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Hey guys!

Help me pick the last NATMARE movie for this season! 



Write in: Solo A Star Wars Story

Jonathan Roberson

I gotta write in.... The Conjuring if you haven’t seen it already.



Matthew Periolat

This isn’t even a contest. Halloween should crush this, it’s an absolute classic and a must watch for Natmares.


The Shining if somehow you haven't seen it already.


The older ones are definitely classics. But if you want to be scared definitely pick A quiet place (or the Conjuring like Jonathan said).

Nicholas Bevan

How about The POltergeist Trilogy?


end the month right --halloween


I wonder if she has ever seen coraline?

Brandon Scott

I see a quiet place neck and neck but I’d love to see her start with the classics.....especially if she hasn’t seen them.

David of the North

Halloween! C'mon. It's in the title! It IS the title. Should have at least kept to classic horror by swapping out A Quiet Place with Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Rime Pendragon

A quiet Place ? Most boring movie I have ever seen!!! VOTE HALLOWEEN!!!

Calo Grsf

Guys, Halloween rhymes with Halloween, it’s the base of horror cinema

Nicholas Bevan



Big Ass Spider


Hot Fuzz. ;)

Nicholas Bevan


Matt Wyatt

I highly recommend checking out Nightmare on Elm Street it’s so good, intense and terrifying. I remembered watching this as a kid and it terrified the hell out of me. It’s about a man named Freddy Krueger going after kids in their nightmares it’s a great slasher film


I second cabin in the woods! 👆— Ties things together in a Joss Whedon themed bow


Yes a Quiet Place!

It Hurt A Lot

It has to be Halloween. She can't go through this month without seeing it

Andy Crawley

All good choices, but you should’ve had An American Werewolf In a London on the list! Also, if you ever want to freak yourself out but don’t want the blood and guts element I’d say Funny Games would be a good shout, so disturbing whilst being so mundane at the same time! But from this list it has to be Halloween. PS - The People Under The Stairs is a superior but underrated Wes Craven film.

Travis Bounds

Ugh i wishing the Evil dead would have been one. cause that shit slapps

Arthur Bridges

Sleepy Hollow would be a great reaction

Holly R

If this is the last one, then definitely Halloween


Halloween. Definitely Halloween. That movie is so intense and so, so good!


Halloween. It's a classic for a reason. Trick r' Treat is also a good one- manic and fun.


A Quiet Place is the newest I should have thought of Frailty with Matthew McConnehay sooner.


A Quiet Place, just save Halloween for the end. I wish we could do a live watch on twitch of Halloween on Halloween. That would be a riot lol.


Evil Dead 2! You need to watch something fun.

Darryl Low

We just watched something fun. It's time to get serious again.

Darryl Low

It just has to be Halloween for Halloween. John Carpenter, Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasance, Michael Myers. Accept no substitutes :)


So disappointing. Halloween is so overrated. And A Quiet Place shouldn't even be on the list.

Nicholas Bevan


Nicholas Bevan

PS Those were REAL dead bodies in the pool!

Nicholas Bevan

It was cheaper to rent actual corpse rather than hire good SFX guys

Nicholas Bevan


Nicholas Bevan

Coocoo for coco piffs be damned!I got honey grahams

Nicholas Bevan

Even count Chokulas and old-school froot-loops


You guys are so funny; NATMARE = NATalie + nightMARE, I guess she figured nightalie wasn't as catchy

Nicholas Bevan

Lucky-charms too...weithout the cereal

Nicholas Bevan

Please dol not call me a spammer

Nicholas Bevan

I do not know what that is

Nicholas Bevan

I am socially inept on every media platform

Nicholas Bevan

Appreciate others react to things

Darryl Low

That's an urban legend. They aren't real skeletons. There is a documentary where the FX guy on the movie is shown making them.

Darryl Low

It was a Spielberg production. I'm pretty sure money was no object, and he works with the best in the business.


A Quiet Place is genius. It will scare you and make you cry in both a bad and good way. But mostly, it demonstrates how brilliant actors can act meanings without dialogue. A real treasure of a film.

Ronny Boss

It's not very scary but Behind The Mask: The Rise of Lesley Vernon is really flippin good. Right up there with Tucker and Dale

Nicholas Bevan

I think Mr Darry Lowe may be right

Ronny Boss

I've not watched it, I might have to pick a copy up tomorrow after hearing all the good things y'all have said about it

Sebastian Syrinx

A Quiet Place for sure. Scary, but also heartwarming at times. The tension is also incredible


At this rate it’s so close that you’re going to have to watch both! A Quiet Place all the way since I think it will make for a better reaction. Already prepping my ears!

Nicholas Bevan

Steven Conwell Is a person who seems he speaks on your behalf=? And I have noted on three worthy INDIVIDUALS as well........ Nicholas Bevan 2MIN I warn you know of this "factor"/Person" now who does not seem to think you are real unto yourself Nicholas Bevan JUST NOW He seems to intermission/twine on the fake behalf of others /You/ Nicholas Bevan JUST NOW fear he is not real

Nicholas Bevan

You shall not PASS! Fictitious you


The NATMARE on Elm Street

Nicholas Bevan

You shall not PASS! Fictitious you


This poll got interesting. Elm Street really came from behind.

Brandon Scott

I just want to see one of the classics win. If Nat hasn't seen any of these I'd be much more interested in watching her experience Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th for the first time (particularly Halloween).

Troy B.

Not gonna lie, I hope it's not Nightmare on Elm Street. That movie kept me from listening to headphones in bed for at LEAST a decade, I kid you not.


I'm voting for Candyman

Ronny Boss

That movie freaks me the flip out. last time I tried to watch it I peed a little bit 😝

Andrew T

I think that out of the four, Nightmare on Elm Street is arguably the most inventive and most playful, as it's about being awake in a nightmare (i.e. "anything can happen"). Halloween and Friday the 13th are classics, but they are basically (just) slasher flicks. A Quiet Place feels kind of out of place, as it's a newer film whereas the other three are from the 80s; a good film in its own right, but somehow isn't quite in the spirit of Halloween.

Andrew T

Just adding a suggestion: Warm Bodies. It's basically a zombie romantic comedy. How's that for a genre? It's corny but if ever a zombie movie can be described as "sweet," this is it.

Matthew Periolat

Well, I’ll be damned. I’m really surprised at the swing here. Well, fingers crossed my candidate still crosses the finish line first.


Aaah! Zombies! is a really fun and funny movie. Plus, it is the only one I've seen that tells the story from the zombies' perspective, not the human's.


Ghostbusters! That Sta-Puf Marshmallow man was horrifying!

Justin S.

Halloween is the most classic of this list. When or if there is a reaction to it, she should watch Halloween 2 immediately afterwards because it feels like one movie split into two parts. Nightmare on Elm Street was allright but besides the 3rd one, none of the sequels were that good and some were just dumb. I think she would have fun with Friday the 13th but seems like a lot of people are not a fan. A Quiet Place was a very good flick but definitely out of place here. The fourth option should have been Child's Play or Poltergeist.

Darryl Low

I think the Wes Craven Appreciation Society signed up to Nat's Patreon overnight!


"Natmare of Elm Street" haha

Gregory Coburn

I hope it's not halloween that movie is actually kinda boring IMHO

Max du Coudray

Cabin in the Woods should’ve been the list!


Evil Dead 2!!


Obviously we all have our favorites that we would have like to see Natalie react to for Halloween/Natmare month(um, Scream!), but realistically she can only watch and edit so much over this these few weeks. Besides, it leaves her with plenty of great films to watch next October. We live in an age where we want everything now, now, now! I think Natmare month has been great, and I look forward to next year's fright fest!

Matthew Periolat

Well, my thoughts? Not my first choice, but completely and totally acceptable. But oh, sweet sweet Natalie... what is the most decent way I can put what you are in for? One, two... Freddy’s coming for you Three, four... Better lock the door Five, six... Grab your crucifix Seven, eight... Better stay up late Nine, ten... Never sleep again


Looks like all the Exorcist voters are for Elm Street now.

Brandon Scott

I’m ok with Nightmare on elm street... it Halloween is a better October movie. I mean, duh.

Matthew Periolat

I haven’t seen Quiet Place and I’m not going to bad mouth what may be a favorite of someone else, but there is a litany of movies I’d rank ahead. But it’s an opinion, like everyone else.

Matthew Periolat

Better? Mayyyyybe. I like both movies a lot, although I personally prefer NES. Halloween is fantastic though.

Brandon Scott

I’m with you. I’m not saying either is flat out better than the other (that’s more a question of personal taste as they’re both awesome). I’m saying as an October movie, you know, Halloween season, that the movie “Halloween” just seems more timely. But that is just my opinion.


I'm sure Natalie will do this again next October, there was no way she was going to get to every horror/scary movie considered a "classic", this year.


I prefer the Elm Street movie series to any of the other "classics", such as Halloween or Friday the 13. The only Halloween film I enjoyed was H20.


Not sure if you’ve already seen it, Nat, but The Princess Bride should be on your list. I’ve got one horror recommendation for you, but the rest of these are just things I’m now sure you’ll love. The princess bride Army of darkness (horror/comedy) The iron giant The rest of Marvel Ferris Bueller’s Day Off How to Train Your Dragon A Life Less Ordinary Stardust I hope this adds delightfully to your pile


I'm so sad to see A Quiet Place coming in 2nd in all these polls. It's such a good movie. Can't go wrong with the classic Halloween films though.


PAN'S LABYRINTH!!!!!! Pleaze


The first time I saw Nightmare on Elm Street was at a Halloween all-nighter at the cinema in 1998, along with Halloween H2O, Return of the Living Dead and The Exorcist. Good times. The reason I had never done a Freddy flick before that was because I saw the poster for Nightmare 2 when I was 7 and it terrified me. That was also the year I saw Superman 3 (shudder). Not a highlight of my childhood.


A quiet place for sure!

Super J22

Was hoping your last reaction for Natmares would be Halloween 2018, but I guess we can wait til next year do see it. Great reactions to all the horror movies so far!


Congrats on being featured in a Nerdist article for your Exorcist reaction! https://nerdist.com/article/best-horror-movie-reactions-youtube/


the hobbit maybe?