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Ok, so where am I at right now? I finished updating all of Rogue's core sex dialogs to the new format, except for the toys, which I might disable at first in the next build, just to speed things up a bit and move on to the next bit. I also added/updated all her offhand options, and her "threesome" options, so that there are currently several different things she could do to Kitty or you when she's the background character in the scene (like Kitty was in the demo).  

As for these threesome options, in most cases they will have limited, if any support in the art department. I don't plan to make complex sprites that account for every possible Twister position (sorry), mostly because of the customization options that would need to be reflected in each. I plan to have a "female hand" that will fondle various body parts, and position the other girl in vaguely the right location, but that's about it for the time being.

One other feature I added, while updating Rogue's masturbation element, was that I greatly improved your character's options to jack it whenever he wants. I still need to tweak a few things, but it's now basically an offhand option whenever your dick is not otherwise occupied. I also added reactions for Rogue seeing your dick out, and persistent tracking of this. You'll put it away automatically when a sexy time sequence ends, but basically this can lead to some fun exchanges, especially when you guys get caught out. I might add a flirt option later to just show it off, of course with catastrophic results if she's not interested. ;)

So, what's left to do for the next build? The plan is to go back through the orgasm code, and make sure it all flows well with the new options, and then port all this new mess over to Kitty. That should go faster since a lot of it is just mechanics and would just involve a nametag flip.

Btw, I was asked in the previous update thread why I haven't updated the "goals" option in Patreon for a while. My answer is because you guys have already exceeded my expectations.  I'm very humbled and appreciative of the support you've given me, and I'm honestly giving this project my all. I can't promise to do more if a given goal is met, because if I had the time to be doing that thing, I'd already be doing it, and I don't want to bullshit you guys with goals I'd be doing whether they were met or not, or hold content hostage until you pay a ransom. I'd rather just keep pumping out the game as fast as I can and make it the best that I can. The past couple years have been amazing, and have really given me hope for my long term future (since I don't have any sort of pension).

And as for hiring other people to help, I'm still searching for new people to assist with the project, so if you see anyone that could work in an art style similar to mine and might be interested, send them my way or me to them. I could always use people to work on UI elements, to work on adapting clothing to the different poses, to create new clothing options, to do backgrounds, etc. I can also still use someone good with Renpy's Screen and ATL systems to work with animations and UI elements.  If paying for these guys ever became an issue, I'd let you know, but for the time being I'd be happy to pay them out of pocket.

Thanks again for all those who have supported me on this project.



Hehehe "orgasm code, make sure it "flows"" hehehe


"Convenient downloads of the latest game version" - Can anyone direct me please to where I can download the game please :) I can't seem to find it.


Thanks for this update, Oni! Well, I knew I wouldn't find "translator" in your final list, but I'm a tad disappointed anyway :D


Sure, here's a direct link, but you can always find the latest version by filtering the "posts" by "release." <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443</a>


Yeah, sorry, it would just make the project *extremely* complicated, the way I'm doing it. If I ever did make a non-English version, I'd almost prefer to do it as a completely different executable.


I'm curious to see the next build in action, but it'll be worth the wait. Any e.t.a. though? Good call on not updating the goals though, some people do that just because they can and... welp, not worth the bother most of the time.


Yeah, it depends on how quickly I can port things over to Kitty. I might be able to get a functional version quickly enough, or it might take a little while.


"One other feature I added, while updating Rogue's masturbation element, was that I greatly improved your character's options to jack it whenever he wants." What does that mean? You mean like you can jack it in public and "cumshot surprise" Rogue or something? Or did you mean something else? I'm not sure what you're getting at here.


I thoroughly enjoy these updates. I'm always interested in other folk's creative process, how they prioritize things, etc. If you ever want to experiment with sounds in the game, I could use the practice.


I am positively giddy with anticipation for the next update. Sounds like this has been a very intensive process but will make it way easier going forward. Keep up the awesomeness Oni!

Silent Six

Is there an estimated release date for the new update? And love your work keep it up!:)


Thanks for the updates, Oni! I really appreciate them because it makes it feel like my money is actually helping someone make something (I've pulled support from so many projects because of this). Keep it up!


Hey, if you are still looking for someone to help with your art, I am currently looking for work. I studied game design so I know how to make graphics for games and I have some experience with 2D animation as well.


Hmm, there's definitely some potential we can work with there, I'd like to discuss this with you over PMs.


I can't PM you because you aren't subbed here, and the email on the portfolio didn't seem to work.


When do you think we'll be able to play on the new system? No doubt we gotta start over


A few weeks, most likely. And hopefully you won't have to start over, I've done my best to make the saves compatible. The first beta release will likely have at least a few bugs related to that, but hopefully I'll be able to track them down and patch them out by the final version of that build.


hey I'm new, and it's probably silly for me to ask, but do you release any type of free version of your game for people to check out and see if they want to support your work? What you have written makes it sound interesting, but I'm not finding any kind of pictures of your game or anything to help give me an idea of what you are doing.


Well, I put my work at a $1 patron level, because I want some reasonable age verification on the work as I distribute it. You could probably find copies of the game someplace on the Internet though.


OK. I just wanted to check, cause I'm kind of broke. But I like the sound of your game. I'll see if I can support your next version. and thanks for replying so fast.


I know what you mean by the broke part, but speaking from experience, the $1 I am giving is the best money I have ever spent. The game is great (some issues where you would think one of the characters would do something and they don't), but that is probably going to be alot better with the new system since we will have 2 fully integrated characters instead of the 1 and a part we do now :)


Make sure to let me know of any points where the characters don't behave as you would expect. I can't promise that I would change it, but I'm always trying to fix anything like that where I can.


Do people really enjoy playing the game with previous saves and everything already unlocked with new features? Because when you add new features like this, I've always thought it's far more interesting to see the changes via a restarted game.


I like playing with everything unlocked so i can get to the new features quickly. For rogue I'd start over. But kitty is a fucking grind to get relationship points from and i just what to phasewalk my cock in her. Ya dig?


Hornguy, I like to support both. I encourage people to try new games, because there are a lot of things they'll miss from only loading old saves (like Rogue's new several possible reactions to seeing your dongus for the first time), but at the same time, as a gamer, I HATE to have my progress invalidated and my previous saves rendered worthless, so I want that to work too as best I can. I put a lot of effort into trying to maintain backwards compatibility.


Booty, I got yer back on this, but hopefully as we keep adding builds, Kitty will be a bit easier to level too (and more fun). Right now she's just lacking a lot of the stepping stones that Rogue has, but I keep adding them as I go.

Black cat

Could i 've link for apk android for free in this update plzzzzzzz????


android link 😢


The anticipation is killing me


Wish i could donate more as an avid fan of ze game


how do i download the games as im an $1 supporter


Thanks for your support! The current version can be found here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443</a> and you can always find the most up to date versions by filtering the "posts" section by "release."


Not at the moment, but I should really get on that. I need to set up some kind of android developer's toolkit if I want to export to android.

Handsome Idiot

So when weekly update will come? i really want to know how goes the new update


We don't really have weekly update but be sure that Oni is working on it. At least we'll get a news every month but as Oni said he is working ona whole new system for the game it's not as easy as just adding content, we'll have to be patient and admire the work once he's done.


Yeah, sorry, I have been trying to update you guys weekly on my progress, and I'm apparently a bit late on that one. ;) Maybe I'll get something up later today.


I plan on restarting a new game once the new bug-free version is released and if I get to where Rogue or Kitty don't behave quite as I think they should, I will let you know. I know location and time of day makes a difference, but parts of it become if they are willing to accept being completely naked as their normal state for the day, if you go back and put something on them, surprised they won't strip further than they do in the undress command. Mainly Kitty. Had one weird Rogue one, but I forget what that one was.