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Pokémonday voting 71 (06-17-2024)

  • Poison town: a Charon-like ferryman (by Panini Cupcake) 82
  • Poison town: a shady CEO (by Peter Passalacqua) 48
  • Poison town: a mad scientist (by The Wesinator & Bulba Reis) 34
  • Mountain town: an Olympus themed Zeus-like guy (by Captain Rocko) 88
  • Mountain town: a skateboarder that loves airtime (by Haelerin) 37
  • Mountain town: a superhero (by Peter Passalacqua) 31
  • Ice town: a hermit who's looking for bigfoot (by Bella Lee) 28
  • Ice town: a miner who has discovered underground thermal springs (by Matan) 72
  • Ice town: Isolde's father, the king (by The8-BitFan) 39
  • 2024-06-13
  • —2024-06-26
  • 459 votes
{'title': 'Pokémonday voting 71 (06-17-2024)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Poison town: a Charon-like ferryman (by Panini Cupcake)', 'votes': 82}, {'text': 'Poison town: a shady CEO (by Peter Passalacqua)', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Poison town: a mad scientist (by The Wesinator & Bulba Reis)', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Mountain town: an Olympus themed Zeus-like guy (by Captain Rocko)', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'Mountain town: a skateboarder that loves airtime (by Haelerin)', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Mountain town: a superhero (by Peter Passalacqua)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': "Ice town: a hermit who's looking for bigfoot (by Bella Lee)", 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Ice town: a miner who has discovered underground thermal springs (by Matan)', 'votes': 72}, {'text': "Ice town: Isolde's father, the king (by The8-BitFan)", 'votes': 39}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 26, 10, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 13, 18, 59, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 459}


Welcome to the seventy-first Pokémonday voting post!

Last week's prompt was:

...ideas for our roaming legendaries!

Very hard to pick from so many ideas, but I think I kind of managed to make a selection of three options for each town... please pick one for each town in the poll below!

And now it's time to reveal last week's winner!

Prompt: Ideas for our roaming legendaries!

Winning idea: A dragon trio based on chaos, lawfulness and neutrality (by Peter Passalacqua)

2: An owlbear trio (by Shelby Kinkead)
3: A body, mind & soul trio (by Panini Cupcake & James Yardley)
4: A skateboard, scooter and skates trio (by DoubleAC)

Okay so I changed the theming a bit, because I wanted to base them on the Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart (lawful, neutral, chaotic). They are also based on dragons that are actually in D&D (Blue Dragon, Amethyst Dragon and White Dragon). I decided to make them all have a gemstone theme as well; Zircolaw is Zircon, Ameneutra is Amethyst and Okenaos is Okenite!

Thank you all for your creative ideas and good luck to the ideas in this poll. May the best idea win!



Though dragon legendaries fell overdone to me (goodbye my owlbears), your designs feel super unique! Love the DnD influences, and matches up well with some of the other DnD/RPG inspired characters in the region!


I love Ameneutra's design.