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Hey guys! 

Help me decide what movie to watch after the next couple episodes of The Mandalorian. The Matrix was so much fun to watch and I can't wait to see what you guys pick for me next! 

✨stay golden!✨



MCU ! And also Django Unchained 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎


Guys, come on. She just finished the matrix. Clearly the next film she should watch is the matrix reloaded.


PLsssssssss watch the fifth element one of the fav movies


this is the hardest poll yet...


Lord willing people wont vote for the Matrix sequels.

Tom Fehr

unfortunately the Matrix sequels are not very good, at least not compared to the original which is a classic. you def dont have to keep watching those IMO. Starting the MCU would be a lot of fun though of course you dont need to see all of them

Michel Ferreira

Honestly, if she does watch the whole Matrix trilogy I will def follow along, because I love her reactions, but if she doesn't ever watch another Matrix movie, she won't be missing much :-P


The Thing is glorious!

Reggie Clark

I feel like The Thing should be saved for October. If it snowed where she lived I would say during winter, but that's not gonna happen.

Andy Jordan

These are all good movies (I don't the the Matrix sequels are that bad), but in my opinion, it's better to start the MCU sooner rather than later, because with the Infinity Saga wrapped up last year, massive spoilers will only get harder to avoid. I'd still space them out, but now's as good a time as any to start.


The Thing, iron man can wait another day


Now I'm conflicted, iron man, 5th element and the thing are good movies


The Fifth Element is the ultimate case of "style over substance." A story that alternates between pure cliche and pure nonsense. A romantic pairing that feels kind of wrong. And a flamboyant cameo by Chris Tucker that is simply awkward and bizarre. In short, I love this movie.

Flick Freaks

I can appreciate saving The Thing for Halloween, but I’m totally on board for watching it now. For me, The Thing is the scariest movie ever made.


the Fifth Element is an amazing movie. you will deff enjoy it.


The Thing is a genuinely brilliant horror film. Matrix Reloaded gets a lot of hate, but is a genuinely amazing action film: a spectacle in the spirit of the first film.


Star Wars Clone Wars. Honestly I just want to see your reaction to season 7 cause it's absolutely incredible. Could possibly rival the movies as the best of SW. But you have to at least watch the 20 recommended episodes to get you caught up on different characters back story and what not. But they are short episodes so you could do like 3-5 episodes in one video. Lol


Out of these options I would like to see Reloaded though especially after you just saw the first one I think it would be good to follow up.


You already started the Matrix trilogy, might as well finish it.


On the one hand, you already watched the first Matrix movie, so you should probably finish the other films. But...they're not as good as the first. Some might even call them bad. Iron Man is a crowd pleaser for sure. Also, the Thing is just a terrifying horror film. So I'd recommend any of those


I agree, especially since Nat was talking about being confused with Matrix proper.


I think your reaction to The Thing would be amazing. Watching something in-between the Matrix movies would be cool and The Thing is an absolute classic. Getting into Iron Man and the MCU is a big commitment so getting a few other different movies before taking that dive is a good idea.


If you go with Iron Man, make sure you watch the post credit scene and the subsequent movies in order! It’s like a big TV show!


All of you saying the Matrix sequels are not good need to come to grips with just how wrong you are.


I second that. Matrix 2 and 3 are considered by many a little weaker then Part 1. Iron Man can be a start into the MCU. The Thing and Fifth Element are both great Movies. For myself i would go The Thing, then Fifth Element then the MCU cause Matrix 2 and 3 are really weak compared to the first one, considered you wanna watch all four.

Nicholas Sulikowski

I'd say Matrix just to get through the whole saga all at once. Better to have everything fresh in your mind. But you should definitely watch The Animatrix before Reloaded and Revolutions. It's a collection of animated shorts set in The Matrix universe, some before the first film, some in between it and Reloaded. Two of them are the whole backstory to the human/machine war, and how humanity lost. It's good stuff.

Jason Dolan

Iron Man will win this poll, but ya gotta eventually watch THE THING


Iron Man will win because those trash movies are so popular. Literally any of the others would be a better choice.

Brandon Royce

I'm on the side of finishing the Matrix trilogy. I mean, if you're looking at doing Iron Man, there's a decade of films that tie into it, in some shape or form. So yeah, finish the series where you only have 2 films remaining.


The Thing is kinda like Alien if it took place on earth...👀

Jack the Narrator

This is like Sophie's Choice. Overstatement? Sure. But I don't care. LOL Like Nicholas Sulikowski stated, if and when you decide to watch the Matrix sequels, make sure you check out the ANIMATRIX shorts first. I strongly recommend that you watch RELOADED and REVOLUTIONS back-to-back as the sequels were intended to be seen as one story told in two parts.


Ooh! Sophie's Choice! I want to make her cry. A LOT! kidding, Natalie. :)


Different people like different things. It's totally cool if you like the Matrix sequels. It's probably true that they are less broadly liked than the original.


Is the Fifth Element a "good" film? Is it better than The Thing or Iron Man? If I'm trying to be an objective movie critic, I'd say no. The Thing is a masterpiece of horror, and Iron Man is an extremely well-made action movie. The Fifth Element is a bonkers mess of a movie, but god damn I love it so much.


Since you started the Matrix, I think finishing the series would be good. I'd recommend The Matrix Reloaded, The Animatrix, and The Matrix Revolutions. It completes the full story started in The Matrix. Iron Man, and the entire MCU is definitely worth it. Honestly, everything on this list is good.


Also, true story: probably 15 years ago my wife and I were having dinner with another doctor she works with, and his wife. It was this nice little French restaurant in Massachusetts, not even in the city. A woman came in with a couple and sat at the table next to us. She looked familiar. After about 15 minutes I realized it was Milla Jovovich. I tried to explain to my wife and our friends who was at the table next to us, but they had no idea. It was Leloo!

Dave M.

THE THING!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!


The Fifth Element is a perfect film. The Thing is the next best one, Matrix sequels make you wish there was only 1 movie. Iron Man will take you down a rabbit hole of mixed emotions of semi good films 😊


I voted for Iron Man. I'm curious not so much about whether you like it or not (I'm sure you will) but more which movie universe you'll want to keep watching. With Star Wars, Tolkien, The Matrix, and Alien you already have 5 of the greatest movie universes ever. Add Marvel to the mix (Also someday Star Trek, DC, Planet of the Apes, Doctor Who, The Twilight Zone, X-Files) and sooner or later one of those worlds will draw you in more than the others.


I mean, I want you to watch all of these things, but my personal favorite out of all of these is The Thing

Dave M.

How could I not get the urge to sing the Captain Planet theme during The Fifth Element?! Hahahahaha 😂


um, that's only 4 of the greatest movie universes. Why can't i count all of a sudden?


I'd like to see any/all of these, but Nat should finish the Matrix trilogy before moving on to anything else.


Ugh, the Matrix Reloaded is like having a great first course to a meal, then eating the picture of a great 2nd course from a magazine. Blech


I’m willing to bat for Matrix Reloaded, but I agree you can see a decline or some incoherency creeping in. Let’s add The Abyss Director’s Cut to a future poll.:)


These are all good movies to react to, except perhaps the matrix reloaded. The second and third movies are a mess. Hard choice to make


Makes sense to finish the matrix trilogy honestly. Why jump around??


Its never going to win a poll, but I'd love to see your reaction to 1978 Watership Down. It was a right of passage for UK 80's kids, Its know as the film that traumatized a generation..... we were shown it in school when we were 6 or 7....... its the reason British people suppress their emotion. It has some reaction/reviews past the 300k mark but is pretty niche The whole movie is here (so they obviously don't care about copyright) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PdwxamslN0 if you want a quick preview of what the film has to offer got to 7m30s...... it gets worse...... I was 6!!!!

Jason Dolan

If you've never seen any of the MCU movies, you should just do that whole 23 movie saga as that would be very popular for your channel after Star Wars is complete, so I almost might just SAVE Iron Man for when you're ready to do that whole saga and do polls on HOW to watch the MCU - but at any rate the moral to the story is watch the MCU for your channel, lol.


Thanks for the link! It's a while since I've seen the film. I am a huge fan of the book. Last time I re-read it was only last month or the month before. 🤣 It must have been tricky choosing the content to cut to make the movie only 90 minutes, as it's not a short book!


You should start the MCU Infinity Saga. Its a long haul but so worth it; and great for reaction content


You should watch the predator


Yup The Thing, easy choice. I'd love for you to do Iron Man, but I wouldn't even consider dipping my toe in that unless you're ready to invest in 20+ more movies, as its well worth it. Fifth Element, a classic, and definitely my 2nd choice for a stand alone movie. The Matrix series IMO is like First Movie = Winning the lotto, Second Movie - finding out 2 million other people also won the lotto that week, Third movie - you get robbed of the 2 dollars you won after you cash in the ticket, plus everything else in your wallet.


You should react to star wars rogue one, solo, and episodes 7 8 and 9


Ever think of adding The 10th Kingdom to your watching list?


I want to add Seven Samurai to your pending list.


The Fifth Element, a cult classic and one of the most rewatchable film. It pushes all the right buttons, it has a bit of everything. And it's a stand-alone movie.


I would love to see a reaction to The Goodfellas!


You might get stuck watching the MCU for months once you start, lol. Hopefully you'll still have the time to weave in other stuff though.


I believe she has mentioned doing it that way, for the benefit of patrons who aren't MCU fans.


Not trying to take away from Iron man, as its such an important movie that the whole marvel franchise is built on. But you have to finish the matrix, now that you have started it


although your reactions to The Thing would be pretty entertaining, I think there's a better chance you will like The Fifth Element


If you want to understand the mythology of The Matrix, you need to keep going down the rabbit hole. ;-)

Mark Campbell

The Thing for anyone who appreciates film.


The Matrix sequels are straight garbage. Where the first movie had tons of philosophical and spiritual metaphors and symbols (my favorite aspect of it), the sequels are mostly people just sitting around literally discussing philosophy and existentialism. They tell, not show. It’s a huge snooze fest punctuated by a few huge CGI action set pieces.


It’s in last place but please keep The Thing on the backlist. It’s a fantastic film

Thomas Malley

None. They are all bland. Maybe The Fifth Element. Put Terminator 1 + 2 and back to the future on your list.

Thomas Malley

Yeah it was a major disappointment and step down from the super character driven first outing.

Thomas Malley

Can you maybe make a full list of all the movies you haven’t seen. :)

Thomas Malley

Yeah, I mean if she first starts on Iron Man; that’s like starting Star Wars. You kind of have to finish it.

Thomas Malley

The fifth element is definitely the only true classic on that list. I’d say Iron Man might be a classic, but it’s a little too young for that title.

Thomas Malley

It’s not on the level of any of the movies she’s watched so far; but it’s a solid action character driven movie. And I do


Out of these options, fifth element. If it was my choice I would say watch original Blade Runner from 1982 but watch the final cut version. Such an awesome movie.

David Martin

Creed 1 and 2 is a must if you haven't seen those.

Colt 1983

I thought you watch the Matrix trilogy first before you ask for the next movie. Dont you want to know how it all ends? Oh and they make Matrix 4 right now :)

Troy B.

Based on the reactions I've seen, I think you would really get a kick out of Iron Man.


The Matrix sequels are a slog. 5th Element and Iron Man are a lot of fun, but I think The Thing would make for the best reaction video - it's intense.


If you haven't done this already, please consider watching all the MCU films in order starting with Iron Man!


For all you fans of The Thing, check out "Ice" - Season 1, Episode 8 of The X-Files. :-)


Ohh please The Fifth Element!!! Although any of those but Iron Man would be awesome!


Yes! Blade Runner is incredible. I thought the most recent Blade Runner was good too, though the original is my favorite


Out of all these, Iron Man? Why?


Great choices had to go with Iron Man.. but the Thing... sooooo good

Garrick Smalley

Had to go with The Fifth Element but for me The Matrix: Reloaded is a close second. Put it in your next poll and I will vote for it.


Listened to your 50k. One of the suggestions was Shaun of the dead. You'd want to watch the ice cream and blood chronicles. Shaun of the dead, Hot Fuzz, and the World's end. All parody movies. Shaun of the dead is a horror parady, Hot Fuzz, is a buddy cop/action/suspense thriller parody, the world's end is a sci fi action parody.


Problem with the sequels is they are not that great, especially the 3rd.


I see that Iron Man is leading, and that's okay and you should definitely watch it--but please, please consider 5 th Element at some point--it's got really top tier actors, gray special effects, and a unique blend of action, comedy, and romance. This one is a stand-al8ne, no sequels, no "universe of" just a wacky, awesome creativity.

Jack the Narrator

It's called The Cornetto Trilogy. I've never heard it referred to as The Ice Cream & Blood Chronicles.

Erik Lundmark

"1408" (from 2007 - John Cusack)


I'll be honest and you will probably see all of those movies on the list since they are great, but i would love for you to see The 5th Element next. Its a great change of pace of the shows you have been watching and just amazing.


If there's one thing The Fifth Element isn't, it's bland. :P

Alexa Chipman

The Fifth Element is such a classic! As much as I enjoy Marvel movies, I would much rather see you react to "Multipass!"


I'd start with the Rocky's first, especially the first 2.


Have you seen Schindler's list? Maybe it's too sad of a movie, but it's a powerful movie to watch. btw, I changed my vote to the Fifth Element. The Iron Man, even though it's a good movie, it's kinda boring IMO.


Love The Thing, but it's gotta be The Fifth Element.


I like all four of these movies and hope that you react to all of them eventually.

Jack the Narrator

She said in her Q&A that she hasn't seen Schindler's List, but doesn't want to do a reaction to it given it's subject matter.

David Lally

Def Iron Man my dear. Preferably followed by Fifth Element :)

Armchair Wizard

yeah we had good choices this time. I like Matrix part 2 less than the other 3, but they're all good.

Jimmy Crackcorn

Do you all vote on the best movie or the movie you think will ellicit the best reaction?


I just want see her get totally confused whilst she's watching reloaded 😂

Nicholas Sulikowski

I just rewatched The Animatrix. (Which is on HBO Max by the way, albeit with the shorts re-edited in I guess chronological order?) Boy, that was a hell of a thing. I forgot how good it was. If you eventually watch The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, definitely watch The Animatrix before them. Runtime is short too. 1 hour 41 minutes. Which I guess makes The Matrix more of a quadrilogy. ;)


I would love to see you react to Tremors (Kevin Bacon/Fred Ward) ... best movie ever, or to Firefly series/Serenity Movie.


Tremors is a legitimately good movie. I remember it was marketed as an intentionally cheesy throwback to old-fashioned monster movies from the 50's. And it definitely is that. But about halfway through you start to realize it's pretty damn good and you actually care about the story and characters.


Chemistry between Ward and Bacon in that movie is exceptional. And Michael Gross is awesome too :D

Jack the Narrator

They're probably referring to the sequels with regards to being cheesy. The first Tremors is a legit movie. One of the best horror comedies and creature features ever made.


I'm curious if she's ever seen Ghostbusters, Godfather, any of the Superman or Batman films, Hot Fuzz, or John Wicks.

Jordan James

Ugh I really don’t wanna go through the mcu again lol. It’s too much now

Thomas Malley

You said that you watched back to the future, but did you also watch the sequels? Just to be 100%




I'll definitely be watching other movies too and splitting it up! I totally understand that not everyone will be into mcu

Edgar Salazar

Interstellar would be a great movie to watch!!!


Gah! Please tell me that, if a movie is on the list, it will eventually be watched? Because I joined the Patreon basically to recommend / vote for the Thing?