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Hey guys!

Hope you're doing well. The poll says it all. Help me pick a fun movie (or trilogy) to get into next week!



You should watch About Time! Great feel good movie

Lucky Dragon ‘She.They’

The Hobbit Trilogy will disappoint you. If you’re looking for fun, look elsewhere

Jake Potrebic

Feel Good = Inglorious Bastards ;)


Oh my, I’d stay away from the Hobbit trilogy if I were you. Those movies aren’t just prequels to LotR, they’re a different beast entirely.

codenamewitch xx

Feel like How to Train Your Dragons won’t will a poll but it’s so heartwarming

Wally Hartshorn

Skip The Hobbit. I loved the books and the LOTR movies, but not The Hobbit movies.

Ron K

Voted for Princess Bride but in the spirit of the Cornetto Trilogy, Paul would be a good one. Definitely a feel good movie.


Think it's such a shame Princess Brude is winning. It's decent but overrated imo

Randee Carreno

Love all of these choices. But I definitely had to go with "The Princess Bride" for this one. 😊 Have a great day, and Stay Golden! 💛


It's one of my favs - 90% of it is feel good but there's some impactful parts too (but worth watching)


How to train your dragon for me love toothless 😀

Strav 23

First 2 Hobbit movies a great. Not as good as LOTR obviously. The 3rd is okay.



Lisa Tosti

I love these movies so much! though I may be bias because I have two black cats who look like Toothless

Rime Pendragon

NO!!! Do not watch the Hobbit trilogy... It will ruin your day.


Hacksaw Ridge is great, sad, and an amazing feel good movie!

Darryl Low

How to Train Your Dragon is certainly the most feel good of those 3. And John Powell's score is just the greatest 💛


I don't understand the hate for the Hobbit. It isn't as bad as others make it out to be. Plus the dwarves have actual personality compared to the book version.

Connor Alexander

Skip the Hobbit. Princess Bride is the BEST. But HTTYD is a sweet film too.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Princess Bride, BUT, you have to take the movie for what its trying to be rather than what you might conceive it to be. Trust that they know what they are doing and why.


I voted for The Hobbit and Princess Bride but all are good options

Steve J

HTTYD FTW. Princess Bride definitely a classic. Hobbit trilogy is about 45 minutes of movie stuffed into 8 hours of content...

It Hurt A Lot

She's seen The Princess Bride already according to her Discord. How to Train your Dragon is the right answer here, but that means it probably won't win

Lisa Tosti

I love the Princess Bride and I think you will too but I ADORE the How to Train Your Dragon movies! They are SO good and I think you will love them!


If I recall correctly you have seen The Princess Bride. I go for HTTYD, assuming you watch all three.


Voted for the The Princess Bride but if you wanted another feel good type move, I would recommend GalaxyQuest.




Feel good for TWO weeks: How To Train Your Dragon THEN Princess Bride! (or vice versa). I wouldn't bother with The Hobbit for viewing with us. By all means watch it on your own, but I found it kinda long and bloated.


While I didn’t vote for it, Darryl is right about the score. How to Train Your Dragon has one of best movie scores of any animated movie, IMO.


I guess it just comes down to different tastes. I liked certain scenes from the Hobbit trilogy but overall I found it a mess and tbh there's only 3-4 dwarves that are interesting to watch. Rest i scompletely forgetbale imo


Coming from LOTR, you'd most likely be so disappointed with the Hobbit films it wouldn't really be a feel-good movie. So either of the other two options would be pretty good.

Robert Miller

HTTYD gets my vote. Just make sure to watch all 3 of them.

Dylan Platt

If you've seen The Princess Bride before as some here seem to think you have, then I vote How To Train Your Dragon.


The Hobbit trilogy is, sadly, awful. And not at all a feel good.


If you have not seen Princess Bride, that is unquestionably the right answer. But watch How to Train as well!


How to train your Dragon! The soundtrack is so amazing! And i'm also disappointed by the Hobbit Trilogy


I’ll add my voice to the chorus. Princess Bride is an arguably perfect film, and probably my favorite movie of all time. But HTTYD is my favorite film of the last 20 years. Don’t skip it! Definitely skip the hobbit.

Alan Kobb

The Princess Bride is absolutely one of the best feel-good movies ever. The Hobbit Trilogy is not feel-good. It's an interminable journey, followed by a dragon, followed by you questioning why you spent $18 for those tickets. It is nowhere near as good as the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And it's not even cute baby dragons. It's a mean dragon with a bad attitude. Probably because it never had a mom like in Game of Thrones! The Hobbit was originally a much shorter single book story than Lord of the Rings, but Peter Jackson wanted to milk it for all it was worth, so it was extended to 3 movies, unfortunately. After season 1 of GoT, I completely get why you want something feel-good!


I LOVE "How to Train Your Dragon" but The Princess Bride is an amazing classic SO full of heart (and humor). I'm happy with whatever wins the poll. :D


Have you ever watched Hamilton? Reactions to it are fun to watch because most folks don't know what they're getting into if they aren't already familiar with it going into it. :)


I would LOVE to see her react to Hamilton, if she hasn't seen it already. It's tricky on YouTube because of copyright, although others have done it, but it has to be massively hacked up. A full-length watchalong on Patreon would be awesome for us, though! 😁


Collective wisdom doesn't always prevail, but I'm so glad it has this time! 🥰

Bob Criswell

It seems you either love The Princess Bride or you hate it. Not much middle ground by viewers who give it reviews. But the vast (very vast) majority love it.

Tiger Chu

Should put Airplane! if you want fun and my god The Princess Bride is so freaking overated


Has to be The Hobbit trilogy. Don't listen to the naysayers lol. Just be prepared for a lot of cgi some good some not so good

Troy B.

If you haven't seen any of these movies, then my vote is 100% Princess Bride, that is both a great movie, and a great potential reaction. The Hobbit movies... not so much. Also, I see what you did there with How To Train Your Dragon! =D

Michael Cruse

I really enjoyed Jackson's LoTR trilogy, but his Hobbit movies didn't do it for me. I enjoyed the HTTYD movies. But The Princess Bride is easily one of my favorite movies of any genre. Cannot recommend strongly enough.


Princess Bride is in my top 10 all time films. The Hobbit films try to stretch out one book into 3 movies. It’s not great.


Trust the dragons!!!


No Question...the Princess Bride. The Hobbit is okish if you consider what trouble the production had and that Jackson had only 1 1/2 Year to finish it after he took over the Chaos. I recommend every critic to watch the Documentary on YT. Biggest Problem is that the Hobbit is only a 300 Pages Book who was stretched so thin to make 3 Movies, for comparison, LotR has over a 1k Pages. The CGI is mediocre (some good and some bad) but the biggest thing is its not what you want in this poll.


After watching all of your reactions, I think you will really, REALLY love Princess Bride. It’s just so entertaining.


How to Train Your Dragon is a fun movie but you can't pass up the classic Princes Bride


I love the other two movies, but Princess Bride is a movie that everyone must see at least once :)

Yani Dodge

I'm voting Princess Bride but you should definitely watch How to Train Your Dragon too! And I'd enjoy seeing your thoughts on the Hobbit as well :)


I changed my vote from Princess Bride to HTTYD. If you've seen PB before, then do the one you haven't seen. I've seen the Princess Bride many times, and once fairly recently (within a few months). Watching someone else, who has also seen it, isn't content for me.


The Princes Bride has been one of my top 3 favorite films. It's reallly worth it. The other choices are also good.


How do I suggest a movie to watch?


I vote "How to.." Only bc Animated movies haven't gotten as much reactions on ur channel. But if you seriously have never seen Princess Bride... you should most definitely keep it in the queue.


I'd watch in this order if that's what you're planning. PB, HTTYD, the the Hobbit Trilogy.

Donovan Sparks

The Princess Bride is my all-time favorite movie. If you haven't watched it, you should react to this one next. You can get to the other movies at some point, but yeah... The Princess Bride!

Andy Jordan

After Thrones, I feel Princess Bride will put the biggest smile on your face of these three (and it's my personal favorite), so Princess Bride for me!

Darryl Low

You can make a suggestion here, or if you have access to Natalie's Discord, you can do it over there too.

Joe Blankenship

Inconceivable that Hobbit or Dragon will win.


Gotta be Princess Bride, no contest/

William Burnham

Although the Princess Bride is good How to train your dragon is actually a better film and the best of the three That said Paddington 2 is better than all three and one of the best films of the last 5 years

john collins

i love princess bride but i just rewatched it the other day haha let's train some dragons!!!

The Golgothan

As much as I love How To Train Your Dragon, The Princess Bride is the perfect palate cleanser after GoT.


This is hard to pick! I LOVE the How To Train Your Dragon trilogy (best trilogy after LotR)... but The Princess Bride is also a classic!


I see a lot of people hating on The Hobbit movies. I know they aren't at good as LOTR but come on they aren't that bad.


How to train your dragon is so lovely!




You've done some heavy material lately, so even though I love the Hobbit, I voted for The Princess Bride. I have spoken.

Jonathan Vickers

I don't know anything about How I Trained Your Dragon, but I can say The Princess Bride won't kill your Game of Thrones vibe, where The Hobbit film might.


Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you've killed my father, prepare to die.

Garren Haskell

Oh shit yeah the Princess Bride

David Martin

People are hating on the hobbit smh...maybe b/c they only saw the theatrical version but the extended version is worth a watch...some people are just saying they don’t like it b/c other people said it

Misty Crom

I only didn't vote for that because Princess Bride is an option. Still took about 0.25 second to decide.

Thomas Malley

If you've really never seen the Prince Bride there's only one option on this list.


You haven't seen the Princess Bride yet? It's a no brainer.

It Hurt A Lot

If she hadn't seen The Princess Bride already I would have voted for that one too, but she has. I just think I enjoy first time reactions better


I’m of the unpopular opinion of not thinking The Princess Bride is the best thing ever. How To Train Your Dragon, on the other hand, LOVE! 😅


The Princess Bride is a better movie but the Hobbit has some stuff in it that you should see.


How to train your dragon is a wonderful film. Princess Bride is, of course, the favorite, and a worthy choice. I don’t know that I’d qualify the Hobbit trilogy as “feel good”, or even “good” for that matter. It’s okaaaaaay, kind of, sort of, but falls severely and curiously short of the bar set in the LotR films... mostly in HOW it falls short (odd character and plot choices, kind of shallow development, etc.). But this will be fun.


Honestly I'd be okay with her skipping the Hobbit - it was one of my favorite books and the movies were so disappointing, I didn't even bother with the 3rd. Maybe if she watched one of those fan edits.

Joel Palenychka

I'm dying to see her reaction to Princess Bride.


The LOTR trilogy is very special to me and my family, several of us consider 1 of the 3 to be our favorite movie. Going to see the Hobbit is still the most disappointed I've ever been by a movie. I would call them kids movies, and say they are not in the same league as the original trilogy.


Because my love for LOTR is so great, my hatred of the Hobbit trilogy is that much stronger. I know all about the production issues, it doesn't make them any better but I do understand. Personally I wish Jackson had stood his ground and said "If you want me to make these movies then shove off I'm doing it the right way".

Chris Gronau

The basic problem with the Hobbit Trilogy is the runtime. The Lord of the Rings is a great 1200 page story turned into a phenomenal 12 hour movie (and broken into 3 parts). The Hobbit is a great 200 page story stretched out to a 10 hour movie (and broken into 3 parts) by padding the living hell out of the storyline. There's probably a great 2 hour movie buried somewhere inside the Hobbit trilogy, but the extra 8 hours of padding turn it from a fun little movie into a brutal 10 hour slog....

Paul C

You can skip the Hobbit series. As others pointed out in comments, it's a disappointment. There's so much useless filler and unnecessary side stories to try to fill three long movies, it ruins the whole experience. You could try Down Periscope for some comedic relief, or Paul (with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost).


The Princess Bride is a good movie. Would love to see a reaction to the how to train your dragon series if you haven't seen it before. Just a wonderful series.

Taff Lewis

i didn't seen an "all of the above" comment.


I agree, the movies are just very dismal. I guess there's some laughs along the way, but it's hardly the same child-friendly whimsy and cheer of Princess Bride and HTTYD.


Could we do Tarantino movies at some point. Those are always fun (and violent).


I voted for the Princess Bride, because its a new classic ( as opposed to teh Wizard of OZ, which is an old classic) also Hobbit was a money grab and not a well done one. How to train your dragon movies are fun. I think I have seen them all. I still think your first animated should be Avatar the last Airbender.


Oh man! The Princess Bride is so good! I can't wait!


I'm a huge Tolkien fan and I think The Hobbit trilogy was trash. If you want to watch The Hobbit I'd suggest going back to the 1977 cartoon version. Princess Bride is one of my two favorite movies (Shawshank Redemption being the other). You can't go wrong with that one.


Hey Natalie! Ok, so if you want a feel good movie that totally WONT kill your G.O.T. vibe, might I suggest " A Knights tale " c. 2001 with Heath Ledger? Its an EXCELLENT medieval period movie centering around Jousting that isn't quite COMPLELTLY period accurate (which only makes it more enjoyable imho & may make you actually LIKE jousting!) & has several great actors you already know from other fantasy shows! Here's an IMDB linkie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0183790/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_13


Good choice, but you should at least mention Alan Tudyk is in it.


The Princess Bride is good - but haven't you seen it? I suggest Stardust instead; it has a similar feel and I think you would really like it.


The hobbits in my perspective are good movies their not masterpieces like the lord of the rings trilogy but their still good movies i personally think their superior to the star wars prequels and you watch and enjoyed those

Eric Janssen

The Hobbit Trilogy is EXACTLY like the SW Prequels, in that no one has ever Felt Good watching them. Rage, frustration, betrayal, maybe, but...

Eric Janssen

The Princess Bride is one of those "default" titles every YT Reactor is subjected to at least once in their life--from fans who only remember seven "good" movies from the 80's--but fortunately, it's worth it. If she hasn't seen it by now, it must be an oversight.


If you had asked for a book recommendation, I'd have suggested 'The Hobbit', but as others have mentioned here, the movie, while cinematically excellent, was a bit of a disappointment to avid Tolkien fans. So I'd say go for 'The Princess Bride' first. You may not know most of the actors in here, considering you haven't watched many major movies and/or TV shows as of yet, but the movie has some iconic scenes and dialogues. Do watch 'The Hobbit' at some point, certainly, if only to complete the series (watch one, watch all).


Skip the Hobbit trilogy. Let the last memories you have of Middle Earth on screen be good. Princess Bride all the way!

Eric Janssen

If you must watch the Hobbit, watch only the first half hour of "An Unexpected Journey", the only part of the trilogy that even faintly resembles the book, and at least gets it right on any level even hoping to rival the LOTR trilogy. The moment they set out on their journey, however, RUN from the rest of the movie(s) as quickly as possible, and don't look back.


Natalie, while Hobbit trilogy is not anywhere near as good as the LOTR, you should watch it for the same reason you watched the Star Wars prequels; it expands upon the world you already know and love, you get to revisit beloved characters at a different point of their lives, and they are still decent movies in their own right.

Kevin Mowery

Man, the Hobbit trilogy started out so good. Then the second film was just a mess. I ended up watching the final film on HBO years later with a grim sense of "well, let's get this done, I guess."

Darren Withers

Wait, you haven’t seen “The Princess Bride” already?! Well, that’s about to change, and I for one can’t wait for it. I’m going to make a prediction right now. You’re going to say, at some point, the same thing as EVERY other reactor says in their video’s, “How have I missed out on seeing this for so long?!” For the record, other movies that elicit similar responses include “Labyrinth”, “Goonies”, “Stardust” and “The Neverending Story”. I’d also add “Always” (1989) w John Goodman, Holly Hunter and Richard Dreyfus to this must watch list


The Hobbit trilogy!! We've been waiting since you saw Lotr to see your reaction to them!! Also has to be extended edition cuz you saw the extended editions of Lotr! I'd definitely do the watch along with you to the Hobbit trilogy! I've been waiting for you to watch them! 😁🧝🧙🏻‍♂️💍1🗡️


They are all great movies to watch. If you ever get HBO Max you should try the classic Superman / Batman movies.

The Golgothan

I believe Nat has HBO Max. It's how she gets GoT. That said, if you mean Chris Reeves Supes and Michael Keaton Bats I agree 100%. If you mean the animated movies I also agree 100% but we'd need to give Nat an order to watch them in. If you mean the Snyderverse I mostly disagree at least until Nat's done with the MCU.


I have re-watched How to Train Your Dragon vastly more often than the others. Even though it is animated, it's wonderful. But if Nat hasn't seen The Princess Bride, that is a must see. I would love watching that with Nat.


I initially voted for the Princess Bride, but if you've already seen it then my recommendation is the 1977 Rankin/Bass animated Hobbit. I also have an out-of-left-field recommendation I'll send you in a PM.


I just watched this amazing movie on Netflix from 2017 that I had never seen and don't remember hearing about it, I hope you just trust me, I don't want to tell you what its about, its called "Okja".


Oooh, I'm having trouble deciding (even though there's already a clear winner) 1: I love all three, 2: You need to watch The Hobbit trilogy eventually since it's been a while since you reacted to LoTR... and 3: How to Train Your Dragon is an amazing franchise that I hope you'll get to delve into soon.


Yes! Thank you! Someone with some common sense! Non of these haters of middle earth! If you don't at least like the Hobbit trilogy! I just think this really devides the room between people who read books and those who watched movies.


How to Train your Dragon is the least of the 3 movies - Shrek movies beat it or even Despicable & Minions are better


Ooh man, I'd love to see you react to the Hobbit Trilogy! You will fall in love with young Bilbo and his Dwarvish company :)


Have you seen Tombstone? Its a Western


It's been SOOOOO long since she watched LotR, too... would be great to finally revisit Middle Earth with her again.

The Guy on the Couch

How could this vote be so overwhelmingly one side?!?!? one could say it's inconceivable...


They're all phenomenal choices. You'll love all of them.


I recommend watching all in the order of the vote.


But How to Train your Dragon has two sequels too that are legen......wait for it.....dary, legendary!

Daniel Restaro

The Hobbit trilogy is great!


My First Poll 🎉🥇 So happy to be part of this community! Princess Bride for sure it's a must watch.

Ronny Boss

I hope you like princess bride. It was one of my favorite movies growing up. I would love to see you react to Willow. I think you would really enjoy that as well

Ellis Hugh

I would REALLY love your take/reaction on the Pixar-animated film Inside Out. It's honestly as beautiful a film as I've ever seen and I would enjoy a fresh feminine perspective on its nuance.

Ellis Hugh

It is true that the first movie - which is very solid and necessary to establish the mythology - is probably the least for the three. The second in my opinion is one of the better animated films out there.

Ellis Hugh

Willow is a great movie and a joyous part of my childhood... but I'm afraid it hasn't aged very well.

Ellis Hugh

Who thinks her next series (after GoT) should be Stranger Things? Should we hold off until the fourth and final season is done?

Ellis Hugh

I saw that Last of the Mohicans was in one of your earlier polls... I would be very interested in your take in particular on that movie - in addition to being a great movie, I consider it to be one of the more technically perfect films (cinematography, musical score, editing, etc.) that I've ever seen. Still not 100% sure what your professional background is but I know it has given you an appreciation for the technical aspects of film-making.


If Terminator 1&2 have never been thrown into the mix, I'd love to see your commentary on it