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Happy Thrones Thursday Everyone!!

Here is my reaction to the next episode of Game of Thrones! What an action packed ending! The intro for the episode starts at 1:40

As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨


DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GnW7M0aGnNuErokvceDz_XRCXvVac4Vf/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

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MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Valentin torres

I just got fully caught up here with your GoT watch alongs. So seeing this pop up in my notifications got me all excited 😁😁😁


Happy thrones Thursday Nat such a good episode this one although bran ticked me right off in this one his treatment of meera was bad after this I literally had no time for him at all but that's just me, great to see Dany going on the offensive 👍 hoping to see a good reaction to this one so on that note lets go 💛

Randee Carreno

Happy Thrones Thursday, Natalie! 😊 Getting this downloaded right now so that I can watch it later on tonight. Looking forward to watching this reaction during the evening. It's been an interesting season so far. Have a great day today! :) Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


My favorite episode of the season, the production level is off the charts! The shot of Drogon and Dany flying over the loot train and burning it was largely done with practical explosions, as were most of the soldier burnings. The production team set the film and TV record for most stunt-men set on fire for a single shot when they had 20 stunt-men burning at once!


Bran (and the writing) gets a lot of criticism for how Bran acts since becoming the TER, but I think it's an excusable device. They're trying to evoke the idea that he's now burdened with the pure memory and knowledge of all of history, and... That *would* absolutely change you. It evokes the arc of Dr. Manhattan of The Watchmen, and how he'd basically transcended the meaning of individual being because his mind and meaning simply... ascended beyond the mere trials of existence.


I'm literally just waiting to see how much you cry when THAT episode comes...

Jon B

Natalie, have you seen the TV series "You" with Penn Badgley? I think that show would be right up your alley!

Ilsuk Yang

I've always loved the "sparring" session between Brienne and Arya. Such a contrast of styles! Arya using her speed, quickness, and accuracy to gain the advantage. Brienne, being initially taken aback, uses her size, strength, and relentless attack until they reach a certain equilibrium. They exchange the advantage until Brienne lands a stunning blow that causes Arya to lose Needle. Thanks to her quick wits, Arya is able to force a tie with the Valyrian steel dagger she just received from Bran. Just think, if Bran hadn't given her that dagger, Arya would've lost that match!


great episode, great reaction as always, hope you feel better soon!

Calo Grsf

Thanks Nat for this great reaction! 😁 You gave us a great Natalie Gold at the end, I was afraid you would have a heart attack 😆(so much emotion for Drogon haha 💛) I loved how you reacted when Arya came back, the reunion and her training moment haha Don't worry about how you name the white walkers, the zombies... the principle is the same, dead people walking around 😆 But I like above all, your little comments and theories for the next episode, it's nice to know how you try to predict things and your feelings haha I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Ilsuk Yang

Their writing of Bran is pretty spot-on I'd say (can't say the same for the rest of season 7 and 8, but hey, nobody's perfect!). A human brain isn't meant to retain that much information and function normally. I also agree with the way they wrote Theon. When someone goes through what he went through, you don't just get over it because your sister tells you to basically "get over it!" You can tell that Yara loves her bro, but she was the wrong person to try to help him get over his PTSD. Obviously, this proved true when Theon fled from Euron...

Essero Eson

Wights are like zombies, but created via magic. Zombies are also usually infectious which is another thing that sets them apart. The Wight Walkers are the ice people that raise the wights from the dead. (They "walk" the Wights around, hence Wight Walkers) The Walkers are also sometimes referred to as The Others, but I think that in the show that only happens in text in a few books we glimpse from time to time. Zombies and Ice Zombies pretty much work too. My problem with this episode was that Tyrion and Jon both advise Dani well at first and then abandon the string of thought that they were on which is, "People don't believe in Dani in Westeros" Which I thought was them leading her to bring her Dragons to the main land and fly them above every town and castle, but instead they let her conclude it meant she needed to take one Dragon and destroy one army and leave the rest of the country without any first hand knowledge of her actual power. All our politicians turned into military tacticians after season 6. No one looks for the obvious solutions anymore.


I'm the same way. I'd say it was a questionable move on HBO's part to literally just have Hotpie dice onions for 10 minutes. Not exactly must see tv, but I could see Nat having a sympathy cry.


I love the first half of this episode more than the second, if that makes sense. I love all the reunions and how they don't go the way you would hope or expect. So many thoughts about the lousy ending to what is a wonderfully produced battle scene. I try to look for the good in things so I'll start there since it's only the way this thing ends that always drove me mad. The Good: The production, as in all of it. Especially the editing. I love the shots of Bronn setting up and loading the scorpion. I feel like I actually know how to use that thing myself, that's how solid the editing is. The way they build suspense is terrific as well. We know the Dothraki are coming but in the editing they make the build-up go on for just a little too long before they get close and the battle actually gets going. I would kill to edit something like this one day and have access to all the raw footage to play with. The Bad: I don't even consider this a spoiler because Jaime is so obviously surviving this. Even though he's sinking like a stone in his heavy armor, it happens to be plot armor and he ain't going anywhere. The books have men drowning in shallow bodies of water that they fall into while wearing their heavy armor. A book-only character (Theon's uncle Victarion) deliberately fights in heavy armor at sea because he loves the thrill of battle and the added risk involved in drowning. The main reasons knights had squires was because they couldn't get the damned armor on and off on their own - not like modern sports equipment. There's even a scene in season 4 where Brienne is trying to take it off on her own and stubbornly refuses Pod's help before she finally gives in and lets him do it. That one scene had me convinced that we would see a character we care about later in the series fall into water in their armor and drown in a scene that would set the internet on fire... possibly even Brienne herself. If it seems like I'm nitpicking, I kind of am lol. I just felt at the time that when Jaime went into the water that Bronn was going to easily pull his heavily armored ass out and he would live. It felt like they were in my head and teasing me. 😂 Basically it's a tremendous battle scene with very little stakes in the end because nobody terribly important is killed and Cersei still gets her gold.


One of my fav episodes! Great reaction.

Darryl Low

A great episode for Thrones Thursday today. I think HBO gave them a blank cheque for each episode, such was the success of the show by now. Some spectacular sequences today. Watching you seeing the Stark siblings reunite was so heart-warming, but "bump in the log" Bran didn't give you much back. And Daenerys should have trained her dragon to dodge and weave better, as she put you through torture towards the end! 3 episodes left, before the final season. Look forward to the next one, and thanks for 2 great Thrones videos this week Nat 💛

Scott S



That's a really literal explanation of why they're called Wight Walkers... except they're called White Walkers because the walkers themselves are white. 😉Not because they "walk" their undead slaves - the wights - around like pets. What the Walkers do is actually similar to the warging that Bran and others can do, but only with the dead.


Hmm, seems some comments are getting deleted.


A lot of people dislike the numb Bran, but I look at it as a what Arya choose to not be, in not being "no one" Bran isn't Bran anymore, he isn't really anyone, which is no one.

My Toasty Toast

Man Ed Sheeran probably got killed this episode


so some fun in universe history. Back when Aegon Targaryan was conquering the 7 kingdoms, the Kings of the Reach and the Rock united and fought the Targaryean's in the open field. The combined power reached around 60,000 men marching into battle, vastly outnumbering Aegon's army, but Aegon also had 3 Dragons. Dragonfire burned the armies of the Reach and Rock to ash, and the battle became known as the field of fire. The battle in this episode was a field of fire part two with the Tarley's of the Reach and the Lannisters of Casterly Rock defeated in the field by dragon fire.

Ellis Hugh

"Who taught you how to do that?" "No one." And NOW we have confirmation that Syrio Florell was in fact Jaquen Hagar!


The site was down for a bit (for me anyway) so some stuff might have been lost.


If you're wondering how the Dothraki got to the Lannister/Tarley forces, look at the map of Westeros you'll see that Kingslanding and Dragonstone are very close to each other. If you're wondering why she burned all the food. They were basically at the gates of Kingslanding. It was about to be out of reach. Also when she burned all the wagons it prevented a retreat from the Lannister and Tarley troops.

Ellis Hugh

There's a funny story about Jerome Flynn (Bronn) and this episode. All his neighbors were so happy and proud that they knew someone who was on GoT, but after he almost kills a dragon, they wouldn't talk to him, even his mailman didn't want anything to do with him. Jerome was telling the story and he said 'think if I had actually killed the imaginary fucker'...


I don't like when Bran said "Wasted on a cripple." Nat your reaction was much better. He should have said, "You are the better fighter" or "You can make better use of it" or something to that effect. Wow, Nat. Good catch about the conversation between Jon and Mance and Jon and Dany. I missed that. Good talks with Jon and company. Podrick! Great fight with Arya and Brienne. Are you doing the last 3 episodes next week or breaking it up 2 and then the following week just 1?


The fight scene between Brienne and Arya is great. But, it's actually BETTER than what they showed on screen. The two actors really put in a lot of practice. And the coolest thing that Maisie (Arya) did was something that was barely noticeable in the show. At the tail end of the fight, Brienne grabs Arya's wrist holding the dagger, and Arya flips the dagger over to her free hand. Maisie did all of this herself. And if you Youtube search for the behind the scenes of this fight, the long shot of that dagger flip looks so, so much cooler than the quick, barely-noticeable flip we saw in the episode.


In hindsight, trying to fight 3 impervious flying flamethrowers with a conventional army was probably a bad idea lol.


The choreography was neat. But if you think about it, the story never justified the skill Arya shows here. Arya never got past the level of recruit in the Faceless Man organization. She never started her assassin training. She just did some basic stuff that they do with recruits. Her real training is not written yet in the books, so that is the reason why the training is cut short in the show. Brienne is one of the best swordsmen in all of Westeros, trained her whole life to get as good as she is, while Arya had a hand full of lessons from Serio and a few stick fighting lessons from the Waif. Brienne should be able to dominate Arya. Arya was just powered up immediately by the writers at the start of this season because the show was coming to a close and they needed Arya to be a full fledged Faceless Man.

Steve J

Almost 8 seasons in and still "Night Walkers" :) I think she's just trolling us at this point... lol and yeah, better to just stay far away from the internet until you're done. With some of the prequel stuff ramping up it's super easy to see spoilers from random article headlines & thumbnails.

Petteri Ahlberg

Directed by Matt Shakam who also directed all of Wandavision and like 40 episodes of It's always sunny in Philadelphia among others. Great, and very versatile director.

Thomas Yanez

"his treatment of Meera". Pffft. She got what everybody else, high and low, gets - no treatment at all. As the Three-Eyed Raven, he has been forced to move beyond "normal" social interaction. He literally has too much other stuff on his mind.

Derik Knutson

You think once someone is good at swordfighting they never bother training again? Do you think Lebron James just sits at home all day because he's already good at basketball?


I love the cinematography of the final battle, especially when it's shown from Bronn's perspective. Really puts you in the shoes of what it's like to be on the other side.

Laura Thornley

Seeing Drogon utterly dominate an entire army never fails to make me choke up a bit. Its horrifyingly beautiful.


It always drove me crazy to see Jaime's horse running in about 6 inches of water while charging Daenerys. And then as soon as Bron tackles him to save his life (only falling a few feet over) he's sinking like 30 feet down. I could buy that if th battle took place on the coast, but not the lake we see in the aerial shots. It was too convenient.


Why would you spoil that?


That food could have extended a siege of Kings Landing for years.


This battle > bastardbowl go argue with your nan


Nat's love and investment in the dragons still have me hoping she eventually watches the Monsterverse.

Steve J

That always bugged me as well. The shot is cool, but the continuity of dropping into what is essentially 2' of water along a shoreline then to what looks like a deep, deep lake was always jarring.


Claustrophobia + Hatred of Caves= The Descent, will cost to rent but another recommendation for Natmares

Connor Ellis

Bran's problem is he can't be present in the moment


Natalie: Calls White Walkers Night Walkers; Also Natalie: Remembers scene three seasons of ago about a conversation between Jon and Mance Rayder.


Well....if you are scoring, Brienne lost the match when Arya struck her hand first, then her knee again. If They weren't sparring, Arya beat Brienne twice over before the end 'tie'.

Michael Mammano-Cheydleur

"He's so cavalier!" she says as the Dothraki leaps off his horse. Which is super funny, because "cavalier" comes from the term for men of the cavalry, the horse-mounted soldiers. Linguistic humor for the win!

Donovan Sparks

"Is Bronn gonna die? Is Jamie gonna die?? Is Drogon gonna die???" Nobody gives a s**t about poor Dikkon! ;)


I like the portrayal of Bran. It's kinda philosophical if you think about it. Are people more than their thoughts and memories? There's a pattern with a lot (not all, but a lot) of people. They older you get, the more you see, the more it takes to shake you or make you feel. Not jaded in a cynical pessimistic sense, just "yep, another day. Been there, done that." Bran has seen/is seeing LITERALLY everything that ever happened to everyone ever. From their perspective. I think it would be hard to keep track of "yourself" if you had a power like that. Are we more than our thoughts? I think it would be hard to feel much or desire much or care about much if you were everyone's thoughts. I think most things would become very trivial. Only the greatest of matters would be of any importance. Like the end of the world.

Joe Blankenship

I remember when Bron laughed at Dickon's name, it made me start to imagine Bron's backstory. Of all the characters, he seems the most like someone from our universe. So I like to imagine he's just some guy from our world that accidentally slipped through a portal to Westeros. He's adapted to life being stuck there, but he still thinks the idea of the monarchy and lords is pretty stupid, like a modern man would.


just bought hbo subscription again to rewatch got with Natalie only to realize us-episodes are speedup by 3% and it makes watching this series impossible D: is there anyway to fix this?

Jerick E

I have a US sub for HBO Max and don't have this problem so idk how to help you or why your feed is 3% faster

Marcus Carter

Bran has seen so much of mans history that he somewhat lost his own identity, he's still bran but imagine having all of those memories from hundreds of years, the previous three eyed raven did warn bran not to linger in the past overwise he'd get lost in it. I can imagine his own identity getting mixed up with soo many memories other than his own.

Marcus Carter

oh and, things get much worse! No spoilers but, prepare to cry ALOT!


Is funny how that giant crossbow just barely pierce Drogon.


Also, how the fuck is Dany holding to the fucking dragon by just grabbing the spines very hard? I'm really pissed that they never gave her the chair that goes all around the chest of the fucking dragon and that holds the rider to it with like four chains


Oh, and Jaime should be super dead. Like super, super dead. The weight of the armor should have sunk him like a rock, like it happen to Mandon Moore, or to everyone who falls into water with a fucking armor on.

John Richards

What surf? It's a river. Rivers can have deep holes close to the bank.

John Richards

True, it's "plot armor"... but keep in mind it's a river. Rivers can have deep holes close to the bank, and be much shallower a few yards down stream. Not impossible for current to carry someone down stream to shallows.

Misty Crom

As there's only a season and a half left; I'm curious if you'll be looking at another show to replaced it with... if so... two British shows - neither excessively long - I'd throw the hats of into the ring'd be Allo Allo and Blackadder. Otherwise, Westworld's very good; and Rome's supposed to be pretty great too. Though if there is no ring, and I just threw those metaphorical hats at you, then I do apologise, and can I have my hats back please?

Tejas Jay

lol, why do people like the Dragons? They burnt thousands of people. There were men burning, screaming turning into ash. They only care about Daenerys, because she is a Targaryan.


I was rooting for the Lannisters in this entire battle.


Jaime's such a badass for charging Dany like that. ^_^ I never liked her especially after Season 4.