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Ok, sorry for the delays in the most recent version. My Internet connection was acting up lately, but I think I have it sorted now. Anyway, I'm trying to tie up the next version for you all, there's systems to test and some new dialog to work with. I'll have Kitty's room, including sleepovers and studying, chitchat options for her, some new animations for when girls are fondling themselves or each other, Xavier's study as a location, Plan Kappa, and I hope to add more of Kitty's relationship developments if I can finish those up.

In terms of new mechanics, there's the new "arrival and departures" system to track the girls' movements, which I'll want people to test to make sure it works as intended. It should also help to clear up when they do and don't change their clothing. I need to do some finishing touches but then I should be able to get a test build out to you guys.



Sounds good! Will you send a link once finished, or can we download somewhere?

Project 9056

I'm so excited!! That I just can't hide it!! :D by any chance will there be any newer options for Kitty sexually?


Should be within the week. I'm polishing up the chitchat systems now, and then I'll start final tests to make sure it doesn't immediately break. The first build I put out might be missing a couple of features that I'll finish up by the last build in the series, we'll see how the next couple days go. One thing I still need to do is make differently colored hands for Kitty and Rogue.


Not today, hopefully this week though. but I'm afraid the sex with Kitty will still need a little animation work and clothing sprites ideally. I might put out a fully nude version before I'm done with that though.


Yeah, I really need to get around to that at some point here. I've been distracted.

Victor Lewis

will we be able to have sex


Quoting Oni : "I'm afraid the sex with Kitty will still need a little animation work and clothing sprites ideally. I might put out a fully nude version before I'm done with that though."


I'm eager to see the new version as well. But please don't rush, if it takes a little longer than this week, then so be it.


Well, the beta testing/feedback process will likely take a week or too to nail down all the bugs anyway, so I might as well get that ball rolling while I finish up a few things.

Glenn Lewis

With the new arrival and departure system, would there be new interactions? For example. Main guy is taking a shower and during that time one or both of the girls show up. Depending on the values, they could join, run away, or something more interesting.


It mainly comes into play between "wait" periods, so not in the middle of activities. I'll try to explain what it should be doing better in the patch notes, so people will know what to look for.


Btw, how do you get Rogue to take away Xavier's powers so we can rewrite his mind or whatever it was to have him not bother us during public sex and to have him give us a raise?

Mind Blow

I do that at lvl 5. Its called Plan Omega. Just reach lvl 5 and do public sex.


My definition of soon is a lot closer to my definition of right now than yours is. LOL Age of the internets and instant gratification, can't be helped I guess. I just want to know one thing, and this is extremely important! Can I stick it in Kitty's butt in the coming version? Buttstuff is the very best of stuff. That's just my opinion, everyone is entitled to it, my opinion that is. Seriously though, is she going to have all the sex options now or she still only giving out blowjobs?


I still haven't finished the visuals for that, although anal and pussy sex will both be going into the same update when I do.


I think I asked this before (no answer yet). What affects the option to let the girls leave the cum as it is? I had both of them to that point that after sex I was asked what to: keep silent, or mention it, and then tell them to leave it, to clean it up or to decide themselves. They usually let it stay as it is. But at some point in time the option simply did not occur any longer, and they cleaned it off all by themselves without me having any say. Why? Only option to get it back was to load an older save.


And another question: I got a message (a couple of times) that Kitty leveled up. However, I only see the options to level up myself or Rogue, no level up option for Kitty. Is this a bug? I cannot remember to ever have Kitty level up.


Yeah, technically Kitty is still gaining levels, I just couldn't figure out useful ways to spend those points. I suppose I could add rudimentary leveling to this update, just so that you can unlock the basic endurance functions.


I think I fixed this issue, let me know if it still keeps happening. If I recall, it had something to do with them getting too interested in eating it to consider alternatives. ;)


Hi oni is there gonna be android version of the game and A if there one can u please give me the link


Sorry, not at the moment. I still need to get an android development kit or something to export to android.


Weird question, but do you know if the way that you form saves has changed recently? I've been trying to delete some saves by going into the AppData/Roaming/Renpy/Rogue-Like folder but when I do, the saves in the load/save window don't disappear. Am I just doing something wrong or has something been changed and I don't know?


Huh. I honestly haven't messed with the saves much, so I don't know. I haven't changed Renpy versions, and I certainly haven't deliberately messed with how it saves stuff, so I'm not sure what would have changed anything. It's just using whatever the default Renpy system is.

Mathias Cabral

please when will be out the new update?


Oni, im a huge fan of Yours, love yer work specialy Rogue and Kitty theyre So lovely <3 Anyway just asking when a New version will come out? Hope there would be an option to Creampie Kitty :D andheresmorenorma news i've found the reason why the Rogue like did not start. It was Nottingham with the renpy? Engine, all the time it was my malware soft. The iobit malware fighter, did block the game somehow and they could not launcher but now its ok if i turnieje off the "protection" Hope You will release something soon and will add the Creampie with Kat or even better rogue x Kitty x Player Bang with lots of lovely Creampies <3 Take care have great time!


I'm getting the last testing done, should be no new elements between now and the next build, but I've got to make sure it's all working at least reasonably well. I caught some bugs earlier today so you guys don't have to. ;) Full sex with Kitty will hopefully be in the version after that.


I was wondering at one point Rope gives you the ability to give her tasks to do how far does that extend and how far will it extend?


Not to be rude Oni, but you commented that you would release the new build of one of the best games I have ever played on Sunday, and it is Sunday now so, when is it really supposed to be released?


Well, look at it this way: the later he releases the update, the less bugs in the new version there are going to be. Or so I hope ;)

Mathias Cabral

I hope that he realese the updated today


Admittedly, it's a bit of a stub system at the moment. I thought it was something with some potential, but I haven't gotten around to populating it with options yet. I think that might be something I'll have The Rook work on, but it will eventually involve things like having her do embarrassing stuff over her day.


:p Another day, another version where I can't get that Kitty's virtual pussy. :p


Is there a site where you're promoting this? With screens and all that?


Not really, I guess I should do more of that. I used to do more screenshots.


are you going to make an android version?

Inceton games

Cant wait for dat kitty sex xd


:p To be honest, I don't even think we ever will in a long time. Just saying.


Er... You've defined and used the same label ("Kitty_Sexfriend") twice... Perhaps correcting this isn't a bad idea.


Yeah, don't worry about it, it shouldn't be an issue since the game currently never calls that lable (I believe it will yell at me during testing if I ever actually try that). The reason it's defined twice right now is because I first copy-pasted all Rogue's stuff to use as a baseline, and I also had The Rook working up some unique interactions, so both currently exist in the code. I haven't fully built out the next versions yet with all the stat changes and stuff, so they aren't ready for play, so nothing in the game calls them into play. They should be set by the next full version though.


hey, long time no see, im a simple follower and admirer of ur great game, so its been a yr since i last downloaded ur game... there any significant progress, cuz after all the 0.001a type variable versions i got tired of hoping and trying so i gave up for the yr, i still see it at 0.9 version with many things in comments still being hoped for and waited on from last yr, tho uve come a far 0.012 development and around 0.14 development since i found ur awesome game, so hopefully (again) theres something more (new, different, whatever, progress) to look forward to after a yr.


I basically try to put out a substantive version every month or two, and then I work through bug testing on that version until it gets reasonably stable (and also a few more features). The latest version has Kitty in it, with handys, BJs, fondling, there have been a few scenes added for both girls, including scenes with them acting together, various other stuff. I'm kind of thinking that I'll hop to version 1.0 before moving on to Emma, but it'll constantly be a game in progress.

Mathias Cabral

Oni when you will upload the next version?


Keep this cool work up, colleague! ;)