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Hey guys!

Here it is! My reaction to the next GoT episode! I hope you enjoy the increased amount of episode reacts. This one definitely left me weeping by the end of it.

As always, please let me know your thoughts in the comments and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

Unlisted YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/2L9RHdlXvLI

Private Link (PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS LINK INSTEAD OF PLAYING IT DIRECTLY ON GOOGLE DRIVE -- If you are getting the "exceeded playback" message, you may need to use a third party app to download the unlisted YouTube link instead): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kYY0gNP6L3NZP9RCCC6t6kWwwnNuj2ZJ/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their



I really love the increasing amount of content you're pushing out! I'm temporarily laid off from work because of covid, so it's nice to have little things like these reacts to make the days at home more manageable :)

john collins

I am so excited that we get episodes 2 days in a row!!! I will be happy with however much content you feel like putting out, but the more the better in my opinion!

Darryl Low

"We're off to a pretty rough start" . Thanks Nat, for continuing your emotional journey with us 💛 I forgot what a hard watch this show is. And you're right. The white wolf is Ghost.

Randee Carreno

Thanks so much, Natalie! 😊 I'm loving the increased content. It gives me something enjoyable to watch each day. I've got this episode reaction downloading. And I'm going to watch it tonight. 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


Damn, didn't expect episode 2 already - This is gonna be a great evening :D

Troy B.

I just finished episode 1, the sudden end where you look really shook, I felt bad because we couldn't really warn you. I don't remember how episode 2 ends, but I'm guessing more of the same. Also, my apologies for naysaying this series initially. I decided to just buy season one, because again, season one was an amazing season of television, hands down.


How am I supposed to be productive when these episodes are dropping in hot! Once again, bless your soul through this journey

Troy B.

Huh! Apparently the Amazon Prime version doesn't have the "Previously On" portion, ah well!

Sam Kimpton

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but one thing to note about the intro animation: It changes based on what locations are shown in the episode. I can't remember if they changed it often in the first seasons, but it's a great way, as you say in this reaction, to keep track of where different places are relative to each other.


I might suggest watching with subtitles, it helped me learn and remember names. I know I struggled knowing who's who at first too lol.


please get yourself some tissues nat please , watching bad things happen to animals is always heartbreaking 2 episodes down and im loving watching along with you :)


I've forgotten how damn good these first seasons are.


Nat, at the beginning of the episode, when Cersi is being duplicitous, "I don't like her." Me: Just wait 40 min.

Jayson Phillips

Just to warn you ..how you feel in these first 2 episodes is pretty much how all the seasons go lmao!! be prepared!


Welcome to Game of Thrones. They make you hate the Lanisters so much in this series, Especially Cersei. Lena Headey is such a good actress. I love her in everything she does and she does such an excellent job in making you hate her character in GOT. If you have not seen them yet, put Terminator 1 and Terminator 2 on your list of movies then add Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles tv series to that list. (only two seasons) but Summer Glau and Lena Headey do such a good job in that short lived show, it was a crime it was cancelled.

Thomas Malley

I've never watched the show and I'm not sure I'm gonna be following this as it's such a big commitment time wise to get invested in, if she's really going to be watching all 8 seasons. I mean that's hours and hours of videos, and I'm not really into gratuitous nudity and violence. Is it really a good show including the last season? Is it similar at all to Lord Of The Rings in quality?

Calo Grsf

I just finished the episode, and well... This level of emotion, I felt bad for you 😆 I'm glad you're enjoying the show, I can't wait to see the rest! Be safe and Stay Golden!


It did things cinematically that no show has ever done, amazing quality. There are only 10 episodes per season but it is very gratuitous with the nudity and violence. It's definitely not for everyone but so worth it if you can get past all that stuff.

Matt O'Keefe

Just call Daneneryes-Dani or Dany for short. It's just simpler. Everyone will know who you mean.


Good call on skipping the making of stuff. Interesting but maybe not reaction worthy. Watch some and decided if it is or not. Seems like you have watched even more episodes by now than these first two. Yes, this is not your standard Hollywood stuff. Not a fairytale where the good characters live to the end and the bad ones don’t. Things are not always fair. After the incident between Arya and Joffrey, notice how the upper-class kids got a talking to yet the Butcher’s boy got a different punishment. Besides a game of thrones between “nobel” houses, this is a story about real people both good and bad sides, families both natural and not, growing up, gender and social class inequalities, religions, cultures . . . oh and blue-eyed zombies. This is not Camelot. Not all King or Queens are good and kind. Not all Knights are pure and noble. Why should they. Are they not human like us? That is why the show and the books are so great.


Incredible, dont know what to say but you are the first Reactor who got my Version to watch. I follow several Reactors and they all show on other Platforms like Amazon or others and they all have a different pacing. This is the first time it has the same sync. Natalie, be blessed for it. Oh and btw great Reaction as always. I think it is the right decision to how you wanna do GoT Reactions.


Really not in the mood to re-watch this series. You will understand why when you finish it. Looking forward to the rest of the MCU and other stuff though.

Paul C

Arya, Tyrion, and Jon Snow have the best character arcs out of the whole series. Though Varys and Little Finger are up there too. And Osha was a badass. And as awful as Cersei is, Lena Headey really pulls off one hell of a performance.


Anticipatory half spoilery comments like these really aren't good my guy, please delete it before it has an effect on the reaction series.


Interesting... went to download the file from google drive and failed, but not because of any "exceeded playback" errors, but rather a message stating "Access to doc-0s-84-docs.googleusercontent.com was denied. You don't have authorisation to view this page". First time that has happened with any of your downloads Nat, so intrigued (and a little concerned) as to why I am getting it now.

Donald Mellen

Me too. ... Just checked again and now it's saying "too many downloads".

Sam Kimpton

Nat: Things can't get much worse! The rest of us: Oh you sweet summer child.


I love how Natalie is correctly hating everyone that deserves to be hated :)

Steve J

"so far we've had rape, child murder, and incestuous adulatory..." Yeah, that's pretty much GOT in a nutshell.


If it makes you feel better, Sophie Turner, the actress who plays Sansa, adopted the doggo that plays Lady, the Direwolf after the episode.

Thomas Yanez

Something that I don't think anybody has mentioned yet : the passage of time. I've already seen you say something like 'that happened fast' a few times. Unfortunately, if there is one thing that this show does not do well, it is communicate the passage of time. Sometimes there will be in-passing comment that indicate a month (or whatever) passed, but they are often easy to miss. This show does a very bad job of indicating that significant time has passed and it does it often through the entirety of the series. So, when you get one of those feelings again, it is almost always safe to just think to yourself that whatever it was you're looking at actually took a lot longer than the show made it seem and adjust the timeline for other stuff that is also happening at the same time on the show. Another thing that can help you keep track of the passage of time is the map. Note the distances between the various landmarks while the camera is panning around. And then remember that Cersei said that they had been on the road "for a month" between the point that the Starks received notice that the King was coming to Winterfell and when we are shown preparations for their impending arrival in the very next scenes.

Thomas Yanez

Regarding how Dani seemed to be "weak" and needed to be helped off the horse in the first episode, and then in this episode where we saw her being cared for and her hands being bandaged : that's because she has been spending full days riding on horseback and it is not something she is accustomed to.

Joe Blankenship

I assure you, what goes around comes around on this show. It’s not always such a bummer. Oh and his name is Bran, but I think it’s pretty funny to call him Brian since it seems kind of out of place in the GoT world. So, I hope you keep calling him Brian.

Alan Kobb

OK everyone, I think we need to take up a collection to supply Natalie with tissues. We bought a lifetime supply at the start of the pandemic, so I'll gladly throw in a bunch of boxes. Just let me know where to send them! Poole isn't one of Catelyn's children. He is the Castle Steward of Winterfell. That's kind of like the CEO of the castle, running the day-to-day affairs. He went with Ned to King's Landing, so they need another Steward. His daughter is Jayne Poole, who is the girl that Sansa was chatting with at the feast. She has a bigger role in the books. The Starks have been raising several children. - Rickon Stark, the youngest. Staying home with Mom - Bran Stark - Would have joined father in Winterfell, but for his injury - Arya Stark - Youngest daughter, going to Winterfell with Dad - Sansa Stark - Eldest girl, going to Winterfell to marry the jerk - Robb Stark - Eldest son, staying in Winterfell because of the Stark family belief that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. - Jon Snow - Eldest son of Ned Stark, went north to join the Nights Watch. - There is also Theon Greyjoy. He was raised by Ned Stark as a hostage after his father tried to revolt against the Seven Kingdoms. More about that later. Yes, the animals during the opening credits are the house Sigels of the 4 main houses of Game of Thrones. - Stark - A Grey direwolf on a white background - Targaryan - A red 3-headed dragon on a black background - Lannister - A golden lion on red - Baratheon - A crowned black stag on a gold background (King Robert's house) Keep an eye out for places where you see real life "animals" in the show, like the dead animals in the first episode. That's the kind of stuff that you see George R.R. Martin sprinkle throughout. Sometimes it's foreshadowing, and sometimes it's a false lead. There are a lot of smaller houses with their own sigels, like Catelyn's father is the Lord of House Tully, and their sigel is a trout on a red and blue background, and Ser Jorah Mormont (the guy who hangs around with Danerys) is of House Mormont with the bear sigel. Enjoying it, Lady Gold!

Ben Wheeler

Natalie regretting her life choices there at the end 😁 no one is safe on this show


One thing I must point out (as others have I may imagine) is that the opening credits animation changes every few episodes to reflect the moves of power in the different kingdoms. Not sure if this will figure in your commentary but it's definitely a huge part of the series.


You may want to edit that to say "going to King's Landing" for both the daughters. 😛

Kevin Mowery

Every preview for every episode of this show could just be "Things get worse."


Hey Natalie, not sure if you're reading the comments (don't blame you if you're not, especially after the Serenity Incident), but if you are, to clear things up, the character's name is Daenerys (sometimes called Dani), while Khaleesi is her title. She became a khaleesi when she married a khal. So you'll hear the Dothraki and Ser Jorah refer to her most often by her title, but her name is still Daenerys. Which, by the way, has apparently been added to the spell check dictionary because I spelled it wrong and was able to right-click to get the correct spelling. Who knew!

Garren Haskell

I think that ending is the one that just wrecked me the most of the whole series.


I suggest captions to help with learning names.


"Raisin-bran Stark".. looks like I have a new screenname in the bank.


No matter how detailed a comment is, spoilers need to be avoided. Even saying things like you are going to need tissues or you are right to hate Cersi, while not very detailed....are still spoilers

Game Wizard001

If it makes you feel better, the actress who plays Sansa, (Sofie Turner) adopted and kept the dog who played her direwolf. So Lady may have died, but she lives on in a good home.

Alan Kobb

I'm the one who brought up the tissue collection, however, I was just responding to Natalie's comments at the start of the reaction. Heck, she's also going to be reacting to Hot Fuzz, and may be laughing herself to tears over that! I agree, however, that people need to be watching out abouit predictions. Anyone who watches the show knows that sometimes people who seem good or evil at first end up changing or we find that there are motivations that put their actions into perspective. At this point in time, Natalie has already pointed out that she doesn't like most of the Lannisters, and it's true that they have been made out as villians. Martin wrote the books in a way that allows the reader/viewer to see the surface of a character, but then dig deeper over time. Natalie may change her mind about some of them. The fun for Natalie is in finding out. the fun for us is in seeing what she goes through on the journey.

Luis Torrefranca

Something I cannot unhear and so I'll share. During the opening music I can't help but sing along... "Dink-lage... Peter Dink-lage... Peter Dink-lage... Peter Dink-lage..."

Luis Torrefranca

As for intro/outro... yeah, do what you need to do. Plow through.

Cultured Degenerate

Man you're really pumping these out huh? No complaints here, keep it up! Glad you're enjoying it!


Oh! Hugs! I totally get your anguish and anger. I’m really glad you are interspersing this with lighter material. It’s hard to watch how this affects you emotionally. Just know that you’re not alone in having a hard time with it.

Alan Kobb

Why is Catelyn being so mean to Jon? I can safely tell you this much without spoiling anything. You've heard about the Mad King. 20 or so years ago, there was a war that is called Robert's Rebellion. Early in that war, Ned married Catelyn. I think you can already tell that Ned is honest and kind, even if he is a stickler for the law. When the war was over, Ned comes home with his bastard son who was born during the war. Still, Catelyn is in love with Ned, but she misdirects her anger at his betrayal to Jon. The Night's Watch guards the kingdoms from what is beyond the wall. The wall is a few days ride north of Winterfell. When someone is accepted into the Night's Watch, they take an oath to serve until death. In this world, oaths are serious things. Betraying one's oath has real consequences. The man who ran away from the horrors north of the wall had taken an oath to serve until death, and he betrayed that oath, so just as his father and grandfather had done before, Ned had little choice but to put him to the sword. Talking about oaths, Jaime Lannister also has taken an oath. He is a member of the Kingsguard, sworn to protect the king and his family. He was in the Kingsguard during Robert's Rebellion. When his father was invading King's Landing, he stabbed the Mad King in the back. Robert pardoned him and permitted him to say in the Kingsguard. To this day Jaime he is known as Kingslayer and is considered by many to be dishonorable, even though he killed an evil king.

Aaron Taft

I am trying to binge watch these episodes with ya this weekend, but I admit I am having difficulty. I have four younger sisters, a daughter, thirteen nieces, and one nephew. My nephew is the only child of the eldest of my younger sisters; and he has known nothing but neglect his whole life because my sister loves her Dog more than she loves her Son. I know he is adopted but I still find it, inexcusable. I have made every arrangement I can to take and raise my Nephew WHEN my sister loses custody of him. But until then I am forced to put on a smile and only visit him. If I do more my sister will prevent me from seeing him, like she has done with my other sisters and my parents. I would like to believe that you don't love Dogs more than People; but I must admit that I noticed myself becoming triggered by your passion for Dogs, since your Gladiator reaction. I'm going to keep trying to stomach though the first season of Game of Thrones, but I may have to stop if these Dogs continue to be such an emotional part. It's a reflection of my own struggles; but honestly, I would would genocidally wipe out every Dog on this planet to save one Nephew... And it confounds me that no one feels the same.


Daenerys hobbling off her horse and needing help walking. Natalie "What's wrong with her?" Me "Either Natalie has never ridden a horse before or she had been riding horses all her life."

Lisa Tosti

I was not expecting to rewatch all of these with you but I only watched this show once thru and its been FOREVER since I watched season 1 (atleast 8, if not 9 years). I am LOVING your reactions and so excited to rewatch this with you. I was lucky to have my spouse who could pause and explain if I missed something because he had read the books when we were watching. So excited to watch season 1 with you!

Yuri Reis

I've rewatched this show so many times. But this episode ending is always hard to me to watch. Poor lady ;-;

Tommy Ross

Your reactions are quickly becoming some of my favorites for many reasons, but especially how quickly you can go from saying how annoying you find a character to acknowledging that the actor is giving a phenomenal performance. That dichotomy gets lost in translation a lot of the time. Also, I always feel the need to remind any potential readers that Sansa was drinking more wine than she's used to after peer pressure on an empty stomach during the chaotic attack, and she's like 12. Not that no part of her denial was willful, but I tend to want to give her the benefit of the doubt considering Joffrey pretty much got her drunk.

Christopher B Frye

You seem to miss something important, and maybe you realize later. I know you've already watched and Im just watching reactions, but it's not a case of saying "No I don't want the Job." When the king makes a request, it's Not a request. You do what is asked of you or its treason and you go to war and lose your head