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Ok, don't download the new version until you've read this, because you might not like it. If you're just looking for a fun and stable build that will mostly work, this is not it, give me a week or two to work out the kinks and then I'll give you the all clear. This build is intended for people who want to find bugs.

This is going to be a testy release, among other things, it has a little diagnostic filler in there, every time you "wait", or the game "waits" for you, it will display the current and intended location of each girl, and tell whether they are "arriving," "leaving," or "staying." The first thing I need your feedback on is to make sure that all this information adds up, that if they seem to be around, that the system is confirming that they are around, and if they seem to be gone, that the system is confirming that they're gone, that everyone is where it thinks they are. This should work, it's gotten through some initial testing on my end, but it could also be a mess in places, so if a girl seems out of place, let me know what led up to that. Note that the system might claim a girl to be coming or going but do not if they are in a party with you. Anyway, once this system seems to be working as intended, I'll remove those diagnostic messages for the final build of this version.

Beyond that, here are a few other features added in this version.
* New room backgrounds for Kitty and Rogue's rooms, by MissMuffin.
* Kitty's room is actually accessible, including the same basic functions as Rogue's room.
* Sleeping over with Kitty is now an option in either of your rooms.
* Kitty's chit-chat is enabled, thanks to some work by The Rook.
* Kitty's Masturbation scenes are in.
* I've added "girl hands" that appear when a girl is touching herself or another girl, let me know if any combinations of this are too wonky, it's kind of complicated.
* Xavier's Study is now a valid location. Office hours are dawn to dusk, there might be things to do there at night. . .
* I made some adjustments to how she determines what clothes to where, and when she decides to change clothes due to circumstances. The "what to wear in our rooms" option doesn't work yet, but let me know if she changes clothes in situations that don't make sense to you. She should only do it automatically if you're moving to a more public location and she's in clothes that embarrass her.

Known issues:
* Kitty's body when in BJ mode still doesn't quite fit the head, but that's being worked on.
* I'm still finishing up the "Kitty Caught by Xavier" scene, and Kitty's relationship advancement scenes, but these will hopefully be added to later 0.974 builds. 
* Apparently the manual masturbation option for Kitty was left out this build, it can still trigger as an event, and will be added in the next build.
* Character rooms can sometimes be treated like public spaces with crowds forming. This is particularly true if both girls are there. This should be fixed already by next build.



Windowed mode for Windowed OS seems to have some formatting issues- interface size does not match to window size\


Hmm, in what way? I play the game in windowed mode (but I do leave it at native size).


Whenever I try to get Kitty to masturbate it says it's not enabled.


Crap, ok, that will get fixed next build, it's a simple tweak, but in the meantime. you should at least be able to catch her in the act if you have the room key.


Yay, release! So I've given it a try and there are a few things that I want to point out : - In the arrival system, what does the "BG" stand for ? And "BG Rogue" ? It is used before every place's names in the new system. - When in class before Rogues arrives, she will decide to sit next to you after an "Hey", but immediately goes far across the room, even after she becomes the player's girlfriend. - If rogue leaves the classroom ashamed (after fooling around in public when she's not comfy about it), her "study biology together" scene can still come up, but without her sprite. - It seems like changing her sleepwear is harder than before, but I might be wrong. - When you enter the danger room, both girls (if they like you enough) will ask you if they should change, no matter how many times you enter and leave the danger room in the same period, shouldn't they only ask once ? - Kitty's chi-chat option don't seem to have requirements as she complains about getting caught doing stuff with us in public even before we use the "flirt" or "fool around" options. - Kitty's room seems to act like a public room, girls seem shier there and text about other students noticing what Kitty and the player are doing come up for some reason. did they leave the door open ? ;) That seems to be it for now, really looking forward to her sex options and good luck with the fixing ;)


Ive noticed that the players room is a public space as i tend to get crowds of cheering fans in there suddenly


1. Ok, sorry, that's just how I internally describe the locations in the game. bg rogue/player/kitty are their rooms, the others should be easy to figure out. You won't need to worry about that sort of thing once the testing system is over though, the messages will go away. 2. Ok, so I'll look into that one, you say it says she sits next to you and THEN moves across the room? . . . Ok, I think I have this one sorted. Should be fixed next build. 3. Hmm, ok, I'll try and figure out an interrupt for that. . . fixed. 4. Ok, possibly. Harder how? Like she's more picky about it, or the interface is more annoying, what's different? 5. Ok, fair point. It's a kind of complex system, but I can add in a check for that easily enough so that each will only ask once. Maybe I'll also add a conversation string so you can get them to stop asking entirely. 6. Hmm, ok, I'll double check some of that stuff. It has triggers, but they might be set up wrong. . . yeah, bad trigger, I'll fix that one at some point but for now I'll just turn it off. 7. I think I addressed the second point about the crowds by the next build, as to the first, if you are alone with Kitty in her room then it should count as private, but if Rogue is also there and you aren't totally locked in with them both yet, then it might have a small amount of taboo to it. This should go away eventually, but basically she won't want to be a total slut in front of her friend. Thanks for hitting these.


Can i fuck kitty?


I've activated Travel Mode. I'm in the Danger Room training. I decide to shower afterwards. After the shower, I decide to go to Rogue's room, but the game sends me back to the Danger Room.


Day 5. In the morning, Rogue enters the room in a tizzy. She then throws her clothes back on, despite not having been naked in the first place.


Day 6, evening in Rogue's room. I ask her to study and she says there isn't time for that. Seems odd.


Day 7, in the morning. I'm in the shower and decide to go to the Danger Room. I end up at Rogue's room.


First problem I found was that Kitty wont masturbate, second was that I was caught by Xavier while having an threesome in Rogue's room.


day 6 morning, rouge barged into my room she put her clothes back on(she was flustered)


Classroom Monday Morning - Rogue sits next to you, Rogue sits across from you.


God bless The rock, even working in Hollywood making movies he has the time to help you with your game, Truly an American hero


Fucking Rogue for the first time, got this error: I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy", line 1500, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'</module>


i go to class rouge sits next to me, rouge sits accros the room


Tuesday morning in the classroom. Taking the Mutant Biology class. Class finishes, and it tells me I just took a math class.


Kitty's obedience level is 172 but she's asking me if I want her to change into her gym clothes.


Licking Rogue's pussy, got this error: While running game code: File "game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy", line 1500, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'</module>


Something a little odd: Rogue complains about being sore, then after you come, she wants more.


After a date with Kitty in her room, she changes clothes after making out.


Haven't gotten to test too much yet, but I have to say the most irritating thing by far isn't really a bug (unless this is unintended) but moreso the fade transition taking a really long time. Really impedes my flow when clicking through scenes and between rooms and stuff. I don't remember this being an issue in previous builds.


Although, completely different thing that *is* actually a bug, when you try to go to Rogue's room from the showers, it sends you to the Danger Room lol. And Danger Room sends you to Rogue's room. Whoopsie lol


Another bug, if you text someone and tell them to come over and they ask you to join them in a place, if you do, they'll be wearing whatever outfit they were previously wearing, not the one they're supposed to be. So when Kitty came over to my room in the evening, she was still wearing her gym outfit. When she called me to the Danger Room, she was still wearing her red and black outfit.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy", line 1500, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'</module>


To add on to this, it seems to happen a lot while Rogue is masturbating during sex.


Fucking Rogue's ass, get the following error: While running game code: File "game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy", line 1511, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'</module>


Speeding up, got this error: While running game code: File "game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy", line 1511, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'</module>


can't go to Kitty's room from campus square Kitty would rather "meet in your room" than go to her own with you when Rogue enters classroom she sits next to you then across the room from you when you try and use the key to enter Xavier Study, it says he is probably asleep Did not get the option to search when I was in Xavier's Study another time without kitty haven't been able to search after knocking the book off the shelf game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy, line 1523. After sleeping over while having sex error occured Same error after "Keep going" game/Rogue_SDialog.rpy, line 1523. While having sex in shower while Rogue is in the party Rogue invisible after sleepover, sex, good morning Kitty invisible after sleepover, BJ, good morning - it didn't happen on another occasion


Hmm, ok, this one I couldn't instantly replicate. What clothes was she wearing at the time? I have a vague idea what might be causing it, but I'm not sure.


That probably means it's late in the time block, which I don't currently display very well to the player. I want to add a visible clock at some point. Basically though, you'd have to let the time tick over to Nighttime to do much else.


Yeah, as noted above, this is part of the same issue, I basically had the travel mode flags in the danger room backwards. Fixed for next build.


Ok, probably changing from her "date" clothes to her "night time" clothes. I might need to add a flag in there so she doesn't do that.


Well, I added a fade to the "wait" command to give it more of a feeling of time passing. It's much more obvious of course because of the diagnostic report in this build, but once that's gone it will hopefully be less annoying, but I can change that easy if people prefer it the other way.


Question do we need to know where a girl is going if we are with her? Also kitty's room is cute good job


Fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, working on this one, and as for them being invisible, huh, not sure what's the cause there. What does the "arrival/leaving" diagnostic message say during the wait periods there? Are they supposed to be in some other place? Is this in your room or theirs?


MissMuffin did the art on the new rooms, so congrats goes to her. ;) As for "where a girl is going," if a girl is in a party with you (ie you've asked her to follow you around), then she should not leave on her own. Otherwise, each time the clock changes she'll have a location she plans to be at. If she cases what you think, she might let you know, and you can either convince her to stay with you, follow her to her new destination, or just let her go without you. The diagnostic messages are temporary, once I'm confident that the system is working as intended, those will go away, and you'll just get the part where they actually talk to you "I'm going to class right now, what to come? . . "


From a saved game, Kitty still can't masturbate. She also doesn't want to have her face stay covered with cum. She says she likes where my head is at, but then next scene it is gone.


Yes, I've fixed the first bug for the next build, and also fixed one bug and one oversight that should help with the second issue.


I keep getting "NameError: name K_OutfitDay is not defined", usually when entering or exiting a scene.

Anthony Michelli

Haven't tried with a new game save yet, but it seems you can only Explore Xavier's office only once. Any time I enter his office at night after the initial one and the option to Explore isn't there.


masturbate for kitty still saying it is not in the game even when i've started a new game.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-06 19:26:07 最新記事にてコメントお待ちしております☺
2017-09-12 05:26:07 If Kitty asks me to follow her from the Dnager Room to somewhere else she doesn't get changed.

If Kitty asks me to follow her from the Dnager Room to somewhere else she doesn't get changed.


Yeah, that was an oversight on my part, I'd put a wall in front of it while it wasn't in, and then forgot to take it out again. It'll work in the next build.


Ok, so she tries to leave, say to her room, and you follow, and when you get there she's still in her gym clothes? Makes sense, I'll fix that.


Well here some things: - After I stopped doing some action with Rogue (can’t remember witch one exactly) and went out of the sex menu, she was still touching herself. - In class, rouge comes in, sits next to me and then sits down across the room, so technically, the message from across the room still comes, after the other one. - Whenever I leave a room, Rogue gets replaced, Kitty doesn’t. So if I chance some cloths on Rogue, don’t save, leave and come back, she’s rested, when I make the same thing with Kitty, she still wearing the cloths I gave her. - I’m not sure if we should call this one a bug but, when enter the danger room, and a girl (or both) is already there, then they need to change first, but if I’m already there, and they are coming, then they already changed their clothes. It just doesn’t make sense to me. - Second little weird thing is, I asked Rogue to touch her pussy, when I started, she also fingered herself, I think this is a little weird, but that’s maybe only my opinion.


1. Ok, I'll try to have more clears for that sort of thing. 2. Fixed for next build. 3. I'm not sure what you're describing here. You mean that Rogue's clothes change back from whatever you did to them when you leave the room, but Kitty's stay however you left them? Ok, I'll try to look into why they would behave differently. 4. Hmm, that one's working as intended, they basically come in knowing that they're going to be working out, but yeah, maybe I can do something about that so that they're already dressed if you show up. 5. That's mostly working as intended, now she tends to find something to do with her hands.


Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but Kitty's Room should be unavailable until after she meets the MC for the first time or the interaction should denote that she hasn't meet the MC yet.


Ah! Good point. I'll fix that. . . ok, now the option to go to her room should not appear if you haven't met her yet.


Only one I found not reported is kitty when in the shower doesn't leave when I do like Rogue does. Like i did shower scene hoping to move to her room to finish it with out an audience, and she just camps out in the shower till day progresses in time again. I also noticed I can repeat the scene like 3-4 times by showering with her, that seems to make the day move forward, but you only get progress from the first time which makes since as that would exploity as hell if I could repeat the shower with her scenes 4 times in one after noon for points. I mean I could ask her to follow me but I didn't think of that till now just use to when you leave they leave as well. Or I thought they did...


Ok, good catch. The shower works a bit differently than other stuff, so I should put some explicit catches in there.


Ok, I think I figured out a fairly elegant solution to this one that means if a girl has showered and you leave the room, she will leave after you. Hopefully it doesn't mess anything else up. ;)