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Ok, I've finally finished the process of transferring Rogue's fondling options to the new system, with a few added customization touches. Part of this process also involves adding the dialog for if Rogue is feeling up one of the other girls, so that should be an element in the next version. Once I'm done a few more things with Rogue, I'll have to convert these changes over to Kitty, which should go faster.

I also added a feature to the classroom where if both girls are in the room, you can choose who to sit next to. If they are friendly, then they might be next to each other, otherwise they will be across the room from each other, but choosing who you sit next to might influence how interactions go. For the time being, you'd have to sit next to Rogue to do her new sexy flirting option, but I can expand how that works a bit in future builds.

In boring technical stuff news, as I've been going through the game, I've been working to make it a bit more legible as code. In Renpy, blocks of code are denoted by indenting things, the further back something is indented, the more things it is beholden to above it. Previously I almost always just used a single tab to indent things, but eventually I found that using several tabs back made it easier to tell when major portions began and ended, so I've been going through and doing that as I work on the new sections. This makes it easier for me to find my place as I work on this stuff.

Also, the guy at https://www.patreon.com/GreatChicken got in touch with me, and wondered if I'd take a look at his game. It's got some interesting stuff going on, a dating sim sort of thing with a customizable female lead, so if you like this one, maybe check it out.



Hello Oni, great stuff you're talking about i see you're doing well and work wonders as usual :D Quick question, are you able to sit solo? Anyway thank you for the update we see that you give it your all and i think we all can't thank you enough. Also great choice for GreatChicken his stuff look great too, thank you for the tip. Have a nice day.


Well, as written, no, you can't choose to sit away from all girls if there are any in the scene, but I suppose that could be an option. I also want to put in stronger reactions to your choice, but for the time being they don't really react. Ideally they'll end up getting mad if you sit away from them, but only under certain conditions.

Black cat

When u finished this update. Could u plz make it in android version too .plzzzzz


Code blocks signified only by indention? yikes. Can't you write it in C# or Java or something? I guess it's to late for that...


Thanks for the update sounds great!

Scott OMiller

I apologize for asking this considering you must get this question a LOT but I can't help but ask...How long do you think until the next update? Obviously I'm not asking for an exact date (As you can't really predict with these kinds of things), I'm simply asking for an estimation of the absolute worst scenario or the amount of time it would take maximum.


Yeah, I've got to give that a try at some point. It's slightly more tricky than Linux. For Linux I just need to not unckeck a box that I usually uncheck, but for Android I apparently need to download some stuff. I'd like to give it a try though.


I really like Renpy and Python, I'm not a great programmer, and I mostly find it very easy to read and writer in Python. Plus Renpy does a lot of the heavy lifting for me. One thing that always frustrated me with raw programming is that at first, you can't actually accomplish much, just basic text to screen and that sort of thing. With Renpy, all the image-handling stuff is already part of the system, so right off the bat you can display actual images and have them moving around and stuff.


Sorry if I'm overly vague here, but I really am buckling down on trying to get this next build out soon. Hopefully in a few weeks. If that doesn't look likely then I'll just cut bait and ship what I've got so you can see it.


After everything Oni has told us about the incoming content update AND the technical improvments, it seems to me, that the game will be twice as big as it is today


Well, not in terms of content, I'm afraid, but it should be a much more interesting experience.

Inceton games

can't wait for the Kitty transfer :)


Looking forward to the next iteration.


After all the times I have played this game, I always wondered if this if this is gonna be the full build of the game, or that there is so much more your planning to put in it. If so, what would it be and will it mean its gonna be a much bigger build than all of the other releases you gave us?


You should check out some of the comment chains on one of the last updates. There were a chain of comments between the community and Oni regarding this subject.

Victor Lewis

I still think you should wait until everything is squared before you release the build.


Hey Oni! I notice that you haven't really had any new goals set since hitting the $500 mark. While you've made it clear it's hard to find anyone to assist with the unique program(?) you use for the animations, have you thought about setting up a new goal? Are there any other jobs you could outsource or set up as a collaboration? Even if it's something that has already been reached by hitting $1k or more. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would either start donating or upgrade their pledges if they knew you had goals that either increased progress or potential content for the future. Just food for thought.


Yeah, I've thought about goals, the problem is, if I set a goal, I want it to be something meaningful for you guys. I mean, in some cases with other Patreons, it's like "make X money and I can buy a new computer so I can work better or something." The thing is, I'm working as hard as I can on this, I don't need any new hardware to do better than I have been, I can't promise you guys anything that I'm not already delivering. I've been looking for talent to help me speed things up, but it's really tricky to find artists that can work with my style, or people that are directly skilled in Renpy that could just pick up my code and run with it (although there have been several that have offered to help me when I hit a wall). So basically I can't think of any "goals" that wouldn't be bullshit. Either I would be making a promise I had no real ability to deliver on, or I would be setting as a goal something I already intended to give you guys for the support you've already be giving me. I don't want to do either. I'm hugely appreciative of the support you guys have already been giving me, and I'm blown away as that number keeps getting bigger. It's making my life easier and giving me a lot more hope for my future than I had a couple years back (since I don't have a company healthcare plan or retirement or anything), and I hope that I keep earning that support with productive updates to the game. When I'm given the opportunity to work with people who can help add to the game, I will definitely do so, out of the cut I'm already making. If any of you see an artist that you think might be interested and with a style compatible with mine, let me know, or let them know I'm looking. Same with anyone well versed in Renpy animation language or screen language that could work on some UI elements or character animations (like one thing I've been dragging my feet on is getting Kitty's fondle animations working, which actually shouldn't be that hard, but it means relearning how I put Rogue's together in the first place). ;) If any of you can think of a goal that you think would be worth pursuing, and that I wouldn't otherwise attempt, let me know that too, I might give it a shot, I just can't think of any for myself.


Hmmm.. that's fair and it's certainly appreciated you don't want to waste people's time and money on ideas the community dosen't want. Perhaps set up a polling system for ideas once you have enough and let the community decide with you what to do. If later down the line you or others feel like it's delaying progress or not what people want then you can always opt out or rotate ideas. The fact you care that the goals you set should be something we want as well gives me the impression at least that you will know when to make that change call. As for ideas in some aspects it really depends on how free you are and what you are comfortable enough doing. Personally I would enjoy even if it's only 1 part of 1 day of the week where we see you stream your work on the game. Which can tie into the 2 things you initially brought up, coding and art. Even if there aren't people right NOW who can draw like you or code comfortably within that program like you, the exposure gives people a visual sense of progress and stirs the interest people wanting to help. You do your things and moderators can be set to collect questions they deem important for you to either answer at the end of stream or for you to put up in a post. Plenty of other ideas but this is one I have seen implemeted with other groups that grows excitement for the project and breeds understanding for a wait time when they can be involved in what you do for us.


Sorry for the wall and crazy grammar. The mobile for this site dosen't really allow me to go back and enter is used to post instead of properly spacing a conversation. XD


Yeah, I know some other projects stream, and I think it's fair to say that there would be at least a few people interested in seeing me stream, but I've never felt comfortable with that sort of thing. I just don't consider myself a "performance artist." I also am a little ADD, so I'll work on a project for a little bit, then surf the web for a few minutes, then back to work, and so on, so saying "I'll be streaming from 7-9pm tonight" would be a really weird way for me to work. I just try to keep people updated to what I've been doing with the game, and will likely do another status update later tonight. And I also try to answer any questions I get in the Patreon, so the need for a live Q&A isn't really necessary. I don't want to disappoint anyone, I just don't think live steaming would work well for me. At most I could perhaps record and then edit a video of me working on something, but then I'll need to dig up some of my old video editing software ;)


Hi, I was wondering if you had any plans to include some female voiceovers in your game or cut-scenes etc? Check out my Patreon page to hear samples of my voice, I do all sorts of taboo role-play stories, and voiceovers for adult games and animations :) Please contact me if you have any interest in adding voice to your game, or even for a promotional video.