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I've mostly moved on to version 0.978 at this point, which will have some more Emma interactions and maybe some new sex options for the other two girls (especially if I can pin down some animation issues), but there were some nagging bugs in 0.977 and I didn't want to leave them hanging for so long. I made a change that should fix the issue people were having with the girls not shaving, it was a typo in the "failsafe" stat checker, ironically enough, which kept resetting the value before it could take effect.

Also, Umgah sent me some code that makes the clock work, or at least seems to so far. Try it out and see what you think. Right now the only things that update the clock are the sex scenes, travel, and some "cutscenes," but I might expand that a bit more once it's easier to keep track of. Other than that though, no new actual content just yet, so if you're fine with how your girls are groomed, there's no particular need to pick up this version.



I have a question if I may. Do you still draw at all outside of this game or are you 100% focused on this at the moment?


Its been about a week since meeting Emma, at what point does she show back up?


I really don't get much other drawing done, and if I did, I'm make sure to post it here.


Well, she won't show up again until I'm finished more content for her, so don't poke at the game hoping to find her. I hope to have a little something in the next version, but the current one was just to show off the base character a bit.


Wasn't there a Time that you had the Usher at the Movie theater scold Zero and Rogue? Forget that I said anything if I'm wrong. If you did have it in, Would you be willing to put that back in at some point. or is it something too Wild for some people?


I don't know whether I actually had that implemented at not. There WAS a point where it was in the code, but I never had it working how I'd wanted, so I think I left the trigger for it disabled or something. I don't know if I'll add it back in, but I'll keep the interest in mind.

Alonzo Bonds

hey oni I just noticed that I cant download the latest version of the game because there isn't an option to download it to PC will there be an option to download the game on PC again or no?


The file "Rogue-Like-0.977b-win.zip" is for PC. Download that one!


Hello Oni, I've got a quick question for You. There used to be a working button in Rogue-like "wear it in our rooms" or something like it, in the previous versions of Your game this script used to work, when You come to someones room then She switched her clothing automaticly. Now it seems it does not work. Would You find some time and repair it for the future updates? Thanks. Oh and a 2nd question - Will be there a better working 3-some thingie - where You can interact with both of Rogue or Kitty instead the 2nd girl being locked away during the sexy time while having them both in the same room? Thanks in advance and keep the great work, because Rogue-like is a mighty fine game and one day I would love to see it finished.


Ok, I can work on the in-room clothing and see if I can make that work a bit better. And yeah, I do intend to open up the threesome options a bit. The first implementation the other girl is kind of random, but I do want to give two more options, 1. to directly command/request a different action out of the second girl, and 2. to swap the girl's positions without having to exit the sequence. The primary/secondary relationship is important to the structure of these scenes, to determine how they flow, but it should be possible to allow you to flip that as often as you like.


I happened across an error: KeyError: u'P_Petname' when Kitty caught me making out with Rogue and felt betrayed. It happened right after she asked if this was how I was seeing if she was up for a threesome.


Hi, I'm not very familiar with Marvel so this seemed like it might only be slightly interesting BUT IT'S SO GOOD. Seriously kudos. This game is awesome.


Hey Oni ! Been playing your game for more than a year and even if i dont always check on it, every time It does feel good seeing how you make it evolve in such a good way ! I can't wait to see the new girls ! If I ever had to whine about something it would be about how you can make a nice bukkake on Kitty, but not on Rogue :'( Man this belly needs some love too ! And an explicit creampie too ! (pls dont mind my overly selfish comments haha) Keep up the good work ! Never been disapointed from the very beggining =)


I'm actually hoping to update that sot of thing at some point soon. I'm working on Emma's at the moment, but kind of want to redo and expand the options for the other girls too. The way I originally did it was a little less flexible than my current method, so I didn't go too nuts with it.


Alright, well I'm looking forward to whatever it contains regardless.


Just wanted to say that i appreciate you not giving the character thoughts (vn style), makes the game more immersive.


Yeah, while I want to let the player character express himself, I want the player to tell his own story as much as possible, so I try to use menu dialog options more than self-narration, and as best I can avoid that thing where the player character starts acting in a way that you never wanted him to because "that's what's in the script."


please create for android version