jubilee style! Much better the show 100%. Still holding out for hope Magma.


I'm torn between jubilee and jean but i also really want gwenpool


My viote goes to:


Darn it... Bad button press. I vote for: 1. Ororo, 2. Jean, 3. Jubilee and then 4. Doreen


Jubilee Forever!! <3

philip brown

vote order, 1 jubilee, 2 jean, 3 Ororo, 4 Doreen


Couldn't agree more! Storm is still the best out of all available options with Jean close second

The Silent One

While i'd love to see Juilee added at some point, I think Storm really is THE candidate for the next girl.


Yay for more assertiveness, hopefull in the future we'll have the option to end up getting dommed by the girls


Jean, Jubes, Doreen, Ororro.


100% Agreed. One of the things I absolutely loved about Emma was her slightly more powerful position, and the way she was a little bit more dominant in the relationship than the other girls. More unique scenes like catching Emma in the classroom wouldn't hurt either.


jubilee for sure


Jubilee or Storm would be my votes, then Jean. Things are a little white in the game right now. Plus adding another instructor to the mix would be an interesting wrinkle.


I'd still vote for Storm first. I'd rank Jean next and Jubilee third. Sorry Doreen.


Hard tie for me between Jubilee and Storm.


I thought that Jubilee's vampirism was cured? Didn't Quinton Quire spend his Phoenix shard to cure her so that the sun didn't kill her?


My canon is not comic canon. ;) I'll take in any options I can find to make things a bit more interesting. This version will have both the vampire AND mutant powers though.

Harem Hero X

Will we be getting more sex positions for the other characters (ex. kitty from behind.)


I guess this candidate can get the D. You drew her perfectly


Jubilee has my vote!

Uriah Jackson

This is the first one of the possibles that really sounds good to me. Something about her ultra 90s look always appealed, and cranked up to fetish level with your art it sounds grand.


Oh no! I thought it was tough enough choosing between Jean and Storm, but the Jubilee design is great! I do get what you mean about the similarities between Kitty and Jubilee, either way great design.

Ai Muhao

I can already imagine a few lines for her, though I fear that some of them might be dated. "You're a vampire, huh? Do you sparkle in the sun or something?" followed by her blinding you with one of her bursts. "How's that for sparkles?"


one way your nullifying abilities could interact with the vampirism, is that it will soothe her mind, because it will negate her cravings for blood, i am not saying she should be addicted to blood, mortally vulnerable to light or completely allergic to garlic, but your abilities could take her mind off of the cravings, calming her mind, it could let her enjoy the sunshine freely, and all those things again i am not saying that she should be impaired by the vampirism, the vampirism could just alter her preferences, and your abilities could enable her to enjoy those things once more


Oh I would love to see Jubilee in the game

Victor Dusk

aye jubilee would be great

Victor Dusk

it would be nice if we could meet her just after the battle where wolverine is de-vamped and jubilee is captured and being kept in a cell in the basement of Xavier institute, whilst they decide what to do. And Zero can-as is previously mentioned-lessen her other urges enough that she can come out of the cage.


Mary jane would't be a bad char either. and without powers ofc, i was thinking if Oni decide's to expand to mall and other areah's for more meeting new chars. :)


yes please pick jubilee


and black-cat=felicia hardy maybe and maybe even.. MS marvel denver, and invisible woman.. jane foster without thor powers.. wasp would be nice.. scarlet witch... black widow.. gwen stacy, silver sable... Elektra.. Mockingbird=barbara morse maybe Quake and.. dagger and mayber Ava Ayala=white tiger and.. Cecilia Reyes.. and maybe Crystalia "Crystal" Amaquelin? hmm firebird maybe i know there's other hot mcu chars who are good and who are bad.. ;O


Honestly, still pulling for Squirrel Girl, if only because I never lliked the whole Jubilee-vampire thing. Not your fault at all, it's canon, but it just annoyed me :P


So? Any news?


Heh, still working away. I'm pretty much done with Laura's titjob animation, and getting started on another part of the project.

Jon B.

Definitely liking Orroro the most of the 5 so far. Have you considered Hisako Ichiki(Armor)? Having X-23's roommate in could have potential.


Psylocke > Storm > Jubilee > Jean > Squirrel Girl


I don't know if you have been made aware of this or not but 0.983f doesn't seem to have fixed a bug I've been running into where I am completely unable to access my own room anymore.


This is the first I've heard of that one. What's the issue? Is it not popping up on lists of places to go, or do you try to enter and something breaks? I'm not sure what would cause that.


Whenever I try and return to my room through the navigation menu I get hit with this [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 6245, in TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'unicode' and 'int' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 3971, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 3663, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 731, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2519, in script call File "Laura_Chat.rpyc", line 89, in script call File "Laura_Sex.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "Laura_Fondle.rpyc", line 1854, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 6245, in script File "C:\Users\Kyle\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.983f-win\Rogue-Like-0.983f-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "C:\Users\Kyle\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.983f-win\Rogue-Like-0.983f-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 6245, in TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'unicode' and 'int' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.983f [/code]


This game isn't about the whole damn mcu, it's about Prof X's school...mutants. Nobody else.


Something fun that might not be too difficult to add in... more advanced nipple accessories for the girls, purchasable from the Store? Rings connected by light chain, with and without decorative pendant, individual pendants, basic clamps, etc.


Is anybody else here aware of SanePerson @ deviantart.com? Interesting X-men themed story in the gallery there, starting with "Kitty & Lockheed". A one-off commission seems to have spawned a whole story to go with it....


Artwise, it would be fairly simple (although I would have to make a version for each pose, which takes a little time). Animation-wise, they *might* interfere with some animations, but typically not. I do try to keep clothing options streamlined though, having too many choices in the same category can make the sprites unwieldy, so I try to make each one count rather than "how many things can I cram in there." Phrasing.


Ok, well I'm not certain that I fixed it, because I've made enough changes since that it's hard to track down exactly what caused that, but I think I have a general idea, and I at least made some changes that should hopefully fix that, along with some potential progression issues people might have been having. We'll have to see in version 0.984. Until then, I don't think there's a great way around it,


Hey Oni. When you let out new version.


Hey oni, every thought of adding magneto's other daughter? ... You know, the nice one. Not sure how you feel about Wolverine and the X-Men.


You talking about Polaris? The green haired babe that has Magneto's powers? She'd be a fun addition.


That would be tough I imagine, considering if Oni plans to add Scarlet Witch; since she was in the original series this is based off of. With Patreon's no incest rules, Oni would have to spend time making sure there were no ways that the 2 could interact with the MC at the same time.


Ouch, I hadn't considered that (not that I confirm or deny *seriously* considering either of those). As much as I hate Marvel's recent retcon that Wanda and Pietro are not Magneto's children, this might be a case where it's prudent to embrace the chaos.


Best girl


You might even have to have something along those lines as a disclaimer at the beginning or in standard dialogue so would-be-whitleblowers know what the circumstances are in addition to stating that Rogue is the adopted daughter of Mystique if you plan to add her into the game as well.


I still like Storm


2 things boss: any idea when the actual vote will be and also, any idea on a time window for the next update?


I'm hoping for the new version over the next few weeks. As for the vote, maybe soon. Still deciding whether to add more options.


I mean, adopted isn't actual relation so I think Oni is clear there. That said, either sister would be a great addition. I'm more partial to Polaris (I like green hair) but in either case the MC would be able to silently brag to Magneto "I did your daughter, I did your daughter".


is there a way for mystique to be a candidate? I could say an artwork based more or less on Evolution and a little on Rebecca Romijn would be great imo.


spooky girl for halloween?

Gregory Andrus (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 09:36:06 Just to add my voice to the masses, I think Psylocke would be a great addition. As it stands with the girls put forward, I'd go Jean>Jubilee>Storm. And Doreen can go search for nuts somewhere else.
2019-10-30 20:07:58 Just to add my voice to the masses, I think Psylocke would be a great addition. As it stands with the girls put forward, I'd go Jean>Jubilee>Storm. And Doreen can go search for nuts somewhere else.

Just to add my voice to the masses, I think Psylocke would be a great addition. As it stands with the girls put forward, I'd go Jean>Jubilee>Storm. And Doreen can go search for nuts somewhere else.


Hmmm... Not gonna lie, Jubilee is nice, but we already have a "unique counterculture" girl in Rogue. To a lesser extent, of course. But, I really feel like the other candidates might have more diversity to add to the game, and make things more interesting than adding Jubilee would.