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Welcome to the seventy-first Pokémonday suggestions post! Today, I'm gathering ideas for...

...our box art legendaries!!

One of our final prompts, and maybe the most important one. What kind of legendaries will feature on our fictional game boxes?!

Things to keep in mind: a huge part of this region so far has been inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Ancient Greek/Latin, and Wooden Plank Studios as a brand have been inspirations to a lesser extent. The box art legendaries should reflect this.

You can come up with a third member of the trio as well, if you want (think Rayquaza, Giratina, Kyurem, Zygarde)

Good luck! Excited to hear your ideas!




To go all-in on the Dungeons & Dragons theme, you could have the box legendaries be based on Bahamut and Tiamat, probably with a charity vs greed theme based on D&D's lore for them. That would also tie them in with the dragon legendary trio you just made! The third legendary could be based on Sardior, the Ruby Dragon who 5e retconned to be dead for some reason. Or, going deep into Forgotten Realms lore, the third legendary could be Asgorath, the original dragon god who was said to have created Bahamut and Tiamat. Some versions of the legend just have Asgorath creating them, other say Asgorath was cleaved in two by an axe and the halves became Bahamut and Tiamat, which could make for an interesting fusion mechanic with the box legendaries. Asgorath is true neutral in a way that he has traits of every alignment at once, such as Bahamut's charity and Tiamat's greed.

Panini Cupcake

Could do good and evil themes to match the lawful and chaotic trio. Maybe a Solar to represent good, a Pit fiend or Vecna to represent evil, and perhaps a Shoggoth to represent neutral