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Ok, I really should have posted something sooner. I'm a terrible procrastinator. I have been answering any questions that have popped up, but I get that most people aren't reading all the comments so they don't see all that. I wish I were better at the social media type stuff, but it's really not in my nature, but I try. ;)

The good news is, the next update has been going along well. For those that hadn't paid attention to the version 0.974 beta releases, it seems to be in a reasonably strong place right now, a few issues, but nothing really showstopping, so for a while now I've been working on the next version. Version 0.974 is the one that includes the new location-based system to better handle the girls entering and leaving the room, changing their clothes as the situation dictates, etc. It also includes fondling animations for Kitty (and scenes to go with that), female interaction hands for when they're feeling up themselves or each other, some new background graphics, Xavier's Study as a location that has some interesting interaction options, Kitty's chit-chat dialog options, and probably some other stuff. You can pick that up right now in version 0.974j.

The next version I'm working on will probably take a few more weeks for the first release, but I've already finished Kitty's sex and anal animations, I'm working on the connecting scenes for that right now. I still need to do a little art like cumshots, and I need to get some clothes for her, because right now that graphic doesn't have any. I also expect that release to have several relationship scenes for Kitty to build out her character a bit more. Maybe some other stuff.

I'm still looking for some artists to work on clothing for the characters, other stuff like that, so any recommendations would be welcome. 



A version of the game available for android would be great.


Teenage storm when? :-S


Good news)) Heh, im terrible procrastinator too xD))

Black cat

That would be great .... hopefully... it 'll be on android


So we will finaly be able to fuck Kitty next update? Sweet!


Keep up the great work and thanks for the update!


Hey Oni, just want to confirm, version 0.974j is the upcoming update isn't it? Edit: Nvm, found it, had version 0.974i downloaded


Ah, thanks for reminding me. I needed to rename that post. Basically the i to j update was a minor feature addition, and I wasn't sure it would work right so I just quietly changed the files in the version i post, and then it worked out, but I forgot to rename the post to reflect that it was actually version j now. ;)


Hey! I can help with clothing assets.


For artists it seems pretty simple to me. You go to facebook plaster want ads all up and around there, you get responses( make sure that you post the want add to include a drawing of such and such character), and then all you have to do it widdle it down to get the best artists that replied to your want add. Saving the second best artists in reserve just in case the first want to much money for their services.

Victor Lewis

so when can we expect to see emma?


I'm hoping to get at least a tease going by the end of the year, along with more content for Kitty and Rogue.


Hopefully you upload it before the next year starts


Can we expect a one girl a year release/completion on average?


Hi, I suppose there is some issue with Kitty's face. Its outlines are quite pixelated (i guess it is the right word), while her body is okay with this. Problem stays with fullscreen... I know it is a small issue,but anyway,maybe you can get outlines more clear,like Rouge's face. thx))


Heh, ideally the process will speed up. A lot of getting Kitty to work was in getting underlying systems to work with two girls. I've tried as best I could when making them to make sure they'd work with more, so hopefully I won't have to rewrite too much as I go, so from the coding/writing side, I should be able to handle well more than one girl per year. On the art side, I need to get one or more additional artists that I can trust to work on things like clothing, I still intend to do the core sprite art myself, and to try and maintain a consistent artistic vision for the project, but adding the clothing can take up a lot of time and limits how much I can get done.


Which pose is this bothering you in? Just the normal standing around pose, or the more close-up handy or BJ poses?

Glenn Lewis

Would Jean Gray be part of this? Her powers could be very handy.


Possibly at some point, but she would probably be girl #6+. Emma can do a lot of the things she can. ;)


Out of curiosity is there ever going to be an Android version?


With how many characters you're planning to throw in now, you really should consider changing the name of the game, since it's not just about Rogue anymore.


Yeah, people keep asking about that, and honestly I'm procrastinating a bit too much on it. I need to install the SDK for it.


Yeah, but like, Mario Kart also has a big cast. ;) I like the name, and Rogue will always be the first character you meet, but eventually you'd be able to mostly ignore her if you preferred.

Victor Lewis

yes to gwenpool and if possible wasp and edi from mass effect as a project hank macoy has been working on


Does the new policy on adult contents affect the game contents themselves? Or does the policy only apply to the Patreon page? If the policy only applies to the Patreon page, what is the level or degree that will be considered acceptable?


This is pretty unrelated to the topic of this post, but do you think you could eventually add girls who are not specifically X-Men, like Raven? I'd love to see her done in your art style. Your Rogue is probably my favorite version of her that I have seen.


I don't know that I'll add Raven any time soon, I don't want to step on Something Unlimited hands anyway. ;)


When will the next update be available?


Probably another few weeks, although it's looking like it'll have some more stuff to it than I'd thought.


I don't know if you're aware of it but the right corner of Rogue's default mouth is still visible on this animation <a href="https://i.imgur.com/Y6J6dRX.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/Y6J6dRX.png</a>


Huh, I'll look into why that's happening. I've been tweaking some of the animations as I've been going through Kitty's.

Mashiba Hansen

Oni hi! I love your work right now i ended up my patreon with you i dont have money right now :/ but i nect moth really hope to give you patreon once again


Oni, man, I just remembered the Bayville Sirens, that'd be fun as costumes (I know clothes take a long time, so I'm not expecting it), just thought it'd be cool.


Most of the clothes are done for the sex pose now, which was a pleasant surprise. Maybe halfway done on the code I'll need for the release. Also working on some other stuff that may or may not go into this build.


Yeah, I'm not sure I'll do full versions of the costumes, but I might do portions of them.


Hi, as well as I like the game and can't wait for the update, here is something that I do not find so good: Everytime you step out of a sex action that involves cum, you have to go through the dialog to keep or wipe the cum off. Note that this is when you are stil in the sex menu itself. If you let the girl keep it, and then leave the sex menue completely, the same question is asked again. Can this not be spared, or have that question only once when ending the sex action completely? Also, when you reach climax, the current sex action is somewhat interrupted with a cut scene (e.g. with said wipe-or-not question), and resumed afterwards. So if you want to do something differnt, you first have to end the interrupted and resumed scene manually again. I would find it more logical if you would have to start it again manually if you want it to continue, instead of having to abort it if you want it to stop.


Oni, i don't want to be that guy.... Again, but it's been almost 3 weeks since you did an update, or are you planning to release the new version soon? :D


Yes. I'm tying up some of the code, and collecting some of the art for the new update, so it shouldn't be too far out at this point. Still need some testing though.


Oni, This may be too premature, but as you add additional characters, have you thought about when they would be showing up? I know now you have a few days of Rogue only before Kitty shows. Would Emma show up even later, in between, etc? For the next one (whoever), any thoughts on when they would show? From a playing perspective, not sure how best would be, and from a coding perspective, no matter how you do it, you are probably going to have challenges :) Just curious how far back of a 'base' save to keep, assuming you keep making your saves backwards compatible :)


I don't want to stagger them out too long, like to have a minimum of in-game months before you could get girl #6 or whatever, but I might have a day or two in there just so that the girls don't all rush you immediately. The initial gap to Kitty was more just to give a new player time to get used to the design. I'm still working up the basic introduction for Emma, but it will likely be within that first week as well for fresh games, or relatively immediately for new saves. I don't want to make it a thing where you have to work too hard to "unlock" new girls, because I want it to be flexible enough that if one girl (even Rogue) just doesn't interest you, or if one is your favorite, you won't have to grind at other ones anyway just to unlock the other. There might be elements where one will make it easier to get a favorable relationship with another, but nothing more than that. I might require you to trigger some basic events first though. Now from a player perspective, don't worry about it. The way it's designed, you'll never be locked out from opening up a new character. Like Kitty, I believe there is a hard lock that prevents her showing up within a week or so, but after that she can show up the next day, or the next month, or the next year if you've really got a long Rogue save going. Same with any new girls, whatever conditions I do put in, they'll be conditions where as long as you've crossed a milestone, they could show up immediately after if they're already in the game, or way later if they hadn't been added when you crossed that point. This is not a linear game, it doesn't have a "story" to it so much as a series of independent tracks that you can progress as you see fit. The only things that you might miss out on are interactions that would result from one character hating you while you're going after another, or something along those lines. I might try to figure out ways to "reset" certain aspects of a given character along the way too, but that could get messy.


Hi, I'm new. As such I'm not totally in the loop about everything. What other girls are you planning to put in the game? What new Rogue stuff can we expect in this next update?


Emma's next, and X-23 after that. Beyond that, it's up in the air, but the plan is to just keep going until you all get bored. As for new Rogue stuff, that mostly depends on what I finish up. The Rook's been turning out some great scenes involving her, and I'm still in the process of making sure they're fully coded into the game, but the primary focus on this next update is finishing up some of Kitty's core features, so the Rogue scenes might not make the cut. If not, they'd be in the next version.

Glenn Lewis

How many girls do you plan on adding? What will the limit? With Jean Grey you could change her personality and some dialog on why she's no longer a bitch. But for clothes, the girls hero outfits And if possible 3 virants of those outfits, can't fight crime without hero outfit. If you plan on adding some jobs, other classes or tasks for the girls the main guy asks for. Like cheer leading, I think there was a swimming pool, strip club, ect. Outfits for those too.


There's no limit to the total number. For the time being, there will be a limit of two girls per scene, but I've been aiming to have it so that there could be dozens of girls in the total game and it would work out. I don't plan to get there any time soon though. ;)


how many girl is in the game rn?


Two, Rogue and Kitty. Emma will be added toward the end of the year in a cameo state, adn will get added to over time.


More than one month with no news, dude...


I made an update on the 6th, but a new version is still a week or two out.

Mathias Cabral

will be out for this month the new version?


Probably. It's a few days at least, we've got. . . a week and some change in the month? Yeah, should be a build out within the month, even if I have to hold back a few pieces for a few days later. I'm also working on another cool surprise.


Oni can i asked whats new in the game ?


From the 0.976 patch notes: "It includes Kitty's sex scenes, as well as her relationship scenes. . . Also, Kitty has a new pair of yoga pants, at patron request."


Great job! Don’t forget to bang Kitty next release ;)


In the future, you planned add new girls? Jean Gray, Boom-Boom, X-23, Wanda Maximoff maybe?


The upcoming list is Emma Frost (soon), X-23 (a while from now), and then more, although that list is more flexible right now. I plan to just keep adding girls until you guys get sick of it. And then some. ;)

