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Ok, sorry this one's taken a while to come out, I've been doing a lot of groundwork for Emma, and not all of it will be apparent in this upcoming build, or even necessarily be active even if it theoretically exists, but it'll make the following builds run smoothly, so it's good that it exists. I also had an unhelpful technical issue that took up most of my weekend. Who knew computers need electricity?

I hope to get a new build out within a week or two, depending on how the testing and the last few bits do. It'll have the lesbian sex scenes I've been working on, in this build you can only initiate it with Rogue as the lead and Kitty also being in the room, but if initial testing works that way then it's a short hop to expanding it to work the other way, and to eventually work Emma into it. Try and test the various permutations, see if any of them break or cause any weird combinations, it's a very complicated system behind the scenes, but I think I sorted it out.

Emma will also be more available in this build, with a few things you'll be able to do fairly early on. I figured out how I want to introduce her sex scenes, the typical methods won't work with her, since she's a teacher and isn't immediately open to "fraternization." Once you crack her icy exterior though, she really opens up. I'll want you guys to see how that works out for you, if she's still too difficult with you, or not.

Also, Kitty's footjob option will likely be in this build, even though the animation can sometimes get glitchy if you view it more than once per session. Restarting the game would fix it, but I can't yet figure out a better way. I did add her stripping scenes back in though, so you can play with that. Anyway, hopefully the next update will be pre-release.



What?! Computers... need... ELECTRICITY?! Get this man a Nobel, stat!

Anthony Michelli

I was out of power for 4 days myself, man. Never knew I how much I could actually sleep with nothing to distract me


I know, right? It's like hibernation. Man, 100 years ago I would have gotten nothing done with my life.

Mind Blow

Everyone that want a Android version say "Hey"!

Harry Jamerson

Can we just say yes please?


We need a vmare!(You know what I mean...;))


You know, I completely skipped this game since Kitty came in because you screamed and cried and begged me to not play it Oni-chan. Hopefully I can endure the next build!


Hehe. Well I usually come up with a somewhat playable build eventually. ;)


Oni! P S Y C H I C H A N D J O B S


Maybe later! Not this build, my goal with this one is to bridge the gap between "she's a teacher" and "she's a potential love interest" so that you can start working the traditional "Rogue-Like" actions, but that definitely sounds like something worth adding to the "in class" options at some point.

E Vazquez

When you get to the point where you can give her a nickname, for the love of God have her laugh if you pick "mommy".


Will Jean or Mystique be added after Emma?


Or maybe Boom-Boom?


Oh man could we get a Rogue footjob? X-23 (down the line) might be too dangerous.


Rogue will happen eventually, I have a plan. I need to do the art for that.


Are you considering making more games like this for other series?


There are so many games I'd like to make, but realistically I can't even put this one out as fast as I'd really like to, and I intend to keep making new content for this one for a long while yet. I'd be happy to consult on various other game projects though, helping them work out some basic logistics or whatever.

Harry Jamerson

Any idea when the next update will be out other than within the next two weeks? And to what extent will Emma be implemented? Thanks! 😁


No firm date, I'm basically still working on it, and it'll ship when I have all the features in that I think it needs, and believe that they work well enough for a first pass. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer. Emma will be showing up in class, you can talk to her after class, although she doesn't have all the options there yet that the other girls do, and then after a bit, there will be some opportunities for a few sexy situations.


Hi.When will you put the game out for new version?I've been waiting for a long time.XD


Duderinos, chill. I want an the update too, but it'll get here when it gets here.

Harry Jamerson

Oni said "No firm date, I'm basically still working on it, and it'll ship when I have all the features in that I think it needs, and believe that they work well enough for a first pass. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer. Emma will be showing up in class, you can talk to her after class, although she doesn't have all the options there yet that the other girls do, and then after a bit, there will be some opportunities for a few sexy situations."


I signed up for Pateron just today to pledge to you and one other person. Rogue-Like is a really good game. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to seeing more Emma in the next build.

Harry Jamerson

Oni said "No firm date, I'm basically still working on it, and it'll ship when I have all the features in that I think it needs, and believe that they work well enough for a first pass. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer. Emma will be showing up in class, you can talk to her after class, although she doesn't have all the options there yet that the other girls do, and then after a bit, there will be some opportunities for a few sexy situations."


Is the game going to be in the same scale as something unlimited?


Well, I'm not really sure what you mean by that. They're pretty different concepts and offer different experiences. I do plan to add more girls, although likely not as many as SU ends up with.


is full version coming soon i really like it


There really isn't so much of a "full" version. I just continue to add more features along the way. The next version will be in a week or so, and will include a bunch of new options, and the one after that will have even more.

Harry Jamerson

Do you think you're going to be able to get the next release out for St Patrick's Day? no worries if not but would be nice.


"The next version will be in a week or so" just above your comment, so I'd say no? If St Patrick's day is on the 17 as I believe.


Update coming today?

Project 9056

I’d also like to know more about the next release, haven’t really heard much from you about it :)


My advice. You need to do more dialogues, they all have the same dialogues, and they are very few, and the scenarios and positions that you can have are very few, I recommend that you make the characters deeper and more complex, not only do more dialogues. But the things that tell you how to talk etc. be unique to each one. That you unlock positions and places etc according to how you develop these characters. The dating system could also expand it and add it to the other characters. And within the date have more options and situations too, and unique in each character. Until now it feels almost the same to be with anyone because they basically say the same thing. And by adding more characters you spend the time you could use to improve those that are already there, which in my opinion are incomplete that's why they feel the same. If they feel the same what is the point in implement them.


I get what you're saying, I try to differentiate the dialog a bit, but I'm also trying to implement as many things as possible. I'll try to add some more variation where I can though.