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Hey guys!

Wanted to come at ya with a poll and a quick update for the next two weeks.

As some of you may know, I've been working away from home for the past couple of weeks and using my laptop. At the moment, I'm doing well with filming on schedule, but my laptop is having some serious issues processing videos as quickly as I need it to. Given that issue and the fact that we have only 2 episodes left for the 1st season of GoT, I figured it would make sense to release 2 episodes this week and 2 next week. That way it will be an even spread of content for you guys and I can prevent my laptop from crashing. 😅 

My goal is to continue to do 3 episodes a week once I get back home to my desktop. It's honestly so easy to binge watch this series and I've been loving giving you guys way more content. I hate to come here with this lame excuse so thank you for bearing with me while I figure out these annoying technical issues. 

Now, that we've gotten that boring update out of the way.... please help me pick a movie for next week! And make sure to check out my twitter: @natstaygolden later today for a fun sneak peak of the edited GOT video coming out soon!! I'm so excited for how everything's been coming together!!

Thanks for everything and until the next one, stay golden!



All of them. At the same time


Last Samurai gotta get some love y’all cmon lol

Shubham Bhardwaj

300 is so beautifully shot, you gotta give it a go


Tough choice this one


Last of the Mohicans! FTW! Who’s with me? 😬🙌🏼

Darryl Low

Nat, your GOT plan is a perfect one. You've been spoiling us rotten 💛 Take 2 for Braveheart.

Tiger Chu

Last of the Mohicans is the only thing worth watching on this list


You just released episode 8 of game of thrones, so you only have 2 left. 10 episodes per season except for the last 2 seasons which were less.


Hey Natalie, a few months ago when you did the poll won by “Alien” one of the movies on that poll that didn’t win was “Predator”. Do you have any plans to watch this? It’s one of my favourite movies and I think it would be very popular on here. Fwiw I chose braveheart on this poll.

Zach Greenleaf

Last of The Mohicans is a must watch! Sadly though, it will never win in a poll with other movies like Braveheart and 300, which are way more widely known by people.

David of the North

300 is nice eye candy. But Last of the Mohicans has way more substance.


The Last of the Mohicans is such a gorgeous film, it is depressing to me that more people do not want to watch it. It is the oldest of those 4, but only beating Braveheart by a few years. Do people not know about the film? That is honestly the only thing that I can think of.


Can I pick all four 😀 all really good films Nat great selection 👍 two episodes of got this week and next makes sense 👌 honestly appreciate everything you do so no worries at all


Last of The Mohicans won't win, unfortunately, but its the best film on the list in my opinion and probably the best option for Natalie to react to.


I know Last of the Mohicans is a way more quality film than my pick of "300," but I figured the CGI, fantasy like quality of "300" might be good for some drama and escapism versus the more realistic content of Last of the Mohicans.

Steve J

tough choice. Braveheart has some of everything, but 300 is just bonkers level fun


if you did not choose Last of the Mohicans, then you obviously have not seen Last of the Mohicans.


it was filmed on a sound stage with green screens and heavy CG


Unfortunately, people are going to vote for movies they have already watched and that are well known, like 300 or Braveheart. But most people haven't seen Last of the Mohicans, so it'll never win one of these polls.

Andy Jordan

Yeah, it's sad that Last of the Mohicans won't win, but I'm putting in my vote for it anyway. Braveheart did win Best Picture, and I completely understand why, although I think Apollo 13 should've won that year. I actually like Last Samurai a little better than Braveheart, but not as much as Mohicans, and 300 is a pretty good adaptation of the comic; I actually saw it opening night in the theater, and a lot of people came dressed as Spartans - it made me feel kind of weird just dressed in a tee-shirt and jeans. These are all good films; I just like Mohicans best.

Calo Grsf

Don't worry Nat, I prefer you take a little more time and you choose quality over quantity. I sincerely hope your problems with your laptop will be solved, because I would say it doesn't seem good this story... Stay golden and be safe!

Valar Dohaeris

None of those are really my taste, so I'll let this one pass... So much to catch on yet.


Predator is one of the greatest sci-fi action films ever made. It's one of those films you never get tired of watching. Would be great to watch it here sometime.


All good on the GOT front, keep up the good work. Are you thinking of doing a season follow up video. Your reactions are great, a post episode, or season Q/A livestream or something like that would be awesome.


Wow, another hard choice. All good.


Yeah, def the best film here! A bit older so maybe why not such a popular choice... :(


Very disappointed about the GOT plan; that is meant as a compliment, to indicate how much I've been enjoying and looking forward to the frequent uploads, not as a criticism or complaint! It's fine, though, computer issues are completely understandable and we have been being spoiled! On the other hand, very excited to see that 300 is winning the poll, I didn't expect that.

Randee Carreno

Had a hard time deciding between "Braveheart" and "Last of the Mohicans" on this poll. Love "Braveheart", but since I haven't seen "Last of the Mohicans" in awhile that one got my vote. 😊 I hope that you get your laptop issues straightened out. Been loving the extra weekly content that includes your weekly Marvel movie, the GoT episodes, and weekly or every other weekly movies. 😊 Have a great day, and Stay Golden! 💛

Misty Crom

I am a little perplexed here... I might have things a little wrong, or you intended this to post sooner? You've watched 8 episodes of S1 of GoT, so there're 2, not 4 episodes left. Each season is 10 episodes (S8 not being counted). That said, however you need to work things around any difficulties is perfectly fine. As far as what to watch next... well, I'd actually been thinking maybe you should do something lighter after a season of Game of Thrones, and Saving Private Ryan in the mix too, something lighter might be a nice change of tone for you. I'll vote n the poll, but maybe something like Paddington, or Fantastic Mister Fox, or Jumanji, or... just something fun and light.

Andrew Dickinson

Any of the Lasts..both will include lots of tears, plus both have stunning soundtracks. Anything but Braveheart

Paul C

If 300 ends up winning the poll, for the love of Buddha and all that is holy, do not follow it with Meet the Spartans. Ever. For any reason. That will ruin 300 for you.


I have to agree... 300 is a super popular, pretty, but kind of hollow testosterone love song that I enjoyed on first watch and then found super cringy a decade later. Last of the Mohicans is a legit drama with emotional stakes and acting. But I’m going to have to go with Braveheart, solely because it stands the best chance against 300 (I don’t hate the film, exactly, but it’s the weakest of the four in terms of substance). But Last of the Mohicans is BY FAR the best film in this list. Maybe pick the winner AND Last of the Mohicans based on the love it is getting in the comments? 🤞🤞🤞


I can’t sanction Gibson’s antisemitic nonsense, so I would go for “Last Samurai”.


I’ve already spoke about these movies, it all depends on if you want Enterainment of facts , Braveheart is the biggest BS fable ever, I’ve seen Wallace’s supposed sword 🗡 it so heavy and so huge No one man could even lift it, and that’s come from the tour guide himself. William Wallace was just a distraction, glorified freedom fighter, to take away from the real hero Robert the Bruce. His legacy is bigger then his deeds. I’d much prefer Rob Roy with Liam Neeson.


Glad to hear the GOT series reactions are being received well. Huge fan and glad to see your reactions to them. Hope Last of the Mohicans wins a poll eventually 😆 I enjoy that one very much. Whatever wins I’ll check out your reaction. Take care.


300 has some cool visual stuff going on, but otherwise is not great and is objectively the weakest movie here. Last of the Mohicans is incredible, but not enough people have seen it, and most people only vote for what they know. Sorry for ranting, but the polls are sucking the life out of reaction channels and are why they all watch the same things. I wish Nat and the others would just watch whatever they want.


And here I was hoping to maybe get the rest of season one this week 😅 No worries, let the laptop rest 😄 All of these movies are worth a watch. Voted for The Last of the Mohicans, since this is the one I remember the least from. But I do remember a good soundtrack :)


when the majority vote for a movie you dont like you should just accept it. Imagine everyone would complain here every time Nat watches a movie they dont like or a Movie dont won a poll they want to watch. Nat would go crazy or worse she would stop her reactions. Be mature and just accept the polls and dont write every time you want to watch the last Mohican. No offense but its just annoying.


The GOT teaser you just posted on your IG was hilarious 😂


I don't get the hype of Last of the Mohicans but that's just my personal opinion. If I may recommend another film instead, it would be The Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut. For this one though, I think Last samurai is overdue for a reaction.

Thomas Malley

300 is really not 'a good movie'. It's a visual eye treat and set the tone for a whole decade of slow motion action sequences, but as a story and character wise I don't remember it as being anything special. Braveheart and Last Of Mohicans however are actual character driven pieces that have some meat to them.


Last Samurai is a bit problematic due to it using the "white savior" trope. I won't go into it just in case, but Hollywood seems to do that going back decades if not a century now. Dances with wolves would be in that same vein. That said, I'm indigenous and actually like watching the movie (don't tell anyone). So it's not like I put some stamp of ethnic approval on every movie. Last of the Mohicans, although it would outwardly seem to do that, especially being an old book, it doesn't. Anyway, that's my two cents.


The 300 was singularly unique for its time and was the "first" to use that style. A number of movies have attempted to put that same lightening in a bottle, but even its own sequel, couldn't accomplish it. Taken for what it is, I enjoyed it as diversion and at least a good watch with a bowl of popcorn. So, top of my list? I think Nat hits it on the head pretty well "Get a drink, get a snack and let's get into the movie". I would also like to add, watch in your PJs.


I remember 300 made a big splash as one of the first entirely-green screen movies. It was so meme worthy lol and very popular when I was in high school. I think every movie here is worth a watch. I think of this set, I enjoyed The Last Samurai the most, but that's only because katanas are cool (Katana means Japanese sword).

Ryu Kobushi

*Fingers Crossed* Hoping for "The Last Samurai", one of my favorite movies. But "300" is really good too


I voted for Braveheart. My recommendations after that would be Last of the Mohicans then 300. Last Samurai, not so much. I think Tom Cruise is out of place in that one. But if you really want some Tomcat I highly recommend his Mission Impossible series of movies! It's popcorn action for sure but it's quality popcorn action. 😁


BTW- Hey Nat, I realize your sign off "Stay Golden" is a play on your last name. But it reminds me of "Stay golden, Pony Boy." From The Outsiders.


.... I'm wondering if you have ever watched The Outsiders. That would make a great reaction vid!


300 and The Last Samurai were meh. The Last of the Mohicans is the best out of the four. Braveheart is good but pretty historically inaccurate.

Ron K

If 300 wins just know there's going to be things you think are ridiculous. Keep in mind it's a movie based on a graphic novel that is loosely based on something that happened a couple thousand years ago. This one is purely for entertainment.


Doing Braveheart dirty by throwing 300 into the mix

Chris Gronau

I wouldn't say it's the *only* thing worth watching on the list. It's clearly the best film on the list, but the others are still good....


300? Really. . . ?

Chris Gronau

Don't worry about "only" putting out two Game of Thrones reactions this week, Nat. We may sound grumpy about it, but that's only because you're spoiling us with so much content. We can find a way to live with "only" two GoT reactions this week.... 😉 Hope you get your computer issues sorted. Stay Golden.... 😁


Don’t see Pootie Tang on that list.


The last of the mohicans is absolutely amazing. Daniel day Lewis! Do I need to say more? Most people haven’t seen it but it’s the best on that list by a landslide

Aaron Taft

September 8, 480 BC. I'm glad we don't have to wait till September to watch this movie

Aaron Taft

It's a work of art. I have to watch it every once in a while because my Autistic Daughter has a Crush on Gerald Butler


After watching your videos, LOTM is the one that will reach you!


The fact that 300 is winning is profoundly depressing.

Ken - Kendo161

I voted brave heart cause there will bee some good creaming no and hands over eyes hiding to giggle at, and cause its a beautifully shot film.


300 is winning and that makes me super sad.

Edward Olson

300 is the most visually intersting, but Last of the Mohicans is far and away the best film.

Vincent Valentin

The correct answer out of all of these is clearly Kingdom of Heaven (Directors Cut). Also whoever is voting for 300, as someone who does like 300 what are yall doing its easily the worst of the 4 on there.


Said it before and I'll say it again- Last of the Mohicans is hands down the best film here. That it's in last place really doesn't reflect well on the poll voters.

Kirk Andrew Uhl II

The Game Of Thrones trailer on her Instagram is too perfect haha


It is. 300 is too cheesy. And the last samurai is too bad, haha.


I don't always pick the best movie on the list. Sometimes I pick the movie that will elicit the best reaction from Natalie.

Danny Miller

I can’t believe ‘Last of the Mohicans’ is losing to ‘300’ and ‘The Last Samurai’. Seriously disappointing.


300 is not really a good movie. I mean it's a fun movie, but not a movie I think Natalie will like. Oh well I guess we'll see.


I guess Braveheart. I think the others are all pretty bad movies.

Andrew T

You know those movies that really hype up the awesomeness of the CGI to cover up the fact that the script is actually pretty weak? That's 300. But a poll is a poll; we'll see how it goes.


Changed my vote to 300!


Everyone needs to change their votes to The Last of the Mohicans. It won an Academy award for Best sound and should've won for Best Actor (Daniel Day-Lewis) and Best Cinematography. The story is truly vintage and Wes Studi was a scene stealer every time he was shown. I still don't understand how it didn't win best cinematography.


We have to keep pushing cause you are absolutely right. Mohicans is a visually stunning movie and has 3 time Academy Awards winner DDL


Natalie, ur vote total shows probably Braveheart or 300, but fans are telling you to try Last of the Mohicans. Just look...

Robert Rivers

As excuses go it’s not so lame.

Thomas Malley

The mission impossible movies are great. Especially from the third one and on.


Looks like 300 is going to take it... but, for what it's worth, The Last Samurai is a really beautiful, poignant culture study. I hope it wins next time. 300 is a fine and entertaining movie in its' own right... it's simply rather gratuitous and blunt in Zac Snyder's typical style.


I love me some Danny Day Lewis and will definitely put it up again in future polls



Michael Bergeron

It’s crazy that 300 is gonna win here. It was a fun movie for its time. It’s not very good though. All three of the others are really fantastic movies. I guess they all split the votes too much though.

Edward Olson

The main problems with Last Samurai are 1) White savior trope: "Backward" Japanese can't solve their problems without a white man coming to help them 2) Pretty boy Tom Cruise with the flowing hair can't act his way out of a paper bag

Thomas Malley

beautiful score if I remember correctly, or maybe I'm thinking of Braveheart by James Horner.

Thomas Malley

yeah if someone could just rescind their vote and pool up in one of the actual good movies....


Me too. Just to annoy the snowflakes telling people to rescind their vote. LOL. Wow.


300 isn't all that good, but it's fun. Way over the top. I'd watch it again with Nat.


Pootie Tang. One day it’ll be on one of these lists. I hope so at least.

Lich King

Funny how the worst of the 4 movies is the one winning lol

Darren Withers

Gonna throw out my own recommendation, and anyone who hasn’t seen it really needs to. “Brotherhood of the Wolf”. French with English subtitles (the dubbed English is horrible, best to go with the subtitles)


Being greek I'll have to agree that 300 albeit an entertaining movie its not well... How to put this... Based on fact? The only thing that's been historically acurate is the 300 vs a million or something... One thing's for sure though... Leonidas didn't have a Scottish accent!


'Braveheart' was the first film I watched that actually shocked me, and this was when it first released in 1995. I've since watched much more shocking films and TV shows so nothing shocks me much these days (after GoT, I mean), although I do continue to be surprised from time to time. So I'd recommend 'Braveheart' for its story, its actors and its music. Watch 'The Last Samurai' for Tom Cruise (of course). 300 is a bit more bloody than Braveheart. I don't believe I have watched the Mohicans in its entirety, so I'm not really sure whether to recommend it or not.


Unfortunately even the "300" thing isn't really all that close to real history. The movie does allude to more than just Spartans being present, and there were only the 300 "true" Spartans, but the full Greek force was around 7000 people before the call for most to retreat and still over 1000 people fighting as rear guard. The Persian army is also believed by contemporary historians to have been more like 100-150 thousand soldiers, plus their baggage train and logistical elements, not even close to the million or more Herodotus and other period documenters claimed at the time.


I'll be the odd man out, and vote for the American literature classic. All are great choices. All have excellent scores, but LotM to me, has the best.


VERY tough choice between Braveheart and The Last Samurai. only thing about Braveheart is many people believe it to be factually accurate and it definitely is not. But it's one of my favorite movies regardless.


300 is the worst of those. Last of the Mohicans is by far the best, but I feel like very few have seen it, and it does not get the love it deserves.


Last Samurai is the poster child of white man to the recuse.

Jonathan Vickers

I can hardly wait for the Braveheart reaction but I think it would be better to watch in August. I'll never get tired of the Last of the Mohicans score, but I guess that could be said of all of these films. I'm honestly not that into 300, and I am currently into playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, where you play as a Spartan. (I admit, I do shout "Sparta!" Every time I use my foot to kick open a door, etc...) But I am feeling a strong The Last Samurai vibe. I fell in love with Japan after seeing this in the theater back when. There is a Netflix doc that's pretty popular now. I gotta say that would be my choice for now.

Jonathan Vickers

I wouldn't say people do not want to watch it. It just doesn't have the same outward appeal as the others. Much like Highlander, there can be only one vote. It'll happen. It'll happen...


I’ve seen the 300 so many times, it was good but it got old very quickly. Last samurai has so much more depths and story


I have to defend the Last of the Mohicans, Nat. It's amazingly moving and impressively period accurate. The survival story of a few natives helping out a few colonials while the French & English forces are trying to blow each other up around them... all set to the epic musical score that I still listen to today. Tis probably Micheal Manns best film.

Michael Frotton

If 300 wins you should make it a drinking game. Take a drink anytime anyone says Sparta, Spartan, or Spartans.

Jason Dolan

I like all this LOVE for The Last Samurai


I will vote for The Last of the Mohicans every time until it wins.


The Last Samurai would have been a good movie if Dances with Wolves had not existed already... same for Avatar in my opinion (Even though it at least broke some effects barriers). It's all variation on the same theme... I personally think DWW did it the best.


Brave heart will make you cry! But it is so good!


Brave Heart - Despite Gibson's shortcomings is just a far better film then 300


Come on Last Samurai.


Loved The Last of the Mohicans!!