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Hope you guys are having a great start to your week. To kick it off, here is my reaction to Spider-Man: Homecoming! I've always been a fan of Peter Parker and was particularly excited to watch this movie.

As always, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

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Original Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


FIRST TIME WATCHING: Spider-Man: Homecoming!!

MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Can’t wait to watch!!


I’m really excited for this one! They’re all so good from here on out


The next best Spider-Man movie i.m.o

Andy Jordan

Hooray for Marvel Movie Mondays! One of the MCU's best, and in my opinion, the best iteration of Peter Parker there's been so far. Looking forward to this one. Cheers!

Darryl Low

Super excited to watch this one with you Nat. Thank you 💛 Michael Giacchino wrote the score for this one, after doing Dr. Strange and the new Avengers Intro theme, and a good old-fashioned score it is too. Hard to believe he cut his teeth on the original Medal of Honor videogame, way back in 1999. That was a really good, fun reaction and I enjoyed you laughing at Steve's final scene. Looking forward to the horrors, and then you'll be fine again with your man Loki next week 😊


Been looking forward to this marvel Mondays are such a great way to start the week off, grab a drink grab a snack and let's begin 💛


Natalie, I adore you. I can't wait to watch you every week! Thank you for your content!


Just what I needed to get through today.


I had never looked forward to Mondays in my entire life. Marvel Mondays!!!!!!!!

The Golgothan

It's unfortunate nobody told Nat that one of the prerequisites for this movie is Batman 1989


The rights to Spider-Man are currently owned by Sony and has been for many years so despite being a Marvel character Disney can't use him in their movies without making a deal with Sony which they luckily managed to do for the MCU Spider-Man films + his appearance in Civil War :)


I love the intro sequence with Blitzkrieg Pop. It’s a rather accurate portrait of average New Yorkers reacting to Spider-Man. Lol


Noo, since it’s not on Disney it of course has the same issue as the other movies with the Europe version being faster :(


I believe the Karen meme became big after this movie was released. I don't think it was why the AI was named Karen. :)


Fun fact: Robert Downey Jr. and Marisa Tomei (Aunt May) dated IRL back in the 80s


Love the thumb sleeves Nat 😀 no wonder you enjoyed seeing Gary In The world's end with them so much 😄


Back when Marvel was hurting financially (90s I believe), someone in the company made some very bad business deals. IE licensing Marvel properties for life to FOX and SONY. just one of the reasons Disney bought Fox (to get ownership of their properties back).

Ron K

Feel like this movie sets up the need for a John Hughes poll.

Edwin Bertilsson

Your copy is slower than any I can find, so I have to pause and resync every minute. Same with GoT. The disney+ ones are all good tho.


It's a pretty twisty history after it was bought by New World in the late 80's, and you're correct with the licensing, just to keep Marvel afloat. Disney's legal department certainly had their work cut out for them to re-acquire all those licenses -- which probably made them realize it was a quicker return on their investment to just buy FOX.


The care and meme was in existence before this. It's unrelated, some people are just named Karen.


So glad you enjoyed this one! Another fun little tidbit about it: the voice of Karen was none other than Jennifer Connelly.


So in 2014 after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 failed at the box office, Sony and Disney worked out a deal that would allow Spider-Man to be in the MCU. Civil War happened, and now here we are. As you saw at the end, Spider-Man will return, so more fun to look forward too. Sony and Disney again worked out another deal in 2019, so we will get more MCU Spider-Man.


Had to buy this one but worth it

Randee Carreno

Happy Marvel Monday!!! 😊 Absolutely loved this reaction! Loved your reaction when Ned found out that Peter is Spider-Man. That's one of my favorite scenes in the movie. LOL! Fun Fact about Tom Holland: he can actually do a lot of flips that you see Spider-Man do. Another Fun Fact: The voice of Peter's suit A.I. Karen is actress Jennifer Connelly who is married to Paul Bettany who plays Vision & voiced Tony's A.I. Jarvis. Like you Nat, I like that in this 'origin' he was already Spider-Man, like we got to see in "The Incredible Hulk" and "Thor". That twist that the main villian was actually Liz's was something that I didn't see coming when I first saw this movie. Michael Keaton does a great job as a villian. We got the right amount of Tony Stark in this movie. That scene when Tony takes the suit away is a hard scene for me to watch. But like you said, it's a conversation that needed to happen. Plus, it showcases Tom Holland's great on-screen chemistry with RDJ. I love Zendaya's character MJ. Tony and Pepper are now engaged. YAY! And I loved how the movie ended with May finding out that Peter is Spider-Man. 😂 Just letting you know in advance that there will be 1 more movie in Phase 3 after "Avengers: Endgame". There's 7 more movies left to go. Up next: The EPICNESS and the best one of the 3 "Thor: Ragnarok". I'm so SUPER HYPED for that one next week. Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


This is like my comfort movie so I'm so glad you liked it! Peter is just the sweetest kid ever and I *love* that he makes mistakes. He just feels like the most human superhero out of them all to me. His child like sense and cockiness, but with the genuinely good heart and socially awkwardness- I just love it. Plus the twist with the Dad is insaaaane. The scene in the car is one of my all time faves.


Another fun fact: Jennifer Connelly is married to Paul Bettany who is also the voice of Jarvis


"Spider-Man and Ant-Man's powers are completely different!" "He can't summon an army of spiders. Spider-Man and Ant-Man's powers are completely different!" "There's only one Falcon and it's not you!" Natalie is turning into a Superhero nerd and I love it.


Hooray! This is not only my favorite Spider-Man movie, but my favorite Marvel movie. Period. The reason why I think it's so good is: if you take away all the Spider-Man bits, you're still left with a good and solid John Hughes-ish high school movie. That was the correct way to go. Bravo to all involved.

Calo Grsf

Thank you for this Marvel Monday! I loved your reaction, especially when there was music, you were like a kid 😆, and I like the way you see Parker, I'm sure if you were an avenger, you would be like his sister 😆 It's so satisfying to see you happy as a clam, and enjoy watching and moving through the story. So excited about Monday, and don't forget to wash your hands after every trip to the bathroom, Tony Stark could be there 😆 I hope you're safe, stay golden! 💛


I'm something of a Spidey purist and for the longest time had issues with Aunt May not being portrayed as elderly as in the comics and the Raimi film series. Fortunately Marisa Tomei is awesome. Bravo, I say.


Loads of easter eggs in this one. From Bruce Banner's pic being on the wall in the science classroom to Peter resting on top of the cyclone at Coney Island (mentioned just before the zip line in Captain America). Plus some less obvious ones lurking in various backgrounds. Love Marvel Mondays and your great content Nat. 💛

Darren Withers

Nat, I was watching for one reaction that didn't seem to come. I could be wrong but I think you missed this. Peter's two most famous flames have always been Gwen Stacey (portrayed by Emma Stone in "The Amazing Spiderman") and Mary Jane Watson (played by Kirsten Dunst in the McGuire trilogy). Mary Jane is typically shortened to M.J, so when Michelle said her friends called her M.J., that was supposed to be an "aha" moment. Obviously naming her Mary Jane from the beginning (or even casting Michelle with red hair) would have been a dead giveaway and detracted from the viewers investment in the Pete and Liz relationship, so the writers played around with it. Also a fun note: this is the third time Michael Keaton has donned wings for a role, having previously starred in "Birdman" and. of course, "Batman".


Only reason I accepted mj not having red hair. Is she isn't mary jane.


I do like that we have been introduced to 5 villains in this movie.


Web fluid is to shoot webs. It's what the webs are made of. The things on his wrist hold cartridges full of web fluid and have to be swapped when they run out. It's not like the weird Toby Mcguire thing where the webs came out if his body which was just made up for those particular movies.

Jayson Phillips

Thank you NAT, It was great watching with you...Can't wait to get into the new THOR with you, hope you dont take too long a break lol

Andrew T

OMG. I just happened to see that Happy is played by Jon Favreau, a name I recognized from behind-the-scenes videos of The Mandalorian. So I looked him up on IMDB and saw that he's executive producer of (all?) the Marvel movies among a crap ton of apparently many other movies and TV shows. I feel like I had a Natalie moment where I don't recognize someone right away, and when I do, it's like, "I can't believe I didn't make the connection."


WandaVision is my most anticipated reaction of yours. IDK about Agents of Shield though, never saw it but I know its super long and doesn't impact the films at all


Did you skip Black Panther or did I miss it? I thought that was before Doctor Strange in the release order???


I think it’s Thor Ragnarok next, Black Panther right before IW :)


The cool thing is when Spider Man does all the flips and stuff, that's actually Tom Holland doing that. He grew up doing gymnastics


Agents of Shield is a phenomenal show. It takes a little while to get going - starts off very episodic at first - but by the end of the first season, you're hooked. And yes, the show doesn't impact the films at all, but the films impact the show (moreso in the first and second seasons), so it's better to watch at least up to Winter Soldier before you start watching the show.


He also directed the first Iron Man movie, as well as the second. And if I remember correctly, is pretty much the reason we got Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man. Was set on RDJ for the role and the studio didn't want him, and Favreau fought for it. Dude's a boss.


I liked this movie the first time around - it's my favorite of all of the previous Spider-Man films but I super blown-away at first. But watching someone like Natalie watching it and enjoying it and laughing so much, really made a positive difference. So glad I joined Patreon to support her - I really look forward to these reaction videos.

Troy B.

This was worth renting the Spider-Man movie for! (Though it'd still be nice if it were streamable somewhere. And not some new site like "Sony Plus" or something.)

Andrew Dickinson

The school Principle has a picture of his Grandfather in his office, one of the howling Commandos, played by the same actor Ken Choi.

Eric Bogerd

So glad you're getting into the later phases now. We will see some more Spiderman in upcoming movies, but his next solo effort isn't until after Endgame. Looking forward to Ragnarok!


Looking forward to seeing your reactions to the next bunch of MCU films! If you want something completely different to the big hero/action/sci fi films, check out Pan's Labyrinth (fantasy drama) and The Nice Guys (comedy thriller). Think you'd really enjoy both. :)

Ben Wheeler

For a long time that was all I knew Michael Keaton for and had no idea he was mostly a comedic actor

Ben Wheeler

I still think Tony was a crappy mentor through most of the movie. Gives the kid the suit and then ignores him til he gets in trouble. No lessons, no “learn from my mistakes,” nothing.

Steve J

If you like this Spiderman movie, you should really really put Spiderman: into the Spider-verse on your list. It's arguably the best of all of modern Spiderman movies. As well as _amazing_ next level animation.


So much to enjoy in this movie: the off-beat humour, the niche music choices (the Ramones AND the English Beat😎), the easter eggs for comic fans. My favourite was the translation of Damage Control from comic book to big screen (and from private company to govt agency), a gem from the late 80s/early 90s answering the all-important question: who cleans up after these guys?

Kevin Mowery

One thing I didn't see mentioned: the "eight years later" title card is a mistake that Sony never went back and fixed. *Most* of the Marvel movies have taken place in the year they were released, so Avengers took place in 2012. Civil War took place in 2016, and Spider-Man is shortly after that, so also in 2016. So it's four years later, not eight.


Vulture, Shocker, Scorpion, the not avengers, and Zendeya?

It Hurt A Lot

So Michael Keaton has played 2 different bird men in films

john collins

your thoughts about Zendaya weren't wrong and when she reveals her name is MJ. it's an ode to Mary Jane from the commics who peter calls MJ. Setting up for the big spider man fans that she will likely be peters love interest moving forward. I think this was a very smart edition to the film because in the comics and cartoons of spiderman his love interests are very important characters, far more so than the other heroes typical love interests.

Nerd Going Outside

Only one week left till the Thor payoff. I'm pumped.


Michael Keaton did a fantastic job as The Vulture, who is the OG spider villain, but from a time when those were frankly kind of ridiculous. The nods to the comic character (the extra fuzzy flight suit) were just right, while updating him to be a really scary dude. What makes him scary is that he’s not crazy. He believes he is justified and is doing it for his family. It’s shades of Walter White. Ned is an interesting pull from the alt-universe Ultimate comic, where Miles Morales is Spider-Man (as featured in the Spider-verse animated film, which is totally outside of the MCU, pulls together various alternate spider-incarnations in a very smart and different take than has been produced for film, and is a MUST SEE), and Ned is his confidant. Tom Holland absolutely nails the innocence and naïveté of Peter Parker. He’s hands down my favorite iteration of the character, and although Tomei is an interesting departure, I really like the vibe that she has with Holland. Zendaya as MJ is a great choice, keeping her independent and self assured characteristics, but ditching the male gaze fantasy girlfriend image for a more rounded, complex character. I adore that Marvel and Sony managed to come together to make this happen.

Misty Crom

That last end credit thing... I remember that from he cinema. I was absolutely busting for the toilet, but waited to see what the last sting'd be. I remember just saying out loud "F**k you Captain America. Well played, but f**k you. ... Was well played though."

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

Agreed, but I think that was kind of the point regarding Tony not really knowing how to be a father, because of Howard Stark

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

I enjoy both Spiderman films and think Tom Holland and the rest of the supporting cast are great too. I really like Zendaya's portrayal as MJ as she's a unique, quirky character and I feel like Zendaya is like that as well. Also her and Tom's chemistry is real and they have great interviews together


That popcorn bowl looks so sad and small :(((((


Funny you mention Jarvis because Jennifer Connelly, who voices Karen, is married to Paul Bettany (Jarvis/Vision)

Garren Haskell

Wow that was a good one! I'm in love with Peter Parker now too. I hadn't seen this one or any of the next Avengers/Marvel movies, so these are all going to be new to me coming up. Natalie you are a great person to experience these with!

A Vicarious View

The reason Spiderman is not on Disney+ is because the Spiderman and Fantastic Four film-rights have been owned by Sony since the first Spiderman trilogy. Marvel Comics was in a hole back then and sold them...they sold X-Men to Fox around the same time too. Disney has since acquired Marvel and Fox but Sony has been holding out. Sony and Disney finally came to a deal to work together so Spiderman can now appear in the Disney MCU and MCU characters can blend into the Spiderman movies which are all technically still Sony movies.

Rusty Childers

That car ride to the dance is one of my favorite tension scenes. Wow. Such great performances.

Ilsuk Yang

The "8 years later" tag they put in the beginning of the film was a mistake by the director and film crew. It was supposed to say "4 years later" instead. The "Vulture" makes the same mistake later in the film, so at least they were consistent with the mistake!

Anthony Campbell

I love that you are doing the Marvel movies on Mondays. Hope that continues.


LOL I LOVED your reaction with the twist on Liz's Dad :) Not sure you made the connection with Michelle/MJ bit, but you're already seeing her obsession with Peter so it's all good. Can't wait for the next one!

Texas Anla'Shok

Hello, I'm Captain America and on behalf of Marvel Studios I'm here to remind you just how whipped we have you.

Lucky Dragon ‘She.They’

You do not have to watch Agents of Shield. It’s not that good and it's probably not canon anymore.


Did you notice the picture of the soldier in the guidance councilor's office? Or Principle or whatever. Pretty sure that character's father, possibly grandfather, was one of the Howling Commandos from Captain America's squad in WW II.


Agents of Shield is amazing, first season is medioker then they become better and better. Some of the best TV ive watched. I agree that its not necessary to watch though, its not really canon.

Mike LL

The best Marvel movies have a specific sub genre that they work in, Winter Soldier is a spy thriller, Ant-Man is a heist film, this movie is an excellent coming of age teen comedy. I was blown away by your comment about Toomes jacket with "the crazy amount of shearling", I never knew the technical term of that particular item of clothing, or that it had a technical name, but the reason for it is that it is a callback to the Marvel Comics costume for the Vulture, who was the first costumed super villain that Spider-Man fought. And I have a brother and his family who lives in Rochester and I have two nieces at Syracuse. But they have never said exactly where the Avengers compound is up there.


I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but the “suit lady” was voiced by Jennifer Connelly. She’s married to Paul Bettney who of course voiced JARVIS and plays Vision. Coincidence?!

Ellis Hugh

Pretty hard to tell me something I didn't know about the MCU... wonder how that one got by me. Jennifer Connelly, Career Opportunities... just damn.

Donovan Sparks

Loved this reaction! Especially the happy face you made when you first realized the spider-man theme at the beginning! hahaha


Ultimate deep dive geek cameo: the scene where Peter does the flip for the hot dog vendor and the old man with the boom box? The old man was the punk rocker on the bus in Star Trek IV that Spock does the nerve pinch on.


So, welcome to The Vulture. One of Spiderman's biggest nemeses in the comics.

Edward Olson

Kirk Thatcher is much more than just the "Punk on Bus" from Star Trek IV. He was much more than that even then.


Don't know if it's been mentioned, but back in 2008's The Incredible Hulk, there's a deleted scene were Martin Starr (who plays the kids' debate coach Mr. Harrington in Homecoming) played a random computer lab guy who gets a pizza brought to him by Bruce Banner and tells him not to hide from his power.


can you imagine watching that end credit scene in the cinemas? xD


My first superhero exposure was Batman 60s TV show and the even older Superman TV show (50s? -- li'l help?). Spiderman was next.


He is basically a god... spider-man . I gather you would never talk with others watching with you... you tend to miss key conversation parts


Excuse me, where are you watching this? The version I'm watching says it's 2 hours, 7 minutes and 57 seconds. Mine keeps getting ahead of the version you're watching like wth

Cory Silver

So much prophesy. "It will literally ruin his life if people know who he is" Karen was NOT a thing when this movie was made. Homecoming came out July 7, 2017. The Karen meme thing didn't "start" until late 2017. And it didn't get famous until 2018. Karen wasn't in the comics though.


I don't understand the constant telling Peter to not get involved and let someone else do it. That's the complete opposite of his character. he can't stand by and watch bad things happen. You might as well be asking a fish to stop swimming. Standing by and doing nothing is what led to his uncle Ben being killed and he would never make that mistake again.