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Hey guys!

Here is my reaction to the next episode of Game of Thrones! The intro starts at 7:31 for those who are watching without the previous episode's recap.

As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/ZvMjMfUhADQ 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Randee Carreno

Happy Tuesday, Natalie! 😊 Downloading this right now to watch later tonight. We're so close to the season 3 finale already! Looking forward to watching this episode reaction this evening. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


You could have posted this comment once she uploaded episode 9, don't you think? : |

Matt Camburn

i find i dont need a timer at all. Using the blurred video in the bottom left is plenty enough, lining up jump cuts make it really easy. On a lot of other react channels i find the timer is never correct anyway and just line up with jump cuts

Matt Camburn

also, incase people didnt know, there a chrome addon called "picture in picture" which lets you have the patreon video as a small box so its even easier to line up. Just go on the patreon video, click the addon icon in the top right and it lets to move the small video window and re size it however you like


Thrones Tuesday 🙂 on a bit of a downer having gotten the news a friend died today so a fun reaction from nattie should brighten my mood 💛


Please please make the Youtube version of episode 9 ONE video and not just part of a 3 episode video. 😄👍

Jai Nelson

I personally don’t need a timer, besides the fact I’m using DVDs so it wouldn’t sync up anyway, but mainly because the blur makes it easy to stay in sync. Also I have that same timer issue with Disney+, I’ll go to skip backward and it jumps forward video wise, even though the timer rewinds, it’s fucking annoying lol, so I get it.

Devin Nease

You guys realize saying "ooo something big is coming in episode 9!" might as well be a spoiler, right? Cut it out.


I remember that was a time when some people were interested in having a GOT-themed wedding.

Steven Tarsitano

YAY! i'm so glad to see you back! can't wait to see your reaction to the finale of this season!

Darryl Low

Your thumbnail for today's video just makes me smile Nat. Going to watch this one later tonight. Really looking forward to it. Thank you 💛

Bubba Fett

If you have Amazon and HBO max, you can watch through Amazon channels without going through the max app. That's how I prefer watching HBO because like you said the max app is kinda wierd.


Oh my poor summer child.........

Darth Danker

I watch all of your videos without the timer just fine!


Sam used the dragonglass dagger he found last season. remember the one they found burried in the snow? now you know what its good for.

Matt Camburn

that thing sam stabbed him with was one of those flint looking things they found buried up north a while ago, i think atleast lol

Tim Zaum

I hope you doing good after what happened :)


I don't need a timer at all.

Calo Grsf

Thanks Nat for this episode! You rock! 😄 I especially liked it at the end, you were so tense you were turning red haha But otherwise all along you were great, especially the scene with Tyrion and Sansa, it's a strong scene I think, Tyrion is really a great character and my favorite! And you were really funny for the scene with Gendry and Melisandre haha, it's sure that a leech between the legs can't be pleasant 😆 (it hurts just thinking about it 😨) I'm really excited to go further with you 😁 I hope you're fine, be safe, take care and stay golden! 💛

Ben Audsley

Fire kills Wights (zombies made by White Walkers)


just starting this, but my two cents: don't sweat the timer unless you really really want to buy the whole series. I don't think we need it

Alan Kobb

That was so much fun! Really, though, Natalie. If you're squeamish, you really picked the wrong series! You ain't seen nothing, yet! There are two kinds of undead that you've seen. The guy that Sam killed is a White Walker. the White Walker shattered Sam's iron sword just by grabbing it, but the dagger was one of the dragonglass daggers that Sam found buried in the Fist, buried thousands of years ago by The First Men, and it shattered the white walker like glass. The other kind of undead are the wights. They are dead people who have become mindless soldiers serving the White Walkers. So far the only thing that we've seen that could stop them is fire. Nothing else we've seen stops them.


''If you think this has a happy ending, you have not paid attention''


As for the timer thing... don't worry about it, I just take a few seconds to sync it and then it's all good.


"I hate it!" "I hate it!" "I hate it!" "ahhhhhhhh" 😂 pure gold from our nattie that 😀 wonderful reaction, love how you did your hair for this one looks great Nat 👌a flagon is a container for serving drinks basically what arya was filling glasses with when she was serving tywin, about the timer I personally just sync up using your blurred image so never really use a timer so either or for me. Thanks as always Nat that was a lot of fun 💛


Not a fan of the timers anyway Nat, I wouldn't bother lol

Petteri Ahlberg

No need to bother with timers. The blurred footage is plenty enough : )

The Guy on the Couch

Wow. gonna invest in companies that make tissue paper this week. We're going to get Episode 9 of GoT 3rd season and Avengers: Endgame. Nat is gonna be killin trees this week :p


This patreon page is also full of patrons who love to spoil. Giving hints and clues count as spoilers which would be kinda funny since you are ruining something that you are paying into. However you are also ruining it for those that are here to watch honest reactions that havent been spoiled. I don't get why some people lack the resolve to hold themselfs back from doing the thing that everybody hates.. spoilers.

Matt Gwinn

I wouldn't worry about the timer. I always sync up with what's on the screen.


The dragon glass killed the white walker. Steel doesn't work.

Armchair Wizard

This is a game of thrones post, but thanks for the history lol.

Andrew T

If Natalie asks a question that you know will get answered in a future episode, there's no need to answer the question.

Thomas Yanez

This should be posted in every upload description. And, maybe tattooed on a few people's foreheads.


^ Suck it trolls. This all day.


I find the timer helpful if I accidentally and royally mess up and restart/close one of the windows when the show is halfway over. But, I also don't want you to have to pay for the set just to cover my clumsy mistakes that don't happen super often.

Ellis Hugh

Absolutely. Just a quick pause/play sequence to get the scene jumps synced is all we need, and that's perfectly doable with the blurred screen.


Personally don't like the timer, but doesn't really bother. I sync off the first scene changes if/when I have to pause for any reason since my timer never is quite right using free tv sites. So glad you're back, and hope you're well! Looking forward to watch more with ya! <3

Tony Johnson

That lol at 4:50 though


people need to stfu about things explained in later episodes....


Concerning the timer, I do very well syncing up using the blurred image when scenes change. I'm also watching along using HBO Max so a timer from a DVD wouldn't do me any good because my time will be screwed up anyway.

Mr Rys

HBO is very weird, in my country it has shorter scenes or something, if I watch your reaction with HBO it gets desynchronized every new scene

Joe Blankenship

I think there should be an animated GoT spinoff called Adventures of Arya and The Hound. Their scenes together are some of my favorite in the show.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Nah, don't need the timer, the intro is already perfect for syncing. I liked the crows warning Sam of the white walker, crows and ravens are some of my favorite animals and I've heard stories of crows warning people of danger like that, and not just coincidentally as they happen to be warning each other but literally going out of their way to communicate to humans. There's even one of those Missing 411 stories about crows leading someone to the body of a missing person in the forest. Back when I was living in Seattle I would often ride the bus to work and I'd walk up Aurora Avenue where it divides a cemetery, there were always a murder hanging out on the fence and I'd give them whatever scraps from breakfast I had, after just a couple days of this I swear they recognized me and would gather when they saw my bus coming, even before I got out. Such smart animals, no wonder natives believed they were shape shifters and messengers of the gods, etc.

Ellis Hugh

Anyone else finding themselves constantly checking back in, hoping for the next episode of GoT and/or Endgame? The anticipation is killing me...


I find it easy enough to sync without the timer.


I vote no timer. It's easy to sync everything up with a few quick pauses here and there.


**spoiler free comment** The ravens all had blue eyes. Dead ravens. The ones Sam was supposed to release at the fist of the first men. Looks like they came home to roost 😆.

Daniel Restaro

i hope u don't quit the show after lol


I truly loved this reaction, thank you for all your content.


Regarding the timer thing. it is really weird, I am watching on HBOs danish streaming service, and it is not synchronized with your service. Yours is running about 5% slower.

Thomas Yanez

Please stop setting expectations. Worst kind of spoiler.


The dagger was dragon glass and maybe skip the comments lol or remind people that we'd like unadulterated reactions

Al Baughman

I don't need a timer. I do better syncing up GoT than i do the Marvel movies that have a timer.

Mike H

agreed - the length and animation of the intro (even blurred) is better than a timer

Prof Moff

no timer


No need for a timer! It's really easy to sync as long as we can see the shot cuts


Prefer to not have a timer. :)


I prefer it without a timer. I've found that I'm pretty easily able to sync my viewing with the blurred shots, and it's very easy to resync them if I ever need to do that.


No one has openly said that "Something big" will happen, no one but you mate. Your complaint is a spoiler.

12 Feet Up

No timer works fine!

Joseph Phillips

Timers are nice when they are available, but I do not feel that Game of Thrones needs one much at all. The intro is really easy to sync up do to the clear shot transitions and the sweeps across the screen, even through the blur. If you have HBO Max, then I do not see a reason for you to buy the whole show, unless you plan on watching it multiple times in the future, where the cost would even out.


I'm guessing you're using HBO Nordic? The encoding is different so it plays at a slightly faster playback speed than the american HBO.


The implication with the sheets was that Shae saw they'd been untouched on one side of the bed, not that there was no blood.


If the timer is a big hassle, I say don't worry about it. Sam stabbed the white walker with one of the Dragon Glass daggers he found buried in a previous episode.

Jeff Slocum

** UPDATE** Not sure if anything changed but I am now able to download *** Hello. I am getting an error when trying to download the video from the link. It tells me I am not authorized? Does anyone know if this is an issue with just me? And while I have not watched yet I agree a timer is not needed. Once the viewer gets synced up which is easy with the countdown it is very easy to get back in sync by pausing whichever gets out of sync. Which does happen now and then if the app we are watching the show on has a hiccup but that is very rare.

Ben Gilshenan

a good way to sync your video to the audio is to do a clap sync just clap then line the clap sound up with the video of when you clap and for your laptop you can just type 123 and say the numbers as you type them to sing the footage with your video the conducting is fun to watch though so feel free to continue it, mabye throw a few hexagons in there for fun P.S super excited for the next episode its the penultimate episode as it will be coming out in an hour you already know whats going to happen


This episode was full of awkward moments. Or maybe just more than usual. But the wedding especially had some cringe moments with Tyrion.

Alex B

Timer isn’t necessary

Doug Watson

Those leeches were cgi

Nicholas Hentges

Dont buy the series, the timer isn't worth it, pretty easy to sync up based on the thumbnail


It died because the dagger was made of dragon glass

Aaron Taft

I don't know how many times I have to mention this; but again, if ya blur out Everything BUT the closed captioning. WE CAN FOLLOW YOU!!! Look at your Matrix reaction video. I never got lost watching that reaction. I could watch half of it one day, and pick it back up a week latter where I left off and I was ALWAYS in sync with ya.


Dont really mind the no timer but this series is worth buying


lol ok so now that i see what the problem is i dont know where to sync up so yeah a timer might help. thank you for that

Tommy Ross

"You guys are idiots" for not grabbing the fire. Fire doesn't even kill White Walkers unless it's dragon fire. Only wights. You really jump at calling people idiots when you have no idea what you're talking about.

Brian E

A bedding ceremony was where the Bride and Groom would go have sex and be watched by the court to prove the marrige was consummated.

Natasha Medina

Wow I hope you’re not a patreon member to her anymore bc you’re like really mean. This was her first time watching this show; I remember my first time. It was difficultremembering all the names, making the connections, and keeping up with all the places. I know this is old but holy crap you’re so judgmental…all of your comments are rude af. Meanwhile I’m having a blast watching her watch my favorite show even tho this was more than a year ago!