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Ok, this one is just a few basic bug fixes better than version h, and hopefully doesn't add any. This is hopefully the last build for now and the next one you see will be version 0.976 which will have new animations and stuff. 

edit: I switched it up to j, which should be identical to i, except that the sleepwear options should work better. Now back to working on 0.976.



Got an eta on thst OwO


I'm hoping you'll share that ETA as well, but purely out of curiosity: you're skipping 0.975? Also, and that is just a thought, would it maybe be a good idea to add a list of fixed bugs with the build a-i updates?


Not good yet. There's a problem with saving outfits. Asking Rogue to remember a certain kind of sleepwear saves it to Outfit 1. Her reactions are also as if you asked her for outfit 1.


Hey Oni. Is there any plan to eventually add real art for the g/g stuff ? Or is the ghost hand/tongues going to always be the way?


Minor item: when both girls are in the room and the view zooms in on one, it often blocks the other girl. I feel like I worked hard to get them both naked at once and I want to enjoy it :D


For the most part, I'm not planning to add much more on the art side there. One thing I do want to do is better sync up their positioning though, so for example if Kitty is going down on Rogue, her head would end up in roughly the right place.


Heh, yeah, I want to add some more options there too, like "view adjustment."


Found a bug with the post-load correction, in the corrections for 973 you set R_History as an int but during the Date night event you use it as a list, so any saves made before 973 will crash when they start Rogues date event.


If you use the "ask to leave" option it opens up the cellphone menu for that character after they leave, this is a bit redundant since i just asked them to leave.


And a bug regarding that cellphone, if you have both chars with you and you ask one to leave, the cellphone will sometimes appear behind the other char.


A weird thing regarding clothes in this version(don't remember if it was in the previous version) the "talk about your style" option seems to be broken. If you ask any char to equip something that is not an outfit her clothes just revert back to their previous state after you exit the menu("you look good like that" -> "never mind") No message for this or anything.


Interesting. I don't think anyone's actually reported that one as an issue, so presumably it gets fixed in there someplace, but I changed it anyway for future builds.


Well, in its current implementation, anything that isn't stored as an outfit is designed to revert. This was done to prevent earlier cases in which people would strip them down in private, and then walk them out into a more public setting where they would normally not be comfortable in that outfit. I do plan to go through this system and try to make it more flexible, so it reacts on the fly rather than requiring the use of outfits.

Mind Blow

I like to thanks Alaco by your "service" of bug report. Thank you Alaco, well done!


when will we have full kitty content in the game?


Any chance you have time to put out a hotfix about the clothing issue? It's really annoying that she currently goes to sleep wearing a full outfit and the only way to change that is if she is uninhibited enough to set her Outfit 1 to nude and actually do it.


Well, I'll look into it, if it's a simple fix then I'll try and get something out.

Krutomerrik (RU)

when a new version of the game will be?

Markus Fakename

Potential bug report, but you might want to check the variable used to determine whether or not Xavier can discover your's and Rogue's public sex affects Kitty's detection as well. Because it seems that Xavier's detection procs immediately after Kitty's detection, and Kitty seems to be unable to see your public shenanigans whenever Xavier is set to ignore you.


That shouldn't be an issue. There are several layers of checks, the first only goes off if Xavier is on the watch, and will trigger Kitty and then Xavier, the second is if that one fails, and will only trigger if Kitty notices. Now if it is never proccing for you, it's either bad RNG, or something else is going wrong.


So i'm playing around with a new game on the new version(J) and on day 3 when i go to class i get "Rogue throws her clothes back on" with the black screen and everything. i feel like that shouldn't happen.


Update. It happens if i go straight from my room to the classroom but if i go somewhere else first, like the dangerroom and then to the classroom it doesn't happen.


On the new version, if you ask one of the girls to leave and then choose "never mind"(so Ask to leave -> nevermind) you get put in the "not Leaving" menu and not the main menu.

Zakey Ori

Wow.. the first h-game I have ever wanted to support <3 And it's not even the full version yet ~ The art, the variety of actions and limits on how many times you can do a certain action. Oh man, it's amazing!! Is there a chance of more girls coming soon, Oni? If yes, I'd love to see Mystique pretending to be a students, hehe. Other than that, the game is so much fun to play it's addicting ^,^ Keep up the good work, man


Emma's next up, I'm aiming to start getting her in by new years. I'm glad you like what's in so far.

Chris Dahl

Any word on when Kitty's sex scene is planned to be added?


Next version. I finished up her sex animations yesterday, and hope to have the anal ones done in a day or so, then I need to work on the content coding for those scenes.


is there like a chanelog to see what is avaliable atm? sex with both and animation? doing anything to xavier?


The change log is sot of spread between multiple posts at this point, I really should consolidate it. The current version allows the same interactions with Kitty as with Rogue except for sex, anal, dry humping, and tit fucking, which are being worked on for an upcoming build. It also allows Xavier to catch you and Kitty together, and there is a method to gain the upper hand in that scenario now that his study is available as a location.


Oni, i don't want to be that guy, but it's been a while since you did an update... I dont know, Just tell us how your life is going :)


Yeah, I know, I suck at the "social media" aspect of all of this, I'm a procrastinator, introverted, and absent minded, which is a perfect storm of "never getting around to saying things." ;) I keep thinking I should post and update, and then keep not posting one. I guess I should post one.


I suddently got an error while sex scene with rogue and kitty was around, how can I give you the log ?


You could just say what the first couple lines of it are, the bit before "full traceback," which is usually unnecessary. Or if you have a screenshot you could just put that on imgur or something.


<a href="https://pastebin.com/9Y9REEzf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/9Y9REEzf</a>


Ok, thanks, I THINK I figured that one out, it was a misplaced comma. ;)