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The title says it all! 


Steven Merced

Hmm I wonder how this will go lol

Alex Densmore

Gotta be encanto. Be sure to bring the Kleenex


Luca was a a surprise gem for me. Will definitely watch it again


The land before time will wreck you but it's a classic


You should check out some Studio Ghibli movies.


Maybe in future votes, Iron Giant


Never seen any of these so I'm drawing straws to decide 👍

Jason Gillman

She’s seen it, it’s on the Discord list of things she’s seen. Good choice otherwise though.

Darryl Low

Only seen Land Before Time out of these, so I'm happy to watch whatever wins.


All of these movies are good but you HAVE to watch big hero 6

Randee Carreno

Happy Wednesday, Natalie! 😊 "Encanto" got my vote in for this one. If that one wins, get your tissues ready. Have a great day today! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛


Unfortunately Ghibli copyright strikes pretty much everything.


I would not say no to Wreck it Ralph and the sequel.

Brian Leonard

Big Hero 6 is the only one of these I have seen.


Man we are going in the complete opposite direction of what I personally and many others want you to watch lol I'm waiting for the day where the poll reads, help me pick out a Mafia gangster movie Scarface Goodfellas Carlitos way or the godfather 🤷 oh well maybe later this year lol

Thomas Yanez

"Watership Down" (1978)


Yo is it weird that I'm rooting for my childhood choice instead of Big Hero 6??🤣🤣


Have heard tons of great buzz about Encanto recently. Partner and I are watching for the first time in the next couple of days, would be great to sync up for a rewatch 😊


Is Nat ever going to watch Venom?

David Crabtree

Future recommendation: Transformers: The Movie, a 1986 animated classic with one of the greatest soundtracks ever!

Ronny Boss

Oh boy, I hope Land before Time wins. That's one of my childhood favorites 😄


I absolutely adore Big hero 6. I totally hope that one wins, I think you'll really enjoy it.


I also vote wreck it Ralph. Petition for a repoll with wreck it Ralph....I guess unless you have seen it lol. I think there will be room for reactions in general, but first time reactions are oh so much fun

Lisa Tosti

I want you to watch ALL of these! I voted for Encanto but I would watch any of these again! They are all so good!


Such a good film but I havent been able to find where to stream it. Is it on Netflix US?


They are all good except Raya. Not a great film tbh. Like its okay and has pretty animation but overall its disappointing


Does anyone know if Arcane has been mentioned? Would be really interesting to hear Natalie's take on that show. Also I second for Transformers: The movie!

Jason Dolan

Watched a couple of the animated films nominated for Oscars yesterday. Pretty underwhelming. Not awful but just not great. I do still need to see Luca and Flee.

Joe Blankenship

Land Before Time would be a huge nostalgia trip for me. Haven't seen since I was a kid.


Oh something darker/grittier would be a nice change.


I picked BH6 fully expecting it to be middle of the pack at best in votes. pleasantly surprised to see people still remember its a banger!


Nat, have you already watched Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse? Amazing, oscar-winning movie!

The Hedge Knight

Can't go wrong with Encanto or Big Hero Six. Stock up on tissues either way.


Not exactly related to the poll, but has anyone recommended watching “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I remember it being a fun watch.


Now would be a perfect time to watch Encanto 👀


You forgot Secret of NIMH!

Ken Schneyer

Lots of these are worth watching, certainly Encanto and Raya. I think you'd have a lot to say about both of them.


YES! A seriously funny movie, and one of the five or so movies with a brilliant, hilarious DVD commentary(s). (This is Spinal Tap, *_Tropic_Thunder_*, Dr. Evil's Sing-Along Blog...... all of these would make Golden Reactions, bee tee dubba yew!)


I saw it recently the first time since I was a kid, and I couldn't stop crying. I don't know whether it was nostalgia or the movie or both. It was also shorter than I remember. It's only like a little over an hour long.

Tony Sanson

It was on the last poll for a new series a few weeks back. Avatar beat it as winner, but I think Arcane was a close second. I hope she does go back and watch Arcane soonish. As great as everyone I know says Avatar is, and it really should be right up my alley, I just can't get into it. I don't know what it is.

Julian Calzada

Luca is way better than Encanto. Not sure what all the fuss is about Encanto. It felt like the same old story with a brown shell. Luca feels more original and genuine.

Ferrell Slowtalker

She should check out Alita: Battle Angel!! Such an underrated movie that I hope gets a part 2.

Patrick Toscano

I say put Big Hero 6 under the Marvel mondays


Big Hero 6 is definitely my favourite of the ones I've seen on the list, so fun and emotional!

Tiago Borges

Big Hero 6 please, I need to cry a little


I so love BigHero 6.. could do a rewatch of it

Steve J

Encanto has a couple of catchy tunes, but I felt the story was kinda meh.

Wil Morales

Didn't realize so many people liked BH6, I thought it was good but not great


Sad that Luca is way behind 🥺 may I recommend "The Mitchells vs. The Machines" for the next animation poll 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Matthew Periolat

Yes I’m a jerk. Land Before Time.


Okay, if you haven't seen The Land Before Time, then you kind of need to see it.

Anonymous User

Encanto could go either way. It really resonates with a lot of people, but there are others that just don’t connect with it on any emotional level. But, sooner or later, for animation, you have to watch “Your Name”

Texas Anla'Shok

Voting for Land Before Time simply because I haven't even seen it as an option anywhere else. Besides that...well, I was going to say all the Don Bluth films are worth checking out but once you get into the 90s, they just weren't up to his earlier films (one was so bad he removed his name from it completely). The exception here is "Titan A.E.". Besides that, "An American Tail" and "The Secret of NIMH" are what he's most known for.


Add coco on the list for next time!

Cody Steele

I need you to watch Littlefoot and crew.

Christian Rennie

Don Bluth could be his own genre. He left Disney to make his own movies. They are that good. The Secret of NIMH and An American Tail are wonderful too. I really hope you get a change to see at least one of them. There are some tragic stories for some of the voice actors in NIMH and Land B4 Time. Heartbreaking.


Not a huge fan of any of them 😂 but ill go for encanto

J. J.

BH6 easily the best one here


It’s unfortunate that The Lego Movie isn’t here. That’s a masterpiece.


Drive! Lol

Joshua s. Jackson

Come on guys. She would love "Land Before Time"


Luca being dead last is a crime against humanity.

October Veil

Thank the gods Big Hero 6 is winning. Has Natalie watched any Ghibli animated films?


One day Your Name will be on that list. At least, the dream never dies.


Love almost all of them: Big Hero 6 is most on-point for the channel. Encanto/Raya are very good recent movies (Encanto got a lot more traction and is having a moment).

Erik Stevenson

For a very different animated vibe, I'd love to eventually see a reaction to Princess Mononoke or Howl's Moving Castle, or like, Akira.

Michael Cruse

Been like nearly 40 years since I watched The Secret of NIMH, but I can still remember it clearly. Damn solid movie.

David Bennett

I read that book as a kid….gave 9 year old me nightmares for weeks after. I believe there are multiple animated versions but I haven’t watched any of them so I don’t know which one might be better. Is the ‘78 version the only version you have watched?


Encanto is great and recent and is adding a lot to present culture...but Big Hero 6 is by far the best movie on this list. By far.


I don’t see Akira here?

David Bennett

Has anyone suggested RWBY to you Natalie? (I am worried that I myself have suggested it and I don’t remember….I know for a fact that I have suggested it to Cassie from Popcorn in Bed) It’s a sci-fi animated show, with a great story amazing characters, NO Mary Rey Sues, sometimes the good guys lose, some times they get injured in combat… One thing that I think works in favor of reactors is that while it IS an episodic web series (8 seasons so far), you can also acquire full seasons edited in to what are essentially feature length films. I highly recommend RWBY!

Ulrich Unterbrunner

I know TLBT is very nostalgic for anyone who has seen it as a child, like me. But I've witnessed time and again if you plunge an adult into the movie who hasn't seen it at all at a young age, or at least watched it with another kid and enjoyed the reaction of the young one, thus linking the positive experience with the film, they are quickly bored by the animation style and the dialogues. That's why I go with BH6. Great alternate universe. Luca would be my number two.

Music TheMadness

Have not seen Raya, but Natalie most of these movies will require tissues. Just so you can prepare lol 😂


I recently saw Big Hero Six and was kicking myself for not seeing it before. It was amazing and pulled at the heart strings. Immediately ordered (on eBay) an old, un-boxed Hiro and Baymax figures - LOVE THEM!


Wow those are some awful choices.

Andrew Zachman

Voted for The Land Before Time, but Really you should watch Heavy Metal from 1981. It's got a great soundtrack, and John Candy is in It! Everyone loves John Candy!

Nathaniel Castle

Big hero 6 is such a good underrated movie A must see!

Aaron Kirk

That’s tough. These are all pretty great. Encanto is my choice but you deserve to see them all wether you react or not.


Encanto is such a good movie as is Big Hero Six, both would be a fine pick & Raya and the Last Dragon isn't that bad either - to me Luca & Land Before Time can be passed up. Encanto would be my top pick, such great songs with a great story and bound to be a classic


Dear Natalie - I don’t wish to sound presumptuous, but I think you would enjoy the heart-warming, feels-inducing, ever-loving SHIT out of ‘Your Name.’


Big Hero Six is actually a Marvel property....maybe we will eventually see them in the MCU with their multiverse now canan.

Darryl Low

Love Heavy Metal. The animation, the soundtrack and the score are so good.

Taff Lewis

Considering the content of the choices, what would you suggest please? I'm always looking for new stuff. Thanks.

Darryl Low

Ryan will still be stuck in last place, even in this poll lol

Taff Lewis

My votes are typically based more on how Natalie will react and less on the movie itself. That said, wondering how many Ghiblis she's seen. that could be a poll in itself maybe?

Eric Janssen

Don Bluth films look warm and fuzzy on the surface, until you watch them, and then they turn…really weird and creepy. (In Land Before Time, for ex,, you can drinking-game the number of times we see the lil’ characters screaming in peril. 😱). By the 90’s, the only real “sane” film he had was Anastasia, and even that’s got its occasional weird spots.

Eric Janssen

Here, though, they stripped every last bit out of Marvel out of it and turned the characters into the Scooby gang. And then recycled the end of Up.

Scott S

Studio Ghibli is very good, but afraid they'll go after Natalie's channel.


So many of these are so great, how can you make me choose D:!

Seymor Butz

I'm going to wager that most of the people who didn't vote for land before time is because they haven't seen it.


Not on the poll but would be awesome to see an anime movie poll, I highly recommend A Silent Voice


Land Before Time!


What about Wreck-it-Ralph?


How dare you make me choose between Encanto and Big Hero 6.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Oh please do both Encanto and Big Hero 6 - but whatever you do please please please do Encanto. It's *stunning*

Red Claw

Land before time is a real animated classic. It is great!

Daniel Vezina

Akira was the Anime door to America. It's a must Watch.

Eric Janssen

Yeah, I remember the reaction normal people had to Akira when it first arrived in the 80's, and it took until the 90's (and Totoro and Kiki) for anime to get a good reputation back again. Which reminds me, why have NONE of the "Oh, you have to do Studio Ghibli, with Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke and The Wind Rises!" reactors and fans ever seem to have heard of Kiki's Delivery Service or Porco Rosso? There are other Ghibli films besides the ones you lived to see in theaters, you know.


All greats picks, so they're worth seeing on your own time. I will say I replayed Encanto for a second time as soon as the credits rolled on the first viewing. It's such a joy.

Alex Le

Big Hero 6 obvious favourite. If you do another animated movie poll, I'd suggest Kubo and the Two Strings from 2016. Beautiful stop motion animated film, voiced by Charlize Theron, Matthew McConaughey, Ralph Fiennes, and others. Very highly rated, 97% critic score and 86% audience score from Rotten Tomatoes.


I’d also recommend iron giant , ghost in the shell , princess monoke, maybe planet hulk , superman doomsday , moana


She hasn’t even seen a Superman movie and you’re suggesting Doomsday? That’s bold.


Land Before Time is a classic. I hope you would check out some Anime films as well. Such films as Akira, Ghost in the Shell, most Studio Ghibli films, Wolf Children, Your Name and A Silent Voice to name a few are really good.


I’d rather see an actual Asian movie for once on this channel. Not westerners depictions of our culture like Shang Chi, Raya or Last Samurai. Kubo, too, great movie sure, but not an Asian movie. Hell I’d be happy just to see an anime on the list of choices.

Yani Dodge

Encanto is great, I would love to see you react to it! Big Hero 6 is also really good though. But I'd be happy to watch you react to all of these 😁

Robert Reichle

Anything an adult might want to watch?

Lucifer Moon

This is a great selection. It is about time we got to right stuff for more sophisticated viewers.


encanto doesn't live up to the hype in my opinion but big hero 6 is next level

Rich Gunzz

Have you watched any of the Toy Story movies?

Logan Kerlee

Wow! I'm surprised to see Land Before Time on the list of options! xD That movie's such a classic. Haven't watched it for many years. I'd be happy to revisit it.

Navjot Singh

Please do all of them.

Ronny Boss

Who remembers The Land Before Time pizza hut toys? I still have those things today 😆

Ben Gilshenan

nat has mentioned she is worried about studio ghibi films as they get taken down alot on youtube, but i would love as a patreon exclusive or something


Avatar (2009)


But for this poll definitely Encanto or Big Hero 6 (or better yet both)


Luca and Raya and the Last Dragon deserve more love. Both have so much heart. Encanto is overrated.


You’ve never watched Land Before Time?! Even if it doesn’t win, you should definitely find some time to watch it whether privately or with us. Such a classic!

Daniel Drew

Ooooo Land Before Time defo one day ^__^


If you have never watched MEGAMIND it's also worthwhile.

Groucho Barx

Yay. Not enough reaction channels have Don Bluth movies 😍


Does anyone else want her to watch Arcane..? I think she would love it


The choices here are terrible


Is there anyone (who has seen it) who doesn't love it? It's like in my top 5 films ever made.

Jack Mellor

Big Hero 6 gets my vote! I remember your Ted Lasso reaction and how you got feels when The Iron Giant played in the background. Well if you love The Iron Giant as much as I reckon you do, you’ll love BH6. It’s not the exact same kind of story, but it’s loveable robot centred plot is pretty similar.

Edward Of DOOM

Accidentally deleted my post when trying to edit it... why is there no 'oops don't delete' button?? Basically, I wanted to point out that if you are dead-set on children's animation, Studio Ghibli offers some of the best. Don Bluth has some of the best animation from the 90's, and I would recommend 'An American Tail' or 'The Secret of Nimh' for more mature taste in content. Out of the choices, Big Hero 6 is the most mature movie, maybe Raya as well, but Raya was cookie-cutter to 'Shang-Chi' and 'Korra' IMHO. Since 'The Land Before Time' was Don Bluth, the ANIMATION was stellar, but the content still geared towards a young audience.


I absolutely loved encanto but big hero 6 will always have a special place in my heart


Can we Star Wars fans recommend The Clone Wars to her?


Another movie you could check out Natalie, is the Iron Giant.

Alex Densmore

She should do big hero 6 and encanto

Simon Bauer

Arcane needs to come back for another poll!


Free Guy!


Encanto and Coco, I think you're gonna love those!


all of them pls!!


Even though Big Hero 6 won I still recommend watching/reacting to Encanto and The Land Before Time! Encanto is just amazing and The Land Before Time is a classic masterpiece, takes me right back to being a kid again!

clint brunke

As with others in the comments I would really like to have some of studio ghibli movies be reviewed, especially spirited away, and princess monoke .

Quaid Pollonais

Might be on this hill alone but... if you never seen the Jackass movies and/ or Bo Burnham, they both get quite the reaction in two very different ways lol but both a really interesting awesome experience. Would appreciate if they were considered :)




I've suggested it before: if you're interested in Animated movies, and have no problem reading subtitles, Your Name (2016) is an excellent entry into Japanese Anime!


Encanto is the best movie in this line up. That's not an opinion. It's an empirical fact. It's quickly becoming a social norm, and you NEED to watch it just to keep up with the references, extremely popular songs, memes and theories.


Arcane... Treat Arcane as a 9 Episode movie and watch Arcane.

Yani Dodge

Really happy to see Big Hero Six and hoping for Encanto sometime! Just wanted to second Powers209 though, you should definitely watch Arcane at some point. It's not a light animation but it is a masterpiece of storytelling that stands with some of the best movies and shows period. :)


After thinking about it some more. I don't think we should allow Nat to see Arcane. The show might be too much for her heart to handle. It could break her soul. Sorry, Nat... I'm going to have to withdraw my desire to see a grow woman break down and cry while watching Arcane. Sure it would be a great video to see and give me a reason to watch along. But the cuteness factor of you tearing up could break the internet and me along with it.


I love Encanto. And I think she would too. But Big Hero 6 is a good one too.