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Hey friends!

Wanted to pop on here with a quick question for you. Many of you have mentioned that the Google Drive downloadable links typically don't work for you as Google Drive has bandwidth issues. I myself, feel they've become mostly useless as I've started uploading unlisted YouTube videos now. (For those that don't know, you can download YouTube videos through some third party apps such as "Any Video Converter") 

So my question is this:

Do you want me to continue including Google Drive links in my posts? 

Or should I just include the link to the YouTube video itself? 

I do plan on slowly transitioning all past content over to YouTube as well so that it's easier for more folks to view. That's just taking me a while as I don't have anyone assisting me with the Patreon content and some of the older videos need to be completely re-edited to pass the copyright system on YouTube. 

Thanks all for your feedback and thanks for supporting me here on Patreon! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Have a great day and stay golden! :) 


Gunnar Rea

Any chance you could try paying for a solid Mega.io account for a month as a trial? Should get rid of the bandwidth issues


I would say do a video with the YouTube link and see how people like it compared the Google drive download.


Unlisted on YouTube is the best way to go


I like having the file so I can open it in QuickTime on Mac and use the Picture in Picture feature. That said, if it’s a pain for you, do whatever’s easiest!


Google Drive links are easier and quicker for me to download, but youtube is doable as well. Whichever option is easier for you I'd say.


Cant download the full episodes with the converters.. and with GD that is possible.. so.. Or you have to unlock that for Youtube (if you can)


just so you and others know if you play the video in patreon then click the name of the video (at the top of the video player being played in patreon) it will take you to a unlisted youtube video that you can watch as many time as you want without downloading it I hope this help some people


To avoid the download issue, I just make a copy to my Google Drive and download from there. I like it cause I can watch it via chrome and use the pop-out window. Are you able to do that with YouTube videos? I guess not an issue to just download the YouTube video as well…


I prefer the Drive links, they just make it easy for me to download the content quickly

Mike H

Whatever is easier and less work for you.


Whatever makes the editing process easy for you

Patrick Egan

The Google Drive download links work great for me, but if they're a hassle for you I can definitely make do with YouTube links.

Ilsuk Yang

Either way is fine.


I just put you on a tablet via the YouTube link and watch stuff in my living room on the big TV. Works great.

Alan Kobb

I'll do it any way you decide. I can tell you that as long as I download early in the day, within an hour or two of you uploading, I never have a problem, and since I can do that, I usually download over lunch over the Drive link because it's easier. Of course I'm just one of several thousand patrons, so I make no claims that it is fair, and on the occasions when I'm not home, I use the YouTube link. It's easier to just download than to convert the YouTube video, but whatever. So, my vote for my own personal ease is to keep Drive, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it. You may want to look at the comments, but I suspect that the people who like the Google Drive link will feel the same way. It's a convenience, but nothing more.


Drive is a more convenient method for accessing the download-- I think the question really comes down to how many people need/prefer the download link due to bandwidth constraints. (ie, don't have the bandwidth to stream the source content alongside the youtube video). I will say that the download link caused a bit of confusion for some folks based on what I've read in the patreon comments. I think many people were downloading the video because they thought they had to. Several people were clearly clicking on the drive link without even realizing that the thumbnail for the post is a youtube video. So I actually think a more valuable albeit similar question is who actually needs to download the videos in order to watch along successfully. This I think is the crux of the issue and would inform the actual value of a convenient download link. My hunch is that a lot more people have been downloading than need to, but data is better than my guess. (For my part, I have no issue watching the video from youtube. All my source content is local to my network-- although I have enough bandwidth to stream both should I need to. Personally, I didn't vote because it matters not to me either way.)

Jason Eddy

For the most part I already have digital copies of everything you watch so I don't use the links anyhow. But it seems logical that a streaming link is better than a download link. And safer.


Maybe try something different like VIMEO


I like Google drive and the unlisted videos work just fine. But it looks like Google drive is starting to be more of a hassle for you. Maybe save yourself the extra step might be good.


Google drive is ok but if youtube gives you issues with copyright try vimeo

Michael Cruse

For me, being able to download videos when I get the notification and then watch them at a convenient time works nicely. But not a big deal if you switch.

Jason Dolan

If I need to download your reaction, I just cut and paste your YOUTUBE LINK into www.distillvideo.com and I recommend everyone else do this as well. Google Drive Links are always a pain in the butt.


I haven't use vimeo in a while but I think Patreon supports it and last time I checked you could let people download the original vimeo video, so it could work as streaming and download link.

Robert Haynes

I vote for whatever is most convenient for you. I can make either work.


I watch mostly on my phone and Apple TV so I can’t really download. I haven’t really watch a full length reaction ever. But that’s in me. YouTube links would be threat.


I use RealPlayer and part of the player includes RealDownloader. I copy and paste the Google Drive link in RealDownloader and it works every time. RealPlayer is free. It takes a while but that's only because I still use 6mbps DSL. That's all that is available where I live and I cant afford satellite on disability.


I honestly don't know. Wow, I'm a big help, huh? ; p

Reid Ellis

Given the content of the reaction video, there should be no friction whatsoever with any copyright-enforcing entity. I am on a patreon of reactions with the complete episode edited into the reaction and they seem to have no problem with Google Drive.

Reid Ellis

The issue with YouTube is synchronizing the playback of the reaction with the playback of the show. An online reaction will not have steady timing unless you have excellent internet. Granted, you could use a "YouTube Downloader" to avoid this, but that causes its own headaches. My 2¢


Google drive works for me and downloads only take a minute or two. The one time it didn't work, I was waiting maybe 20 minutes for it to download via "4k video downloader"


I never have any issues with the Google drive links & like many other commenters enjoy having the video downloaded. I've especially been enjoying downloading GoT & knocking a mini marathon every week and all I have to do is skip forward on HBOmax.


Having just added "YouTube popout player" to Chrome, maybe I could forgo the download entirely. I delete them after watching anyway. Only question now is whether YouTube 1.5x and VLC 1.5x playback speed are equal. There have been a couple of instances where it didn't sync properly and had to the speed up for a bit, slow down for a bit dance.

Chris Gronau

I can make either choice work. Are you going to switch your original reactions to the first Star Wars trilogy and the Lord of the Rings to "watch-along" style if (when) you transition to YouTube? That would be nice....


Best thing is you can put time stamps on the reactions pls


She was on Vimeo at the start. Had to leave due to bandwidth issues.

William R Coughlan

For the full-length reactions, I tend to watch using the YouTube link, with a separate Apple TV window with the actual movie down in the corner (i.e., pretty much where you put it on the videos).


Whatever you choose works for me but I voted for YouTube. I know some people mentioned Vimeo but if you decided to go that route, it could easily cost you 50 to 75 a month just to store and stream all of your content witch would not be an issue for you as long as you have the patrons to cover it. Google Drive has storage plans but none of their plans have bandwidth options so I assume it would be the same issues no matter which drive plan you chose. I'd say just use YT unless the copyright issues become problematic.

Phillip D Piris

Either way. Both work fine for me. I've never had an issue using either method. I would imagine that any major issues that are arising would be on a person by person basis at a local level, i.e., their computer or internet connection.


I just really want to watch the lord of the rings trilogy with you. And the hobbit. And can’t because google drive sucks.


Natalie, if anyone wants to know how to download the video clips from YouTube there is an open source, cross platform program called youtube-dl that is free and makes it exceedingly easy to archive content in any format they might want.


If you need to download, youtube-dl is an open source cross platform program that makes it easy to archive any YouTube video.

Bruce Bromley

YT is far less of a hassle for me to download the reactions.

Jonathan Deguire

I don't really care I've never had an issue with Google Drive, and I already have a Youtube downloader so I'm all set no matter what you choose.


Not sure what it'll be like syncing up my video with a YouTube video, but it should be fine. I do like being able to download the video to watch without concerns for bandwidth. Whatever you decide, I'm fine with.

Warren Van Wyck

Many times I have had issues downloading after the quota has been reached, sometimes in as little as 5 hours. Have you posted YouTube links before? I’ve yet to figure out which YouTube downloader is adequate or where to find this link of which you speak. Someone help direct me, please.

Adam B

If you google “YouTube url download” there are a bunch of sites where you just copy and paste the url and you’ll be able to download the video file right from YouTube.


Unfortunately, GoT is 5% out of sync on HBO Nordic :/ Downloading + VLC is the only way I know of to mitigate that.

Tony Johnson

My preference is to download, but I can work around that if it's better for you to just use youtube.


For all the GoT episodes, only twice have I ever had to wait due to bandwidth issues on Google Drive ... and one of those times, it was okay after a few hours (not a big deal). I'd definitely prefer to stick with Google Drive if possible.


If you'll be re-editing the older stuff for youtube content filters anyway, would you be up for adding a timecode clock as well if possible? The last few videos have been super easy to sync thanks to that.

Michael Labs

I've seen a few different methods on Patreon; I can work with any decision. So far so good...

Steve J

I think you need to put the link to the YT post in the description (where the Drive link is currently). Seems there are a handful of folks that still don't realize the post image can be directly played from YT, or click the video title to play on YT


Whenever I get the exceeded download/playback message on Google Drive, I use the "make copy, download folder, zip trick" that was shared here quite awhile ago. It's just a few extra clicks and all you have to do is unzip the file when it's downloaded. It bybasses the limit everytime. I don't have to wait. 1. Go to your "My Drive" 2. Make an empty folder 3. Natalie's video (the one I want to download) under "Quick Access". Right click, make a copy 4. Click and drag the copy into empty folder 5. Right click folder, download Remove the file from folder when done, leave the empty folder for next time. Of course, this is only if you always prefer to download the video. I still want Google Drive links, but if Natalie switches exclusivley to Youtube links, thats fine also because Youtube videos are easy to download too.


i prefer not to take a position on it. as long as people can watch it, wtvr it takes. ;-)

Tom Evans

Google Drive has a daily limit. So even though it might quickly hit the limit on the day that you post, it's available again the next day and beyond (i.e. the Endgame link works fine right now). Unfortunately most people don't understand that so they think the link is just broken. I can roll with it either way, but I think it's good to have multiple options. YouTube can be crappy sometimes.


I like the mpv links from Drive because it allows offline viewing to maximize bandwidth for streaming the show/movie being watched in tandem and also the use of a 3rd party media player but it's no big deal either way.


i think you could keep posting both links


I really do like the Google drive, even though I've complained about having to wait a few times, but I'm sure I can adjust if you need to change.


I think you already tried Vimeo but they are an excellent second alternative.


This is what I always do with gdrive links. Only takes a few seconds and seems to always work without bandwidth issues.

Chris (darkwater)

Only had an issue with downloading from the drive links early on.. hasn't really been an issue in a while. No preference really in the end though.


https://github.com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui Try the Windows Installer or Windows Portable versions


Does unlisted videos jive with youtubes auto strike system with copy right and notices. It feels like this might be adding a risk to the other side of your channel. but I'm not an expert in this. I really like being able to download the link in stead of stream personally and despite some drive daily limits I'm willing to wait until I can download if Drive is the best/easiest file hosting service for you. the unlisted video as part of the thumbnail in patreon was only very recently pointed out to me, lol. I completely missed it.


If i may suggest a movie, or 2, Denzel Washington The Equalizer and John Carter

Brian Jones

If I was going to suggest Denzel Washington films I would go with Man on Fire or Fallen personally. Equalizer isn't bad, but in a world where the John Wick films exist it kind of gets lost in the shuffle. John Carter is definitely a great suggestion though and an underrated film.


I like and benefit from the google drive downloads because it does make it easier for me to sync the movie/show as well as I can have Nat opened as a tiny window using media player in the bottom of my screen while the movie is playing right there from whatever streaming platform so for me google drive is a plus and would appreciate them still being apart of the posts!!! :D

Kevin Bartelen

I prefer the download as I don't have a great connection so trying to stream both Nat and the movie is unreliable.


I prefer YT, but chose Drive because other people make a good case.

Thomas Malley

they can post a strike against a video. even if it's unlisted or private. whatever his name is from reel rejects had a video on it a few days ago.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I love these polls (and the fact that the autocorrect was 'pills' haha), there's always a clear winner, even when my vote doesn't win, and it usually doesn't, the outcome is always a win for everyone. More Gold 😎

Liz Backofen

I am fine with either. My only suggestion is to make it more obvious that the preview at the top, is a link to the youtube video. I had no idea when I first joined that there was any option except the download link (I thought it was just an image on the post), so I was sad that I had to wait because it was always maxed out by the time I got to it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but people like myself that prefer the streaming/YT video option shouldn't really have a vote here because declaring that preference would take away from users that prefer the Downloadable option because that option suits their situation. Unlisted YT videos is the best general purpose release platform for most of your Patreons that don't have a particular issue with streaming content and therefore shouldn't need to be voted on, so perhaps a better poll should be that which votes on alternate Downloadable hosting so that the experience for those users might be improved, and your members that prefer the usual Unlisted YT streaming can then vote on the poll suggestions that they may be knowledgable on (or not, whatever). IMO, you'd want to consider a platform that allows downloadable or "offline viewing", such as Vimeo (? not super familiar!) that preferably doesn't require your community members to download weird third party extensions, if possible. RE Vimeo - While offering limited capabilities with a free membership, Vimeo has a paid avenue of reasonable price for the serious channel owner (Nat, in this case), and has a pretty good reputation for being a clean, professional host for creatives of all sorts, and a pretty clean and simple app for mobile users (I use it, and like it, but don't take my word for it). While I can't personally speak for too many suggestions, but a cursory skim through this article looks like it has some pretty reasonable suggestions and relevant info - https://kinsta.com/blog/video-hosting/

Logan Kerlee

I voted for Google only because I'd like to avoid the eventual problem that YouTube will have with hosting that content. The last thing I want is to be up one night, bored out of my mind unable to watch this content because YouTube is throwing a fit over copyright this or that. I've dealt with YouTube in the past and it can be might frustrating. In the end, if YouTube doesn't have those issues, I'm more than happy for the swap. I never had an issue using Google Drive but I understand that many others have.


This is an important factor for many users in areas with inadequate or otherwise unreliable service, so I hope your user experience and similars are heard!

Nikita Pascari

Always used Google Drive, never had a problem.

Darryl Low

The stream from Youtube is the easiest way to watch your videos Nat, and to download those videos, if required, is a quick and straightforward process using one of many programs available. Don't burn yourself out transferring your back catalogue across though, there's a lot of videos and it's a lot of work. If there's any way any of us can help out, let us know Nat 💛

A Vicarious View

I've been using YouTube this entire time but keep both if you think there are enough people that like having the google links. It's probably good for people with less stable internet connections for streaming who might need to download the video to avoid buffering issues that would mess up their sync. If you discontinue the Google links, there are also other ways to download YouTube videos anyway. I use a Real Player browser plugin, personally.


I don't think I should vote because I don't have a problem doing either one of these. Best leave it for people with internet issues to vote on.

Inhuman Paradox

Drive since if I'm already streaming a movie, streaming both it and the reaction can take a toll on bandwidth. As well, downloading from Drive works better than YouTube-mp4 systems that often give low-quality over-compressed video.


Please keep the unedited Google Drive links! I don’t want YouTube links to get taken down and risk your account!

Scott Greene

I've been clicking on the unlisted "watch-along" YT videos on this page and then synching them with my disc or stream. If you switch to unlisted-videos-only, works fine for me. As long as YT doesn't flag you for the "silent but blurry" versions on the videos, it should be fine.


Por que no los dos? Personally I prefer to download the vid cause there's less chance of desync if I get a random packet loss

Jerry Gomez

have you tried dropbox?


The Google Drive Link has a picture in picture feature that YouTube doesn't seem to have. I've been using it to watch your reactions in PIP as a stream, along with my copy of the movie. That just seems more convenient than downloading your reaction and using two players at the same time. Unless those unlisted YouTube vids have the PIP feature, well, then we're GOLDEN!

Shen V

A downloadable version is too useful. Youtube isn't always ideal, especially for videos that long, doubly especially for watching one alongside another streamed movie. Internet connections are also not always perfect and interruptions on a watchalong format are doubly annoying.


1) google drive problems disappeared for me after i started logging in with my own google account


2) really like a downloadable version so i can watch on the go and without stutters when my internet sucks


If you do switch to YT links only would you be able/willing to post the older vids that just had Drive links to YT as well? That would help me immensely


I download from the YouTube post. That's infinitely more reliable than Drive.


youtube is best for me, but i'm easy. Do what works best for you, and thanks for asking us!