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Hey guys! 

I'm so excited to be embarking with you on this journey and to be diving headfirst into a brand new series! I can already tell this series will be filled with LOTS of tears haha. Truth be told, I'm already having a hard time not binge watching some of these episodes. The only thing slowing me down is the fact that I have to sit down and film them and ideally get ready for the camera haha. 

Just to reiterate here, I will be posting multiple episodes a week for this series here on Patreon. Doing only one episode a week would take FOREVER to get through and I don't want to make y'all wait that long. Additionally, I will be doing condensed videos on YouTube where I react to multiple episodes at a time. I don't want to overwhelm my channel with too much of anything (especially for those who may not be massive fans of GoT). So don't be surprised if you find that the YouTube video comes out a little later than you expected. 

All in all, I'm thrilled to finally be giving this series a go. I have a feeling I'm really gonna like it, despite all the pain it may cause me haha.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one in the comments below! Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

YouTube unlisted link: https://youtu.be/bDFsH1f4ADc

Private Link (PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS LINK INSTEAD OF PLAYING IT DIRECTLY ON GOOGLE DRIVE -- If you are getting the "exceeded playback" message, you may need to use a third party app to download the unlisted YouTube link above): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cH5f2q_-bFWuEzDA25xoPoEiuAQF3YJ9/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



My 2nd watch through will be alongside you, though not sure if I can stand the final seasons one more time hahaha! lets get started


Wow!! Two releases in two days, this is amazing!


Wanted to ask, will you be watching exclusively this tv series, or do you think you'll watch multiple at a time? Or like, interspersing different seasons of different shows at a time? Whatever you do, I'm looking forward, just curious! 😊

Amanda Logsdon

Not gonna lie i had a hard time watching this when it first came out, but i want to see if i can this time...here we go


THE WORST possible outcome.. Whoever voted for this should be taken out and shot...smdh


I am so excited for this! GoT has some incredible moments that are just perfect for you to react to :D

Randee Carreno

I can't wait to get started on this new series with you. I've only seen maybe one or two episodes of a later season. And now since I'll be watching this from the beginning the plot line from that season might make more sense. LOL! I've got my copy downloaded, and I'm going to watch this reaction tonight. 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


Can't wait

Andrew Dickinson

Well will be waiting for the looks of confusion in the last 10 or episodes...

Will Whiton

I've been looking for a reason to re-watch this series. Now I have one. Here we gooo!!!!


I mean, I can't stand that this was picked, either. It was voted on by the majority, though. Sucks for us but good for those that wanted it.

Tiger Chu

Oh i don't know if you're prepared for this show. I hope you enjoy it though :/


Well umm. Good luck to your heart and spirit. 😁

Darryl Low

We're all set for Nat's Games Nights. Gonna be a long and extremely bumpy ride 😀


I can’t be a patron anymore. I’ve watched the first 6 seasons too many times, and I’m not doing it again just to go through 7-8 again. Sorry

Misty Crom

Tissues are coming!

Bruce Bromley

Pretty sad bit of reasoning there Bob. GoT is just a fraction of what she reacts to. Must not have gotten your way in the vote. Now leave pouting

Bruce Bromley

I never got onto the GoT bandwagon when it first aired. Only have seen a few of the big episodes through other reactors. Don't let the detractors spoil your watching. At least you have the benefit of not having to wait between season breaks. Enjoy the ride, Nat.


It's so weird - GOT was one of those shows that, EVERYONE who knew me said, "Oh my GOSH - you're NOT watching THIS - you would LOVE IT!" So, I gave it a shot and very quickly realized that I couldn't watch it. Won't list specifics here - it won the poll and many should enjoy the reactions and joy that Nat will no doubt bring to it. I'm just glad there is a diversity of content since I don't think I could sit through GOT. Curious to see what Nat's comments are and how the viewings go. Have fun - I just knew it wasn't my cup of tea (as they say). But again - my reasons for not enjoying it will be shared AFTER she views the series - don't want to bring anyone down with just one opinion (when I'm obviously in the minority on this show - it was MASSIVE hit, world-wide). It just didn't "click" for me, personally. Enjoy it everyone.

john collins

I can't believe we're getting to watch GOT with you Nat! It is my second favorite tv series of all time (behind breaking bad) and I am so excited to rewatch it! I hope you haven't heard any spoilers over the years, and I really hope you enjoy this show as much as I did!


Very excited for this series! Looking forward to this rewatch! Great work, Nat

Edwin Bertilsson

I actually really liked the last season. It had some flaws but was still best season of the show imo.

James Hadden

Lots of people kept telling me I should watch this show, but never bothered to give it a go. That is until maybe 6 months before the final season came out. I binged 4 seasons in approx 3 weeks before I just had to take a break and detox with some hallmark movies. I then went back and took more time with each season. I'm glad I stuck with it, but man it was brutal. This should be an interesting ride.

Donald Mellen

Downloading now and gonna watch straight away. Love to see this series added. Some great actors in this!

Luis R.

Yes!!!!! Super pumped to see what you think of GoT Nat! Reactions always golden on this channel.


Welcome to game of thrones Nat what a roller-coaster this is going to be, it's going to be great rewatching along with you 🙂 stay golden 💛

Reid Ellis

To be fair, this reaction is not unique to GoT (nor to you, for that matter). I simply skip reactions to things I don't enjoy as do most others.

Chaz Mannington

The amount of characters in this show is massive. Do yourself a favor and google “non spoiler game of thrones family tree”, knowing the houses and characters within them will help a lot


Now this puts a smile on my face


Game of Thrones. 5 amazing seasons followed by 1 pretty good season and 2 absolutely disappointing seasons. Enjoy!


Anyone else having some issues with the blurred one being a bit more slowed down? 😅 my copy keeps going ahead when I start it at the same time, even if I pause it at times


I think saying which seasons are this, and which seasons are that can be a potential spoiler... I'd just rather see what her reaction is without my bias... in any case... Winter Is Coming Natalie!

James Hadden

I haven't watched this one yet, but have had the same issue with a few previous videos. They were older movies/tv shows which I was watching either on DVD or on Sky (I'm in the UK). I assumed it might be due to the different formats in the UK and USA (PAL vs NTSC / 50Hz vs 60Hz) but I don't really know.

Christopher French

No spoilers everyone! It'll be interesting to see you go through this


Just got through watching the first episode with you. I watched the first season and read the second book before deciding the series was just too brutal for me. But I will watch it with you. It’s comforting to watch it with someone who has the same kind of reactions to the things that happen, and that makes it easier. I totally get the author’s intent and I respect it. But it is a difficult watch.


I’m so excited for this. This has been my favorite reaction channel for a long time and it just keeps getting better.


I simply love that you do got! It will be a ride. But the amount of characters and character development will be a great thing for you. I look forward for the next episode! perhaps tomorrow? ;-)

Michael Cruse

Whoo doggie this is going to be a heck of a ride. Looking forward to more great reactions. While I have some issues with aspects of the show, it has a lot of talented actors playing a great set of characters, and it is always beautifully filmed as well. A quick word about winter in this world: it's not an annual season, the way it is for us. Summers typically last 3-5 years, and then winters can be a year. The story starts in a time when it has been an unusually long summer (10 years iirc), which often means the following winter will be a bad one. When the Starks (who rule the northern-most, coldest, and poorest of the 7 Kingdoms) say "Winter is coming", they mean "don't know when, but things are gotta get ugly, and we gotta be prepared."


Oooh Noo... Ok Ok I'll watch it again, since it's with you. Grab a tissue, grab a pillow, let's tread carefully into the series >.< (E: No but for real, it's a great show, you will enjoy it I'm sure!)

Luis Torrefranca

Don't know if anyone's said it yet, but during the opening credits, pay attention to the details of the map and icons as the show goes on. Gives some relevant information for the episode.

Steve J

As far a show to see someone react to GOT is probably the best of the list. So many OMG moments throughout the years that will will come a mile a minute at the pace she's planning on watching. We all had a drip feed over a decade, I can't imagine mainlining this thing in a couple of months.

Alan Kobb

I know that this is going to be rough for you, Natalie, but it's also just the kind of series that you will really sink your teeth into with lots of characters with different motivations and relationships. A term you have have heard was coined by viewers of Game of Thrones. You may as well learn the word because you'll be seeing it a lot. The term is "sexposition". It's a combination of "sex" and "exposition". Very often, the producers took dry, boring expository dialog and gave it to the viewers while the characters were having sex. This is when you learned about Tyrion, The Imp, for example. Some of your questions without spoilers. Winter is Coming is the "words" of House Stark. Their motto. Jon Snow is Ned's son, but he is not Catelyn Stark's son, so he is a bastard. Think about the look that she shot Jon that you noticed, and you can imagine the causes of that. Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa)'s title is Khal, so his wife's title is Khaleesi. King Robert was bethothed to Ned's sister years ago, but she died, and later he married Cersei Lannister. You'lll learn more about the circumstances of that later, but as you can see, the King still carries a torch for Ned's late, beautiful sister, and you may have seen the look that showed that Cersei resents that. They are not huiskies. They are just played by huskies. They're direwolves. The shots of the dead mother direwolf didn't do justice to how big they get. Grown direwolves are much, much bigger.


Great reaction. 😊 The opening credits show a map of the world with locations relevant to the episode; a couple of times each season there will be changes. For example, between the first and second (which I assume you’ve now seen), the last location is different. And the icon by each actor’s name indicates the house their character is in … though that can be a little harder to follow if you don’t know the actor playing each character. Just to clarify: “Khaleesi” is a title, the female form of khal. And a khal is the ‘king’ of a khalasar (Dothraki tribe). King Robert is not a Lanister, he’s a Barathian … married to a Lanister. (They did say this but there’s so much to take in.) In the tower scene at the end of the episode, is Jamie having sex with Cersei worse because it’s incest (they are twins) or because it’s treason (she is the queen)?

Joe Blankenship

I started to rewatch this not long ago but I abandoned it pretty quick. Watching it with you will be a lot more fun.


Common Tongue. It's just a trope in fiction when everybody speaks the same language. In this case, in the presention of the show (like most shows and movies), it's English.

Steve J

I think there are legends of generational winters, where people go their whole lives without seeing spring/summer


Loved your first spoken line after the actual episode started: "This is a Stark opening..." Could you have been any more prophetic? Hehe... One question, could you possibly share your source for the episodes? I only ask because I am watching the downloaded Box Set on Sky here in the UK and I have to pause the actual episode I am watching for half a second or so at least twice a minute to allow your (blurred) copy to catch up, so if I knew where you were streaming/watching yours from I am hoping that I can avoid that in future. Thanks for your reactions as ever though, Nat, when it comes to reaction videos you are certainly the Gold standard (as if you hadn't heard that already a hundred times... hehe)

Troy B.

I'll definitely watch the YouTube versions of these (if YouTube will allow it (*knock on wood*)), but I can't bring myself to devote the 60-70 hours (or an additional sub) to it again, but... in the mean time I look forward to the next Marvel movie! =D Also, "I handled Serenity, I can handle Game of Thrones." Yeah. I remember thinking that, too. Good luck! P.S. Your saving grace in all this will be that you're powering through them, so you won't have months or years to grow attached to characters. Though there are a few characters it's safe to grow attached to. Won't say which ones! #NoSpoilers

Holly R

Hmmm...don't know if I want to struggle through this series again. Especially since it'll just remind me of how much sheer potential was repeatedly squandered (and I'm not just talking about the final seasons).


Haven't watched GOT since it ended, so looking forward to another watch here! Such an amazing show overall imo.


It is a good series. Great cast. Wonderful production. Fantastic books (or at least the first 3 were). Happy to watch it again with you. Beware of spoilers. Try not to look things up. If you have a friend who knows the series and you trust them. Ask them for non spoiler help. I just tried some wiki sites and saw a spoiler right away. If you can resist, the show should explain everything you need to know. Things get repeated often to help everyone understand. The books are gigantic. Each book in the series is as long as all three Lord of the Rings books. And they have far more back histories as LotR. That being said maybe pick up the first book also named Game of Thrones. At the end of each book there is breakdown of different houses and and who is belongs to what house. The GoT episode wikipedia page might help with understanding each episode as there are separate pages for each episode. Still a chance for spoilers as I have not read them all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Game_of_Thrones_episodes A few things you might not have pick up on. The two eldest boys of Ned Stark are named after his dearest friends. Rob Stark named for the King Robert. Jon Snow is named for Jon Arryn, the man who died and was the previous Hand of the King (Prime Minster) and married to Ned's wife's sister. The sigil for King Robert's house is a stag. For Ned's house it is the dire wolf. In the first episode a stag killed the dire wolf yet her pups survived . . . . One pup for each of the Stark kids (including the bastard one). Read into that as you will.


I think she may get a copyright block and a content restriction as a lot of YouTube’s have they have to reactions on other networks

Jayson Phillips

I was never going to re-watch this series cause me and my wife loved it every time it cam on but, I love your reactions to movies so much I am happy to watch it with you! Thank you for doing what you do!

Misty Crom

The actress playing Katlyn Stark was also Hermione's Mum in Harry Potter. Robert Baratheon (The king) is Mark Addy. The guy who's helping the Targaryens is Michael Gambon who played Dumbledore after Richard Harris' passing. There'll be a few other actors you recognise in the show too, from various other films (including Star Wars). Also, a lot of the show was filmed in Ireland, with much of the more exotic locales in Morocco. I'm not sure how many times I just thought 'Oh, you sweet summer child' when you said things like "I made t through Serenity, I'll be fine!" I may have been thinking 'Oh, just you wait!' when you commented on the weird gross incestiness from Viserys (the Targaryen guy). Interesting thing about the actor btw. He's a direct descendant of Charles Dickens'. Even moreso that in future seasons will be an actress who's the grand-daughter of Charlie Chaplin. And think... that was just the first episode... easing you in. You sweet summer child (You'll get it).

Joe Blankenship

I remember it took me almost a whole season before I could keep track of everyone’s names and not have to google.

Misty Crom

I'm in the UK to. Had no idea where to watch it online (have the box-sets, but know I'll have to keep pausing with those). I found it on amazon Prime and didn't have desynching issues. Is £12.99 for S1, so you can decide whether to go that route or just pause here and there (I had to with Firefly and Serenity on DVD, so I know how it is) That said, agreed on that it would be very helpful to know the streaming sources for things. Also, with some films, different sources might have slightly different cuts of films too - shouldn't be an issue with GoT though.

Vincent Valentin

ah damn, won't be joining in on this. i gave up on Game of Thrones like 4 seasons in and then laughed at everyone who kept watching when it apparently ended terribly.


I was stubbornly waiting for the book series to end so the show wouldn’t spoil me, but I gave up after the 7th season and now I’m into it.


Ugh...some of these comments 🤢 Every opinion is valid but let those that enjoy this show enjoy it. Its okay for others to like something you don't like. I was disappointed in the last 2 seasons too but I still think it's one of the best shows of all time. Everyone should be able to watch it and decide for themselves if they like it. I really hope every episode isn't full of negative comments. Excited to give it a rewatch!


yoooo shoutout from Oklahoma. im in the city watching rt now!!!


Actually Michael Gambon was never in Game of Thrones. I checked his IMDB. That actor is Roger Allam. They sound nearly the same. Some of Alam's more famous roles were in the Queen, V for Vendetta, one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies . . and Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire (so funny, must watch).

Matthew Periolat

Friend of mine LOVES GoT and plans on asking for summaries each episode. Here was tonight’s sum up. “Got Daenerys married Aquaman, the Lannisters are terrible, except for the Imp so far, and Jon’s parentage is... weird. Ned is dad, but who is the mother? Oh and Daenerys’s brother is a piece of work too. And Ned’s youngest is compost.” Suffice to say, intrigued enough for the next episode. Still Golden, still on watch.

Darren Withers

Oh, BUGGER!!! This is gonna be a ride! Play nice guys, no spoilers!


Oh wow, this is a very pleasant surprise. Was not expecting this but I have been meaning to re-watch the series. Pretty excited.


One of my favorite shows of all time, despite it's shortcomings. You're in for a ride.

Andrew Dickinson

Will pop in to see select episodes, but in the camp of not going to expand that much time on this series again hoping for the end to be different. Truly the best example of show runners getting out of their depth.

Troy B.

That's fair. My biggest hurdle was I didn't want to re-up HBO for $15/month to follow along, lol. But I get that it might be worth that to some. The voters won, so that's cool!

Ron K

Man a lot of "I can't stand to watch this again 😒. But hey you enjoy! 😁" Like every series some episodes are better than others and some seasons are stronger than others. It's a good story with a lot of great characters and some amazing actors. Loved your reaction Nat! Keep them coming.

Troy B.

I've decided to watchalong with season 1, as no matter how I felt about seasons 7 & 8, the first season was one of my all-time favorite season ones of a show. Plus Natalie always brings a fresh take to things, so that's worth the price of admission!

Andy Jordan

I'm actually watching this for the first time along with you, so I'm in. Finally getting to catch up with the rest of the world.


So glad you have picked up this series. You won’t regret it! Although your tear ducts might. I like that you are going to try and burn through these quickly and I think that is a smart play given the length of this one. Anyway. Wanted to say I enjoy the content and look forward to the next one.


Another great reaction video, thanks Natalie! I started reading the books after seeing episode 2 and have a real appreciation for how George R.R. Martin doesn't follow the typical story troupes, so you are always caught off guard with what happens next. Season 1 of this series is almost verbatim of the first book, "Game of Thrones". I think you'll enjoy the series, although fair warning, you will need a lot of tissues!


Season 1 is the best season of the whole show. It's practically a 1 - 1 adaption of the book. I might decide to re-watch this season, but after that I will be taking a pass on the rest of the series. Eventually there will be a remake of Game of Thrones in 20 years once all of the books have been released, and I'll tune in for that.


Ya, running out of books to adapt didn't help. Imagine if J.K. Rowling stopped writing Harry Potter books after Order of the Phoenix, and the movie studios had to come up with the last 2 movies on their own.


I didn't get into Song of Ice and Fire until after season 8 started. The books are fantastic (except for Feast of Crows; that one's a slog and a half to get through despite the good parts). Looking forward to the first few seasons since they're mostly in-line with the books.

Game Wizard001

I'm really excited to see her reaction to this series. Some forget that this series, from a specific episode of this series that some could say began the reaction community as it is. People who read the books before the series, watching it with their families who haven't watch the book, set up a camera to capture their reaction of that moment. And BAM! here we are now reacting to others seeing something for the first time. It's so good.


Thanks for thinking of the non-GOTers!


It's funny - this one might be a lot for your sensitive soul to take on. I'm one of these types as well :). I've never gotten more invested in a show or as moved.

Valar Dohaeris

Well, you made it. You made me subscribe to HBO just to see this with you... You should ask them for a share. I feel, judging from what Nat commented that she knows about the show, that she's going to figure out several mayor spoilers. I guess that's inevitable when you get into very popular shows a bit later. Anyway it a great show, and I'm all in. Bring that Winter!

Lisa Tosti

I love in the first seen when they are coming out of the gate to go beyond the wall, Nat says "Wow this is stark" I laughed so hard for this pun she didn't even know she made!


I'm a new Patron here, I know that other content creators show the actual episodes on patron, but here its all fuzzed out. What do people do to watch with her?


can anyone explain why every movie/show is blurred

Eric Tanaka

Nat posts in watch along format. It's posted in the patreon channel description and she explains it in her videos. So she has the video blurred and muted the whole time so you have to pull up GoT on HBO Max or if you own it some other way. She lets you know when to start the video, and then you start GoT on one device and Nat's video on another device.

Eric Tanaka

Nat posts in watch along format. It's posted in the patreon channel description and she explains it in her videos. So she has the video blurred and muted the whole time so you have to pull up GoT on HBO Max or if you own it some other way. She lets you know when to start the video, and then you start GoT on one device and Nat's video on another device.

Eric Tanaka

I haven't actually watched GoT. It was hard to get in to when it was first coming out for me and I couldn't afford HBO as a college kid 😂 But I'm thinking about watching it through with you, Nat! I have HBO now and I just need someone to watch it with, so maybe I'll go along for the ride with you!


"whose gonna take of the dog?" priority goals..........

Daniel Vezina

You're the only one who could made me rewatch this, it's been a long time. Must have seen the first 4 seasons a hundred times.


I remember hearing something along the lines of:There is no Dothraki word for "Thank You" instead consider saying "Anha vazhak yeraan thirat" which translates to “I will let you live."

Daniel Vezina

2 site to check out if you want to understnd more the lore.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXU7XVK_2Wd6tAHYO8g9vAA https://www.youtube.com/c/comicbookgirl19/featured


Oh, everything blurred. I loved your videos on youtube so decided to go for patreon but well, this is just annoying. I suppose that's one way how to waste the money.


That does kind of suck sorry you wasted your money. But if you had read the description of the membership you signed up for you would have been forewarned. I believe she and others do this for copyright reasons.

Darren Withers

My_Cousin_Mose is right. These are the full reactions, and showing the full episodes would be a major copyright infringement. The full reactions, which don’t require much editing, go up almost as soon as she’s finished an episode. She also posts her edited versions earlier than YouTube here, but they take longer to prepare. Trust me, I’ve edited one reaction video myself, and it takes hours of work, especially if you’re attempting to monetise them which, of course, is essential for reactors to survive. Give it some time, you’ll see the reaction video’s you’re after soon enough. Also, there’s another bonus to being on Patreon, Nat is more likely to reply to your comments than on YouTube, which is always kind of a thrill!😄


You can't show full episodes legally anywhere. Every reaction on Patreon, whether it be through Youtube, Vimeo or Google will always be blurred or cut in some way and will require your own copy.

Malcolm Wolf

The reason why is not break copyright laws and run the risk of having her Patreon closed down. While others opt not to do that, sometimes it is better to be safe than sorry


Hey! This was the perfect excuse to re-watch GoT! Also new to patreon. I tried to watch my copy on HBO with your video in sync but every 2 minutes I had to stop my episode video because you were behind like almost 5 seconds... Had to do this all episode long... Not fun... Let's see if episode 2 it gets better...


A comment on the "battling of the egos" in the pre-reaction, that's really what it was like in the "old days." Going as far back as ancient times, brothers fighting for the throne relentlessly happened all the time. Blood just didn't matter anymore for some people. It's ego but that's just what dominated people's minds. Antigone, for instance, begins with Antigone's two brothers dying in a war.

Rumpus Parable

Point of annoyance to note: I ready 3.5 of the books *after* I watched the series because I thought they could be really interesting since TV and movies have to generally thin out characters and plotslines and found it the opposite especially in a particularly disturbing way: Drogo and Dany's sex was never rape/forced feeling. Their first PIV moment came after foreplay that she then put his finger inside her and said "yes"... the other times it hurt was due to how she was in pain due to all of the horse riding and they didn't speak the same language clearly yet and it didn't occur to him that was a problem... the rape/forced angle of their sex life was created because it was what would be enjoyed more by viewers and raise ratings.

Dennis Oyan

hi, i tried watching it together with you with hbo go :) but i can’t seem to sync it with you, im using my mobile phone and my tablet for viewing, but it’s ok i hope i can finish this series with you ❤️


LOL I am starting my second run-thru with you on this. Also LOL I just finished my FOURTH run-thru of Firefly/Serenity with you. Do I just love your reactions or what?


When was that, January? Hahahahaha I'm doin it again in September. I guess my life is music and movies. Also congratulations, Natalie and Tyler!