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Hey guys!

Here is my reaction to the next episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and as always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon. Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/4f9srSfnEHk 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqGLq_ckPo-j1sTWav-zTO6H6QvuCho-/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Jai Nelson

No Thrones!?…..sigh


Aaaaah this was a good episode!

Calo Grsf

Thank you Nat for this reaction! 😄 This episode is probably my favorite of the show, I really can't wait for the next episode haha I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Aaron Lovik

I had a hard time getting with the characters within the fight as well. This show is more about what it really takes to hold the shield and be Captain America. The rest is background story and setup for that struggle.

Darryl Low

Much more focus in today's show, Nat. Enjoyed it a lot more. Had a purpose and moved the story forward. Shows that not just anyone can step into Cap's shoes. Steve Rogers was the perfect guy, Restraint, when needed. Reminds me of the scene in 42 when Harrison Ford says to Chadwick Boseman "I want a player that's got the guts NOT to fight back" Look forward to the final 2 shows. Thanks for a great reaction today Nat 💛

Ilsuk Yang

Honestly, even if he hadn't taken the serum, I still think he would've snapped. That was his best friend that stood by his side for countless missions. If someone that important to me was killed right in front of me after saving my life, chances are very high that, in that very moment, I would snap and go looking for revenge. We see this time and time again in the MCU. Look how Tony reacted when he saw Rhodey fall and hit the ground in Civil War. Or how Quill reacted when he found out his own father gave his mother cancer (or when he found out Thanos killed Gamora). I think all the weight of being Captain America, all those expectations that come with it, it helped make Walker unstable, more willing to do things he normally wouldn't do (and I'm talking about pre-serum). Add to that taking the serum (which amplifies what's already in the person), then witnessing your best friend, your bosom buddy, die in front of you, 99.9999999% of us would snap! Now, onto Zemo. Nat you seem to be confused as to how badass and resourceful Zemo is. Remember, he was in charge of a Sokovian death squad. That's like the Sokovian equivalent of US Special Forces x 10. So it makes sense that he's able to do everything we've seen him do in this series (especially considering the monetary resources he has available to him as a baron). Anyways, I enjoyed your reaction as I always do!

Randee Carreno

Happy Marvel Tuesday, Natalie! 😊 This is one of my top favorite episodes. I feel that the 1st half of the show was to set up events. And it really gets going in this 2nd half. Stellar performance by Sebastian Stan in that opening scene. Lamar was one of my favorite of the new characters in this show. The fight between the Dora Milaje & John Walker, with Sam & Bucky as spectators, is my one of my favorite scenes of the episode along with the opening scene with Bucky & Ayo on Wakanda. The last 2 episodes, 5 and 6, both have an end-credit scene. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


Great reaction. Looking forward to seeing the last two episodes next week. Watching again with this reaction you can really see they were straining to get us to have empathy for Karli and the flag smashers. Unfortunate that all of the meat in their story probably got cut out and/or reshot when they had to change the pandemic storyline. Every other character and story arc has a much clearer progression that it makes the Flag Smasher stuff seem like it's from another show. On the plus side, I think the sound design in the end sequence when Walker snaps is ON POINT. I remember a lot of debate about whether or not he actually decapitated that dude with the shield or just bluntly beat his head in with it. 😮


They called Sarah so they could separate Sam and Bucky (they knew he was gonna come) away from John Walker. Gave them a better chance to kill Walker. When John killed that flag smasher it was really emotional for me seeing him tarnish Captain America's symbol. The imagery of the bloodied shield reminiscing the current state of America.


While we were watching this show, a friend of mine postulated that John Walker is allergic to doorknobs. :)


I've noticed that a lot of people have problems connecting with this series compared to the others on Disney+. I feel like i can connect with this series because of my veteran background. Most of the characters are military veterans or are going through struggles that veterans face. A constant struggle between right and wrong, your own ideals and whats expected of you. The scene where Lamar dies, Nat was wondering why they stopped and didn't continue to try and kill Walker. As far as we've seen, this would have been the first time the flag smashers had killed someone and the first time Karli killed someone face to face. Nothing can prepare you for when something like that actually happens.


Yeah if i was being held back while my best friend, partner and basically my brother was killed right in front of me i'd snap too. Don't go feeling sorry for the guy he killed either, he was the one holding him down so Karli could run up and kill him. How would you feel if no one gave you the benefit of the doubt before even getting to know you and automatically started calling you a piece of shit and spitting in your face. His record proves he is a good man and he even questioned taking the serum, talking with probably the only man who still treated him with respect. Walker isn't some psycho going around terrorizing people, he's tracking down terrorists who are killing innocent's. He has not done anything villainous, he's doing his job. RIP to my boy Lamar :(

Patrick Armbruster

So you ignored the part where he talks about how his decorations are nice and all but that he's earned them with the worst things he's ever done. His record proves he's a "good soldier", which says nothing about his character other than "follows orders well".


Walker did nothing wrong. He killed a terrorist who'd participated in the murder of innocents, and had just participated in the murder of his best friend. You people are so easily manipulated. Steve Rogers himself has killed terrorists as well. Off the top of my head, I can think of that one guy in Captain America: Winter Soldier that Steve yeeted off an ocean liner as an example of one of his kills.


My favorite thing about this episode is reading all the comments about how terrible Walker is from Iron Man fans who bent over backward to justify his actions in Civil War.

Ron K

I can't believe Nat kept it together with "ugly crying" from Bucky at the beginning.


The Dora Milaje nearly killed John Walker, Sam Wilson, and Battlestar all because John wanted to have a chat with them rather than get into a fight. If the Dora Milaje's killing strokes had not been stopped, they would have impaled our protagonists with their spears. Can you imagine the headlines? "Wakanda agents have attacked and killed Captain America: Does this mean war?" It just goes to show how unreasonable and reckless they were being. This show is trying very hard to emotionally manipulate the audience into thinking John Walker is a bad person. Various shots hang on his reactions and mannerisms, the sound design makes his appearances on screen seem ominous. Yet every action he takes is completely reasonable. Karli is a literal terrorist. She killed multiple people. Blown up buildings. Guess what? Playtime IS over. This is how the real world works. We do not negotiate with terrorists. Sam and Bucky sympathizing with her is insane. The showrunners are trying to draw a parallel between Karli and real world events that completely falls flat. Bucky has just killed 3-4 people in the last episode, Sam killed terrorists in the first episode, and yet they stand there and judge John Walker for killing a terrorist who'd just participated in the murder of his life long best friend? It's bad PR, at worst, but it's completely justified. All of the Marvel superheroes have killed grunts/goons/henchmen throughout these films. Look at Iron Man. He's killed a f*ck ton of people. Judging John for this instance would be pure hypocrisy on everyone else's part. Sam and Bucky have had an unreasonable hatred of John Walker from the beginning. John is just trying to do the job and everyone is spitting in his face.


Karli literally blew up a building full of people in the last episode. She's already a killer, and the rest of the Flag Smashers are her accomplices. Karli has said multiple times she doesn't care who she kills. If they're in her way, they don't matter. She's evil. They're whole goal in this episode was to KILL John Walker. They stopped attacking and ran away because they're like little kids who've just realized that they've poked the bear one too many times, and now it's angry and coming after them. They get what's coming to them.


Thank god you don't write for Marvel. Stories that black and white are simply awful.


☠️Everyone writing their paragraphs here lol


I remember this episode causing a huge turmoil between fans because people agreed with John and others didn’t. 😂 never liked him anyway.


easily one of your best reactions due to the sheer volume of times you predicted exactly what was going to happen next AND exactly what was going to be said next. It is a bit predictable but this was otherworldly😂😂

Doug Watson

These kids are like Varys' little birds.


I kind of disagree. Reacting is the opposite of predicting. There's not much of a reason to enjoy someone calling what's going to happen play by play, hard to emotionally connected to the reactor that way. The best part of the reaction was to the Wakanda scene.

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

Definitely one of the most visceral episode endings of these shows and lots of shock about it. Lamar was a great sidekick who seemed to be an anchor who nearly kept John Walker grounded. Of course that's what makes this unhinged version of John Walker more dangerous and intriguing to the plot, but I still feel so bad for Lamar.

Michael G. Munz

One of the few times in the MCU someone gets knocked across a room and actually takes realistic injury.


watching, and waiting, for santaaaaa to appear

Joel Palenychka

John Walker has already taken the super serum. They gave it to him when they decided to make him the new Captain America. That's what's making him unstable. He had grabbed the remaining super serum for his partner, that's why he asked if he'd be willing to take it.

Devin Nease

He did not have the super soldier serum before he found the vial. Nobody had access to the serum until now. He even said he was not a super soldier in a previous episode.

Joel Palenychka

Okay, after some research I see that I was wrong. However, the general consensus is that he did take it in episode 4, which explains the way he can bend bars and jump out of a third story window. So when he does kill the flag burner he is going unstable because of the serum.

Lorenzo Baxter

It's not hard to justify his actions. He was in the right in terms of the accords. And so was Steve. There was no wrong side. I used to agree with Steve, because of the whole "yeah, fuck the higher ups, fight them all!" But Tony's side is more realistic. And his hatred of bucky is not at all surprising. Has nothing to do with his "OoH ToNy hAs nO EmOtIoNaL cOnTrOl" anyone would snap if we see a video of our parents, whom maybe we had issues with one or both of them, but we loved them and wished we had more time with them, murdered by someone who we then see standing next to us. Saying "It wasn't him" just doesn't cut it. On the outside, of course Bucky isn't to blame but you can't genuinely expect Tony to just let him go either.