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Ok, there have been a lot of requests for this one, but I expect this won't be what some of you wanted. Hopefully you'll like what I've got here anyway. Basically, I wasn't a huge fan of Jean in the cartoon version, she was kind of boring and stodgy, without being *enough* of that that it turns back around into fun to mess with. I'm also not a huge fan of "NTR" storylines, so I was never a fan of the idea of hardcore cucking Cyclops like some fans wanted. Sorry about that guys. So here's what I would do with Jean if she made it into the game:

UnXanny ReWrites teen Jean. I love this version. She wouldn't be the time-displaced one, she would still technically be the one from the cartoon, but she would certainly be modeled off of this version. For those who haven't read it, it's a parody of Bendis' run, and his take on Jean is that she's a massive narcissist, everything is about Jean, everyone is an NPC in her world, and she uses her powers indiscriminately to get her way. I could have fun with this character, and I think you would too. You would be the one character in the school she couldn't mind wipe or mind control, which would really mess with her rhythm.

I also went with a radically different character design from the cartoon version, which I hope looks cute.

Other than that, I've been working away at the next version, and we can discuss the direction of that in the coming weeks, hope you guys are enjoying the rest of the summer!

Also, RavenNoodle has started a Patreon for her art, she was a lot of help on the last version, doing some of the backgrounds and a lot of the costume pieces, so check it out and support her if you like what you see. 




Love this idea


I like this idea quite a bit. Though I do hope there is room for some possible Phoenix action. I have personally liked all the possible candidates for lady # 5. Running with this idea, I’d love to hear jeans response when you show little interest in her, as a narcissist she would feel that everyone’s attention should be on her.

Harry Jamerson

This sounds very fun! Great idea.


Exactly, I think there's room to have fun with both the "love" style of play, where you're just playing into her delusions," and the "obedience" style where you just don't put up with her nonsense. She's just a little bit "X-tra."


Awesome! I was wondering when Jean would finally make it in :) Hopefully we'll eventually get to see Mystique, Jubilee, and Psylocke too!

Jacob Kain

In my opinion, Jean is literally the least interesting girl you could add. I think, since we now have 3 other "students" and 1 teacher, you should add another teacher (maybe Storm?) or...someone pretending to be a teacher (Mystique would be amazing in all her blueness)


Oni I feel you, about Jean. She isn't half-bad, but I don't like her character in the cartoon. Giving her some edge would improve her in many ways. As you wrote in your post, making her somewhat a narcissistic mind-controlling "b*tch", would change her in a good way.


I really like the sound of this version of Jean, though I can see/understand complaints that she's not closer to the cartoon version (similar to the Laura complaints). Personally, I think either Storm or Jean would be an excellent choice for the 5th girl, and I'm not sure which I'd like more.


I don't think Jean Grey should the 5th girl. I feel Storm would be a good fit and start to balance the student/teacher ratio.


I like your idea but I always have a soft spot for the evolution version of Jean. Although, she was a little bit of a boring character at times. She had her moments. You already have four of the girls that I really like from the show. Now we're just missing Scarlet Witch, Mystique, storm, and Boom Boom........ although if Gwen pool or spider Gwen showed up....... it would be fantastic. Spider Gwen can have a kind of situation like Spider-Man did when he visited the X-Men in his animated series to find out more about his mutation. That would be a killer reference. What are your thoughts on the version of Jean Grey seen in Ultimate Spider-Man? I mean the comic by the way. The one where she congratulated him for not thinking about her naked instantly....... until he did. LOL


right now i still think storm is the winner

Ai Muhao

I can imagine quite a bit of potential banter with this Jean. If you have this Jean and the actual Evolution Jean both running around, I can easily imagine Kitty having incidental lines like, "Like, I'm so glad that our Jean isn't such a total and utter _bitch_..."


Ok I have read through the unxanny rewrites and that jean is a riot I mean you already fuck with prof x’s head in to of the plan things but to have a character that would be totally on board to screw with a cripples head so you can fuck anywhere crap with her whole mind wipe thing she could even be an Exhibitionist


Lol. I think having two Jeans would just complicate things too much. :D


lol i know it is probably not a viable option, but if Jean starts kind of corrupted already, you could use your power to negate her influence over others, than she possibly gets a proper punishment from others for her behaviour, and that is how you get her a bit more under control lol maybe if she is really bad, and it comes to a point where they acknowledge that you are the only one who can reason with her, she will be put directly into your care, because no one else can put her onto the "right path" in life xD


I'm loving your take on the X-girls. Also I'm a big fan of the time displaced Jean :D


Looks good but right know my vote would still go to Storm over Jean and Squirrel. She is from all choices the most beautiful imo


Big request can one of jeans outfits be her black queen getup. I was always a sucker for that. Works well if she starts domineering. Also speaking of clothes. Can we have a higher cap to our cash. I know you probably don't want to mess with the early game economy, but I finished all the girls and was basically just sitting in my room all day to get money quick to buy outfits on my last completion. So with all the new options for buying a little more cash will remove that grind at the end.


Also, I was thinking after you max obedience for each of the girls you would have the option of having them wear a collar


I personally really like this design, feels more subtle which i love. Personal vote is between this and storm. Awesome :)


You could probably do something similar for the other stats too


Like a higher cap on daily income? Eh. That's just so easy though. I might come up with some other ways to gain money though. I'll give it some thought.


Hmm... like I said for storm, she doesn't look like the Jean form the cartoon. I don't say " no " but, it's kinda sad. Rogue and Kitty really are like the cartoon. I remember when I watched her with Duncan and Scott as jealous. I was like " Damn Scott, just leave this bitch already ! " Maybe it's not bad if she is in the game, I have some revenge in mind. Rogue-like, or the game that can cure your trauma.


DUDE!!! im all for this :D your "ONI-verse" (lol) of the X-men is going great Keep up the great work, my guy


I would definitely prefer 90s X-men storm over evolution storm though


Not bad. I thought she'd be a bit more chesty than Rogue, but she looks like Kitty's size. Based on your description, it would be interesting to see this Jean. And I do have a thing for redheads, personally. Still, so far I'd still probably vote for Storm or Squirrel Girl. Storm because hot older woman and SQ because her design reminds me of Makoto Nanaya the sexiest girl from Blazblue. How many more girls will be on this poll to come? I can't remember the exact number you stated. It was like 5 or 6 girls? Curious who the rest will be since Storm and Jean were like the only other two big ones I could think of. There's Jubilee and Scarlet Witch, maybe Mystique... anyway, can't wait to see.


Looks like storm is a popular choice, but like what about Jubilee. Fun idea is recently in the comics she was a vampire. So her deal is that your power relieves her dark cravings. Unlike rogue who comes to your room and begs to be touched Jubilee would occaisionally tackle you in a random location if her craving meter is high enough.


Mystique is actually in Rouge Like Evolution which is a mod of Oni's version. It's not bad but slightly strays from Oni's vision I imagine.


I'm not really into NTR either but Cyclops can be a bit of a dick sometimes and I'm not a giant fan of his hint hint. But seriously though a Jean Gray who mind rapes people to get what she wants? I'm in. I'd love to see a more branching storyline to her though if she wins.

Oni's Fan

Im in all of Storm, Jean, Mystique, Wanda or Boom Boom stuff. I will accept any girl from this list as 5 girl, so lets community decide it. What bothers me more is do you accept art trade or in-game reference to the other game? Guys from KT asking me about that? Simple reference of your game in their and their game in your. If you interest please answer me


1000 times yes this


I change my mind jean would be awesome for girl 5


I like her appearance, but if the personality has to be that much of a departure then its a hard pass for me. Give me storm over a narcissist any day.

Zack V

Certainly quite good. I absolutely agree with you about the cartoon version, and I appreciate you aren't putting in NTR stuff lol. I like this design, as well. However, my vote still falls on Storm, since it'd be...lovely having a person of colour, and your art for her was particularly fetching.

Oni's Fan

Kunoichi Trainer, I believe Im send you links earlier in previous posts. What they offer is main character in his free time can go to the game club, where is on the one of Pc is running Rogue like evolution, if player clicks on it will appear some art and link to your patreon


How many candidates are you planning on doing for this round?


I like her design a lot, but I would go with somewhat time displaced story for her. Having her much younger than Emma is a little bit weird. Real Jean could be dead but this one could embrace the idea that everyone loved her and be convinced that everyone should and will love her as they loved her older/future self.


Love it


Thank you for taking all of this into consideration. I never knew of this version of her. Sounds a lot like the twilight zone's "It's a good life". https://youtu.be/IuAzvb38PyI

Corsair X

Personally I love teen and adult Jean for their character designs. Her personality has always been a little hit or miss. Like Oni said the Evolution Jean is really stodgy, while Unlimited reminds me of a matured version of the UnXanny Jean. If possible down the line I would like to see both Jeans in the game, the younger being the native Jean and a older Time/Dimension hoping one aswell.


Um, I'd never read this fan-rewrite version, but, YES. "Queen Bitch Jean" sounds pretty amazing, actually. I'd love it if the final-stage teen Jean design by Victor Ibanez (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/92/23/ae922374cc911290619dd008aa22197c.png) could make the cut as an option, but I get it if that design isn't to everyone's taste. Great work so far, though!


How about Risty Wilde/Mystique for next girl? I think the most interesting choices are those where Zero's power canceling ability creates new dynamics for the girls (Rogue can be touched safely, Kitty can be restrained, Emma can't read or affect minds to her advantage, Laura feels mortal). Mystique would expand on that theme. Plus, since she'd be undercover, there'd be a fun spy cat and mouse game if you can blow her cover at any moment.


Why not Mysitque? You could make her antagonize the player at first but over time she becomes infatuated with him then you both keep your relationship a secret. You could even make the other girls reaction to her joining your harem skeptical yet understood.


has the best looks out of the 3, but i am still waiting for the other 2.


I agree jean is boring too but she looks the best along with gwenpool

philip brown

im not against a different type of jean. heck might make it interesting.


I was meh with a hint of down at the idea, then I read a bit of UnXanny and I was "So this might work" then I got to page https://unxannyrewrites.tumblr.com/post/158443987945/ and my faith was lost during the center panel...


Now a real reply: I'm the kind of player who want all the core female characters in the game, and to be honest I don't mind cartoon version Jean. But it's Oni's role to make the game and we need to respect that. Oni I trust you (mostly.)


Sounds fun as fuck. Will be nice to play new version of Jin for a change.


Jean is the worst thing about the X-Men, I will be voting for anyone but her, fuck Jean and fuck the god damn Dark Phoenix. Nice art though, thumbs up.


Then do storm instead. Jean is boring

Hao P

So I'm pretty late in the conversation, but might I suggest a different scenario for Jean? Instead of just having be a queen bitch, we can instead have her be Dark Phoenix Jean. While you're rummaging through the professor's office, you discover a hidden pathway his lab and there contains a imprisoned Jean still possessed by the Phoenix. Your touch/jizz gives her temporary reprieve from the Phoenix's hold. So she'll have Rogue's addiction mechanic, but instead of getting pissed off from not getting her dose of jizz, her personality slowly gets warped back into the Phoenix. Which gives use a choice to have her stay Jean, Phoenix, or a mix depending on our choices.

Kenta Usui

Jean is boring lol, Ill let Cyclops and wolverine fight over her, unless we can cuck Cyclops hehehe


While I love all the options so far and sincerely hope they all make it into the game at some point I'm really looking forward to Jean. I mean she's the very first X-woman and this version in mind seems like she'd have some awesome interactions. Of course I'll be happy no matter who is chosen.


Oh, that one. Yeah, it looked pretty cute, but I don't think I want to do any collaborations at the moment.


Well, she would already be younger than Emma in the evo timeline. She's the same age as the other girls (I think maybe 1 year older than Rogue?). The version I'll use won't *actually* be time displaced, she'll just be the one that's always been there, she'll just *act* like how teen Jean acted in UnXanny Rewrites.


I liked that costume, the hair. . . some artists made it work, but a lot of them made it look weird.


This is only candidate right? i guess i'll go with storm..

philip brown

ooh that is an intersting idea, seducing the dark phenoix, with your disabling addictive powers. hmmm. that sounds fun, could have some nice outfit choices too.

Patrick Coleman

Love this idea. Already want it.


It's nice Oni and all, i like that idea but, my personal taste says a more mature design Jean :/


My only suggestion for Jean: an option for bangs like in X-Men Blue.


Best one yet bar none.

Cliff Hanger

I like Jean, she's a sexy red head.


super late to the party, but i actually hate this idea. sorry to be so aggressive with it, but i dont like the idea of jean being so destructive. it wouldnt be much of a stretch for her and cyclops to have broken up or something. i would prefer x men evolution jean personally. that said, i toss my vote toward classic domino or psylocke. i think they would be much more fun and interesting.


I like the power mad jean AND the cucking cyclops route as cyclops can eat a dick.


Hey, sorry if this information is available eslewhere, but do you know how many characters there will be to vote on at the end of this? Also, what supporter tier do you need to be to vote? (Still keeping my fingers crossed for Wanda (Scarlet Witch) :3


It'll be around 5-7, still considering how many to include in the final count. I'm also leaning towards keeping it at the same $1 tier as the game itself, but I *do* want to figure out some nice ways to thank people who put a bit more into things, so I don't know, we'll discuss this as a community and see what everyone thinks, maybe a two-tier voting process or something so that everyone gets a role? I'm not making any calls yet.


While I was never attached to Jean Grey as a character, I did like the design of her hairstyle that, like the others, matched their personalities. Kitty was a girly girl so she got the girly bangs, while Rogue was edgy so she got the swoopy bangs. Evolution Jean was straight-laced so she got the straight hair. Neither Evolution Jean nor a rewritten bitchy Jean really match the those type of bangs, imo.


Interesting take on "bangology." :D I view her as a bit of a princess. She's not mean, she's just uncaring, self absorbed. I think she'd want an elegant hair style.


I think there's a danger here of just making Jean into a younger Emma. I would think a more interesting place to go with it would be a "crazy bitch" Dark Phoenix direction. A girl that presents one way (proper, preppy, good girl) but an absolute freak in other situations. Getting into her pants would be less about making "Jean" fall in love with you, but more about encouraging her dark side.


All that said, I feel like adding another "student" doesn't take the game to a very interesting place. It would be cool to add a rival school (Mystique's) and start adding romancible characters from there, probably starting with Wanda.


Well, with all characters there are points of similarity, the more than get added, the more I do have to think "is this really the best line for this character, is it too much like someone else?" Emma is definitely a bit arrogant, a bit self-important, but it's a mature quality, a "queen" quality. Jean would be more of a "princess," entitled and spoiled. Emma does not abuse her powers, Jean would. Emma has a level of responsibility that Jean wouldn't have. Emma speaks with a refined, upper crust manner, while Jean would be more direct, more like Kitty, really. I can see the merits in your "dark side" approach too though.

Bruce Wayne

I would like to see more scenes with the existing girls but I'm ok with Jean! (even though I would prefer Storm)


I think Jean could work. Just explain away Scott by having her say she dumped him after he fell in love with her clone. Which is a comic thing. Jean would probably come to you similar reason rogue does, holding back her powers, or the Phoenix.


Agreed on your take on Jean on both your opinion on her and your redesign for when you will use her.


I hope she have red pubic hair *-*


Yeha not a huge fan of cyclops but also not a huge fan of cucking (too hard). As much as i love red heads (and Jean) I respect your decision and look forward to more great content form you mah dude.


I Like your Like count 👍 and wait for your next Update 😘


As much as i like Storm, Jean Sounds, for me, the Most interesting Charakter so far. Im curious about the Otter Girls you have in mind.


So, when? Not a character, preview. I would really like to have a taste of this "you are an NPC in MY world" plotline. Just like the first meeting with Laura, maybe?


Well, it's not like she literally believes she's in a game or anything, that's Gwen. It's just that she does not believe anyone could be as important as she is, I do now have an idea for how to introduce the character if she makes it in, and it should be fun.

Obsidian Asetryx

Storm would be Electrifying!!!! She's an Amazing Girl if you could "Train" her.


I'd like to see another teacher before a new student. Personally Id vote for Psylocke. She could be the "P.E" teacher, have her hang out in the danger room all the time. To make progress with her the player would have to raise his level and train alot to impress her, then she would invite him for some 1 on 1 sparring sessions! I see her as a more physically fit girl then the previous ladies. Definitely give her killer abs!


Hi Oni I have a question I am new to your project and I would like to know this later there will be a French version of the game where I can have a tutorial for me even translate my game in French thank you


Hello. I'm sorry, the game is in English only. Given the development of this project, and the way dialog is spread throughout it, even if I had a full French translation available, putting it into the game and keeping it updated would be very difficult to manage.


Jean is a good option, Tabitha smith / Boom Boom would also be a good one.


that chin dont look like jean, but i wanna bang jean to mess with prof X


So, will there be a way to stop Rogue from touching us? I want to try the drug-addicted rout with her, but every time she manages tp touch the main hero, regardless of choice in the menu. Even on level 10, when there is an option "don't let her", she still wins.

Harem Hero X

Will Boom-Boom be added in future updates?!


I like this one more than Storm, but still probably prefer Squirrel Girl. It's close, though.


when can we get the new patch? :O ( btw jean or squirrelgirl plz!!! )


so far this is my favorite of the three. I like the idea of being more at odds with her and that it may be a more difficult or different process than the other girls. If you have any future ideas I think a challenging personality is flavorful and even peaks the inner gamer in me. Thanks for the great work you have done by the way! I look forward to whatever you have coming next :)


You can't really prevent it *completely.* Your options are only to give you more time and space. She will never reach the point at which she will do *anything* you want just based on that, so if you want to take advantage of that option, you have to just pick something along the way.


I'm working on it, the plan is in a month or two. I've got some cool stuff in progress.


I was hoping for Strom but Jean is great too. She's hot. I'm in love with her in X-Men Evolution like Rogue and Kitty 💖💖💖


So she'd pretty much have the personality of 'classic' Emma Frost? Ehhhh, not too tempting.


Psylocke > Storm > Jean > Squirrel Girl If you want to go furry, how about Wolfsbane? (Edit) Oh, wait, nevermind, if you're touching her, she can't transform, she'd be humanform.


It's hard to look at the UnXanny material Oni is referencing, when it doesn't exist anymore! The ZIppyshare files have expired and been removed! T___T Anybody else out there have a set to share?


in this patch are we going to get tj from x-23? :O


I hope so. I have another pose I've been working with for her, but hope to also get this one done.

Harem Hero X

When can we expect the next update?!


Sorry for going on a rant on your page Oni. We already have 4 white girls, lets change it up. Ororo Munroe code name Storm(black), Jubilation Lee code name Jubilee(Asian), Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla code name Magma(latina), Sooraya Qadir code name Dust(Arab), just to name a few.


Well, we'll have some options in the selection for the next release. We'll see what the vote turns up.


Sorry I've been silent, but I have been hard at work. I'll try to put out a more formal status update soonish, I'm part way through the next candidate as well.


I vote for all at once :)


any new updates?


Can't you make Jean personality same way as she is in evo story, as personality-wise but without a bf and just a tiny little more Naive-clueless? :)


Amara isn't Latina (as in Hispanic), she's Roman. Her native tongue is actual Latin (as in Catholic Church) and her name reflects that.


Tried to. Sequential links on tumblr are broken about midway through Issue 006. Going backwards from the end is annoying.


I could definitely imagine Jean being a closeted pervert. Like, she tries to hide it, but as you keep prying, she tries to overwhelm you until you can break her in and make her obedient. Edit: I could also see her favorite thing being double penetrative sex. Maybe a strap-on item for the other girls could be added, too? Would make threesomes even kinkier.~