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Ok, quick update this week, and a bit late, sorry about that. I made a quick and dirty migration of Rogue's basic sex dialog options over to Kitty. I haven't gone through and adapted them to be more in her style just yet, but it's good enough that I can start testing to make sure it all works at a basic level, at least.

That's what I'm doing now, the basic testing. I just got through the "try to launch the game, see a blue screen full of errors to chase down, repeat" phase of the testing process, and now I'm going to start the diagnostic phase. I've put in little tracker lines to keep track of what the variables are up to at each step of the process, so that I can see if, say, a lust stat shoots upward way too fast in a given scenario and I can figure out why that would be happening. Once I'm satisfied that it's mostly working, I can delete those portions, but occasionally they slip through and players have reported finding one from time to time. Once the first build of this version comes out, make sure to report if a line like "Focus:0 Rogue Lust:10 Kitty Lust:0" comes up.

Hopefully these systems will work as intended out of the gate, but once I'm done testing them out on my end, I can go back and finish off a few other systems and get a build out. Hopefully won't be too long now.



i havent see your updated game yet, but i have a sugestion, would you implement a library in the game? i belive is a reasonable location and can have a lot of content. did you plan to do stuff about public sex?


I'm actually pretty hyped for this lol Can't wait ^w^


A library wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm working on getting some backgrounds done up, so maybe that can be part of it. Also, you can currently have sex anywhere in the game, it's just that convincing the girls to do it in most public places is a lot harder than in private. I am adding some specific scenarios for this too.

Silent Six

I'm sure there will be a list of added changes added to the game once the new version is released?


Don't delete debug output code. It's ineffective. Wrap it in a function, which only outputs anything if a certain constant value is true. Change this value to false when you need to disable debug output


I could, and I actually do have a few elements of the game set to work something like this, but in most cases the debug code is only needed while I'm working on a specific issue, and I'd rather not clutter up the code with junk lines just in case I might need them again. If I put a lot of work into a bit of debug code I might comment it out and store it nearby where it would go, but for the most part it's easier to just write it over from scratch if it becomes an issue again later for some reason.


Yes, although to be frank, I've forgotten exactly which things weren't in the game last time. ;) I'll try to note as many changes as I can, but a few might slip through. I should probably document things better than that. ;)


Please. Just one more week. I want to fuck kitty in front of the class already


The hype is real


I just wanted to say: when you do a big update like changing an entire part of the game, you should have more people looking for bugs, and only changing the code by yourself. A few people have access a few days earlier, but it speeds up the error checking and stuff like too fast progress at the same time. When you write something by yourself and you want to have no errors its either this, or checking each condition for the errors line by line. Great work so far, hope it only gets easier for you


Well, basically I run through it a few times, hoping to catch the show-stopper bugs as best I can, then I open it up as a "fair warning, this is a mess" beta to anyone who wants to give it a shot. Those are usually pretty good at finding the combinations that slipped passed me, and then once things settle down I put out a "this build mostly works" version for the people that just want a stable game to play. Then it's back to the code mines for the next build.


It's been 3 months now. Is it still coming out?


Is the new version with kitty content ready yet? It feels like I have waited an eternity in order to get some action with her haha.


Yeah, sorry about that. I've been rebuilding the way the sex dialog system works, so that it works better with multiple girls at once. I've got this mostly working for Rogue, but it's slowed some of the development on Kitty's options. Still, the next version should have some more options, including the potential for her to take part in any scene with Rogue if her stats are in the right place.

Scott OMiller

Have you thought about making it a project on github to speed up development? While I, personally, don't think it's a good idea I just wanted to throw the option out there. On another note, for the last week I have been checking this page about every....7...8? hours. Needless to say I'm very excited for the next version.


Honestly, I don't think it would work that well with a project like this. I'm one of the guys helping out in the development of Girl Life and, yeah, for that it works because everything about it is modular and it's pretty damn big - even without coordinating with everyone you could easily work on the game simultaneously and the odds of two people working on the same location would be relatively low. With Rogue-Like, I don't even know how well Renpy would lend itself to this kind of development, and that doesn't even take art as a limiting factor into consideration. Alternatively, if you were thinking more along the lines of having a new alpha available basically whenever Oni has finished writing a couple of lines, that still doesn't sound too appealing - It's one thing to play something that still has some bugs in it, and something entirely different (both for the player AND the developer) to know that it is unfinished and not fit for a public test yet. Mind you, if Oni never really thought about using github and, after taking a look at it, finds that it suits him perfectly, then I'm not gonna be upset. All I'm saying is that I agree with your assessment that it might not be a good idea, no matter how keen I am to see the new version.


Any new clothing or hairstyles in the new update? (I know it's mostly if not all systems, just wondering though.)


Unless I forgot some minor addition, no. I have been considering adding some new clothing or hair options at some point though. One minor addition I did ask (at Hornguy's repeated request) is the ability to turn Rogue's spiky collar on and off separately from the mesh shirt. It actually took a large amount of work to make it work with older saves (hopefully) since I had to update the custom outfit variables. Luckily, when I first made those, I had a few slots that I've since removed, so they were sitting there waiting to be used.


Hey How can I donwload latest version of the game ? :)


Here you go: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443</a>


When was the latest android release?

Handsome Idiot

Don't want to be a dick but i really want to know how the update goes at the moment, sorry


It's been two months since the last update and patrons are wondering where their money's going. I'm glad we're getting some check-ins but a rough update's better than nothing.


Hello :) i just pledged because i like your work so much. I am pretty new at patreon, so anybody can tell me where/how can i download the game?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/file?h=8306443&amp;i=878142">https://www.patreon.com/file?h=8306443&amp;i=878142</a>


I'm new and i like this game so much,Thanks Oni,it's better if this game also can play on phone


Hey, just want to say, really like how Rogue-Like is turning out so far. Love how the design of the characters are like the animated series, makes it that much more sexy. Looking forward to the next update and glad I am able to support a project like this :D


Cool, thanks for the support! I'm getting super close to the next version now.


This is like when you were young waiting for santa claus to bring you presents.

Project 9056

any idea when this will be launched? can't wait to try it :)


Ok, right now I'm finishing the polish on Kitty's fondling scenes, the dating stuff is done, the general sex dialog stuff is done, I need to remember how to do the animations for fondling stuff, but I'll get to that next, and hopefully that won't take long. Baring complications, sometime this week.

Handsome Idiot

By any chance will there be an option for rouge and kitty to ask the player to the date? Will they pay for the date like player does?


Hmm, I could put that in at some point, although the player's choice to pay for the dates is what helps to grease the wheels.

Handsome Idiot

I thought it would be nice since the player started his relationship with rouge or kitty at least once a time they who will ask for the date and perhaps pay for it? So that way player will have much more money to spend on gifts like Dildos and women stuff.


Yeah, generally speaking, it would be nice to see the girls show more initiative and variety in what sexy stuff they will initiate, at least when their relationship to Zero isn't based on obedience.


Handsome, yeah, that makes sense. I'll think of how best to implement that. The problem with causing the girls to take initiative is that, especially when there are multiple girls, if they are each going after things constantly then the player ends up playing defense, constantly either refusing to deal with some issue (possibly with a cost for that), or going along with it and spending time on something they didn't want. So there needs to be balances in place so that these things don't happen too frequently. I'll put some work into it though.


Julien, yeah, I agree. Right now the threesome behavior (and the new "girl's choice" options) are currently both entirely up to them right now, slightly random based on their preferences. I plan on adding ways to let the player determine those as well later, but for now they decide themselves what to do with those. In the next build, I want to expand that situation to other areas and let them initiate more stuff, but as I noted above, it can be tricky to find the right balance between "cute/sexy" and "pestering." The final version would need to include both hard player controls (ie shutting off their initiative if it really bothers you) and also softer automated features (like tracking how often this has happened before and keeping it in check).


I feel you - it can be tough to get that balance right. The option to shut down their autonomy that's already in might be a hint in the right direction: You could balance it until it feels right to you (or until the playtesters stop screaming at you, whichever you prefer) and add options for players to actually tell each girl to show more/less initiative.


Yeah, I mean I have ideas on how to do it, I have no doubt I can get it together, it'll just take work, and work is at a premium right now while I try to wrap this build up. So maybe between the upcoming build and the next.


Honestly, it doesn't have to be that soon. After all the work you had to put into the switch from one sex system to the other, among other things, I think most folks would prefer a few relatively quick builds that bring Kitty's content up to speed.


Well, once I have some breathing room from the pressure, it wouldn't take all that long to add. I like to do several things at once. The dialog system switch was the big hold-up in the upcoming version, but it's not the only thing I worked on.


I felt The need to actually create a profile for you and several other guys I have been following Mainly to open up the possibility to pledge and give feedback. I put it off but I was actually playing the last build for fun and it hit me that I'd really like to see a better dance animation. It doesn't really need to be all that complex necessarily. I was just thinking that the one that's in there was kinda placeholder-ey. I thought it would be cool to even keep the current animation until the girl gets down to her underwear (to avoid having to mess with all the hundreds of pesky possible clothing options) but at that point adding a couple other models at different angles so it can be more seductive, like adding side and behind angles to make it more dancey and enticing. It would require drawing out a couple new models and you can even keep the same movement but when someone dances for me its to make me want it all amirite?


Thanks for your support. As for new dance animations, it's not impossible, but it would involve a lot of work, even if it did only apply to a smaller number of clothing variations. I'll keep it in mind, but for the time being I think there are other priorities for the artwork, like finishing up Kitty's poses, and then maybe getting started on Emma.


Definitely agreed! One of those fine tuning details for much later :D


Hey! is there any chance for new relese this week?


Yes to both, hopefully. Had to squash some bugs, and I still need to finish making sure Kitty's groping animations work right, but hopefully I can get this stuff done in short order and it'll be ready to go. Sorry I haven't been saying much, but I've really wanted my next post to be "hey, it's ready!" ;)


Hey Oni thank you for the game and i cant't wait for the next build. This is only a suggestion but can you add storm after emma. She's so thicc it would be amazing. After storm I think mystique would be the best addition. After that i think that's a pretty set roster an no one would complain about any further additions. I just feel that those two can add a lot to the game. In fact mystique can be a special start or back story for the player. Anyway good luck and godspeed. p.s really excited for this weeks release.


Just to add on I'm curious who do you like better psylocke, magik, jubilee, or x-23


X-23. Huge X-23 fan. Everyone read ANAD Wolverine, it's the second best book Marvel's putting out right now. I like the others too though.


Anad Spidey is doing well. Also the Daredevil series is ok. Deadpools quality shifts up and down so idk. Anyway if there is a fourth girl who would it be optimistically,and it be realistically


I'm 100% sure none of them were in evolution so.. You know I'm gonna rewatch evolution. Look what you did Oni. Freaking Jedi mind tricked me. Oni-wan Kenobi.


I plan to add characters that were never in the cartoon itself. I'm going to maintain a consistent art style, but any character is fair game if I think they'll add something interesting to the game.

Project 9056

i believe X-23 was in evolution, but not many episodes, the others I have no idea.


Hey, any further ETA on the next version? As the update grows closer and closer, the anticipation grows as well ;)


Well he said hopefully this week, and since sunday is the last day of the american week, maybe today?


Yeah, I'm asking because he also said he had some fixing/double-checking to do with Kitty's groping animations, so I wanted to know if he managed to do it, or if it brought some additional problems that would delay the release.