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Ok, so for those not following the various version updates, I think we've reached a relatively stable build. For those who just want to play with the game and have a reasonably stable experience, Version 0.973i should be reasonably stable, although it does have some bugs that I've already worked on fixing, but where the fix might create some more bugs and require more testing, so expect that to begin in a couple weeks. The main issue is that girls might tell you they're leaving a room, when they don't seem to be in the room at the time. This is a flaw in that system, and I've made some major changes to how that works on this end, so it should be cleared up now. Mostly just ignore them when they do that and it shouldn't cause any issues.

But that aside, there's a lot to play with in version 0.973. I expanded Kitty's sex options a bit to include fondling options, and the new dialog system allows for a lot more threesome potential.

In the next build that I'm already hard at work on, it will have a new system for when girls enter or leave a room you're in, much more natural and flexible, I believe. I'll also be adding Kitty's bedroom and associated scenes, and I think I've figured our a clever alternative to "Plan Omega" for her to employ, if you're going pure Kitty route. Also various other tweaks here and there.



Got to say love what you got here. Do you have you plans to add any other characters to game? I'd love to see ×-23.


Love the game, do you plan on adding feet in any respect?


Next character will be emma frost, but oni plan to add some more after, don't have thinked wich one yet.


Yes. I initially avoided that, because I didn't want to have to deal with things like shoes and socks and whatever, but I've gotten to the point where I plan to add them. The Kitty sex pose I'm working on already has visible feet that I plan to work up some actions for, and also I plan on adding Rogue's feet to her doggy-style pose.


I'd love to see the various little bugs go away, but I think a lot of people--myself included--are really hoping for a major content update, especiaclly in terms of bringing Kitty up to par with Rogue.


Yes, working on it. ;) It's worth keeping in mind, the bug fixing doesn't take a ton of my time, the delays between builds were more about collecting data from each and not wanting to have everyone redownload more than was strictly necessary, but the entire time I've also been working on actual content for the next version.

Victor Lewis

Plan Omega? what is that


First off, wanted to say thanks for the game, finding all the different ways to build Rogue's stats is pretty fun. Think maybe I ran into a glitch or a balance issue while playing the current build. I was trying to build Rogue's addiction so she'd come to me instead of the other way around. After a few times it gets harder to get her hooked, which makes sense, but I found that only touching her cheek would increase her addiction rate (while also lowering her actual addiction). The problem is the increase to the addiction rate would disappear when transitioning to the next part of the day with no effect on her addiction stat. Do I need to stop flirting with her to raise her addiction rate, or is it the other way around? Is this a bug or am I just an idiot?

Handsome Idiot

I found my self in same problem as you, i thought i was just an idiot not understanding the system...


One thing I've figured out in checking on Addiction with Rouge is that if the MC tricks Rouge with the Serum. That given enough time will get to a point where even the first time she is willing to give a hand job that she is a little to willing to eat Jizz. Where warning her, results in her swallowing straight from the source, or choosing facial with her wiping off the mess and than eating it.


Well, she has some stuff in there that basically makes her cum-mad when she's got a high addiction level, but maybe I could balance that out a bit, and at least reference it the first time that happens.


I just want to boink kitty. After that you can add another character. Once you get sex move to the next


if you need a danish translater let me know, i can fluent danish


Still having an issue with characters wanting to put clothes back on at the wrong times: Rogue is sleeping in bed with Zero, puts clothing on and then wakes him with a blowjob. Also Kitty does the same thing in other instances. Kitty has an issue with almost no stamina. She can't even make it through making out sometimes without complaining she is too tired. Still love this game, can't wait to see what you do next.


Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but at this point, adding in multiple languages, even if I were just handed the appropriate scripts, would add a lot of complication to the process, trying to coordinate how it would decide to display the alternate language, or even if I split it off into a second version of the game, having to keep the alternate languages updated to the most recent changes all over the game. I think it's best to just move forward on this project as an English-language only project, and hope everyone can make do with that.


Lol, I'll see what I can do with the stamina thing, it's worth noting that there are two factors there, "time units within the "turn" you're on, and "actions a girl can take per turn." For the former, there are 60 time units per round, which means a maximum of 60 total cycles of sex act per portion of the day, and some of those can get taken up by moving around or doing various activities. I hope to make this clear by adding a visible clock at some point. To the latter, keep in mind that every secondary action you do tends to take up an action, so if you're constantly switching positions, it can impact that. I might want to make a change in that area though, perhaps making it so that there is a larger total pool, but with some actions taking more energy than others. Worth thinking about. and yeah, as for the clothes, that's something where I hope the new location systems will help, I need to go through and make sure they aren't overly aggressive about getting dressed again.


Got an exception when using dildo. Want the traceback posted as comment, or is there a better method to get it to you?


In the next version would it be too hard to add in verbal flirting? With placeholder text that literally just says, "you flirt with her for five minutes." I just want an option to increase relationship with someone via flirting that doesn't make me feel like a weird, touchy, invader of personal space. Also I don't know if this has been mentioned, but Kitty can be scared off just by making out in public.


Oni, where are yooouuuuuuuu?


Right here! Ok, yeah, I've been a little quiet lately, sorry about that. I've been working on some stuff but didn't have a whole lot to say about it just yet. I'll try to get a real update in out in after the weekend.


Hi, I just found this game and like it. But Why does Rogue now always clean up automatically after sex? I am no longer asked, she just does it. Before, I could ask her not to and she did not, now she always does. How do I get the dirty version back?


OK, I started the game again and that seemed to fix it. But now I have the problem that I cannot get closer with Kitty. She gives me handjob but no tit job and certainly no sex. I tried to break up with Rogue but she insists that I keep her as friend and we should invit Kitty to a date. But how? There is no such option!


Any further news ? How's the next update coming along ?


Dont lie to me oni, you have been little bit quiet because you are watching The defenders


Oh, I wish, haven't even started yet. I want to though. That works out well for you guys though, because while I can't program while I watch, I can art while I watch, so I plan to get some new art stuff done as I do. ;) I can't say Umufest had nothing to do with my pacing though. ;)

Hsieh Hao Chun

I love ur work man, I believe great work cause time, hope everything going well.


Ok, Oni but tell us back What did you think about the defenders. what is Umufest?