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Ok, this should clear up an error that occurs when Kitty and Emma are in a lesbian make-out situation, 


Handsome Idiot

How close the stable version will come out


That description made me laugh. I somehow bet that your job's git commit comments are waaaaaaaay more interesting than my job's commit comments.


Any chance of Emma sleeping over at the players dorm in the next release?


I've been really enjoying the update and I hate to nitpick but some of the art of the girls seems a bit pixelated, maybe because my screen resolution is 2560 x 1440. This is especially noticeable in Emma's titjob scene. Her face looks great but her body looks fuzzy and out of place, so it's kind of distracting. The same is also true for the body closeups of all the girls in their standing position, such as during fondling. Any chance of some higher resolution graphics during these parts in the future?


I've been thinking about this for a while. When I started on the game, it was at the default Renpy resolution of 1024x768. It was only later that I considered using higher resolution graphics. Technically the work versions of these sprites are at a higher resolution, but I export most of them out at a scale intended to fit into that 1024x768 size. I could export them all at a higher rez, but there are a *lot* of images to go through, so it would take a while. It would also result in larger file sizes for the game. I'll consider it.


Looks like a majority of the bugs have been stomped now. At least I haven't run into any new problems yet. Great update. In the next build, would you consider adding the option to make Emma your girfriend in "relationship status" since unlike Rogue and Kitty she lacks that option. All I can ask her about is public fun and threesome availability.


Yes, I definitely plan to give her full relationship options and also go over the others to make sure they all still work effectively.


some odd scenes: while fuckign one girl in ass or pussy the other ghirl can still suck ur cock, its a bid weird, maybee u should limit it to just licking it, kissing u and add maybee something else instead, like play with your balls, nippels rimjob whatever. dont know if it its couse i played the girls in reverse order with emma first and rogue last while playiing with full exhibitionism and obedience emma and a quite pure rogue or kitty. rogue or kitty joined the action in public space they can be stripped nude and wont get any exhibitionism couse they are only the second girl. sometimes it bugs and switching form emma to other girl lets me play with another emma, on screen are still emma x kitty or emma x rogue, but the actions i do are with a second emma, could even get to third emma and maybee more, couse when i try to end this scene i need to end it with third emma, second emma and the original emma


I might change the little graphic at the side, it is intended to be just licking it under those conditions. The last bit confuses me. Do you see three Emmas on screen? Or what's happening? The dialog isn't capable of having more than two girls as active characters, so even in the worst case it should only be two Emmas, but what sort of situation do you end up with here? You're getting a case where it says that Emma does one thing as a primary action and then another as if she were a second girl? Step me through this.


i am in action with emma, a second girl is present, this second girl joins the action. somewhere in the action i want to switch to the other girl. now the bug appears. i still see emma and the second girl on screen that part is fine. the text messages not. instead of the second girl, i play with "another emma" and the first emma i showed aside is watchign (taking action ) like normal. still emma and second girl on screen, with switched positions. when the actions starts emma gets into the center and second girl back screenwise. now when i try to switch to this second girl the same thing happens. and during the whole scene i wont be able to really switch to the other girl. only more and more emmas without them really appearing. i can normaly interact with this emmas like i could when i would gotten the normal girl to switch. when i end this scenes i have to end it whit every emma i switched to ( thats the reason i called it a third emma ) and i dont know if its any related to the fact that i only advanced with emma stats above 800 ( public ok threesome ok ) while i just barely touched the other 2 girls stats below 400.


Ok, so as near as I can tell, what is happening shouldn't be "more and more emmas," it's just that when you try to switch to Emma, it doesn't, but then doesn't properly switch the second girl into Emma's role, so now you've got Emma in both rolls, and this will keep happening, likely an issue with the call to swap the two. There also seems to be an issue that it's calling outward and not properly closing itself back down, so I can see how you would get that impression. This will either be a very simple fix or a very complicated one. ;) It would make it easier to track down if I know exactly which activity Emma was doing when you hit the switch, since the bug possibly only applies to one or two different activities.


I took a first pass through it, and couldn't find any glaring errors. I'd had some issues many builds ago in which some of the calls had been mislabled, so it was contacting one character when it was supposed to contact another, but I'm not seeing any of that here. So that means it's likely a more complicated issue, the sapping mechanism being one of the more complicated in the game. It would help to know the specific steps, which action Emma was doing and which Kitty was doing when you hit swap, and then what each was doing after the first swap. That would help me narrow down what is causing the problem.

Shin Gouki

Not sure if it's a bug/issue with the private clothing, but I'll go visit one of the girls with another tagging along and both girls will comment about changing into something more comfortable twice. Rogue will say it first and then Emma, and then again Rogue and then Emma, but the clothing doesn't seem to change at all. Keep up the good work Oni!


Hmm, I'll try to figure out why that is. Were they already in their private clothes at the time? This was in their rooms, right, like you brought Emma over to Rogue's room? They do have a deliberate catch where if they are comfortable being sexy around you, but not yet comfortable around a given girl, they are meant to change back to normal clothes, but it shouldn't be repeating twice, and shouldn't be annoying you with the details about it.


sure, i am currently trying to get back into that error for more specific details.

John johns

You could always make that a separate download for people who are interested in higher resolutions.


Well, the first problem is that it would take many, many hours for me to export the existing sprites at a higher resolution. Maybe worth doing, but still a lot of time. Then if I offered two versions, I would need to start exporting all future art in two resolutions. I'll try explorting some sprites at a higher rez and then trying to estimate what file size difference it would make, and open it up to the community whether they want that time spent on the overhaul.


i have recreatet this bug, i am in class at midday with emma and rogue, Emma 872 love, 909 obedience, 951 inhibitions, ( threesome ok, public ok, xavier ok ) rogue: 319 love, 207 obedience, 326 inhibiions ( no relationship progress ) i did start action with emma, i did let her pleasure herself. rogue was ok with watching. did watch for a while at some point rogue did decide to touch herself ( refuses to strip, scrolled back to not offset rogue ) spectators in background did rise. while i did continue to watch emma later i stopped the pleasure herself scene with emma and startet a blowjob with her. here it gets funny, rogue as the second girl gets forced? into a blowjob as well. now i am still performing the blowjob with emma, rogue stais in background with the open mouth blowjob but doesnt get any textscene. now i could still safely change to rogue ( but i dont do ) i do compeltely strip rogue per threesome action( previously completely refused ) and here starts the second step of this bug ( well i think its 2 stepped ) still emma sucks my cock, i want to switch girls to rogue, but instead of switch to rogue i get the option to switch to emma. when i do, rogue gets completely ignored standing in background (nude) and emma sucks my cock. i can gife the safefiles if u want and i figure where they are


another thing, when i let perform this second emma, rogue can join the action and i could normaly swap to this rogue


Ok, so stepping through it, 1. Rogue wouldn't *have* to do a BJ as well, but that is one of the options available to her. 2. partner dialog doesn't happen 100% of the time, if you keep "continuing" the scene then i should pop in about half the time or so. 3. going into undressing this way does not make the girl any more likely to do it than if you did it during her own sex scenes, although things like rising lust levels and the situations happening can make the girls a bit more likely to undress. It's an influence, but not an automatic score. As to the main issue being discussed, I have some ideas as to what may have caused it, and also founf what I think is an unrelated bug that will be nice to fix anyway, so I'll try and few things and get back to you if I have more questions. be ready to test this out again with the next build. ;)

Shin Gouki

yes, it happens in rogue/kitty/and players room. The private outfit option is set to put them on without asking me. I'll admit to not noticing it during solo encounters, but I'll check it out.


im happy to help. just thinking about actions for the future. im not using the dating function very often, in my opinion they are a bit boring, no visuals and no interaction with the girls no risk of being kicked out. its your game u are setting the course, so far im absolutely loving it. slowly manipulating the girls to do more daring things and especially setting their dresscode.