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Hey guys! 

Below are the links to my full reaction to Return of the King! You were right, I needed lots and lots of tissues...

I know the format of these videos are different. As I mentioned in my last post, this is how I will be doing my videos from now on just to ensure that I don't risk running into legal/copyright trouble. The format may become a bit more advanced in the future (ex: using a timer or blurring the image.) But right now, this is what I'm able to achieve with iMovie. My hope is to upgrade my editing/technology as I'm able to save up over time. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as I figure these things out. My millennial game is definitely weak as I am not very tech savvy haha...

I hope you enjoy the video and please let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

As always, thank you so much for supporting me here on Patreon. Have a wonderful weekend and until next time, stay golden!

(PLEASE DOWNLOAD THESE LINKS INSTEAD OF PLAYING DIRECTLY ON GOOGLE DRIVE -- If you are getting the "exceeded playback" message, you may need to wait a little while and try to download the file again later, thanks!)

Part One: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H_q1hcGdOJQNsyl9qVgwYMNOD71t72BQ/view?usp=sharing 

Part Two: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KO0SZ4mld4vtIHMWkSkMclAsHmVtcFxd/view?usp=sharing 

Original Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King  

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.
Original Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King  *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Andy Jordan

Thank you, as always, for all you're doing, Natalie. I'm sure I speak for more than myself in saying we know you're doing your best with format issues, and adjustments are part of the game. You do you, and we'll work with it. Cheers!

Reggie Clark

I watched Gettysburg (254 minutes) earlier today and now I have to watch this. I didn't think I was going to cry this much when I woke up this morning.


YES I was excited for this all day long.


I would love to see you watch all of the behind the scenes and making of for these movies, there is so much amazing content there to watch!


Time for the binge watch!

Robin Fredriksson

I know Natalie is trying to avoid copyright, but is it really supposed to be that picture of leaves covering 90% of the frame all of the movie? Or is this a mistake? (And zero sound) Natalie is great so I don't wanna complain, but I can't really watch without sound or frame.


Because of the change I will be canceling my payment sorry good luck with everything though

Gabriel Mauller

Kind of disappointing that we can’t watch the movie with you.


Will you be watching The Hobbit movies also?

Robin Fredriksson

I solved it by putting on the extended edition myself next to it and sync it with Natalies video. Works good :)


Hey Natalie, I really don’t want to complain but is it necessary for it to be this way? I mean, we enjoy watching the movie with you but this is hard to watch i.e. no sound and picture. Please reconsider and go back to what you did with the rest of the LOTR movies. Should you reconsider, may we politely ask you to re upload the Return of the King? Thanks! 😊


I understand the copyright issues, but this format without any volume is to much of a burden to me to pay 5$ every month.


We can do that but it is just not great to be honest. I really enjoyed the first two movies and i was super excited to see this but I’m really underwhelmed with this format. It just doesn’t work. 😊 I hope Natalie reconsiders.

Jan Popieluch

Yeah. I'm sorry to say that Natalie but this format is unwatchable. I know pretty big reactors who just upload their reactions to whole movies/episodes on Google Drive, without any cuts or modifications. As long as the audience is limited (Patreon), it's not a problem.


I don't really see the issue though. There are people on here with a years worth of watched movies and series on their page.

Caleb Harvey

Christopher Lee who played Saruman was apparently a big fan of the books when they first came out in the 50s, he read them once a year up until he died and was the only member of the lotr cast to have meet JRR Tolkien (Author) which resulted him into asking for his blessing to play Gandalf if a movie were ever to be made to which Tolkien said yes. Unfortunately due to the timing of the films being made Christopher was in his late 70s and was too tall for the roll so Peter Jackson(director) suggested he play Saruman which was a perfect role for him. RIP Christopher Lee, Ian Holms


Great stuff. If you have not watched Game of Thrones or Dark, those would be my picks for next up.


I love your reactions Natalie but doing the uploads like this just isn't working and I'll be considering cancelling the Patreon which I really didn't want to. Copyright issues on Patreon really isn't that big a deal that the entire video needs to be blocked and audio cut. Not everyone has the option to have the movie playing on a different screen and dealing with trying to sync everything. Edit: Point I'm trying to make is that there's not much sense in watching a reaction video when we can't see what you're reacting to


What the hell is this shit? So if we pay for reactions we get something worse than what is on youtube for free. Nah fam cya. If you pay for this you lack brain cells.


We are many that doesn't like the direction she has taken this but at least express your opinion in a nicer way. She is doing the best she can and navigating copyright stuff isn't easy so no reason in getting nasty like that


Best LOTR reaction I've seen on Patreon or youtube hands down.

Caleb Harvey

The wizards have an interesting background, they came from a place called Valinor (Undying Lands) which is sort of a spiritual realm and is where I believe the elves go to. They are servants to Maiar (spiritual beings), the Maiar wanted to help the people of Middle Earth so they sent 5 wizards to aid them in their quest against evil, them being Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown and the 2 Blue wizards Alatar and Pallando but not a lot is known about these 2. I believe the colours are like ranking systems as we know Saruman was once head of the order thus he was given the title white wizard but when he betrayed his friends he was cast out of the order and Gandalf took over the title of white wizard and becoming head of the order which is why he said in the last film "l am Saruman, or rather Saruman as he should have been" meaning he should have stayed true to his quest. Also in the books it's says only 1 of the 5 wizards completed his quest that being Gandalf and is why he was allowed to return to the undying lands while the others had to remain in Middle Earth.


I too shall be considering cancelling my subscription. Syncing up a second screen is not something that’s easy for me. Please reconsider your video format.


I just paid for mine the other day for the month, so I'm gonna wait a bit, see if she can reupload it with a better format that we can see and hear it. Since it's paid for the month there's no point cancelling until I see if it can be reuploaded or not. I don't care if it's reversed or there's some colour filter over it. but reactions don't make sense without seeing what is being reacted to, There's no point in the video screen even being there at all if we can't see/hear it. Natalie, please find another way to reupload so we can really watch this. Even if you only keep them up for a week or something like that? Or break it into more parts that are smaller?

Joshua Wanakamik

Lotta mixed opinions here..its hard to say what is best when avoiding copyrights, I think normally what works best is having the audio withoutvideo and syncing own copy of the video and just muting that one. The Normies do their uncuts in that way, as they have about like 10k patreons so they most likley run into more issues, but ever since they did it that way it seemed to be fine. I know a lotta people hate doing that but it seems to be the only safe way of uploading the full thing. As for the 5$ tier suggestion to make it worth more to people...have it early access type thing where you upload your videos here first and then release them on youtube.... that way I think people would be more willing to stay, I know I would be willing to stay just for early videos.


disappointed in this reaction, why pay $10 for something I can't see you react. I know it's not want you want to do natalie but i hope it gets resolved or I will have to unsubscribe my patreon membership.


Now that you've seen the movies, are you considering giving the books a try at some point? I think you'd enjoy how different Pippin and Merry are.


also hate waiting for your reaction after youtube. I would like to have early access of your reaction because I pay to see it


Well, I just bought a subscription because I wanted to see your full reactions and some iconic scenes... And what a bummer you chose to censor the video.. I understand copyrights problems, but honestly, having to pay for something that is legitimately less good than the free Youtube version? It is definitely not worth it.

Robin Fredriksson

I watched part 1 on a second screen but it was difficult to keep in sync, for some reason my own version just went faster, but I watched part one that way. But I can’t keep that up with part 2, it was too much work. The free version on YouTube is better than a full one without audio or video unfortunately. You are truly one of the best if not THE BEST REACTOR I have come across Natalie. So I hope you can sort this out. Because you won’t be able to charge money for a worse version on Patreon than what is on YouTube in the long run.

Caleb Harvey

Now the hobbit reaction




Every one needs to chill. How about just supporting some entertainment. I guess 5 dollars is just more to you guys than it is to me cause you're acting like you dropped 500 bucks on it!! I just want to support people who make content I enjoy so that they keep doing it. Isn't that the point?


$5 IS a lot to me but I also want to support content I enjoy. Unfortunately it's hard to enjoy in this format :( Natalie is great and so are her reactions but without knowing what she is reacting to it's not really watchable anymore :(


Awesome! :)


Really looking forward to seeing what you react to next! (I'd totally be down to see you react to the special features, or another film entirely!!) Stay golden, Natalie!

Jeffrey Searcy

Yeah, I think the green overlay would be fine, as long as these are only on patreon copyright shouldn’t be much of an issue, I can’t really see myself paying for this content in this format. Not trying to be rude or anything but an audio commentary track would be better than constantly trying to look between screens.

Gath Bard

Hang in there Natalie.


Great stuff Natalie! It's easy for people to criticise when it's not their neck thats on the line for a potential copyright claim. Also if you signed up for this thinking it would include a full copy of the movie to watch along with then what planet are you on? It doesn't matter that its in a smaller format or lower quailty, it would essentially be piracy since you aren't paying the owner to watch their content.


Works for me. I cant cast to my tv with more ease!


Have you already seen The Dark Knight Trilogy Natalie?


Thank you for sharing this incredible journey with us! I rewatch the trilogy each year, and it was fun to watch it "together" with someone with fresh eyes this year. I had no problem with the format, though I much prefer having the screen up on your video, instead of syncing. Keep doing whatever works best for you, Natalie! Some info regarding those sailing from Middle Earth at the end; by all means, not everyone is permitted to go. In fact only elves can enter the secret way that lets them leave the confines of Middle Earth and arrive in the Undying Lands. However, special access were granted for the Ringbearers, as they were held in high honor by the elves. Thus Bilbo and Frodo could go, to finally find peace and healing. 60 years after Frodo went, and after the death of his wife Rosie, Sam set sail and went to be reunited with Frodo. He was after all also a Ringbearer, albeit for a short time. For me (and most other people I know) Sam will always be the true hero in the trilogy, and the truest friend. Thanks again, and I look forward to your next reaction! :)


Alright, my favorite movies of all time are done. I'll obviously stay a patron but nothing will ever top your LOTR reactions :p . And don't let rude people in the comments ruin your fun :(

Joel P

You're paying for her full movie reaction, not the full film itself. If you want the films, you have to pay for them sync along with the reaction videos like everyone else. She doesn't owe you the entire trilogy of films. Yeah, it would be nice if she could show everything, copyright issues are a thing she unfortunately has to deal with.

Joel P

You're paying for her reaction, not the films themselves, which are under copyright. If you want to watch the films, you have to pay for them separately like every else. Why is this a difficult concept for so many people?

Joel P

"There's no point in the video screen even being there at all if we can't see/hear it." - It's there so that you can sync up your own copy of the films.


Those wanting to watch reactions should not expect a free view of the series/movies. Everyone should have their own copy and watch along. Your format was very easy to sync up with, and to keep in sync throughout. Good job :)

Andy Jordan

I think what some people preferring Gollum over Dobby were intending in saying so is that Gollum is a more layered and interesting character than Dobby. Dobby is obviously less harmful and has a better disposition, but I do agree that Gollum is a more nuanced and sympathetic character, as well as being more integral to the story. Better character can sometimes mean more interesting and complex, not necessarily the one you'd rather actually be around. Also, if it were up to me, I'd love to see you react to the making-of Special Features, but I agree they're more niche, and there are a number of people who like LOTR, but don't nerd out over the details and lore like I and some others do. That might be something to save for later down the road, once you've got more movies in the can, so to speak. That being said, I think it would be great to see it if you choose to do so. Might be worth a poll to see if the numbers bear it out, if it's something you're considering. Cheers, Natalie!

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

I agree, the behind the scenes content is great but there's a TON of it for each film. Anyway, GREAT reactions to these movies, I'm glad you appreciate them as much as IMO they deserve. I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Hobbit trilogy but sadly they're just not as good.


Its not her fault you can't sync up. She shouldn't have to break the law for anyone's convenience. If others do it let them deal with the consequences, its their responsibility.

Robin Fredriksson

How did you sync them? I couldn’t get it to work for me. Mine was always getting ahead, couldn’t figure out why. Like every 10 seconds I was one second ahead again

Joel P

" for some reason my own version just went faster" - I noticed that, too. Weird. I kept having to re-sync. I didn't think it was a big deal, but it's definitely something to look into for future uploads.


"Grab a drink, Grab a snack..." *Me, with an entire order of Thai food spread out in front of me, and a fork in my hand*


Every Time i watch the last Scenes when they leave i just wanna watch the first one to have them back together again. Every Time!


You need to react to the 3 Hobbit movies too now at some point. They are rly good and I enjoyed them just as much as the LotR movies. They show the whole backstory of Bilbo; how he got the sword and the mithril armor and the whole story with the dragon. If you do decide to react to them, the extended versions are even more important for these than the LotR movies cause the non-extended versions cut a lot of important scenes out.


Mmm I think using Google drive to upload the video file itself might get around the copyright issue. Let us know how you go


Did you like the end credits song? The words and tone of voice in that one always gets me. Especially the rising chorus. Love it - so glad you had a memorable experience and that you shared it with us :) SHould also add that the score in general is just amazing!


Agreed! One of the best scores in any film. Definitely deserved the Oscar it won :)

A.J. Workman

This format is totally fine and is similar to others I've watched. If people don't have the movie they can always rent it and sync it up, it's not difficult. That way we can support all the content creators involved. You shouldn't risk companies flagging your page just so a couple subscribers can watch the films for free

A.J. Workman

I'll also add that I think this way is better than a blurred image anyway. Being able to see the edges of the screen helps with syncing it up since we can see the cuts and bits of which scene is onscreen

Allan Rumberger

This has been a terrific journey. Thank you. I agree with others who are in support of this format - you're not obligated to provide a copy of the film for others to watch, and it's not reasonable for anyone to ask you to take all the risk of providing them a copyrighted work to enjoy for their $5. Anyway, with all of that, the one additional thing I'd like is a timer. Not so much for perfect syncing, but so that if I need to stop watching I'll have a better idea of how to get back to the same spot again later! Last thing, I would love to see you react to the extras. If you decide to do that though, my personal advice is to watch the movies at least once or twice more first, even if that takes a long time to happen. The way you experience the films will change after you watch that stuff, and also you'll get more out of it the more familiar you are with the movies. Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to whatever comes next.


I love your reactions, Nat. I've never become a Patron of a reaction channel before, but for some reason I dig your content. Even went back and watched some of the Burning Man stuff, and that was interesting, too. Funnily enough, I ordered a LOTR style pipe from Etsy to watch the last movie while smoking "the finest weed in the South Farthing". It arrived today, the same day you posted this video. Clearly, it was meant to be

Calo Grsf

Hi Natalie! Your reaction was great! I' m sure you're trying to do your best. I hope everything goes well!


I was planning to cancel anyway after LotR ist done, but I'm disappointed with this change. To protected your Channel I would suggest doing it like "The Normies", there Full Reactions are one of the best I have seen. They start with full Image and Sound so you can synch your Version and after some seconds the Sound remains. Also every so often they show the Full Image again for a few secounds. As well as a Timer thoughout the runtime.

Tom Evans

Well that was really great, and I for one have no problem with this format. The little peek of video that you can see is enough to sync the video. There are other ways to do it, but this works fine. You can see enough to sync when there's a cut. To be fair I watch a LOT of reactions so I am used to doing the video sync thing. I understand that it's a challenge for people who aren't used to it, but I think there are a lot of people who know how to handle this sort of reaction. If the choice is between this or wait for the channel to be shut down due to copyright, then there is no choice. I look forward to your next reactions Natalie!


Well that's an oof. Pay to watch later was already a bit of a bummer and now this format. It was fun to be along for Star Wars and LotR, but I reckon that's about it. I get the worry about copyright (I have never seen anyone have any problem with it, tbh) and I'd be perfectly fine using my own copy of the movie along with it (altho good luck to anyone not watching on a PC with multiple screens) but to provide no useful tools to sync up and host it on possibly the worst platform to be found...welp. Why do the poll if you're gonna pick the host with less votes?


Great reaction. Also for those who dont understand... As a patreon supporter you do not pay those who made the movies and it will of course not grant you access to the movies themselves. You are here to support Natalie Gold and to see her reactions. She is not allowed to put out full copyrighted material here, because she is not paying those who made the movies. Copyright law doesnt change whether its youtube, patreon or whatever platform.. All other movie reactors i've been supporting on patreon (4 others) have NOT been showing the movie either, just a timer to sync or some helpful glimpses. You need to have your own movie and sync it up. And when you think about it thats totally fair and how it is supposed to be. Thank you very much for your cool reactions Natalie and I really enjoyed all of the star wars and lotr reactions ive seen so far.

Garren Haskell

Damn dude I forgot about what a gut punch this movie is, almost the entire time. I watch the trilogy every year, and I feel like I actually need the whole year just to recover. And watching it with somebody seeing it for the first time is extra awesome. Brings back all the feels I felt when I watched it the first time. Bravo A+. What are we watching next? :D

Garren Haskell

Also thanks for putting just enough of the movie around the edges so we can sync up with you. I noticed my copy was going just barely slightly faster than yours so I had to pause for a second every once in a while to get us lined up again. It helps to have a little bit of visual for that.


I remember that when I first watched these movies it was in the company of fellow fans of Tolkien. We already knew the story, plot, and characters, and while we were of course spellbound by the production and cinematography, and exceptional acting and direction, I would say that we focused mostly on the adaptation itself. It was the differences that we noticed, especially between minor scenes and dialogue, but perhaps mostly between what we were seeing on the screen and what we had envisioned in our minds after countless readings of the books. So, Natalie, your intelligent and emotional reactions of these films as a novice to the material is immensely refreshing and rewarding. The experience is much like sharing a child's discovery of a wonderous magical garden that she had never envisioned, and watching her accept the new world with emotional satisfaction - if you'll pardon the metaphor. Your reactions - especially to this story which is very special to me - are truly some the greatest things I've discovered on the internet this year! Thank you!


No multiple screens needed. Not watching on a pc might be hard.


This was such an amazing journey with you. Thank you a million times Nat. I was crying with you on this one too. It makes many of us extremely happy that you shared this experience with us. Thank you. I am overly excited for all the other movies and shows you will watch and share your first-reaction experiences with us.


Yeah, sorry to have to agree with the haters but I'm not in for this format. If you change your mind and start hosting the video again I might come back, but for now I'm out. Best of luck with the rest of your journey.

Dan Tydeman

I was so excited to see the reaction to this movie and to see that format my heart sank so much....however, linking it up in sync with my own extended version on one screen and this on another it wasnt so bad :)


I am no crying. YOU ARE CRYING !!!!!!!! :( :D :D Great reaction. And awesome movie. Hobbit must be next :)


This is just absurd! I cant see anything!! i even tried to sync it with my copy but with noo luck Please you have to fix this!

Red Freckle

"There are other ways to do it, but this works fine." Another way to do it would be better. It works fine for you but most don't either have the setup to watch both simultaneously or don't have the patience to sync it up. I don't mind syncing them personally but re-syncing whenever her reaction video has a cut or whenever I want to pause (because pausing both at the exact same time is difficult) is tiresome, it detracts from my enjoyment of the experience to say the least.

Red Freckle

Not sure that would prevent copyright claims. Unless there is a method I'm unaware of she would have to either give us a shareable link to that google drive file or give us individual access through each of our email addresses. A shareable link could then be re-shared to anyone by any of us, and she would wind up at fault when shared to the wrong person. Giving each of us access by email would be very tedious on her part, and there is still the distinct risk of someone learning that she has been sharing the film and her getting in shit for it. She is making profit off of these so that would take it to another level of shit. Like you I wish she could find a loophole, the format of this one is basically unwatchable IMO. If she didn't have her name and face tied directly to this then it might be less risky but of course then we likely wouldn't be watching in the first place.

Dan Tydeman

You need to have the extended version. i think this is the only problem people have not being able to sync. there are a few pauses that are 1-2 seconds long but the long syncs for you are probably that its not the extended version you are watching. there are legit an extra 30-40 mins of extended scenes in this movie


Natalie has hit the nail on the head with the two trilogies she has watched. Sam and R2D2 are the unsung heroes of both trilogies.


Natalie, why did you close the video and why you can't even hear it??? With previous movies, you've done everything.

Aaron Taft

I'm not on board with this. 100% censored? I love your stuff Natalie, but this I can not do. I will continue to give 10$ a month in Patreon, but please fix this.

Aaron Taft

I can't get through ether video. I have the Lord Of the Rings, The Return of the King, Special Extended DVD Edition. And I have no sound or Video on your end to help me match up what you are watching to what my DVD player is playing. I have been trying for 5 hours, and I cant get it to work.


Has anyone told you, yet, that Pippin was the youngest Hobbit (not actor) and was the equivalent of about 15 or 16? He was basically a kid. That is one of the reasons he's so goofy, if you will. Merry was slightly older and Sam slightly older than that. Frodo was the oldest of the four, however, the actors were in the reverse order with Elijah Wood at 19 and Billy Boyd (Pippin) at 33.


Do you live outside the US? Vimeo could be blocked in your country, or even on your internet. I recommend trying a VPN, see if it works for you then.


You have to watch your copy with her. That’s how you do it. This is how she avoids copyright infringement.


PEOPLE: You have to have your own copy of the movies and sync them up with what she is watching in the video. Copyright infringement is not cool and this is how she avoids it.

Quacksalver Extraordinaire

Just finished watching this video. I really enjoyed the experience of watching someone who was not familiar with either the books or the films in order to see and appreciate how this wonderful tale could move someone for the first time. I read the books when I was fourteen and at least a dozen times since, so when the films came out, I already knew the story. As I said in a previous comment, Tolkien was adamant Samwise Gamgee is the true hero of the story and many people fail to note that Frodo actually failed the quest. To clarify one thing you wondered about at the end of this film, Bilbo and Frodo were permitted to go to Valinor because they were both ringbearers. Spoiler: In the novel, Sam is also granted the same grace after he raises his family and serves as mayor of the Shire for many years. And the last ship to sail to Valinor contained both Legolas and Gimli for whom Galadriel also obtained a special dispensation from the Valar (the gods of Tolkien's legendarium). Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed these films so much and hope that you are able to read the books one day as there is so much more to the story than the films could ever depict. P.S. if you decide to watch the special features here on Patreon, I will definitely watch.


Haha totally makes sense! Gollum is definitely more integral. And I may have something planned for some special features stuff on here haha


I only have a basic understanding of how copyright laws work regarding online content. So forgive my ignorance if my query lends itself to absurdity. Anyway, would it be possible for Patreon to pay a small royalty fee to the company that holds the rights to these films in order to prevent the blocking? It’s likely true that most folks viewing these reactions have already purchased the videos in various formats...be it DVD, Blu-ray, or online streaming. Unfortunately, to prove so would be a monumental task if it is even possible. However, I think the company that owns the rights to these films would benefit greatly from from allowing the films (both audio and video) to be viewed in their entirety for these reactions. Not only would they be receiving some recompense from Patreon, but greater still would be the resulting purchases of the films that would result from the viewers that may not yet own the videos. Watching someone viewing something for the first time would seem to possess a twofold effect. Firstly, it would ignite interest in the viewers that are newcomers to Tolkien’s rich world of Middle Earth. Secondly, it allows those who are well acquainted with Tolkien’s books and films to live vicariously through the person viewing them for the first time. And let’s face it... Upon watching Natalie’s reactions to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I can think of no better advertisement to generate sales of films that were released 17-19 years ago. I welcome any thoughts on this matter, whether positive or negative. I only ask that you keep your posts civil and constructive. Don’t succumb to the powers of darkness that turns folks into trolls...


I’ve enjoyed the reactions to the first two movies, but it’s honestly ridiculous to expect people to pay to literally not even see or hear the movies.


Think I have to skip this one - the version of the movie I got seems to be just slightly faster than yours is, so it constantly desyncs when I try to let it play alongside your reaction. Shame.

Kosmas Molntovan

What everyone else said, joined your patreon to see this reaction in full and I feel like I wasted my money, not cool

Jonny shaw

The Blu Ray version is the most closely synced, you need to change it by a second or two maybe every 20 minutes, very doable. Loved your reaction Natalie, I paid to watch the whole one after seeing a bunch on Youtube and honestly your reaction was the best by far. Not too much talking, just expression and emotion and obviously none of it forced. I hate the ones that try to make jokes and things like that in between, just enjoy the movie like you did you know? If I could recommend a series that is one of my favourites, please do Battlestar Galactica. It's rated on IMDB as the best Sci-Fi show ever made, and I agree. Looking forward to seeing what else you do, all the best.


For any future patrons who want to watch this, here's some advice on how to easily keep it synced to your movie: 1. Put your media player (where you'll be watching Return of the King) window next to Natalie's reaction video, either to the left of it or below it. 2. Use the scene transitions and camera angle changes in Natalie's movie window as a guide when syncing the videos. 3. While I don't know which media player you'll be using, I used VLC player and the following method should be applicable in other programs. In VLC, you can use Shift+Left or Shift+Right to make short jumps forward or back in the movie. Use this until your transitions are slightly ahead of Natalie's. Then tap pause/play (in most programs this is simply spacebar) until the transitions are synced. If you later desync, it should only be necessary to make a small jump forward or back and then tap pause/play to sync back up. 4. Enjoy. :)


Can we get a google drive version of this please?

Morning Featherheart

Thank you for silencing the in-picture film. Now I can purchase and watch my own copy along with you. :) Leaving the left and right edges of the video uncovered is a nice touch, because I could keep an eye on them to tell when I'm getting out of sync. The copy I purchased on Amazon Video seemed play ever so slightly faster than yours, and I'm glad I was able to know when to tap the pause for a hair to keep things lined up. Have you heard the original songs at the end of each film? Also, at the end of Return of the King, there's some killer art of each of the main characters as their actors are credited.


Oh no… I’m watching on my phone (can’t stream you and the movie…) and was so invested in your reaction…. Darn it…why change for the 3rd movie in a trilogy?? Sigh…

Ellis Hugh

To answer your question about what the ring stands for, the best interpretation I've heard is that it represents the lure of machinery (a perfect circle of metal), of the luxuries of technology and their detriment to our spirit, our industry and the natural world.

Lucifer Moon

I am glad these movies fix some of the more sexist aspects of Tolkien's writings. I love Tolkien's work but they are absolutely a product of their time.