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Hey friends!

Here is my reaction to the next episode of Game of Thrones!! This season has been so captivating thus far.

The intro starts at 8:42 for those who skip the recap. 

As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/lA6-tDUUaXs 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

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MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Been waiting for this, so excited!!

Randee Carreno

Happy Wednesday, Natalie! 😊 Getting this downloaded right now so that I can watch it later tonight. I'm enjoying season 4 so far. Looking forward to watching this reaction this evening. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


Love westeros Wednesday especially knowing every episode in this season is great plus oberyn is in my top five fav characters in GOT 🙂not forgetting arya and the hound ofcourse, every scene with them in are priceless 🥰 I'm glad Nat seems to like oberyn too, cookies, beer ☑️☑️ play button ✔️💛

Justin Credible

If you go back and watch the Purple Wedding again, you can see Lady Olenna playing with Sansa's necklace a few moments before Joffery's death. She took one of the stones. Her playing with Margaery's necklace was just a nod to that.


One thing about this series is it keeps you wanting more.


21.12 OMG I almost projectiled beer all over the screen 😂 Nat you are hysterical 😅


Love your content, keep chugging them out, you will love and hate this series as it goes along but I can't wait for the next one.

Darryl Low

Another really good episode with a lot going on. Wile E. Coyote on crack? Looney Tunes missed a trick there! 😀 And the guy fighting Jon definitely got the point! Thanks, as always, for a great video today Nat. So much fun 💛

Calo Grsf

Thank you so much Nat for this episode, a great reaction 😄 ! I like how concerned you are for Sansa and Arya, you're really sweet haha And I love your expressions every time something big happens or when you become aware of something like a detail you overlooked, you are so expressive and it's super communicative 😃 Without forgetting the special mention to your famous quality quote "Natie Gold" 😆 I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Haim Sazan

You have to see pictures of Diana Rigg (Olenna Tyrell actress) as a young woman. She looks exactly like Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell actress) now!

Bubba Fett

Yeah lock was the guy that took jamie's hand, a few episodes ago roose boktem charged him to find the missing boys.


Don't worry about being confused with the Locke character - So was a lot of people during the orignal run! I myself had completely forgotten who he was and it wasn't until my second re-watch of the show that I connected the dots :D


Nothing better than watching Podrick smile.

john collins

I know there's a lot of white men in this show but I thought it did an amazing job of being diversified. and they even tied it into the lore of the show. white men (in the north and most of westeros) black/brown skinned people in essos who dany has been spending this and last season freeing from slavery. Dornish people (olive skinned) seemingly because they're an island in between the two cotinents. clearly there are some races not shown but their are later discussions about what is west of westeross or east of eassos so who knows the kinds of races and people are in those parts of this world. Also the targaryians are a special group that don't get the true description in the show, in the books they are described to be unfathomably beautiful with silver hair porcelain skin and violet eyes. this comes from the books but they state that it is thought that the first targarians were dragons in human form.


It was fun watching you realise it was Locke and where you'd previously met him

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Roose Bolton being Warden of the North means he's responsible for executing deserters from the Night's Watch, but that also means he has the power to pardon, I'm assuming actually, but that's why he sent Locke to infiltrate the Watch and find Bran and Rickon, Locke knowing he'd be excused of his vows after his mission. If you think about it, the dire wolves each match their respective Stark sibling in terms of gender and personality. Lady was the most docile and the first to die, I assume a metaphor for the death of Sansa's innocence, and it was at Ned's hands. Nymeria I assume is off in the wild somewhere, being what she is, a true dire wolf. Ghost is loyal but also a bit wild too, you see how just like Jon the wilderness beyond the Wall had a pull on him. Summer has an even stronger connection to Bran, the warg. Shaggy Dog was always pretty untamed, almost savage, and now I assume living with Osha as a wildling, Rickon is too. And Grey Wind fought alongside, then died with Rob, well the same night anyway. It's just like Jon said in the first episode when they found the wolf pups, "they were meant to have them", referring to the five other Stark children just before he found the (snow) white "runt of the litter", Ghost. I do love wolves, just wouldn't want to meet them on their territory lol, makes me think of that Liam Neeson movie, The Grey, great movie by the way.


Another fantastic episode Nat - love watching these with you! Personally I’d entirely skip the recaps before the show, it’s not like you (or us along with you) are waiting long lengths of time between episodes and that we won’t remember - they seem to only serve as mini-spoilers! And it doesn’t help with syncing at all to have them as I presume I’m one of many watching GoT on blu-Ray and the likes which don’t have the recaps (I typically have to wait until you’ve finished the recaps and then use the opening credits with the map to get in sync with you!). Anyhow, you’re reactions are so great and I think that many of can clearly see a reflection of our own thoughts/emotions when we watched each episode for the first time. Amazeballs.


Loved the part when you realized that littlefinger has been playing 10 dimensional chess with all the major houses this whole time. Think about all that has unfolded because of Jon Aryn's suspicious death and all of it because of him. Say one thing for littlefinger, say he is a smarmy little rat who is too fucking good at the game.


I definitely agree on skipping recaps, I'm fairly certain that even the DVDs had a skip recap feature like Amazon and HBO do.


When you were saying you can tell that Littlefinger was literally not into her at all... at that point.... he was literally into her,


The Dornish actually live on Westeros, in the extreme south on a peninsula that is mostly desert and mountains (think Spain). They are olive skinned as they are descendants of the Rhoynar, river people of olive complexion that lived in Essos along the river Rhoyne. In Dorne along the coast, and among much of the highborne, they maintain a similar complexion as their ancestors. This visual trait gets lost the further inland you go in Dorne, exemplifying the Rhoynar and Andals intermixing. Alas that we couldn't get purple eyed Daenerys. Apparently they did try to achieve that effect with contacts but it proved to be too irritating for Emilia and CGI didn't look right.

Ben Wheeler

I keep meaning to mention but the guy who plays Sir Loras also does Danny Rand/Iron Fist on the Marvel Iron Fist and Defender shows that came on Netflix, and the skeevy leader of the Black Watch mutineers at Craster's was on Torchwood (if you're looking for a truly bleak show).

Derik Knutson

I think one of the reasons people want you to watch/pay attention to the recap is because before the last episode they made sure to specifically show you Lord Bolton telling Locke to go find the Stark boys. So you basically have a choice between being slightly spoiled in a vague way sometimes and going through a couple episodes super confused like this time haha.

Ilsuk Yang

I was wondering how you would react to finding out about Littlefinger's schemes and you did not disappoint! He and Lysa (pronounced as "lice-a") literally got the beginning of this show rolling!


His name isn't HBO, it's Jon Snow.


How have we made it so far with no mention that Oberyn is also the Mandalorian?

Joe Blankenship

Yeah. Aunt Lisa is definitely *cuckoo clock noise*


"HBO! HBO!" 😆


The link between both necklace is easy, she was remembering taking the poisoned pearl from Sansa's necklace during the wedding and puting it in Joffrey's drink so while remembering it she also toyed with that necklace.

Sam Kimpton

Seeing your disgust at Maester Pycell reminded me that the actor who plays him also played Donovan, the main bad guy in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Cory Stanish

He also played General Veers, who led the assault on the Rebel base on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back.


Prepare for some of Peter Dinklage's best work of the series.


awesomeness is coming!

Paul Gibbons

Strangely enough there are no recaps on my UK dvd boxsets i don't know if it's a US thing.


getting flashbacks of that Scene now and if I remember right wasn't that the scene he got an Emmy or whichever big reward because his performance was that good

Joseph Phillips

I love Littlefinger as a character. He is irredeemably a scuzbucket, who only thinks of himself, but he plays it so well. I especially love his conversations with Varys. Neither one trusts the other, but they both respect each other.

Mike Api

If anything, I think you're at an advantage by watching them so close together. It was infinitely harder to keep character names, affiliations, and storylines straight with week-long breaks between episodes and year-long breaks between seasons.

Nathan Elkin

I feel like the actor for Tomman is the same one who played one of the Lanister cousins in a pervious season. I don't think this kid grew up as fast as everyone else because I don't remember him being much older than Rickon. I thought he was younger than Bran but this Tomman looks like he's 12-15 which is how old Bran is. Gosh, I wish they cared more about showing the passage of time in a more organized way. Watching this for the second time just makes me realize how much this story was done injustice, even though the show itself has great moments. The books are insane and should be visited if you haven't yet.

Jake H

Do you ever shutup?