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Hey guys! 

Here is my reaction to the FINAL episode of Season 1!! I think my face above says it all haha.

So excited to share this one with you and to dive into further seasons!

As always, let me know your thoughts in the comments below and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

Google Drive Link for those who wish to download the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kr2uMWR6vUs_T7tKys4DF4Tx7kUfGr1t/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Last time i was this early GoT characters died horribly.

ISeeTrees ofGreen

Really excited for this, i dont even remember what happens in this episode either


Might have to watch. I gave up two ep in season 2


Season finale time can't wait to watch this one need a fast forward button to skip to home time 😀💛

Darryl Low

Nat, I think your thumbnail shows how we were all feeling 💛 Watching this season again with you here on Patreon, which I haven't seen since it first aired, has been an amazing and emotional experience. A lot of things I had forgotten, but was really getting caught up in it again because of your enthusiasm, and incisive observations. And of course, the tears. Thanks for a great season 1 Nat, and I'm really looking forward to the next one. And thank you fellow Patrons, for fleshing everything out too.

Jonathan Flick

I'm addicted to these reactions. It's like getting to experience it for the first time all over again.

Randee Carreno

Downloading my copy to watch later is evening. 😊 I've really enjoyed this series so far. I'm so excited to watch this season finale later on. And I can't wait for season two. Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛

Christopher French

Imagine waiting a whole year or longer to get to the next season. It was rough being a fan for the ten(!?) years the show was running.

Patrick W

If you like Peter Dinklage you should watch a pair of movies called Death at a Funeral. The original is a British comedy directed by Frank Oz and co-stars Alan Tudyk. It was remade a couple years later by Chris Rock (I think). Both feature Peter Dinklage playing the same character and both movies are hilarious as well as being a nice example of same script, different directors.

Luis Torrefranca

Rickon is the youngest of the Stark children. His wolf in the crypts is Shaggydog.


thx Nat

Calo Grsf

Thank you for this great reaction! 😄 The contrast between the beginning and the end haha, besides for the beginning I'm sure you beat your record of tears, you were really touching haha But Nat, for pity's sake, you'll have to try not to spoiler yourself or anything, even if it means shooting at people with a bazouka, and the same for the others, even if you feel like saying some things (I'm one of them, don't worry 😜), you absolutely have to take it upon yourself, so that Nat and those who discover it at the same time as her, can appreciate it even more 😄 To conclude, Stay Golden and Be Safe!

Tiger Chu

You might need a break from this show. A good comedy would be a nice change

BJ Stephens

I would also recommend a indie film called The Station Agent, a great performance by Dinklage imo.


Nat the guy who protected arya from neds beheading was called yoren


On the doddery (though not really) Maester Pycelle, you have seen him briefly in one of your previous reactions - in The Empire Strikes Back, Julian Glover plays General Veers who leads the Imperial Walker assault against the Rebels on Hoth. Glover was also in the running to play James Bond but lost out to Roger Moore. If you return to your Bond viewings, you might consider Moore's For Your Eyes Only which features not only Glover but also another GoT actor in one of their earliest roles.


I did the same thing when this series first aired. It’s definitely worth the payoff to get back into it and watching it along Nat has been a joy.


Well, you got me through season 1. Thank you! I’m excited to see what happens in season 2. I didn’t watch season 2 and I barely remember the audiobook.

Troy B.

I had forgotten how gut-wrenching the Stark family's reactions were to Ned's death, it can sometimes be harder to process, especially for someone empathetic, than the death itself. Also, I don't know if anyone's answered this for you or not, but the little boy at Winterfell who was confusing you is the youngest Stark child, Rickon. I'm guessing his real-life age limits how much he can be on set for the show, so his role is fairly minor, no pun intended.


Another wonderful reaction ending off a great first season, the young boy is rickon Stark you don't see him much this season! in the first book he's only 3yrs old that's probably why, arya is off with gendry to the wall with yoren sorry I mean arry 🙂 lots of sad moments in the finale but the ending is so epic it makes up for it in part, glad that witch burned she sucked, and the houses chanting THE KING IN THE NORTH was amazing loved that so much, until season 2 stay as always golden 💛


There are a lot tears in this show but there's also a deeper investment. The moments of things going well are more deeply felt. It's worth sticking with it.

Valar Dohaeris

Gratuitous sex scenes? What does that mean? 😉

Steve J

I believe in internet vernacular it's pronounced "King ah da Norf!!"


I'm so glad the show ended on a happy note for you and that you are excited for season 2. In the books, the Stark kid's wolves are much more active. It was just too expensive for the TV show to do the same. Especially since we have three new . . . friends that are in the show.


"Night Walkers" haha

Kevin Anand

Natalie don't forget that Ned sent a letter to Stannis about Cersei and Jaime!


Tywin said don't bring her to court. Not kings landing. Court is when people show up for the king's judgement. Court was when the musician was playing.

Jakub C

I love this. I saw the first few seasons many times, yet i did not vote for this in the poll because many youtubers did this already. Still I love it. I want to say that in the last 4 episodes you seem so well caught up. I was afraid during the episodes 2-5 that there is way too much information for a reactor, but it looks like you are super fine with the plot and characters. There are some connection that you are missing, but it will come later I am sure. The patreon comments probably help a lot, I guess. Keep on the amazing work please!

Jakub C

That is really the only confirmation that happened. Bran, Ned to cersei and this one letter if my memory is correct. Problem is that Stannis is only mentioned and not shown in the first season, so many people dont know where to place him. I am sure it will be clear in the next season who that is.

Jakub C

It is so funny during the rewatch how you can see where they skimmed on money.


Daenerys was born on Dragonstone during a really bad Storm, that‘s why she’s Daenerys‘‘Stormborn‘‘. Love your reactions, Game of Thrones is one of my alltime favourite shows and its great to rewatch it with you.


It looks like that room you're in is pretty dark, compared to your usual (home?) one. That's your eye strain right there, sudden change in the ambient light levels. No? Hope it calms down for you when you get back to normal :)


y'all should stop revealing/eluding to things that happen in later seasons.

John Graziano

Interesting (at least to me) trivia about all the two-hander scenes in the first season: The two fancy lads who ran the show delivered season 1 waaay under time - less than 40 minutes per episode - and HBO pitched a fit. They were forced to go back and write (or, more likely, have their underlings write) extra scenes that could be shot quickly and without too much impact on the budget. That's what gave us the Robert and Cersei scene, the Jamie and Tywin scene, and all the Littlefinger/Varys scenes that became some of the most acclaimed bits of Season 1.


Rose, the red-headed prostitute we keep seeing, was not in the books, they added her to the show in order to cram more "sexposition" scenes into the series. Some of the sex/naked stuff is still in the book as well, like naked Hodor


I've been enjoying revisiting GoT with you. I haven't seen any GoT since 2017, and that was just someone at a hostel I was staying at while traveling putting everything on back-to-back play and anyone could just come by and watch whatever episode was on whenever they had time, so the last time I watched attentively was around this time of year in 2016. I will, however, drop off after season 5. It's defiantly noticeable the further the series progresses and the less loyal they stick to the books that they weren't ready to go freestyle, and when they officially overtook the books I promised myself I wouldn't watch any newer stuff until the last two books came out, or (more likely by now) Martin dies, so that I at least have a chance of his ending being the first ending I subject myself to. I have still been spoiled to some degree as to what happens in the later seasons, but have stayed true to not watching anything, and honestly I don't miss it as much as I though I would back in 2016, when I thought it was just a matter of a year or so to wait for book 6.

Joe Blankenship

That last scene got me so pumped to get on to season 2 when I first watched it. She’s so badass. And you’re gonna love Arya’s journey too. Lots of badass women on this show. And you haven’t even met them all yet.

Thomas Yanez

One of the best first seasons of a TV show ever made.

Alan Kobb

Great season, Nat!!! By the Old Gods and the New, I swear NO SPOILERS! That wasn't Cersei's brother she was sleeping with. That was Lancel Lannister, her first cousin. (I know, that really doesn't make it much better...) If you recall, Lancel was King Robert's cupbearer. He was the one who made sure that the King had plenty of strong wine for his hunting trip. By the way, if you look back at the history of European royalty, sibling marriages were only slightly uncommon, and cousins married all the time. Royal birth defects were not discussed, but were plenty, and mental disease among Royals was not uncommon. In the Game of Thrones universe, 300 years ago, Aegon the Conquerer took all of Westeros along with his two Sister-wives and their dragons, and that was just part of a long line of Lannisters marrying their siblings so as to keep the bloodlines pure. Roz is the "whore" that you see all the time. She appeared in the first episode with Tyrion. She wasn't supposed to be in any episodes after that, because in the books she is only mentioned in reference, but the producers liked the actress so much that they put her in more scenes, and when the action moved out of Winterfell, they had her move to King's Landing so she would keep appearing. Grand Maester Pycelle is very old, and has been serving Kings for many years. When people are around, he always acts like a doddering old man, but in private he is quite srpy. I wonder why??? Daenarys is called Stormborn because she was born on the island of DragonStone, the ancesteral home of the Targaryans during the greatest storm that anyone could recall. Just one more reason that she is cool, and just one more title that she has given herself. Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, etc. She adds titles as often as she changes hairstyles.

Thomas Yanez

That is a very narrow definition of "court". Even in the real world, the Royal Court is the entirety of the ruling family, their home, extended family, appointed aristocracy, their hangers-on and the lifestyle that goes with it. There is no way of looking at Tyrion's decision to bring Shae with him that is not directly in conflict with Tywin's order.


That kid who you keep forgetting about is Bran's little brother. Rickard Stark i think is the name. Here is a screenshot from the first episode (no spoilers): https://puu.sh/Hq6fo/b84fe86109.png

Thomas Yanez

Agreed. A lot of people don't understand that even phrases like "Keep an eye out for that guy." or "Pay attention to what XXX said." or "Bring some tissues next episode." are spoilers. You are setting expectations that can ruin the surprise element when a thing happens, because you have told the reactor to anticipate it. People should never answer her questions when the show will do it for her eventually. That said, it's OK to answer questions about things that have already been established and she obviously missed a line of dialogue, or didn't make a connection because the names and places are still so new to her. In those cases, you are not revealing anything the show hasn't already revealed. Anything else is a spoiler.

john collins

Loved this season! Can't wait for season 2 there's soooo much good stuff coming!


I believe Ned's dad was Rickard? But the boy's name is close, it's Rickon. Homage to Rickard if I remember correctly from the books.

Brad H.

"Only death can pay for life." "And for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons." GRRM - ASoIaF, Game of Thrones


I understand you can't just do GOT but maaan am I ready to rewatch this whole series with you.

Daniel Vezina

the dog killing(Direwolf) is to show that Sansa is the most helpless of the Stark, 'cause she's the only one who"s pup is dead.


Despite the potentially dubious criteria in the rating system, this season of reactions was excellent. Thanks!


idk why i love reactions but i do. Maybe its empathy, you feel another's emotions and it highlights your own.

Garrick Smalley

8 is a sold score. I rate it a 7, having taken 2 point for the gratuitous sex. I definitely wanted way more Ned and Drago as ongoing characters. As always as I watched you I would answer as you asked questions but in a way that would not help. There are so many thing I am waiting for you to see and I wonder if you will, like me, want to stop watching. I was reading the books along with the show and at one point it felt like I was just reading a history textbook so I stopped. There are a couple of difference between the books and the show I would like to point out after they happen. Are you (or anybody else) interested?

Joseph Phillips

The Night's Watch may seem like a creepy cult, but they are charged with defending the Wall, and the realms of men from what lies beyond it. At this point it is a shadow of what it was, but it is the line that defends the realm from the "creepy winter zombies". I always really liked the Night Watch story. I also really love the conversations between Varys and Peter "Littlefinger" Baelish. Their friendship is so much fun, and the two actors do such a great job showing that, even though their characters can't fully trust each other.

Lilla Kriger

Here is something you might like, it's a history of Westeros and of some of the main families. There won't be any spoilers for you. This was included in the special features in season 1. Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uE04nQfO-Q

Daniel Restaro

"love..is the death of duty.." ;(

Ellis Hugh

Heya, Natalie - new member here, the prospect of you watching GoT was just too powerful a draw. I'm watching the first season (with you) now, and since you've finished season 1, I wanted to point out that this show is heavy on omens and portents and prophecy... in the first episode, when Eddard and his sons find the dead direwolf, it was dead as a result of a battle with a stag, stabbed in the neck by by its antlers... the sigil of House Stark is the direwolf, the sigil of House Baratheon is a stag... the parent was killed but there were surviving pups for each of the stark children, matching them in sex and numbers down to the albino for the bastard. Just a little thing but an example of the kind of stuff to keep an eye out for.

Aaron Taft

By the way, and this is for EVERY cute girl out there; if ya have to chose between Glasses or No Glasses... Glasses are the correct answer.


Not sure if anyone else mentioned it, but Dany's son being described as scaled, twisted and with wings has precedent in the books. There are several cases of Targaryns birthing monster children. Theres a theory that targaryns are literaly a cross species of humans and dragons made through some magic fusion. "Blood of the Dragon" is literal.

Andrew Clifton

Well I'm done with season 1 in 2 days of subscribing to u lol. You got me just as emotional as the first time I watched it which there is no other reactor I can say that for. I'm sure you figured it out but when the Commander of the Nights Watch who gave Jon the sword was talking about his son who betrayed him, he was talking about Jorah who is with Denarrys. Kahl Drago didn't just die from that wound, that witch basically poisoned the wound rather than healing it. It was OK for Danny to rescue her but she should have never let her touch Drago. Great reaction for this season now I'm on to the next. For me personally season 6 is my favorite. Hopefully by time I catch up you will be finishing 5 and I will watch 6 at the same time you are.


ugh, the Starks deserved better.


Also, the spell the witch did sacrificed Daenery's baby and brought the dragon eggs back to life. That's why her dead baby had scaly/lizard-like skin and wings. Her baby's life essence basically is the life essence of her dragons, which is why they see her as her mother.

John Richards

I'm not sure there is such a thing as "gratuitous sex" - but the show runners for GOT used nudity to hold people's attention during extended exposition. Having someone explaining the history of dragons tends to be more engaging, for most people, if a naked girl is dripping candle wax on on the speaker during the monologue.

Cory Silver

Out of date comment - Gendry was leaving because he would have been killed for being the true heir of the king. His master knew the Lanisters would kill him if the ever found out who he was.

Tommy Ross

Khal Drogo is a rapist who had just promised to rape countless other women while Daenerys smiled proudly. I feel so bad for Daenerys, but I can't get behind that he deserved better.


"That's just the show! Everybody dies! It's great" lol It is great, i'nnit? Stay Golden, my sweet Summer Child <3