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Kenton Kruger

Well, not any more exciting the second time around. The challenge will be next week; I have yet to make it through Episode 3 without falling asleep.

Hannah Mather

I dont know why people bother being such a negative nancy about this, Im not even really a star wars fan but personally I very much enjoyed watching this through with you. Doesn't have to be an amazing movie to have fun watching it. Honestly watching anything with you is bound to be a good time. Great reaction, cant wait for the next one!

Nick of Time

Ashleigh, why are you only in a small portion of the screen in your watch along?

Robert Reichle

Star Wars. One of the several topics on the internet that people can't resist telling other people they shouldn't like them (except for the original trilogy). They are just fun action movies. It doesn't have to affect your lifestyle. LOL

Nick of Time

I wish you luck with that, although Episode 3 isn't something I've ever had any trouble staying awake through personally. (STILL haven't made it a full way through Doctor Strange, even with Ashleigh's watch along. I am forever changing my name for that movie to Doctor Sleep. And Doctor Sleep I'm just going to have to call The Shining 2).

Nick of Time

I think it's in the nature of social media, unfortunately; people are statistically more likely to interact with content they hate or disagree with.

Kenton Kruger

I did find this a bit better, even if I was more invested because in my head I was answering all the questions (and questioning looks) she had during this.

Hannah Mather

did you know theres no actual reason for you to need to announce your absence lol

Nick of Time

I remember how excited I was during those couple years between Episode 2 and Episode 3, knowing what needed to happen in the third film but not knowing how it would be executed. And it didn't disappoint. The way Revenge of The Sith manages to tie the entire sage together in such an emotional and epic way is quite astounding. It is arguably (but not definitely) the best film of the series.


I'm enjoying watching the prequels right now since I'm also watching the new Obi-Wan series. I haven't seen the prequels since they were released so it's good for me to be reminded on how we got to where we are at the beginning of the series.


Since no one answered it last time, here is a little bit about lightsaber colors. Lightsabers derive their blade color from the Kyber crystals located inside them. Jedi must seek out these crystals and forge a bond, from which their traits will influence the natural clear state of the crystal. Sith by contrast infuse their crystals with Darkside energy causing the crystals to "bleed." Lightsaber colors can denote everything from a Jedi's connection to the Living Force to whether or not they're most suited to be a fighter or an ambassador. The most common colors for a Jedi are Blue and Green, denoting Fighters or Consulars. One of the most unique lightsaber colors in the Star Wars Saga, the purple lightsaber is a distinct blade color that isn't seen in great numeration. The most famous wielder of a purple lightsaber was Jedi Master Mace Windu, who was one of the only Jedi strong enough to practice Form VII, a style of lightsaber combat that required a Jedi to be dangerously close to the Dark Side. The purple lightsaber blade can, therefore, be seen as a careful temperament between the Light and Dark Side from its wielder. While the Clones in this movie resemble Stormtroopers, they are not. They are denoted as Clone Troopers. Later when the Empire takes over, they redesign the armor and start recruiting people for the Imperial Army instead of cloning them.

Nick of Time

Okay, I’m pretty weirded out right now and let me tell you why. Yesterday I wrote a response to Ashleigh’s Episode 2 watch-along almost EXACTLY like this one you posted here. I wrote it in my phone’s notepad first and then put it in a Patreon comment. And now it is completely gone. Now it’s entirely possible I simply forgot to actually post it after writing it in notepad, but that doesn’t change the high weirdness of how freaking similar our comments are. Out of all her questions and all the possible Star Wars-related topics we could’ve chosen to comment on, we both chose to address lightsaber/kyber-crystal colors and clonetroopers vs stormtroopers. Below is what I wrote a full day before your posting (retrieved from my phone’s notepad). Please understand, I am not putting it here for any reason other than my fascination with how similar it is to yours. I’m not trying to debate or correct or one-up or undermine or insinuate or anything else like that, at all. I wish I could prove that I wrote this yesterday, but the best evidence I could provide would be posting screenshots of my notepad somewhere but even that can be easily manipulated, so you’ll just have to trust me. Let me know what you think of the differences and the similarities. I find it funny that you filled in the blanks I had openly left. You’ll see what I mean: Lightsaber color meaning The color of a lightsaber’s blade is determined by the color of the lightsaber’s internal power course, a kyber crystal, and they grow naturally in almost nearly any color, except for red (more on that later). Kyber crystals have a special connection to the Force, and the different colors denote different types of Force connection. Jedi will choose a kyber crystal for their personal saber which best fits their individual traits. While the Jedi strive to work within the Will of The Force, the Sith on the other hand bend the Force to their own will (the Dark Side path) and thus need their lightsabers to also work against the Will of the Force. This is accomplished by corrupting a kyber crystal with concentrated Dark Side energy (a process known as “bleeding a crystal”) and turning the crystal red, giving the Sith their signature red lightsaber blades. As for what all the other colors mean, that’s easier to look up on Google than have someone try and explain, but basically they just denote Force users having either a more physical or mental or spiritual connection to the Force. Clonetroopers vs Stormtroopers The clonetroopers were created on Kamino and their armor design is a combination of Kaminoan design aesthetic and the Mandalorian-style armor worn by their genetic basis, Jango Fett. During the years-long Clone Wars, clonetrooper armor went through several design changes, updates, and modifications, as well as more specialized versions for elite units, but all the while looking more and more like the armor we saw worn by the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Empire in the original trilogy.

Tyler Foster

It's an annoying and mysterious Patreon glitch where comments sometimes just disappear. If they are deleted, it always says (deleted) but sometimes they just vanish.