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Remember - you have to have a copy to watch along with me. 🥰
Now - this IS the longer, Director's Cut.


Aliens Watch Along


Moni Castaneda

Yesss!! This is the one I was most eagerly waiting for... I even got up early on sunday to watch it with you! (hey, 10:30 is early for me)


Alien 3 is going to be rough. I actually like the 4th one. After that meh. Is terminator on your list? Because I feel terminator 2 is also better than the first.


I hate to be a "Debbie Downer".... but watch the third one....

Brent Fugett

Not a fan of anything after this one (Alien 3/4), but Prometheus is good, with Ridley Scott returning to continue the story his way.


I loved your reaction. Alien 3 is a very touchy subject among fans. If you decide to watch it then I'll be there to view your reaction. If you decide to just end it at Aliens I'm for that too. Robert, I agree if she hasn't seen Terminator 1 & 2, then those need to be on the list. I also recommend Commando (1985) with Arnold as well, underrated action movie IMO.

Moni Castaneda

Halfway through the movie I heard a cat meow so I stopped it and got up cause I thought one of my cats wanted to come in... but there was nobody outside so I came back to the movie... and IT WAS BEANS!!! on your video...


Awesome watch as always, so glad you loved this one! One more suggestion for the watch alongside: put a runtime counter along the bottom of the screen so we can easily sync back up if our device or streaming service or whatnot messes up and we have to get the movie and you sync’d again.


Yes! You HAVE to watch Terminator 1 & 2! Another pair of movies where first is great and the sequel is actually as good or better!


Also lol: Ashleigh: reacts to Newt being taken by the alien in the water Me: awww Ash is going to make a great Mum Ashleigh: ... I know, it sux Newt got taken but... Ridley’s young, get out go back to earth, find a man and you make a new one... Me: ...er...


Heeeeeeeyyyy! Do you happen to have the uncut footage of your reaction to the Starwars films by any chance?!


Now that you've conquered Aliens, you should do Terminator and Terminator 2 (you can skip literally every other one).


Hi, yes hello! That was wonderful, I really enjoy watching a movie with you! Don't let the nay sayers keep you from watching Aliens3 and Alien Resurrection. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I personally love them all. Beans was a beauty as always


Alien 3 is pretty good to, just different style, the 4th movie.. not something i would suggest.


She's able to drive the loader because there's been ~6mo since she lost her commission and when Burke shows up again. In the meanwhile she's been working at space docks as a cargo scrub. Towards the end, Ripley shows how the flamethrower works and then points it at the eggs, which is how she gets the Queen's Retainers to back off. At the elevators, Ripley keeps hitting both elevator call buttons so that whichever is closest will get there first, which is why the slower one arrives and opens for the Queen


Generally speaking, the first two films are held in very high regard and Alien 3 has its dedicated fanbase, but I think overall reactions to it were mixed. I personally think 4 is a "fun" movie, but does not do justice to the franchise whatsoever (to me, 4 is one of those movies that is so bad it's good). That being said, I think you should watch 3 and 4 if only to see and judge for yourself. If you decide to watch 3, the "Assembly Cut" is typically the suggested version.

Stefanescu Gabriel-Tiberiu

alien 3 and ressurection are great ... most of the people don t have their own opinion .. they just go with the opinion of 'specialists'.... I know people that liked alien 3 and 4 but say the opinion of critics = dementia baby:))

Stefanescu Gabriel-Tiberiu

so watch them... see what happens to Hicks and Newt and how the story continues...