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I wanted to talk about a gimmicky little feature I threw together, that I'd been thinking about for a while but hadn't gotten around to. I added a small "what is your dick up to these days?" UI display that can pop up during various situations. That sounds weird in any other context. And probably also in this one, but it'll come in handy.

Basically, in the current builds, you only see what your dick is up to during sex, blowjobs, handjobs, titjobs, etc., but there are a few other things it can be doing. So now, if, say, you're fondling one girl as the primary activity, but another girl is giving you a BJ or handy, there's a visual to represent that! Right now, it will pop up in the corner any time something is going on that you can't already see, either your character whacking it, or one of the girls sucking or jacking it. It'd be nice if I could do unique art for every possible combination of activities, but this should be the next best thing.

In other news, I've been working my way through Emma's undressing dialogs, and have some fun entries there, and am also working out the best way to implement "alternate history" options, so that you can review one-time events and see how alternate paths might have played out without actually going back and redoing that portion. The trick is to set it up in such a way that it doesn't break anything around it.


Matt Ahn

So could there be a situation where you're fondling one of the girls in the classroom but thr indicator notifies that another girl is blowing you under a desk or something? Something like that?


Two words Oni. Psychic Handjobs. And I’ll put it in a sentence. Psychic Handjobs during class. Make it happen. I’d donate more if you do this


I laughed way too hard at this, thank you for making my day.


Since you didn't say anything in your post about the release of the upcoming version, I suppose it is still "soon/when it's ready" ?


Hey oni, not that i wouldnt like more content but what about kittys titjob and dance features? Also what about when rogue storms into the players room and you blackmail her into stuff that she has only 1 action and complains about being too tired if you want to change things up? shouldnt the unfinished parts be finished first?


Hmmm... Interesting gimmick, but... welp, be sure to bugtest it for having 3 girls in the room. Also, I'm looking forward to the next release.


Sounds like a fun addition. How is the rogue footjob scene coming along btw? I'm looking forward to that one.


Well, in theory. Basically there are already various threesome situations where the dialog says that the second girl is doing something, but there's currently no graphical representation of it, this just adds a little visual to the mix.


Lol, yes. ;) I'm still hoping to get a few outsourced projects in before I put out another version, so I just keep working on expanding Emma's code. I think I've also figured out how I want to handle romancing Emma, because as a teacher she won't be as "casual" about it as the other girls.


I can work on that stuff too! I hadn't really heard about the thing with Rogue, it's a fair point and I think I can clear that up in some fashion. Fixing up Kitty's dance and titjob scenes can happen too, I need to make some new art for the titjob scene at some point. One thing I did do is finally update the dildo scenes, so they should work better in the next versions (they had been causing errors because they hadn't been updated to the newer sex dialog system yet). So I do add new things while also going back and polishing things. Another thing I worked on recently was that while going through Emma's undressing sequences I noticed areas where I could do better with other characters, so I went through and cleaned those up as well. It's all a process, and if I just spent time polishing one girl until she was 100% "finished" I'd never be done and it would get really grindy.


Well, the way I'm doing it, I don't *think* it'll cause conflict, because I intend it to only handle one thing at a time, and overwrite the previous setting each time it changes. There will likely be a few odd cases to work out in the first iteration though.


Still need to do the art for that. I'm kind of annoyed with the Kitty one, because I have the animation done and think it looks great, but due to the way animations in Renpy work I'm getting this issue where on second or third viewings over a single play session it can fall out of sync and look really weird, so I'm hoping to figure out a way to fix that before I ship it out.

Matt Ahn

Anoyher thing: i know that pretty much all og Rogue's sex interaction have her facing away from the player and Kitty's are all facing towards. 1) Would it be possible to have an option to switch them around so Rogue could face you and vice versa, and 2) would Frost have the same design? All sex interactions with one stance?


Oh man a replay/alternate history mode would be awesome. Thanks for the hard work as always Oni!


Are you aware that it's impossible to set Kitty to waxed? On the next day nothing happens and the option still reappears.


This is a lot more work than it sounds, due to the high level of customization in the game, and the nature of sprite art. Rogue's sex pose currently has 125 different pieces of art in it, covering her various facial expressions and clothing options. If I gave her a pose similar to Kitty's, it would involve creating another 125 or so images, which can take a lot of time away from other projects. It's something I'd like to do eventually, but it tends to come down between getting one good pose for each character and having many characters, or make more poses for that one character. I'll always keep this in mind, I know everyone is interested in getting it, but I don't know when, if ever, it'll be implemented.


Is Kitty still supposed to go into our rooms when she invites us over?


Technically no, but I believe she still does in the latest version you have. ;) That's something I noticed when I was putting Emma's code together, I'd left in a bit I no longer needed there. Next version should fix that.


you already have a date for release?


When are you planning on adding the footjob animation?


It's a tricky question. I answered another post above on this, but the basic answer is that I could put it in right away, the basic code is "done," but I have some issues where if you do it multiple times in a single play session then the animation can fall out of sync which looks pretty weird. I'd like to get that fixed before I put it out. So I might release it with that bug intact, since I currently have no real way to fix it, or I might hold off if there seems to be a way to fix it. We'll see.

Mind Blow

Oni, can you add a Handjob option? Like, when you (the player) is in your room or other places and decide to Jerk off a little as a time consuming action. This could trigger some "Caught scene" like..."Rogue barges in your room and see what you are doing." Or go to room girl and start Jerk off, she could watch, throw you off or join depending of her status or your request.


I suppose I could. Most of the elements for it would be in place. The "caught" segments would need to be added, of course. I put some thought into how I'd like to implement it.


So seeing as how we're on v.97 and you're implementing emma i'm curious. Will this game have a definite conclusion or story or development, or are you just kinda running with it and seeing where it goes?


Loll yeah, I'm always thinking I should jump to 1.0 at some point, and then never do. ;) Regardless of the numbering, no, I don't intend to have a "conclusion," there will be no "finale event" or anything. It's more of a sandbox game, so there are introductions, and certain individual "relationship milestones" you can hit between girls, but ultimately the story you build along the way is your own, and I intend to keep adding building blocks and characters for as long as the community allows me to.


Has any surprise sexy time content been added? The suggestion was to add an option to stick it in when we catch one of the girls masturbating.


I absolutely second this idea. Would LOVE to surprise one of the girls!

Silent Six

Hey Oni, ever think of adding a timeline to the main page to let us know where you are on the process of the game?


I don't really know what use that would have, since I don't really set up a timetable even for myself. I just work on various bits of the game, improving and adding them as I can, and then at some point I decide that I have enough together that it would be worth you guys' time so I wrap it up into a finished build. ;) The issue at the moment is that Emma has a lot of different elements that I want in working order before I make her available, so I've been working on like a dozen or more different things. I have most of the ones I want to get in, but I'm not exactly sure when I'll finish them all. Sometimes I think I've got all of them and then realize that some other interrelated system needs updating too for it to make sense. Of the stuff I've been working on recently, I added an element to allow you to change your name and skin color after the start of the game if you like, reorganized some of the options in the player's room (I moved most of the "gamey" stuff to a "special menu" option), I've been adding some of the flirty options to Emma's repertoire, I finished her wardrobe section, I finished her undressing and reactions to seeing you naked scenes, etc. So I get a lot done, but I need to get more done before it's ready. One of the stumbling blocks with Emma is that as a teacher, I don't want her to be a casual hook-up, I don't want it to be like with Rogue or Kitty where you can just get friendly with her and suddenly get a blowjob. There will be some groundwork to initiate the first sexy scenes, but then after that the relationship can proceed more normally. I need to set up the groundwork for that, and I know how I want to do it, but need to implement it.


i am back sorry for the issues oni.


Are there plans to make addiction a proper thing with Kitty and Emma? Kitty mentions offhandedly that the PC's touch is "kinda tingly" so I'm curious as to whether content related to Rogue's addiction will be added for the other girls.


Yeah, at some point I want to do something with that. Haven't gotten around to it.


When do you plan to update the game 😏


Working on it! I still need to update a few things with Emma before I and start wrapping up a completed build.

xRed Games

Like the artwork! Keep up the good work :) 👍


Nice, nice. i can see this to be a very popular game. Hopefully you will add more characters :)


Could you possibly add a contraception/pregnancy feature?


I am curious if you plan to add class grades. Emma mentions you haven't taken class serious, subtracting love points. will you possibly make a better first impression in later updates?


Now that you mention it, I think what I'll do, to keep things in balance, is that if you gain levels after meeting her, you'll get those bonus points for doing so. It's not like you can never make up those points elsewhere though, it's just a slight spike to her starting stats if you'd already been building your character a while.


Hey Oni, I know you're gonna add Emma and X-23, but has someone suggested Jubilee or Armor? Also, do you write most of the dialogue,or is it a combination of you and patrons?


Hey Oni, are you going to add any clothing updates for Rogue and Kitty in this next update or is it just going to focus on Emma? Could I suggest a variation of Rogue's default outfit used in SunsetRiders7 "Rogue-Lust Powerslave" comic towards the end? I found the design very hot, and would love if you could incorporate your own spin on it.


I think they might have been mentioned. I'd kinda like to have Jubilee in there at some point. Armor would probably be more of a long shot (not to be confused with Longshot, who is even more of a long shot). As for dialog, I wrote *most* of the dialog in the game at the moment, and still do a lot of the short sequences. Everything Emma so far is my work. I also have support from The Rook, who has been writing up various scenarios, such as the in-class scene with Rogue, most of Kitty's romance scenes, etc., and some which I'm still incorporating into the game. I've also taken a number of suggested lines from Patrons for chit-chat and quiz questions, as per the $25 and $50 patron levels. The issue with taking dialog suggestions directly can be that they take some work to actually implement into the game, and add complexity to the game, so I want to make sure that they add as much value to the game as possible. I take in any suggestions people have, but I can't guarantee that it's something I can run with.


The tube-top? Maybe I could add one of those. I do hope to add new clothing every now and then, but they can be a bit complex, given that they have to be redone for each pose available.

Silent Six

Any new updates?


Not out yet, but I might give more of a heads-up soon. Lately I've been working on getting the lesbian situation working right, the first draft was a bit wonky, but I think I've got the dialog in order, and the visuals working, next I need to do the start/stop dialogs, and make sure that the orgasms make sense. Anything in which the girls are not directly interacting with the player get very complicated to manage with my current structure.


Is there any way to break up with Kitty in currest version of the game?


How do i meet emma. i met her once but what do i do after, ain¨t got her number or anything


Maybe not, I'm not sure those relationship elements have been added in yet. I'll see about getting those in by the next build.


That's currently not possible in the build that's available. It was just sort of like a "teaser trailer" at this point, because most of her content is not finished. When the next build comes out, it should have some more interaction with her.


Did I hear that the next test build was going to be ready March 3rd? :)


I don't know where you'd have heard anything like that. ;) Probably not, but hopefully within the next week or two. I'm in a rabbit hole situation here where I work on one thing, and then I realize that if that's going to be in, I need to work on this other thing, and. . . Like the bit I'm working on right now is the Lesbian system, and why is that? Because I wanted to start working on Emma's sex scene dialogs, which meant starting from one of the other girls', and since that section was only half-finished at the time I was like "well I'd better finish that up *before* going through the hassle of exporting it over, and so on. ;) On the bright side, the more side-trips I take, the closer I am to having everything finished. ;)


When is the next release 😃

Harry Jamerson

Any chance of an android version?


Just ask Booom313. He makes good ports. He already has a previous version of Rogue-like ported, and is likely to port a future version. But honestly, I would much rather have Oni make the best game he can make right now, before worrying about ports.


Over the course of playing this game, yeah it has its bugs, but it is an amazingly well done game and it is just getting much better over time. The way your art and definition you made on your character is just stunning to me. I can't wait for the next and future updates for this game. Keep up the amazing work.


1.Where's the update, and two, give me the update.

Harry Jamerson

Could you hazard a guess as to when the next update will be ready? Say end of April?


Probably already been asked 1000 times, but what sort of content can we look forward to in the next update?

Fuck Me Sideways

jesus christ its been a moth almost give us the fucking update u wanker


I've been working on a lot of stuff, how much of it actually makes it into the release depends on how much gets completely finished, and how quickly I want to get it out. Anything left over would roll into the next version. At the moment, it looks like the next build will include the new "watch them do lesbian stuff" option, Kitty's footjob scene (but perhaps with some graphical glitches), Kitty and Emma's strip/dancing sequences, Emma's ability to undress, some of Emma's chat functionality, and she'll start showing up for class again. I doubt I'll get in much more direct interaction with her than that, and a lot of her features will be blocked off until they are fully fleshed out.

Fuck Me Sideways

harry piss off and comment on someone elses shit for once

Harry Jamerson

Can you please either be less of an asshole or just fuck off and take your shit attitude with you

Harry Jamerson

No-one wants to listen to you complain about how the updates aren't ready exactly when you want them