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Ok, hopefully this clears up a few more pesky errors involving the handjob animation not being cleaned up after you orgasm, an issue in which you could do various mouth-related options that didn't make sense in combination, and a couple other things. If this one works out, it might be the last version before the next build (which I'm working on at the same time, some good stuff done on it already).

known issues: There are some issues with characters leaving the room and maybe not actually being  there in the first place. I've been working on this, but didn't want to add it to the current build because of potential new errors it could create. It will make the next version though, which should come much sooner than the last.



Thanks Oni!


I would love more stuff for kitty in the next build, a chit chat option maybe?


more sex scene with rogue please and kitty if you have plans for it


I think you may finally have it. Everything seems to be working for me.


OK, I'm finally taking the plunge and downloading this thing. Can't wait to check it out. I've been looking foward to Rogue and Kitty interacting more, I hope things are going in that direction.


When are we getting more Kitty art?


I've played a bit of it an the first thing that I'm noticing is that Rogue will something inform you that she's heading out some where and asks you to join her even if she's not in the same room as you. I think this is a Bug that was Identified by in an earlier version. Also is there any actually Sex scene coded for Kitty yet?


I'll give it some work. I'm definitely adding her room, and the various options that entails, among some other things.


Slowly but surely. The 0.973 version added a lot more threesome options, but was mostly devoted to expanding the mechanics involving Kitty. For now the priority is to give Kitty as many options as Rogue. At the same time I'm hoping to expand more direct interaction options for them.


Working on it. ;) The priority for this version was on mechanics, there will be more focus on art for the next build.


Yeah, like I've said in previous builds, I've been overhauling that system for the next version, but didn't want to add my changes to this one since it might cause more bugs and I'm aiming for something stable for now. I plan to release a version in a couple weeks that includes the new system to handle that stuff, until then just sort of ignore it. And yeah, Kitty sex scenes will be added once I have the art and animation ready for it. Right now I have the base art, but none of the clothes done, and it's not rigged for animation.


The important question is: can we bang Kitty yet?


Oni who is your favorite x-men girl in evolution and in the comics?


In the evolution cartoon it should come as no surprise that it was a bit of a toss-up between Rogue and Kitty. I started with Rogue though since I thought she made a more interesting starting character. In the comics, I do love both of those characters, but X-23 is probably my favorite (then Kitty).


In the future, what other girls do you want to add?


Hmm... As a followup to the above question, any girls you'd def not want to add? And how many do you think the engine can handle? Personally I feel it'd be best to avoid the psychics though, as incorporating their abilities might give some issues. X-23 would be nice, though... there are so many to chose from, no?


Just some really minor bug, i don't know what trigger them, so i'll give you the whole situation. First rogue barge in the room, asking to touch me, so i ask her to strip, she start dancing, i ask her to loose the gloves, and start jackin in. Then she say at panties, that she don't want to show more, i ask her to keep dancing. And surprisingly, she remove the panties anyway, and when i say that it's ok, she can touch me, she put the gloves on when touching me. ^^


Another one, when i'm licking kitty and she still wear her panties, she ask me if i want her to removed it each turn.


Game has end, or if not, has planned?


Not really. It's more of an open ended sandbox. I intend to keep adding more characters and activities for as long as I can.


When I asked Kitty to give a hand job the first statement given was 'Kitty continues stroke your cock. She's still learning, but learning fast. Those gloves sure do keep her hands smooth.'


When the message stated that Rouge wanted to talk to me later in her room and when it became evening, with Rouge asking me if I wanted to meet up in her room and saying yes the event didn't start, Even with selecting to talk with her didn't and had to leave the room and come back for it to start.


Hmm, interesting. Ok, so just to step through this, it was afternoon, and Rogue said she wanted to talk in her room. Which room were you in at the time? And then you waited deliberately until evening, and then what? Did Rogue come to you again and ask to go to her room, or did you just go there on your own? And you got into her room, did anything interesting happen along the way there? Currently the way it works with those events is that you can't initiate them manually in any way, they will only occur or not occur as a part of something that happens when you enter a space or wait. It does make sense, now that you mention it, for there to be some way to manually trigger it from the chat menu, although in most cases it should trigger automatically whenever possible. I'll look into tweaking it a bit, but it would help to narrow down exactly why it failed this time. The most likely scenario is that you somehow bypassed the "entering the room" portion of the code, which can be possible in the current build if you "follow" a girl anywhere, although that's already fixed by the next version.


Oni a suggestion: as you add new girls in game don't add option to have more than threesome as it will probably just add to bugs. Leave that for when you finish the game and will not affect the playability.


More details would be helpful. Does it give you an error message, or does it just shut down instantly? If it does give an error message, then what is it? If it doesn't give an error message, then I probably can't help because that would be an issue between your computer and Renpy, and I have no idea how to troubleshoot something like that.


I get to restart the game to try and track it down, but the last playthrough on version i still has some tell Oni lines in fondling areas with both Rogue and Kitty. Some were in fingering options and some in licking. Game still plays, so not a breaker. When I go through again, assuming it happens again, what information do you need? Location / stats / recent commands? How many commands :)


Found an interesting bug. On Day 7 in the evening training with Kitty in the Danger room. Rogue had left already. Flirted with Kitty before training, trained, then after it was done Kitty said "I'm heading back to my room, sugar, want to swing by?" with the name Rogue in the in the bubble above the chat. I selected "Sure I'll meet your there". Next dialogue was "Meet you there", then was in Rogue's room with Rogue and no Kitty. If however I said "Nah, catch you later." The dialogue would end for Rogue, and then Kitty would say "I'm going back to my room". (Kitty: Love: 400, Lust: 15, Obedience: 122, Addiction: 0, Inhibitions: 5, AR: 0).


Just had the bug where trained with Kitty and Rogue, Rogue asks to come back to her room. Study in the evening, and when done Kitty says "I'm going back to my room" and scene changes to Night. This was after the above bug with the Rogue dialogue with Kitty.


Also noticed that the Day of the week is cut off in the upper right (Thursday says Thursda). Not a big deal, just noticed it.


Hmm, location shouldn't really matter much to that situation, but most important is the primary action, the offhand action (ie you might be fondling her breasts "but also" fondling her pussy), perhaps the sequence of events that got you to that point (ie I used chat, then fondle breasts, then "let's do something else," then fondle pussy, then she came, then. . ." Really only the most recent thing should matter, but it might help. The issue should be something that happened right before that point, and make sure to copy the exact wording of the "tell Oni" message, I typically have it try to report the active variables.


Yeah, the problem with that bug is that you were talking to Rogue, even though she wasn't supposed to be there (and wasn't visible). If it had been Kitty, then not only would her name bubble been right, but in the current version instead of offering to bring you to her room, she would suggest going to your room, since her room isn't in the current build. Hopefully that sort of issue won't happen anymore with the new location system I've put together, it's designed to be more accurate as to when girls are entering and leaving the room, and what to do about that.


No bug report but decided to do a different kind of playthrough than I normally do, just wanted to comment on the numbers a bit. It's *really* hard to maintain addiction with Rogue and it's pretty hard to make her hate you. Seems like your love with her goes up so naturally that it's hard to do a high obedience low love playthrough. Which is the converse of Kitty who is hard to get to love you, but that's probably more of a byproduct of not being able to study with her and stuff.


Hmm, ok, this is useful balance. To maybe it would help to add more negative-love procs when you pressure Rogue into things, and maybe up the addiction procs if you're going for that. I wanted to strike a balance there where people actively managing that stat could keep it high, without it growing to the point where Rogue is an irrational loon even if that element doesn't interest you. When you attempt an addition playthrough, are you having trouble maintaining a high level because it fades too quickly or never builds fast enough? Do you have the "enhanced addiction" trait from leveling? Do you have long consistent sex sessions, or relatively quick and low-contact (and therefore less satisfying for her). I might want to add an option where you can cum where she gets none of it, which would help you withold a fix from her better while still getting yours.


No bugs so far, just a couple of thoughts: --Kitty's lace lingerie, you can't really see the detail in it because of her skin tone, you might consider making the lace another color besides white. Blue or more of a tan/cream color. Also I wish she had the option of stockings to go with it. Rogue showed up to class in lace set and stockings, would have been even better if Kitty had matched --I thought, though I may have imagined it, that Rogue asked if she could call me "Daddy" at one point. If that is really in there, how did it happen? I haven't gotten her to do it again. --Have you considered adding an option to give custom pet names? Thanks for all the work you do


- to get the Daddy option, make sure to chat with Rogue a few times with reasonably high stats. - Maybe, although probably not until after you unlock the other options. ;)


ok - Tuesday night day 3, Rogues room. Finger pussy, finger ass, change focus to ass. Got a tell Oni box. Can't remember if finger pussy was done or just fondle.


Ok, can you get the exact wording of the tell oni box? Like did it list what triggers were involved? Did it actually play any text related to fingering her ass before throwing the error?


Ok, this time, I was rubbing thigh, then offhand action, fondle ass. Then I shifted focus to ass. Then it threw the Oni box. Since it is still early, having to dodge both students and Xavier to get it to allow you to get there.


Just another balance thing, I managed to get Rogue to give me a handjob on the 5th day when she came into my room due to addiction. I only had 88 obedience, is that right? edit: okay definitely wrong because the very next day with 160 obedience she denies me.


Very high addiction level can be a strong motivator. I mean, with 88 obedience and nothing else you shouldn't get much, but with decent levels in the other stats too, you might be able to swing something.

Krutomerrik (RU)

When kitty can do sex? Can you translate on Russian?


Hopefully soon, but I don't plan on having any language translations any time soon. Adding it would be too complicated when the game's text is always in a state of change.