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Sorry, sorry, I've been quiet, I need to stop being quiet for so long, but it keeps slipping my mind that I should tell you what I'm up to. Let's see. . .  

I've worked on a little more of the art stuff for the game, I'm going to try and get the "female hand" art in there for when girls are playing with themselves or each other. I've also got some new background art by  Missmuffin that I think looks really great. The Rook's been turning out some Kitty relationship and chat content for the game, which should make for some fun scenes. I've been going through the clothing and travel mechanisms to make them smoother, as well as adding some more of Kitty's sex scene options.

I also forgot to mention, but Purity Sin did a playthrough of the game a while back, which was kinda funny to watch. It really taught me some stuff about how people might play through it without knowing all the behind the scenes stuff as well as I do.



Yey oni is back


Will you add new girls in the future?


Hey Oni!! Just out of curiosity, are you no longer doing the monthly artwork anymore? Cos that was some great work


Are you planning on adding Mystique?


Yes. As soon as I finish the core art for Kitty, I plan to start on Emma's. I really need to find some new artists to work on clothing though, that would really speed up my workflow.


Yes, sorry, there were some delays in the process last month, I'm still partway through the image for it, but hope to get that out soon as well.


It's been asked a few times, and no, I don't currently plan on adding Mystique. I think there are just too many issues involved in adding a shapeshifter. Yeah, I could do something lame like "she can't shapeshift," but where's the fun in that? And if she can shapeshift, then why not change in all sorts of "complicated to draw" ways? ;) So I don't really want to, sorry about that, but I hope that you'll enjoy the various other girls I plan to add.


I couldn't find Purity Sin's playthrough. Can you share a link?


I'm not sure if it's unlisted or what, it's from about a month ago, and I'm not sure I should share it. I will if I'm allowed though.


Just out of curiosity are you planning on adding any more clothes for Rogue or Kitty? Just thinking that Kitty should have an outfit with a blouse and miniskirt is all.


Might have been asked and answered, but I was wondering if you plan to add DC characters as well? I would love to see Raven in this game and art style.


Planned, no, but possible, yes. I have a lot of Marvel characters I'd like to get to before adding DC ones, but I'm open to the possibility of added "foreign exchange students" to the campus. ;)


Yes, at some point. As I noted, clothing can be a real hang-up to the project, because unlike with a 3D game were you only have to make each outfit once and it works everywhere, in this game I need to make each outfit at least 2-3 times, plus variations for "half on," to account for the various poses. If I add more poses, I need to add more outfits. This is also different than some other drawn games in which sex can only take place under very specific conditions, like a single time or place, in a single outfit. I hope to be able to speed up the clothing production pace, in which case sure, more clothing all around, but it's a struggle. I do plan to add swimsuits at some point soon though.


One thing I really want to see is more dialogue for when you 'just want to talk' with the girls. Perhaps with a few choices throw in and an opportunity to raise stats through conversation.


Kity sex scenes options ...that is good news...

Kalle Knallcop

What about leveling up Kitty`? And what's the plan for the key you got from Prof X? Just sneakin into girls rooms or acces to special places? Good work already!


Hey Oni, I just want to give some feedback: Your kitty artwork looks fine but I don't think it's on the same level as rouge's. Maybe you could get it to look just a little closer to the original?


How do i get the latest version for this game?


Yes, I'm working with The Rook right now to put these together for Kitty, and then perhaps more for Rogue.


I really do need to figure out what I want to do with leveling Kitty. At the very least, I can give her the default options, but I'm not sure where to go with unique options. I also plan to do some interesting things with Xavier's study.


I'm sorry to hear that. What do you find to be off about it? The face? The hair? The clothing? I think mine is slightly different, but I feel like I captured the original's style.


The latest build is here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-ok-13359606">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-ok-13359606</a>


Hey Oni, is something wrong with the .zip files? I tried two seprate computers and got an 'Eror 2- No Such File or Directory'


Hmm, do you mean the ones on this page? <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-ok-13359606">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-ok-13359606</a> They seem to work for me, although the first time I clicked on the mac one it said that the server was unavailable, but then I clicked on it again and it worked. Is anyone else getting this issue?


Psyched for the next update Oni. Youre doing good work!


Any tips on how to get Kitty to like you? She only has 2 gifts thus far, excluding the books, and theyre kind of expensive.


It take more time than with Rogue for sure, just ask for her phone number really soon. She like to be touched on the cheek, she like hugs, and rub on shoulders. You should also invite her on a date an evening, you just need to kiss her once and she will be willing to kiss you more in private, wich will boost her interest in you.

Victor Lewis

so when can we expect the next build?


I'm thinking I'd like to wrap something up soon, it's been too long. I need to take stock of what is "done" and what is only half done, and then decide which of the latter I can shift into the former. ;)

Victor Lewis

cool, take your time. I love the game


You know Oni you could add something like this for a kitty dialogue, I use to date Bobby for some time, until I find out he likes to..... lick something more than Popsicles, Do Gargle of mayonnaise. Or to drop the soap on purpose, something like that, some funny gay innuendo

Project 9056

Any idea when the next version will be out? Super excited to try it out :D


Yes, soon. I'm trying to put a bow on things now. I think what I might do is release a version that has a bunch of error codes in it so people can test out the "girls arriving and leaving" system more accurately, and then once that seems to work as intended I can remove that stuff. I am trying to make sure that the stuff I've been adding is all finished first, because sometimes I half start something and then get distracted with somethign else and forget that I never finished the first thing. ;)


Will the next version have us do more interactions with Kitty this time?


Yes. I'm working on adding that now. It should have several relationship dialog options, and her sex scenes should be in.


Well done. Keep it up! ;)