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shawshank watch



Yay!! I've been planning for this watch along since Thursday!!


one of the greatest movies ever made, in my opinion

Moni Castaneda

I've never seen this one, mostly because I read the Stephen King story it was based on and already knew what was going to happen... But I'll give it a shot!


I had to walk out of the room for GED guy. There are a few good movies can only like to see once. This is one of them and another is Red Dawn (original). Putting things in the “butt” is known as storing item is your “prison pocket” lol


You must watch the movie The Green Mile. If you haven’t seen it yet. Long movie but AWESOME


(D’s H here) we both loved your reaction! This was the first thing we watched this morning.


can I make a suggestion? Add a time stamp to your videos so if the stream freezes or something we dont have to guess what part it froze at :/


Easily in my top 2-3 movies of all time. Everyone needs a story about hope and friendship.


Wait, did you upload a cut version, and a full one? Explains why "Airplane" was cut up. Oh, and might as well mention "Ernest Scared Stupid" here too. Haha.

Jill Peterson

delousing is getting rid of lice.


This watch along was so great! Thanks for giving me a reason to sit and watch the entire movie from beginning to end. I usually catch pieces of it when it's on cable (when I had cable) and it's been many years since I've seen the entire thing from the beginning. I'm so happy you enjoyed it!


I really enjoyed watching this along with you. James Whitmore, who played Brooks, was one of the great character actors in the business!

Jill Peterson

Raquel Welch. A heart-throb for men for decades!

Moni Castaneda

That happened to me once so now I download Ashleigh's video and play it on my computer along with the movie...


"Tis better to let 1,000 guilty men go free than to put 1 innocent man in jail." -Maimonides.

Kenton Kruger

Thanks for throwing in odd clip during the video to allow resynching. I notice I am off a couple seconds by the time those pop up.

Jill Peterson

This might be my new favorite review from you! Thank you so much!

Brent Fugett

Easily #1 for me followed by Blazing Saddles, which is the one that got us hooked!

Candace Anderson

The Color Purple........One of the greatest movies ever made!!

Gio Vidrio


Peter Yocum

today I found out that the same way someone else yawning is contagious, someone else crying is contagious

Daniel Örtoft

You are genuine, Ashleigh Burton. Even when you ugly cry, lol. Love it!


This was filmed at the Mansfield Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio. If you're ever passing though and have a couple of hours to spare, you can take a tour (guided or self-guided). mrps.org