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Help me pick a movie to watch! These are all films I'm really curious about :)


ISeeTrees ofGreen

Memento would be ideal but I know parasite is gonna win this


Parasite in the early lead!

Andy Crawley

Definitely Parasite this time! One of my favourite films I saw last year.

John Rando

All will be interesting watches. Hope we get them all soon!


Parasite, no question.

The Golgothan

Not just Reservoir Dogs, the entire Tarrantinoverse is a must-watch


Watch The Prestige. It’s directed by Christopher Nolan


Blimmie this is a tricky one to pick 🤔

Brian - DocHikes - Hall

It's got to be Parasite, right? Rarely is there such a crowd-pleasing movie that was built for the reaction format like this.


I'll always pick the Nolan movie. Hope you have Cloud Atlas on your list somewhere <3


Parasite is amazing and I would like to see Natalie react to a subtitled film for once.

Sammy Rebbo

Never seen any of these so just casting my vote for the movie with the lowest votes XD


Memento would be a complete mess in her head 😅 but she would love the way how they did shoot the movie.


Never heard of these movies so ill vote for the one that has the most cause thats what people wanna see


Watch drive Natalie!! You keep adding it on here, we all know you want too!!

Tiger Chu

The Nice Guys


I hope Memento wins. But I am guessing it won't.

Xenic Mark

They're all good. I haven't really watched the others but Parasite really is a masterpiece. Not sure if she'll watch with English VOs or subtitles though.




Never heard of any of them

Darryl Low

Drive stuck in reverse again. One day, it will take the chequered flag and Nattie's reaction will get pole position.

Andrew Clifton

Dogs is great and a must watch classic. Parasite wasn't even that good. I was disappointed.

Nick of Time

Oooo all good choices! But I’m voting “Memento”. It’s such a great murder-mystery head-trip from Christopher Nolan.


Oh no, Drive is set to lose again! Had to go with Parasite given my love for Asian cinema. Great set of films here though.

Bob Criswell

Memento is such an unusually presented story. If it doesn’t win this time I hope it gets more chances.

Troy B.

You've come this far with Christopher Nolan, might as well go all the way.


Seen 3/4 of the movies listed, so voted for the movie I haven't seen. If it wins, it would be like both our first times watching.

Valar Dohaeris

Reservoir dogs, Memento or "As good as it gets"

Bob Criswell

I’m respectfully asking you to change your vote to Memento. You have no cause to change but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Valar Dohaeris

I got for her catching it perfectly. But as everybody that watched that movie it will create the urge in her to watch it again... The total opposite of Tenet, that gave me a headache and the urge to forget about it asap...

Julian Calzada

omg, i want to watch all of these! sorry for negating everyone's votes! >_<


yeeesh; these all suck

Ilsuk Yang

If you're ever in a mood for a "trippy" movie, then Memento. Parasite is a very good social commentary. Reservoir Dogs is good, but slightly overrated in my opinion. I haven't seen Drive yet, but people seem to like it. My pick would be Memento, but you can't go wrong with either pick

Andrew Clifton

I haven't seen Momento or As Good as it Gets but Reservoir Dogs is on of my favorites and Parasite was garbage imo.


Memento and Parasite are a definitive must-watch imho. Both movies being allegorical of the current state of the human condition - from a certain perspective. Drive and Reservoir Dogs: Those movies are very enjoyable film classics, of course, but not being as deep.

John Rando

Reservoir Dogs is prob the worst on the list


Since Drive is loosing again... Time to go with some Nolan Movie "Momento"


One day I hope drive will win haha...will there be in scary movies coming up in polls for october?

Shen V

Parasite could be tricky for your international viewers - German amazon for example only has German subtitles. I'd be up for it, but watching a Korean movie, reading German, listening to my favourite American is gonna be a hell of an experiment. If there is an English dub, we don't get that one.


Poor Drive is never gonna make it. 😥


Memento is the right answer here. Then any other Nolan movies that haven't been done. Parasite might be a good movie but what would be more fun to watch than someone react to a first time viewing than memento?!?!

William Connery

Reservoir Dogs is the only correct choice


I voted for Reservoir Dogs but dammit to hell ill PAY you to watch The Crow.

Michael Joseph

I'd recommend as a good sci-fi movie Children of Men if you haven't done it yet

Connor Alexander

These are all fantastic, really. But Parasite is truly incredible.

Steve J

I wish the results wouldn't show until after the poll. I feel like the first few votes sway the results too much. That being said, go Momento. These are all modern classics though


They are all winners

Steve J

I consider Reservoir Dogs Tarantino's warm up to Pulp Fiction. Very good, but still slightly rough around the edges compared to some of his later stuff

Whovian Prakash

This is not fair. All of these films are awesome.


Clearly you want to watch drive lol just pick it and people will love it

Dave M.

Only reason I’m still subscribed to Natalie: for her to continue Star Wars!!!!!! 😭😭😭😩😩😩🤔🤔🤔

Dave M.


Arthur Bridges

You should catch up on some Hitchcock. To catch a thief, the Birds, Rear Window, North by Northwest


Yes!!! Tarantino all the way!!


sorry but can't vote for any of these movies - just going to skip this night with you - would like to know how you pick these movies than the many other better ones out there - each their own & not ever one need to agree on all the time on which movie to watch


These are all great movies, but Parasite is sublime.

Logan Kerlee

Very much agreed. I wish that the polls weren't visible until it's over, or that once we make a choice it's locked in and visible after that. I'm with you on wanting her to see Momento. though. That and Drive have my votes.

Darryl Low

Nat tried to catch a thief. He stole the birds, jumped out the rear window, and headed north by northwest! 😊 Rear Window is one of my favourite movies. Grace Kelly, James Stewart and Nattie Gold. Now, that would be a reaction.

Logan Kerlee

lol, wow! Why aren't you a fan of these movies? They're all excellent in their own way. The only one that I haven't seen is Parasite, but I'll be watching it soon from the looks of it. Each of the others is plain awesome, though. xD Not a fan of violence in your movies, maybe? Are these too dark for your taste?

Logan Kerlee

It's the only one that I haven't watched! If it wins, I'll happily watch for the first time, though. :)

Logan Kerlee

It's SUCH a great movie though!! lmao, it ALWAYS has my vote whenever I see it.

Logan Kerlee

100% with you!! Holy crap, it would awesome! Hoping that it pulls through for a win.


Lol parasite is the only "meh" on this list. Memento is worth seeing but i dont know if its worth a whole reaction - i like the phikosophical point "is identity memory", but it fails the same as Locke. Reservoir Dogs definitely is worth ut.


I really hope Parasite wins.

Eric Janssen

Wish you had just included The Rocketeer and left it there.

Eric Janssen

Memento was the movie that got Warner to hire Chris Nolan as the flavor-of-the-week director to try and rescue their franchise for the Nth time, to do a "psychological spin" on Batman Begins...And now it get recommended by rabid Dark Knighties who tell every reactor, "Now you HAVE to watch everything Chris Nolan ever directed!” It's still a good thriller, though, on an alternate "What If Nolan had been allowed to have a real career, just on the basis of Memento and The Prestige?” level.


"A monster calls" if u haven't seen it yet. 100% tears

William E Cervantes

Nooooooo, Reservoir Dogs is losing. Too bad, it's a real work of art. Not really a teary movie but it makes up for not being a sad movie by being very beautiful, funny, intense and having the best dialogue.


Memento wad a cool idea executed badly. The Prestige even moreso. Dark Knight was fantastic precisely because Nolan was reigned in and Ledger was amazing.

Brian Jones

Memento really should win this considering the contenders, but they are all good picks. Parasite, while good, really doesn't measure up to the other three at all though. Surprised it's doing so well.

Ian Forbes

All are worth watching … maybe just watch all 4 in order of vote … they each outweigh any of the next couple X-films anyway which won’t get good until Deadpool and Logan. (Wishful thinking probably) 😋

Ken Schneyer

Memento is mind boggling.

Mike LL

I'll put my 2 cents worth and movie watching wishes for Prisoners, a psychological thriller by Denis Villeneuve with Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal . On this list I voted for Memento.


All of these are cool for me


I think all look great. Haven't seen Resevoir Dogs in YEARS (and remember how violent) but almost anything by Tarantino, ROCKS. Haven't seen Memoir in YEARS, either - it was great, from what I remember. I think it made it's mark by being a significant film to do "non-linear story telling" (at the time) - which took off (and I guess gave greater birth to (eventually) "back-stories." Have always wanted to see PARASITE and "DRIVE" sounds interesting. All seem like viable picks to me.

Xenic Mark

My thoughts too. And English dubs for foreign movies are usually really bad.


For October (Halloween) consideration: -The VVitch (2015) -Underwater (2020) -Annihilation (2018) -Dredd (2014) -Pitch Black (2000) -The Mummy (1999) -Evil Dead Trilogy

Scott Greene

A Nat reaction to "Reservoir Dogs"??? PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN, EVERYBODY!!!

Not Amused



So happy to see Parasite in the lead!


Watch the movie First Man and watch The Boys! You would like them :)

Myles Away

All great movies. I will keep voting for Drive until it wins! Which it never will but thats ok.

Myles Away

At this point Drive should just be watched. It's been put on how many polls now? You clearly want to see it :)

The Golgothan

Just watched the Parasite trailer and I'm gunna have to skip it. Subtitles ruin movies for me.


Got me thinking, as Parasite was the last film I saw at the cinema, of 2 other GREAT films I saw just before that you could watch and would be awesome reaction wise too; Jojo Rabbit and Knives Out. Both hilarious and heartfelt films.

Peter Yocum

I can already hear Nat's stunned "what?? what the fuck?! Is that... Is that fucking [REDACTED]?!!" when the boss bad guy in Underwater is shown


I feel like I am always going to be one of the schmucks that votes for Drive O_O lol.


Parasite is one of the best films of the last 20 years, it being in Korean may turn some people off but as director Bong Joon Ho said "Once you overcome the 1-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”


Cmon’ can’t we get a QT series going?


Outside of Nolan and maybe Wright idk if there is another must see director working other than Quentin, maybe the Coen’s but hear they might be done


I'm still hoping she gets to Buffy The Vampire Slayer after GOT since it was the runner up. I cannot stress how great that show is.


Parasite is a great movie, but I don’t think it is a good fit for the reaction video format. This movie is all about the small details and the symbolism, not about stand out scenes.


Nat, enjoy your vacation and holidays. Gut Yontif!


A lot of people have already reacted to it and understood it fine.


No help here. I've not seen any of them


These movies are all good. Memento will produce the best reactions.


Gosh dang it can Drive ever just win!?


how about It follows for Natmares.

Jenny Tolls

Reservoir Dogs is so boring 😒


Out of all of these movies, Reservoir Dogs is the only one I've seen, so that's the one I voted for.


genuine question why do you want to rewatch a movie with Nat? Wouldn't it be more fun to watch a movie for the first time with Nat? I have seen three of these movies so I kinda want nat to watch the movie I haven't watched, even though I want her to watch my personal favorite from this list, as an unfriendly Aspergers Getaway Driver, its actually not the one you might think... But not trying to be mean, why do you want to rewatch with Nat, instead of watching something new with Nat? serious question....

Andrew T

Poor "Drive." I feel like I've seen it on several polls already and it's always getting voted off the island. I feel like you should just have a "me" day and do a reaction to Drive on your free time. I mean, should such free time ever become available to you.


Seems like Drive is a recurring factor. Great movie, I think you'll like the cinematics, cast and soundtrack


Drive is totally under rated! It is by far Refn's most restrained and accessible movie. Plus Ryan Gosling always kills it lol.

Andrew Howard

I'm not sure if Drive will win a poll any time soon, but I'd like to see it watched one day.


Reservoir Dogs is getting close! Let's give it some help.


My girlfriend had me watch the notebook, so I had her watch Drive 🤙

Gilbert Gonzalez

I think Reservoir Dogs is a classic must see! Also for movies, I’d love to see you react to Lone Survivor and 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi!

Frank Rosales

Spooky Time is around the corner I think it would be fun to see Natalie react to old horror films or even those b-class horror ones.


I would like to see any millenial react to 9/11 (2002 TV Movie). This would be the week to do so.

Erik Stevenson

Why a millennial? We were all in school when 9/11 happened and watched several days of news coverage in class that week, then went and fought in the wars that were started in it's aftermath.

Xenic Mark

This. Very much this. I grew up watching anime so I don't have a problem with subtitles. But even then I didn't take foreign films seriously until a few years ago. Once I started watching them though. I realized how much I'd missed out. Some of my favorite films and series I wouldn't have seen otherwise.

Laura Thornley

Still sad Rocky isn't going to be watched any time soon. Or maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I like it. Oh, and Reservoir Dogs is a modern classic.


On a note about watching first time, I don’t mind it but just like I can’t have someone chatting in my ear at the theater, I can’t multitask following a film and catching comments and reactions


How can you pick reservoir dogs over parasite?

Aaron Chandler

This has nothing to do with this poll. I just want to point out that Thursday is the 20 year anniversary of the release of Band of Brothers on HBO. That is all.


Although I'm not eager to see a Drive Reaction I am sympathetic to those who are, so I propose a solution. lol half joking here btw, create a new series called "black sheep sundays" if a movie fails to win after 4 poll attempts it gets put into a pool of movies to watch on sunday. lol

Edward Of DOOM

I have seen 2 of these 4, and I look forward to seeing the other 2. Hopefully with you, because your reactions are so good. Analytical brainiacs with charisma are the best!

Myles Away

As a person who keeps voting for Drive I appreciate this :)

Myles Away

Denis Villeneuve and Nicolas Winding Refn for sure. I think David Lowery will be someone to keep an eye on.


A lot of anti-foreign language film snobs in here i see...

Daniel Luna

PICK PARASITE! What a great movie!


Foreign cinema is an alien concept for some, sadly.


Oooooh, its so close now between 2 of these. Gotta say not really a big Tarantino fan (don't shoot me!)... It'd be nice to see something 100 other people haven't already reacted to tbh. GO PARASITE!


I have nothing against Parasite or “foreign” films in general, I suggested Bong’s The Host for Natmares. But while Parasite is a great film Dogs and the rest of QTs catalog imo are not only great films but illicit a more visceral reaction, I know someone said it’s boring I couldn’t disagree more …and yes it could open up watching the rest of his films…and honestly if you’re a film fan and haven’t enjoyed his work I have no words 😆

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Wow, this has to be one of the closest polls I've seen here. I hope the runner up gets a reaction. I haven't seen Parasite yet and I'm hoping she gets deeper in the Tarantinoverse, although I have a feeling, knowing as much about film making as she does, she's probably seen at least some of his films.


Didn’t mean to disparage any viewing choices, however I am still surprised by the reactors out there “first time watching” I’m like how is this possible 😆

Christian Rennie

Nat-mares is coming up! I can’t wait. Are you gonna make a mix in some goofy horror comedies? If so, my suggestion is “House 2: The second Story.” It’s an 80s goofy haunted house movie with no need to see the first one because it’s an independent story. The first one is more scary than the this one. There is “Fright Night” also. Or Haunted Mansion… or….. sorry getting carried away!


For Nat mares, The Abominable Dr. Phibes from 1971.


Reservoir Dogs is pretty gross and dirty. I genuinely think Natalie would hate it. I don’t understand why it’s so popular here


I feel like its one of those films people are pressured into thinking its amazing.


Would love to suggest The Final Destination series for Natmares!


If we're on a Korean movie stint, can I suggest Train to Busan for Natmares?! It is a hardcore zombie film, but bring tissues too!

Ryu Kobushi

Oh shit! Has it been a year already!? Already time for more Natmares!?

Alex Vazquez

Please react to Marvel's Phase 4 trailer!


Why would you want her to react to a trailer? Better to go in unspoiled for films.

Kevin Mowery

Love that so much I bought it twice on DVD (to be fair, I have so many DVDs and blu rays I forgot I had it and saw it was on sale, so accidentally bought it again).


I suspect Natalie is sick, because normally we would have heard from her recently. All I can say is I hope she gets well soon.


shes taking the week off to celebrate Rosh Hashana


I have just watched the trailer for the new MATRIX movie, so i think i might be a good idear for Nat, to contine her MATRIX journey so shes ready for the christmas release of the new movie, plus i think Matrix 2 is my favorite film.

Ellis Hugh

The second film (Reloaded) is phenomenal, both in delivery and in what it sets up... sadly the third (Revolutions) was terribly disappointing. I'm interested to see what they do with the upcoming film, but from the trailer it looks a little too slick and CGI, losing a lot of the gritty 'reality' of the original series in my opinion.


For Halloween we need Hellraiser


sorry but none of those would make on any of my list to watch with so many others to pick from - so we just skip that night and catch yo on another night

Ellis Hugh

I'm not sure which is more surprising, that Parasite is even on the list or that it's currently leading the vote count.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Well looks like it ended up not so close after all. Right on, I haven't seen Parasite so it'll be more fun to watch along with Nat. Seems like Reservoir Dogs is kind of polarizing among the patrons. For my part I think she'd appreciate it from a production pov, considering it's Tarantino's first major film and it's kind of amazing considering it's budget and it's simplicity, and it really shook up the Hollywood system of the time. I recommended True Romance to Nat, that and possibly Natural Born Killers, as Tarantino wrote both original stories (TR changed by Tony Scott, Ridley's brother, RIP; and NBK was DRAMATICALLY changed by Oliver Stone, which infuriated Tarantino), I actually like both movies but I can see how NBK could be hated. True Romance though, if nothing else that cast is literally an all-star cast.

David of the North

I honestly think Nat would love the mystery of Momento the most. Also Guy Pearce is just so amazing in it. I hope this list turns into "What do I watch first." Would love to see this all.

Joe Blankenship

This should be interesting to see how Natalie reacts with a subtitled foreign film.

chicks dig me

They're reading glasses, natalie.

Daniel Vezina

Watching a person react to a movie, watching a movie in Korean, reading the subtitle. Sure I'm gonna miss something. Maybe not the greatest idea


I think it high time for a classic horror, with humour and gore THE EVIL DEAD I’d love to see Natalie react to the production this Sam Raimi movie using everything in the kitchen cupboards to get this movie finished. As a rule I find horror movie predictable and a waste of time, but I love these movies simply because it takes the piss at the genre, and I love that..


Man I can't believe so many people are sleeping on Drive. it's excellent!


Agreed, Drive is a masterful movie, that suffered from a terrible marketing campaign.