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Ok, it was brought to my attention that there could be some weird bugs with the ability to swap between two girls mid-encounter, and I think I made a change that will fix that, it seems to in my testing of it. It hopefully won't cause any new problems, but it was a significant enough tweak that I can't be sure, so give everything a once-over on that end. One bug that I definitely did fix was related to second girls in a scene not orgasming as intended, so that should be fully working now. I do hope to tweak the UI a bit to make it easier to see what's happening there. 



Hey, I may have missed this but does Emma have events like the other 2?


She has events, they aren't the same events in the same circumstances as the other girls though. She doesn't yet have the "boyfriend," or "slave" kind of events yet, I hope to have those in for the next version, 0.981.


so i can still recreate the bug, its not as bad as before and u have to time it right, it doesnt matter which girls are involved. u are in a room with 2 girls. u start the action with one girl (girl 1) ( i let them masturbate and watch ) and continue till the other girl joins the action on her own. now just let the first girl climax and she says she wants to do something else or i manually stop the action. ( girl2 which did join bevore stops as well ) now i have to directly start another action with girl 1 ( blowjob ) and the first action before girl2 can join again ( couse she stopped ) lets me do whatever i can do with the threesome actions ( for example complete undressing ). i have to do this before girl2 can join the action again. now the game seems to register i should not be able to do this with girl2. it replaces the threesomeactions with girl2 with another girl1 option. if i miss this spot and girl 2 can join the action on her own she will behave as intended ( refuses to undress ) and so on. sorry its hard to explain. i should send u a video next time.


I'm sorry, I do not know what the problem is. It's not doing that thing where it creates recursions, or if you swap from one girl to the other, it actually stays with the first girl in the lead, does it? If so, let me know which action each was doing at the time the swap occurred.


There are so many updates! (You may just get tired of them) ;)


Well, I'm just trying to narrow it down to a stable version, as I continue to work on new content for the next major release.

Harry Jamerson

How do I get Kitty or Rogue willing to interact with Emma in a threesome? I can't figure it out.


Well, it's always a balance between how much they like you, and how much they like her. They both start out not liking her as much as they like each other, so that can take a bit more work. I do want to add some more ways to grind up positive vibes between the girls, like shared activities. But basically right now, your best bet is to just get both girls to like you enough that they'll do whatever.


Witnessed several odd behavior or bugs with the clothing. like when a girl is only in panties and u flirt with her asking for panties, she strips her panties, gives them to you and then she still wears the same panties. girl in party, going to the training room or to showers. and she doesnt change into gym clothes or bath towel. the girl often only changes her clothing if she feels uncomfortable. inviting a girl to the training room doesnt change her into gym clothes. when u play with a girl during nighttime, undressing some clothes. spend the whole time the girl leaves, the next morning she joins u and still wears the undressed clothes. normally during night she should get into sleepclothes, and the next day change into some more comfortable or the usual clothes for the day.


Or this one, Saturday morning in the showers with rogue, i changed to training room, and at the same time rogue asked me to join her in the training room. then midday in training room kitty did join to the training room , i changed to showers and kitty was already in the showers. i did go back to training room and there was no kitty anymore. all during midday with 100% time left.


Double dates are charging twice. Buying Chicken for Rogue (10), Steak for Kitty (15) and Chicken for myself (10) is saying it costs 35$ and charging 70$. Movies say three tickets are 30$, then charges 60$.

j look

Is there a Android version


Even when you get Emma to wear slutty clothes in public, she'll still be fully clothed in class, which is no fun. I want her to teach class naked, dammit.


You can select her "teaching clothes," but she does have a higher standard for what she'll wear.


I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this bug yet (patreon is being stupid and won't let me load previous comments) but there's a problem with Kitty and trying to get her to take off her panties in public. If you ask her to do it, it will go through the normal thing of her phasing them off herself, but then immediately after it also does the thing that Rogue and Emma do which is, she pulls her pants off and her panties with them. So it's doubling up on the action as well as doing one that she's not supposed to be doing.


I think i stumbled onto that one while working on something else, but either way I'll double check and make sure it won't happen in the next build. I think it came from adding her more unique interaction and missing that I hadn't deleted the previous version.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Rogue_Scenes.rpy", line 1821, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'unicode' and 'int' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 346, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 1141, in script call File "Rogue_Scenes.rpyc", line 1821, in script File "E:\Rogue-Like-0.980i-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "E:\Rogue-Like-0.980i-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/Rogue_Scenes.rpy", line 1821, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'unicode' and 'int' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.980 [/code] </module></module>


So i finally managed to test the "wear this in our room" on the new build(version i) and now rogue says something about "slipping into something more comfortable" when i have a private outfit selected but she doesn't actually change clothes, she keeps the ones she was wearing before. On a side note: was there every any animations for Rogue flashing you with her towel and for when you flip her skirt up during flirting? I could have sworn there were and the text makes it sound like it should but nothing happens.


1. Interesting. I don't know what would be causing that. I'd need some more details. 2. Yes, she should flip up her skirt or drop the towel for a half-second and then put them back on. Make sure not to click through too quickly.


It's a complicated one. I guess it would help to know 1. just double checking, but she says that in the player's room, or her room? 2. you are alone together in this room (no other girls)? 3. you have set the room clothes to a completely different outfit than the one she's wearing, and you know that you can manually turn this outfit on and off from her wardrobe menu? (by this I mean, say it's "custom 1," you know that you can change her into and out of custom 1 while in the wardrobe, the outfit itself works fine?) 4. This custom outfit, would she wear it in public?


1: both her and pcs room. 2: yes. 3: yes. 4: yes


Hmm. I'll have to double check a few things then, I'm not sure why it isn't sticking.


Got a "that's odd, tell Oni how you got here, close Kitty lesbian" message. I was having Rogue and Kitty make out in Rogue's room, then I chose start jacking it, and got that message. Kitty's Love is 922, the others are maxed. Rogue's love is 57, Obed is 560, Inbt is 851.


Ok, thanks, should be fixed next build. It doesn't really cause any massive issues if you just continue from there.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 3297, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'unicode' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 129, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 819, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2024, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 918, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1183, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 85, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 147, in script call File "Rogue_HJ.rpyc", line 4319, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 3297, in script File "E:\Rogue-Like-0.980i-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "E:\Rogue-Like-0.980i-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 3297, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'unicode' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.980 [/code] </module></module> there is this thing, a start a sex scene with a girl and the other girl will leave the room couse she feels unconfortable. best recreatet with emma when u dont have public and threesome options unlocked this happens always when u use the option: could u put on a show for me - maybee make out with xxx. the other girl refuses to accept. now u start the next action: put on a show for me - could i watch you get yourself off. now the other girl wont run away but instantly starts watching, or plays with mc bug or odd behaivior pattern, i dont know


Ok, I think I figured that bug out, I'm trying to decide the best way to resolve it, but it should be fixed next build. As for the other situation, I'm not sure what the issue is you're describing. There will be cases where you can't just ask the girls to make out, but where one will stay and watch you doing things with the other girl, or even join in (in which case she will usually stick close to touching you rather than the other girl). If you mean that Emma will engage with threesome activities before agreeing to do so, then that's something I'd need to look into what's being skipped.


they are willing to touch the mc but not the other girl


It didn't - just figured I should tell you when the game tells me to. :)


Ok, yeah, that's basically as intended. There are four ranges of behaviors (a bit more complex than that, but in basic terms): At one range, they like you well enough to have sex with you, but either don't like the other girl or don't like you enough to put up with any sort of sharing, so they will run if you're with some other girl, or at most just stay and watch, but not get involved. At the next range, they like you enough to get involved, but they aren't comfortable enough with that other girl to touch them directly. They basically just like you enough to mostly ignore her. Then there are two other states, one in which they like the other girl enough that they will totally engage with her, or even prefer her to you, and another where they like you *so* much that they will do whatever you say, including making out with a girl they don't so much care about. There are multiple paths to each of these states, like for example high inhibition stat lends itself more towards "she likes the girl enough to go for it," whereas love and obedience tend to lend more towards "she'll do whatever you say," but basically, being willing to go at it one way doesn't necessarily open her up to doing *anything.*


Yes, definitely, it helped me fix a pothole in the code. Any time the game tells you to tell me something, please do. ;)


well i could save the game. i start the scene and the other girl runs away. i reload now i use the newly function "could u put on a show for me - maybee make out with the other girl" obviously the other girl refused the char gets moved a bit further back and to the right, but she wont run away anymore. unrelatet: when u chose : "put on a shwo for me - masturbate" the girl gets into a special position for this show. now the MC did cum on her face or in her mouth, well the girl moves to the front. but she wont get back into her masturbate position. when a girl gets moved around on the screen, the girl often appears from a higher right position a bit furhter back. thats when u see the missing feet. when u cum on emmas boobs, and she was dressed with a top. sometimes the top dissappears shortly for the cum scene and reappaers later. but the sports bra works fine. one of emmas sprites has a brown edge on top, u see it moving up and down in sex scenes. u see it when she wears her teacher outfit and fuck her. it seems to be her jacket. when u are in class and try to talk to teaching emma, she blocks it. but when u talk to an other girl first, and use the switch option. u can normally talk to emma and even redress her while she is in her teaching position, and let her come to you. when the 2nd girl in the background decides to blow you, and the MC cums, u cum on the first girl. now the 2nd girl in background stops and maybe start another action, but her mouth is still as she would giving blowjob. when u interact with 2 girls the main girl mostly gets moved to the left and the other to the right. sometimes when u switch girls it gets meesed up and the wrong girl gets moved to the left.


well wthis one happened just now, i was in kittys room, kitty asked if i could join her going to class, i used the 3rd option to stay. ( did play aroudn with her wardrobe ) talked to kitty, if she could leave the room to me. kitty left the room, and i was left alone. i moved to the shower saw rouge, i instantly left showers. i did go to class. and directly after pressing the button Kitty asked again if i could join her in class. met rogue and emma in shower talk to rogue, i want to get naughty, put on a show, maybe make out with emma. Rogue : i kinda needed this anyways. Emma: - ok thats fine , come on you might enjoy it, get in there now , kitty what do you think kitty text bubble: ive seen you watchign me in class emma text bubble : im sorry kitty its really not you , im sorry mr zero shes just not my type, this woudd couse a scandal , im really not interested in it. why is there a kitty option and a kitty text bubble. in a rogue x emma bathroom scene. played further in this bath scene, skipping a bit of what happened. emma did join and gave me a blowjob, i switched to emma, she then startet the text about the threesome and came to the conclusion it could be so much fun. startet with emma let her make out with rogue, they were both fine and startet kissing, i undressed emma from towel, i undressed rogue form towel, now both naked emma and naked rogue kissing, the text in top changed from emma makes out with rogue and rogue makes out with emma to: emma makes out with emma pressing: keep watching, rogue dissappears but game still in a threesome scene with MC and Emma and Emma. can shoose threesome options: ask emma to do somethign else with emma now emma does something else with emma, like fondling her breasts well only 1 emma on screen and no rogue. choosing the 2. threesome option : Ask Emma to do something else. Text: Rogue noticed what u and emma are up to, she decides to join you Rogue appears back in screen - furhter back on the right rogue action : rogue gives emma a passionate kiss emma action: Emma makes out with Emma rogue gets back closer to normal threesome position threesome action buttons changing back to normal seems the game gets back to normal by the way. threesome action: why dont you grab her ass. instead of doing something to the ass, the girls a grabbing the breasts.


Ok, I've fixed a few of those things, The part about cumming on Emma's boobs, that's mainly because some of the clothing art isn't done for her yet in that pose, so some bits will just appear and disappear as you switch poses. Sorry about that, but I just got some new art in on those so hopefully it'll all be done by the next build. And yes, her jacket has a border bug, and I intend to fix that. It happens when I'm exporting pieces sometimes if I'm not careful. Make sure to point them out when you see them. "when u interact with 2 girls the main girl mostly gets moved to the left and the other to the right. sometimes when u switch girls it gets messed up and the wrong girl gets moved to the left." Next time this happens, try to get specific as to who was doing exactly what before and after, because this is probably a very specific issue rather than a general one, making it tricky to track down. As for the situation with Rogue and Emma at the end there, I *think* I fixed that problem in relation to what someone else asked, but keep a save around or something to see if it happens again next build.


When on a date, I get a "Nobody showed up, weird" line. Why is that?


Hmm. Interesting. Did this happen during the middle of the date? If so, don't worry about it, but I'll remove that check for next build.


Yeah, middle of the date. I wondered if Rogue was going to come barging in on my date with Kitty. :)


This probably isn't a bug, but I'm having an awful hard time getting kitty's attention. She doesn't respond well to any of the flirting options, refuses to give me her number, or go on a date, which I figure are because her stats are too low, but without being able to do any of that I'm not sure how to increase her stats?