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Hey guys, I included a screenshot this time in the file section below. I tried to include it as an image but for some reason it refused, even though it's just a standard jpg. Weird. Anyway, it now shows Kitty in her sexy new pose, fully clothed! A few more outfit pieces are still coming in for her, and I need to finish up the yoga pants for the default costume, and finish up her relationship scenes as well, and then it's on to final testing for this build. I hope you all really enjoy it, I had a lot of fun putting it together. 




Also might i suggest streaming your works in progress? I know a guy who does those like once a week for a few hours


Yeah, I'm aware many artists do that. I kind of doubt I ever will though, for a few reasons. One, I use dual monitors, and I'm not sure how well that would show up on a video feed. Two, sometimes I get really into what I'm doing and spend hours working nonstop on a piece, other times I'll be working for a few minutes, then web surf a little, then repeat until I'm finished with the project, so that would be weird on stream. ;) Three, I don't really work a fixed schedule, and if I did it would likely be in a weird time of the day, like mid afternoon or very late at night. Four, Eh. I don't know, I think if I ever do decide to do video of me working on something, it would be more likely something pre-recorded and edited into something watchable. ;)


Pre recorded, recorded wnd archived I'll watch it for however long it is


Awesome, looking forward to testing the new build.


Wow, nice. Looking good.


Very excited. Looks great!

Krutomerrik (RU)

Nice work. And when you release new version of the game?


Mmhh... with thights and nice shoes, it will be perfect!


I imagine Rogue will be getting a similar pose sometime in the future? Either way, looking good.


Kinda hope not. Helps make each girl a little different. Then again, I am also in the "I want lots and lots of girls in the game" camp, and each time he has to change something already existing, or add to that, delays more girls :) lol. Then again, each thing he comes up with does keep enhancing things. Ok Oni, you just have to clone yourself a few times and work 24 hours a day with a clone alternating sleeping and eating for you :) lol

Krade Evvor

This game has a very big potential! It can become something like persona-like game in x-men revolution world. I wish you good luck with that project!

Zakey Ori

Just found something while playing the game, the Professor seem to still have his derpy eyes even after you and Rogue are done brainwashing him. Although having him ask you to leave with his eyes looking like a deadfish is rather funny, I'd like to see him with his eyes back to normal please

Zakey Ori

There was an error when attempting to put a dildo in Rogue's pussy.


Is Rogue no longer able to make herself climax? Sneaking in when her door is open and watching, she doesnt climax herself anymore. Is this supposed to happen? in 0.95 she would climax herself then open her eyes and spot you without having to reveal yourself. Now you have to physically touch her for the lust meter to move at all in this situation.


Huh. Ok, I'll look into why that's happening, because it should work. I had to move some stuff around to make the new sex dialog system work, and that might have messed things up. The masturbation elements were always the most complicated because they're basically "girl-centric" rather than "player-centric."

Project 9056

I do have one issue that keeps happening.... no matter what I do Rogue always seems unhappy with me and gets annoyed really fast! I got her to climax twice and myself only once and she kicked me out!!


Can't wait keep up the good work


Update will be these weekend or next one? Can't wait)

Krutomerrik (RU)

Oni, Can you help me? My video will show you what's wrong with the game on my PC. (<a href="https://youtu.be/ZW-d5FcPfpI)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/ZW-d5FcPfpI)</a>


Clearly not Oni but I can tell you flat out that that's an issue with the PC, not your game. Ren'py is pretty foolproof when it comes to memory leaks and lag. Like you have to be a professional idiot to screw up the code in your game that badly. And since we know Oni isn't, I'd check out your PC. Run the game and see how much memory and CPU usage the exe uses. Make sure you aren't running virus scans or doing other resource intensive stuff at the same time. If this only happens when you launch the game and literally everything else runs perfectly, close the game and go to your appdata folder in windows, go to RenPy, and delete the save files from your Rogue-Like folder and see how it runs on a fresh save with no other data.

Anthony Michelli

Any plans to have Kitty or any future girls to be able to call the MC "Daddy" or is that going to be Rogue specific? If the latter, will Kitty get her own unique name to call the MC? Unless she can already and I missed it haha


That's not in yet, and might not make this next version, but will be in at some point. It was added to Rogue at a player's request, so if there are any names you want to see, feel free to suggest them.


any chance the update will be out by/on the weekend? cheers


Very good chance! I'm working through some final testing now, but all the art is in.


Hi, as much as I already like the game, I am curious: what end of game do you have in your mind once it's finished? I mean, what is the player's goal?


Hey man, just wanted to let you know that this project is amazing, the concept, the art work, the dialogue, all great, i love the addiction concept, freaking glorious! I'm curious though, is kitty not supposed to suffer the same withdrawal symptoms as rogue? it would make sense that she doesn't, but it'd be fun if she did heh. oh and it could be cool to have a dude to be friends with, double team some girls.


oh also, have you given any thought as to who the next girl you'll add could be? i was looking through some lists to try and find one who's powers could fit with the addiction concept and i found one that could lead to some interesting things... Wallflower (Laurie Collins), she releases pheromones to control other's emotions "Wallflower can control emotions through the use of emitted pheromones. Initially she could not control when she released them, and could only match the emotion she felt. Before her death, in her time at Xavier's, she learned to control her powers and could keep her pheromones in check, emit them on command, and could induce a variety of emotional and physical responses, including fear, anger, lust, calmness, happiness and sleep. It was debated by staff writers and X-Men within the comic that if she gained full control of her powers she could apply them to crowd control or putting entire armies to sleep." I wouldn't see her getting addicted to your touch like rogue, but you get her to fall in love with you and bam free ticket to manipulating other peoples emotions!

Krade Evvor

Hm. Episode with sentinel would be great). Main hero powers useless against them.


Yeah, currently Kitty does not have addiction mechanisms in place, I'm considering some other options there, but haven't gotten to it yet.


That's a pretty deep cut. ;) I don't think she'll make the game any time soon, although after a while in the game you can unlock some "colognes" that provide the sorts of bonuses you're talking about. As for other girls, Emma is #3, X-23 is #4, after that it's a bit more flexible.


Heh, I'm not sure what I want to do with that, but it could be interesting.


lol yea I had never heard of Wallflower before this. Awesome, yea i think I read something about Emma not being able to shut off her telepathy, no idea about x-23 though, I'll have to read up on her :P I'm glad to see you have plans for the future with this project, glad to be helping out man!