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Yessss please continue the series with us! All this time I just assumed you’d already seen the movies and that’s why you’d never reacted. If I could choose one reactor to do these movies it would be you, so this is like a dream come true. I’m so excited to see you do more! Please complete the series! There’s just so much more to come than you can imagine.

Raven Dark

Just to clear something up which is explained in the books, but never explained in the movies. Dumbledore and McGonegall put Harry with the Duselys even though they were such horrible people because they had no choice. So, an above commenter explained that when Voldemort killed Harry's mother (he killed his father too, put specifically when she put herself in front of Harry to protect him) that act of love created a charm that protected him. If I remember correctly from the books (and please no one come at me if I get this wrong, it's been a while, so just feel free to correct me) that same charm means that as long as Harry spends a certain amount of time with someone who carries Lilly's (his mother's) blood, he will remain protected. I believe it works until he's eighteen, when he comes of age. Or is it seventeen? Well, anyway, they put him with the Durselys because being with them allows the charm to work, which is why he also has to go back after the school year is over. Another detail that is in the books, but not really explained in the movies: the reason people are afraid to say Voldemort's name. So, in the books, up to a certain point, it just looked like this thing where people were afraid to say his name because he was just so terrifying that even the name evokes fear, which is very common in fantasy with villains. But later in the series (and I forget which book) it's revealed to have a deeper reasoning. Again, I hope I'm getting the details right, because it's sort of complex. As Hagrid said in this film, when Voldemort was alive, he gathered followers. He also gained a lot of enemies. In order to flush out people who were not on his side, Voldemort put a kind of curse on his name so that when people said it, his followers would be able to find them. His followers often called him something else, such as My Lord, because they considered saying his name sort of like a sacrilige. So that meant only people who were enemies to him would speak his name and it would lead to them being captured. The idea is that most people in the wizarding world became so accustomed to having to be afraid to say his name for fear of exposure or capture that they became afraid to say it even long after he was gone. To that end. I had to laugh when you struggled to say his name and settled on calling him Lord V. Only bad wizards called him Lord. Not to put a damper on the whole Griffandor thing, but are you sure you ain't Slytheran? I don't know if you can be callin' him Lord anything if you be in Griffandor. (Sorry, bad impersonation of Ashley complete). :D An interesting thing about how to say Voldy's name. It's Voldemort (VOL-deh-Mort), but actually, it's sort of not. The correct pronunciation according to the author is VOL-de-MORE (no T sound) but in the movies, they pronounced the t. For contenuity sake, most other places, such as the audio books, people also said it that way, with the T sound. So, you can say it either way, and it will be accepted by most. John Cleese played the ghost, Nearly Headless Nick.

Rebecca Monk

Love this reaction! And dang woman, you thought your unboxings were fun before? You are about to be flooded with Potter goodies, I can bet! (Already sent 3 things myself tonight...whoops! Haha!)

Rebecca Monk

Btw, House Ravenclaw here! Hehe...

Alexis Callagan

I wanna watch you react to stranger things dang it!! Every time I hear you talk about it in the videos I’m like, where is that content at??

James Falato

Be Careful What You Witch For!!!


Oh honey you are a Hufflepuff through and through and that’s coming from a Slytherin.


Which house Beans would be sorted into, I wonder... 🤔

Patrick Toscano

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL59880458F5B8A682 Here is the real directors cut of the movie titled Wizard People, Dear Reader. Lol

Brandie Woodward

Books were excellent and the movies are very good. Now that you know about the magic of Alan Rickman, lol. You will defiantly have to see Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.

Jason Skeans

snape hates harry because his dad bullies him when they were at school


Bruh. You kidding us with this shit. #Voteban this asshat


Ron is a little one-note, slapstick-y humour. But it’s Hermione that bugs the sh*t out of me! In the books, she’s a know-it-all, with some witty zingers. In the movies she’s an insufferable know-it-all, with ZERO sense of humour. Emma Watson gets more and more overdramatic with each movie. A lot of changes made from book to screen, but not too much in this one that changes the overall narrative, so I always liked this movie. Effects and visuals are great, music is great, and for the most part (*cough cough* 😜) it was cast really well. Note: These are opinions. If you love Emma Watson’s acting, that’s your totally valid opinion. Makes the movie even more enjoyable for you. Just as it’s totally valid that I pull muscles from all the cringing I do whenever she is….ACTING! 😂

Thomas Yanez

Do you even know what "spoiler" means? It is a character-defining plot element. Of course it is a spoiler!