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Hey y'all!

Hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are in the world. I myself am doing well, editing a lot to gear up for a nice break here soon. I wanted to give you all a quick update. 

A couple days ago, Vimeo reached out to me to inform me that my account apparently can no longer handle the amount of bandwidth being used and Vimeo needs me to either leave their platform or pay A LOT more money....like thousands of dollars more...

This is all still a positive overall though because it just means that so many of you folks are enjoying watching the full length reactions! Vimeo just can't handle how many of you there are 😂

So for the time being, I will begin the process of switching my videos over to Google Drive. Just wanted to let you all know the reasoning behind that decision so that it didn't surprise you out of nowhere. It's probably something I should've done a long time ago, but c'est la vie. 

Thank you all for your support over here and for your understanding!! Until the next post, (aka: tomorrow) ✨stay golden!✨


Matthew Periolat

I’m laughing because I just downloaded the Vimeo app to better synch with the movies. Master of terrible timing! Good to be popular, bad that they make you pay for being popular. Ah well, life goes on and on to bigger and better platforms!

Andy Scotschdale

That's kinda weird, I wouldn't think 1600 patreons would blow that budget

Armchair Wizard

Completely understandable. I follow some other patrons and they use Google Drive too.


I guess we are too powerful.


Vimeo probably self hosts all of their stuff to keep the costs down. a few hundred people all streaming a high quality video at once can theoretically crush their system and certainly breaks their business model.


Ha! - The Gold Mine contains too many Nuggets for Vimeo to handle, pathetic. Google, we're coming for you next.. Get ready

Andy Scotschdale

They are way too big for that, they simply have their limits set low enough for x-tier youtubers to be hit by their free tier. I would've thought it be higher.

Patrick Armbruster

Hm. Unless I'm mistaken, there shouldn't be much more than 1600 views, though at first. Okay, most of them probably happen in the very first seconds of a Patreon post... Plus: it's probably an automatic thing. Too much traffic in sudden bursts.

Darryl Low

Bye-bye Vimeo. It was fun while it lasted, but Nattie has outgrown you and she's moving on :)

Daniel Drew

Oh wow XD Poor Vimeo lol. But congrats for you!

Troy B.

Thousands of dollars more?! Dang. That seems... excessive. But I suppose there's also a cumulative effect, as newer subscribers catch up on your older videos.


Could you upload compressed versions of the videos too. I like to download them because my internet connection doesn't like streaming 2 sources at once. With the vimeo downloads the videos were like 160 mb, the latest one from google drive was 1300 mb


If I were to make a guess, I'd say that someone registered as a patron is sharing the vimeo links to people outside patreon. However, I have no evidence at all for this. It just makes the most sense to me, because it seems strange that only 1600 viewers, even if they were all streaming at the same time, would require THAT much bandwidth. Or maybe Vimeo just are very stingy.


Hey Josh! I already compress them after exporting them from Adobe which tends to make the files huge. If I compress them more the quality might go down, but I can look into this in the new year


Maybe just personal preference, but I don't mind lower quality. I've found I still get the same experience of hearing/seeing your reaction at lower qualities as I'm usually primarily focused on the movie/episode


"Too many people using our service. You cannot use our service anymore." Not a very sustainable business model, vimeo. =P

Gamer Sixgun

will your vids be downloadable?

Martin Firth

The way I see it, Vimeo lists a price and ask that you pay it. Youtube on the other hand is free... except Google is one of the richest companies on the planet. Which actually means that the price of YouTube is actually greater, just more well hidden. Instead of seeing a price, and choosing to pay it like with Vimeo, Google is taking as much as they want from you. The price you pay to Google is much higher.


Most people use a private link on youtube


Use the platform which makes most sense for your workflow.


I was downloading your reaction to LOTR over the weekend. Some were on Vimeo. Some files were on Google Drive. When I tried to download "The Two Towers" Google gave me an error message saying that the demand to download this file was too high and I should try again later. I was surprised because this is not a recent reaction. You & LOTR are just that popular :) Happy Hanukkah and a very Merry Christmas to you and all your fans.

Doug Willour

Is anybody else having trouble with the new google drive videos not playing? It just is giving me spinning wheel when I click the link, and it says I don't have permission to download them


How is google drive working for you, Natalie? I know at least one other reactor that uses it. Seems to work well for them except they have to make sure people don't stream right from the drive. They have people download the file and watch it locally. I guess google gets pissy if too many people watch the movie right off their drive.

Alan Kobb

The built-in player for Google Drive kinda sucks. On several occasions I needed to pause, but when I resumed playing, the video was frozen and the voice continued, and the only way to get back in-sync was to restart from the start and not stop. Works better to download it,