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Help me pick between these two movies. We're doing a tie breaker because they were so close in the last poll.



Hidden figures😩🤧

Haughtbreaker Nic

There is no loser for this poll. Both movies are fantastic.




Both would be great but LEFT SIDE!!STRONG SIDE!!


Please do another black history month movie, and add movies like Friday, House Party, He Got Game, or Juice


I'm afraid you have to do both. Both are excellent!

Mati D.

Watch both? :D


Hidden figures 100%!!! If we want to watch football we can turn onto the playoffs 🙂

Seph Hernandez

Remember the Titans seems an odd black history month choice, with the amount of runtime the movie spends on its non-black characters and their story lines. But both movies are incredible, so either way we are winning lmao

Darryl Low

Haven't seen either, so I'm looking forward to watching the winner 😊


not to mention Remember the Titans is a whitewashed Disney version of reality.

Jason Gillman

I’m of the opinion Do The Right Thing should have been included, that film is fantastic. Of these choices I’m gonna go with Hidden Figures though.

asia roberson

Please do remember the titans. LEFT SIDE STRONG SIDE!!

f hf

Relax people, you don't have to put down Remember the Titans just because your movie isnt winning lmao

Mr. Nobody

I hope you do both.

Robert C

Wow. It’s 350 to 350 when I voted. Still neck and neck.

Mike LL

Oh, this is really close. It'll go down to the wire. I'm on team Hidden Figures, and the winners of these polls is usually not the one I want, so I'm sure Remember the Titans will win!!

Darren Penuliar

Holy crap 50/50 lol. I'd say just choose whichever you want to watch then, Natalie.


If it’s another tie, then I say do a coin toss. They’re both on Disney+ btw!!

Bob Criswell

I'm on team Hidden Figures as well. That's usually how it goes for me on tight polls too.


Well this poll helping decide things either. The only way to decide this now is inside a Steel Cage!


Both Pleaseeeeeee!!!

Frank Rosales

This might be ending in a tie as well haha

David Crabtree

We are the Titans, the mighty mighty Titans!


I’ll be happy with both- thank you❤️


Either way we all win. Also if you're looking for future BHM suggestions 42 is fantastic!

Darryl Low

Nat watched 42 for last year's BHM. The video is here on Patreon, and on Youtube 👍 It's a great movie, and Nat's reaction is amazing.


One of these movies is about black women helping to send people to the moon. The other is about integrating a sports ball team. I'm not sure how this is even close. Remember the Titans is a fine movie but it's not in the same class IMO.

Jayson Phillips

you people crack me up sometimes XD

Seph Hernandez

Right? I'm surprised it's this close tbh, I think I underestimated how much of a cult classic RTT was.


Why not both if it's so close?

Lemuel Daher

Holy shit they're still so close lmao

Lisa Tosti

At this point you should just do both!!! Haha!


Yay to the one that has actual historical significance! Boo to the mostly made up feel good Disney movie!


Celebrate black history month by choosing between two films by non-black directors. These movies are fine and I mean no disrespect to those who enjoy them but they’re not the most interesting choices to pick for such a special occasion. Would love to see more films from Spike Lee, Steve McQueen, and John Singleton. Just my two cents.

Thomas Malley

I LOVED Hidden Figures. I would DEFINITELY watch that again!


Wow there’s a lot of people with superiority complexes when it comes to entertainment. The rest of us are happy either way because watching Nat react to either movie will be fun.


2 Words: Young Gosling. RTT is the choice


Radio - would be another great movie for this month

TC Elba

do the right thing would be a great watch

Connor Crout

Honestly, its so close that you should just watch both


While both polls are close it seems like ultimately Remember the Titans is gonna be the winner in the first poll and Hidden Figures is gonna be the winner in the second poll. So both might be the best answer, would please most everybody then.


I like Radio better then Titans


I liked Hidden Figures mostly because Katherine Johnson was an amazing figure in history.

David Crabtree

Remember the Titans beat out Hidden Figures in the first poll, this poll seems unnecessary.


Hidden Figures is a true story how women helped NASA & our country - this story is a hidden gem that should be taught to everyone

Edward Of DOOM

'Remember the Titans' is a little more Disney-esque than 'Hidden Figures'. I'm also a space nerd and not a sports nerd, so I am biased.


Being that these two looked to be tied again can we just eliminate them both and go with the 3rd place choice or do a whole new poll with different choices? Ohhhhhh!


Pootie Tang.

Josie Lawson

I’m biased because I have a friend who was in Remember the Titans


Wow, over 1300 votes and there's literally a 1 vote difference as I type this.

Logan Kerlee

The vote is perfectly tied at this moment! <3 hahaha, I love this so much. xD


well i am sure with this vote she'll be doing both movies lol

Aodhan McWilliams

People are trolling and changing their votes to make it even 😂


You should do both. I loved both films. Though I went with Remember the Titans because Denzel is the GOAT. I've been waiting for you to watch more Denzel films :)

Essero Eson

Given that there are four weeks in February, she'll almost definitely do both, so we're just voting on which we get first. Unless she has 3 other movies already picked out that she wants to watch in February, which, one for Valentines Day, sure, but that still leaves two weeks that can be the runner up from this pole.


Hidden figures pleaseeeeeeee


Titans is winning currently hands down, Natalie just watch that movie and later you can watch figures of the hidden


I could suggest a real black history month movie but none of y'all aint ready for that lol goodbye uncle Tom lol under no circumstances should you watch that shit, most people can't get past five minutes of that movie smh


Hidden Figures is a masterpiece

Seymor Butz

Come on hidden figures.


Never seen such close a poll :D


Saw the trailer for both and I have to go with Hidden Figures because 1. Jim Parsons 2. Space 3. Jim Parsons


Gotta see it for the goat Denzel


I haven't seen either of these films but I'm interested in both so... a coin flip it is.


With even this tie breaker poll being so close I will be 0 surprised when Nat ends up doing both movies.


Wow. Yeah we might need a tiebreaker poll for this tiebreaker poll


holy shit hahahahah

Angel Sanchez



Went to sleep and I thought it was a done deal but the Titans are "BLITZING ALL NIGHT". This poll battle is a show in itself lmao

Ross Stewart

I think you’ll have to do both hahahah

Ulrich Unterbrunner

The Superbowl is in about 2 weeks, although the Titans failed against the Bengals in the divisionals.

David Dotting

They're both so good it's hard to pick just one, but if I absolutely had to it'd be Remember the Titans.


Do both Nat, doooooo Booooooth

Jon Camp

I've voted for Hidden Figures twice now... But I agree with what others are saying -- why not both?

Groucho Barx

hahah just came here and seen its almost tied again =D


Might just have to watch both of them xD

Jason Dolan

I would suggest next time you do a tie breaker poll only let us choose one option. Might get a better read as a lot of people are probably fine with both winning.


🤣 oh this is funny (for me anyway, sorry not for you) same amount of votes for each …only solution is to review both.. problems solved


Just do both lol


I don't think i've ever seen a patreon poll be split exactly down the middle like this 😂


yeah at this point you should just do both lol. insane

Lee Ventura

You can't go wrong doing both. Both movies are so good.

Lisa Tosti

Literally came back to see how close it is and it's tied at 773 a piece! Lol

Ilsuk Yang

I don't think this is going the way Nat thought it would...

Brandon Zepf

It seems Nat will just have to get to both eventually


LOL there's no way


776 and still tied. I see a double feature coming!

chicks dig me

It has been estimated Hidden Figures is about 50% accurate.

Marcus Carter

I'm cracking up at the fact that this is still tied lol.


Tied = react to both

Kevin Warner

Please eventually do both! Take your time if you need to.👍


Someone vote Titans please.


Yes plz! I would love to see what happens when the "Tie Breaker" poll gets tied XD


Oh my god, no way. A tied tie breaker!


Gonna have to watch both lol

Marcus Carter

there's no way this isn't done on purpose at this point, or at least I would think. lol it's been a tie from start to finish, yeah I'd say you'd have to watch both now lol

Ben Curran

Haha I voted and it's at 818 to 818! COME ON REMEMBER THE TITANS!!!

f hf

This can only mean one thing.. you gotta go with the 3rd place movie lol


Let's put Hidden Figures over the top - such a great hidden story about NASA base on true story about these women whom NASA owe so much - btw another good movie based on a true story that was just declassified is The Imitation Game

Lemuel Daher

Remember the Titans is the better watch!

chicks dig me

Are people aware Hidden was roundly criticized and panned in black communties for playing the ''white savior'' card? It's not well liked in the black activist community but loved by privileged and primarily white women...you can guess why . Add to that it played fast and loose with the facts throughout to sensationalize the story...one of the women went as far as to go on record saying she didnt feel discriminated against while at NASA. Most of the white characters aren't even real, they're ''composites'' of what the writers and directors thought white people should be like in the '60's. When questioned about the ''white savior'' moments principals were qouted as saying ''well, we couldnt make ALL the white people look bad''. Go ahead and like it, doesnt hurt anyone, but don't labor under the delusion its historically accurate or representative of NASA which was fully integrated by 1961. At least ''Titans'' doesn't try to make you think its a documentary.


I just love that its again sooooo close 😃

Ulrich Unterbrunner

The issue with Hidden Figures I have - although the movie is great from a dramatic perspective - is the added "white savior trope", where it takes some white dude to tell the others what's right and not (common in american movies) regarding non-white characters, which did not happen. Katherine just did most of those things she "wasn't supposed to do" and almost no one complained (and those who did, did not follow up on it), because most people working at NASA did not care anymore or not for very long, because NASA as of its conception in 1958 was already a quite diverse working group in relation to most other institutions. To be fair (and balanced): Without these condensing of history and historical strides the movie takes, it would have been quite boring and not bringing focus to the general issues at large, which were very real, present at that times, and still to an extent present today regarding non-white Americans. And this is, why I absolutely like it.


Hidden Figures is much more on theme than a kids football movie... I assume with a tiebreaker vote like this though that we'll probably end up with both?

Tiago Borges

Not at all. Both are spot on on the subject. Perhaps you watched it long ago and don't remember very well?

Trish Murphy

Agent seen either so can’t choose. Look forward to watching together


If there is a pole about a Football movie it would be "Brian's Song" hands down great true story and in 2nd place would be Remember the Titans both would be good choice for Black History Month

chicks dig me

What amazes is that in 2022 people still believe when Hollywood says ''based on a true story '' it's more than 10% true.

chicks dig me

IAF, do you know what year the book that the movie was based on was published? 2016. Do you know what year the movie premiered? 2016. Weird huh, how did that happen? Apparently the author, first time 41 YO novelist, was given a ''book grant'' in 2014 by a nonprofit foundation to write about racism in NASA in the '60's. Not too specific, huh? It's almost like they knew what kind of book would sell in Hollywood and were able to negotate a multi million deal with a major studio...in 2014...the same year she received the ''grant'' and BEFORE THE BOOK WAS WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED 2 YEARS LATER.


at this point I think you should watch both :)


I’m really hoping you react to the show Arcane! You will love it! It is a literal masterpiece and my favorite show of the last few years.


This poll is really tough. I'd say Remember the Titans is a better movie and lends itself more to reaction content but Hidden Figures is a better watch for Black History Month.


dude watch ATLANTA. I know this doesn't help now but add to the list lol


Heck - surprise no one listed "The Help" for Black History Month - watched it with girlfriend (her pick of the week) since she read the book - I did cracked up at the one point and still laugh about it today - about Black Maids working in the South years ago


Oooh, tough choice!

Erik Stevenson

This is an outrageously close poll lol. Any chance we get a double feature?


Clearly the option is do both, since we have the whole month. 😏


Please hidden figures!!


This poll is hilariously close. Guess you'll have to watch both now 😉


Wait what happened? Before Hidden Figures lost the tie breaker by just a few votes. I can't remember how many it had but they both had nine twenty something, now Hidden Figures got 915.


Just watch both . Problem solved :D


I agree with Scott. I think you should watch both. They’re both wonderful stories.