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Ok, two major bugs in the last build, one was if you tried to do anything involving Rogue masturbating, it was getting confused due to the complexity of that system and how it relates to her own offhand mechanics. Hopefully I made the tweaks that  will prevent that happening. For the record, the issue there was that in the first 0.973, players were reporting that Rogue would start feeling herself up at the drop of a hat, which was true. In later builds, I'd added a system that would make it so that when decided whether to do that, she would run through a series of checks to better determine whether she would be ok with that sort of thing, and that worked pretty well, I think, but the problem is that when Rogue's primary action is to masturbate, it needs to always work, and I didn't leave open that necessary loophole in the check. I put the loophole in, so it should work again.

The second major bug was that her offhand action is meant to create a line of dialog when it starts happening, when she decides to do something on her own, and for whatever reason, that line doesn't seem to be happening, or gets forgotten somehow, which is what's throwing the "'int' and 'str'</module>" type error. I made some changes that I think should correct for it, but there are also some new diagnostic messages in there, so if everything goes well you'll never see them, but if you get a "tell Oni" line, tell me what it says so I can figure this out. Also let me know if you get a line like  "Rogue continues to masturbate. " when this is the first time she's started doing that in the current activity. That line should only appear the second time around, the first line should be more like "she starts to . . .", so if the "continues" version shows up first, then it's skipping the first bit for some reason.



Well one third of alphabet is behind us. Time to get to work. 😂


And I'll be right behind you pissing you off and finding bugs. Keep up the good work.


Not a showstopper, but in Rogue's room and I ask her for a date, the scene shifts to the Campsu Square.


Nooooo, no Linux release. Was there too few donwloads?


That's working as intended, although I might tweak it. I made it so that when you ask a girl on a date and she accepts, you first move to the Campus before heading out on the actual date. It clears up a few issues that were happening when people initiated the date outside the girl's room.

Victor Lewis

what type of update can we expect after a stable build?

Anthony Michelli

I get this error literally every time I go to sleep at night. hitting ignore a few times gets me through it though. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 780, in &lt;module&gt; NameError: name 'K_PlayerFav' is not defined &lt;/module&gt;


Well, as I said in the update, I'm also working on changing the way girls enter and leave a scene, so I will be putting out a version to test that soon, but in terms of new features added I'm going to work to add some more elements to Kitty, like her room and the associated content, her relationship drama, and I want to add a female hand for fondling and stuff between the girls. Maybe some other stuff.


I'm sure someone may have already pointed this out before but it seems like we are running into too many hiccups under the current version. I can only imagine that this type of thing will only prolong future releases because we end up being so backed up on previous versions. If this system has too many issues and there are too few people familiar with the program for you to take on as assistants, you'll only end up putting yourself in more awkward situations. That would really suck considering how much of an investment it is between the time you put in versus tha time/money your patrons put into the development of the project. I won't front and say I'm a top tier donor but I would guess you run the risk of people losing interest because more time is being used to fix current versions that only have a system re-work than something showing future development to keep people enticed. I'm certainly happy you are posting more often but even if you had to start from the ground up; Would creating this under a different program that sees more regular use be easier? Especially in the sense that you could hire people more familiar with said program so that you can spend more of your time creating content rather than running the risk of being 7 versions into something that is ideally intended to be as full of content as the original version? Either way I'll support you, I'd just hate to see a project as fun as this, risk going under due to the frustration involved in the constant fixes while you are just about the only person familiar enough with said program to do anything with it. I know dick about coding so perhaps my rant means nothing in the long run but if feedback can help in any way, I'll chime in &lt;3


This is a weird one. There's no reason this variable should not be defined by the time it gets called. Something seems to be "un-defining" it, and I'm not even sure how to do that if I wanted to. When you're playing, are you playing from a new game, or from a saved game from a previous version, or a saved game from a previous build of this version?


There really isn't a much easier way to do this. Anyone familiar enough with programming to make a game do the things this one does is good enough to work with the code I've got, it's not that much of a mess. There is no game engine I've heard of that's simpler to use than Renpy, and building a complete engine from scratch is a huge undertaking. It's also worth pointing out that multiple versions doesn't really slow anything down, it's all about getting everything fixed. I'm to just sitting around waiting for bug reports and only acting to fix them, I'm also adding new elements to the game while I wait. The bug reports lead to a better overall product, not only fixing the problems directly, but also causing me to look at the underlying systems in a new way, and maybe deciding to take them in a new and better direction. Thanks for the tips though.


Whenever Kitty cleans her face up, her eyes disappear.


have you thought of partnering up with tinybuild? i know yanderedev did so they could port the game from js to c# and upgrade from unity 4 to unity 5 so maybe they can help you with some of the problems you are having with your game code


Hm, I'm not sure how the simultaneous actions work, if they happen in sequence or something... but somehow I am able to lick Rogue's ass and kiss her at the same time. Zero's got a long tongue. "She gasps as you suck on her anus. Her tongue dances around yours." :P The order of actions was fondle ass, finger ass, kiss her, lick ass. She is wearing her skirt, but no panties.


I don't think it's that large an issue. Hopefully. It's mostly just that I leave a gap somewhere, and don't notice it until someone stumbles through it. Once I know where to look, these things are typically not that hard to resolve. The new system is fairly complex, which means that there are several of these potholes in there, but once we find them all, it should work smoothly. Except for that bit where the K_PlayerFav variable is de-initializing itself spontaneously, I have no idea how that happens.


Lol, they do happen in a sequence, I tried to limit which combinations would be possible, but I apparently missed a tick. I think I can narrow this one down though.


Having a great time with the game. Got a message and wanted to let you know. "No trigger was set or it was '0', please tell Oni." So I was in AM class on a Thursday with Kitty and Rogue. I sat next to Kitty, flirted with Rogue (kiss on lips, just a taste) and then kissed Kitty and continued. With hands on breast followed by fingering she reached orgasm, then I did and she took it in her mouth, That is when the message appeared.


What is done by options in the section CHEAT, in the menu a conversation on sex?


Don't know if this is intentional or not, but I grinded Kitty to 900 obedience and inhib and when she agrees to take her bra off outside it magically pops back on after. I dunno if that part just hasn't been diddled by your sensual coding fingers.


I get an intermittent issue I'm trying to track down specifically, but I thought I would share what was happening in the mean time just so you are aware. This is with a new save file, but in times where sex has been initiated with Rogue, and it does this with Rubbing on her Ass, Vaginal and Anal, this will work as intended until the Zero cums. It then tries to switch to Rogue cleaning off his penis then immediately go back to sex while she waits for you to do continue or stop. But the penis and her hand animation stays and plays out until Zero cums again and the cleaning animation starts again. I can't seem to narrow down an exact sequence as its done it during a specific sequences, then I reverted back to the save right before and it won't do it again. I tried it on couple different computers just to make sure it wasn't my installation or machine specifically. It has done it with this build on both machines. Also tied with this same issue is a graphical glitch where her clothes pop back on at the same point the penis and hang animation sometimes gets stuck. Like I said you might not be able to do anything with this yet, but I just thought I would share it.


Are you talking about something you found in the game, or something you found parsing the code? There is some "cheat" content in there, but it's not intended to be used by players, they're basically just tools I use for quickly testing out elements, basically stuff like manually adjusting various stats. If anyone wants to figure out how to activate that stuff on their own version, I can't stop you, but it's not designed to work in the released versions of the game.


Hmm, ok, what are the circumstances of that? She agrees to take it off (during a sex scene, or during her chat wardrobe scene?), and you can see her breasts, but then she immediately puts it back on, or after a line or two? What kind of delay is involved there? There's a lot of things this could be based on your description, so I'm trying to narrow it down.


Yeah, I need to nail this one down. A number of people have reported a similar issue, and from what I can tell, there's no obvious reason why it's happening. One thing I would suggest as a test is, if you encounter this issue again, scroll back as far as you can (pg up), and then step through each sequence giving each a time to play out fully (a second or so should do), rather than spamming through it as fast as you can. One thing I think might be causing it is that when the "put away the HJ animation" routine runs, if you move to the next thing too fast then it might interrupt that animation and leave it out. I don't THINK that should happen, but I know that sometimes that's possible in Renpy and I might not have accounted for it as well as I'd thought, so it's worth a test. If you are testing for it, try and take note of any exact dialog strings that play, that will help me narrow down exactly which branches of the sequence are being activated, and since not everyone is reporting this ALL the time, it seems like at least some versions don't do this. I appreciate your diligence on this.


Glad I'm supporting you Oni, totally worth signing up for this site just to help ya.

Handsome Idiot

Will there be more male characters? or just the disable old guy in wheel chair?


"Disabled old guy in wheel chair"... Oh my god you young'uns these days and your shockingly poor knowledge of the X-men... What is the world coming to?


Just so you know, Rogue is doing that thing again where the very first time you walk on her in the shower (literally on the second day) and you talk about missing the view, she says "You could have just asked" and flashes you instead of doing the other reaction (or the angry one if you have that programmed in.)


Given that I find MMF threesomes more interesting than MFF ones, I would very much approve of male students that can actively participate in the fun. And being cuckolded with some other guys by the girls (obviously not the ones who can accidentally murder somebody) if you treat them bad enough would be cool. So, I'm also interested in your thoughts, Oni. (I think I asked you about something like this a while ago [like some of the other guys watching you when you have sex in public whipping out their dicks and getting involved] but I don't remember your response. :/ )


Ok, I'll double check that and see what checks are involved. They might be too lax. edit: yeah, I think I see what was causing it. I added in a second check and tweaked the first, so it shouldn't come up unless you've already seen her naked a few times and she at least kinda likes you.


I have to say, MMF situations aren't particularly likely any time soon. That's not a direction I'm currently heading with the game. I plan to add Beast in there at some point, but strictly as an NPC like Xavier, not an active participant.


Walked in on her in the shower Monday and it was the complete naked version. Not sure if that is supposed to be something that can happen that early or not. Helps with the bonuses :). For my other issue, loading a save to help narrow down exactly what I was doing, it didn't happen going forward, but instead got the Oni message as I was stopping everything. Happend right before everything was stopped.


Ok, if that's the problem then I might have fixed that part. There was an issue where basically you would go from point A to B to C, and then when leaving C would would end up back at B, where you'd get that error, rather than back to A, where you were meant to be. I fixed that much.