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Hey all! So I'm sure many of you noticed, but on my last post I switched to using Google Drive as an experiment. I also flipped and put a filter on the movie footage to see if that would help with copyright issues in the future. As our community here grows, I'm becoming increasingly nervous about these videos potentially getting removed. 

Something that I've seen others do (and that has been suggested by some of you guys) is to release videos where the movie footage is not visible/heard. That way, you can start the movie with me and we can watch it together without the risk of the videos getting removed in the future!

All of my previous videos will stay up the way they are currently formatted, as I unfortunately don't have the raw footage saved for those to redo them properly. But my question to you is this: 

Do you prefer I post these on Vimeo? Or Google Drive? 

Google Drive is certainly a cheaper platform for me to use and does tend to process videos slightly faster. However, I saw some people were having issues with Google Drive. So if Vimeo works better for the majority, I will gladly stick with that!

Lmk your thoughts and thanks for being patient with me while I learn new things! Making this kind of content definitely has some growing pains, but I'm excited that so many of you enjoy watching these movies with me. I've never had more fun and inspired to make content in my life and I'm so incredibly grateful you all want to be apart of it too! Your support and feedback is incredibly important to me. Thanks again, and stay golden! 


Angelika Birkeneder

Please Vimeo! Google drive doesnt play the Video so i can't watch the two Towers and i am so sad 😭


For anyone having issues with google drive: open it in the browser, not in the app. Or try another browser. I think having it on Google drive is a lot easier. But I guess most people won't read this comment. So I guess the vote will determine what you should do. Also, I am extremely happy with all the content and I am glad you are having a good time sharing it with us. Thank you a million times! We will stay golden for sure.


I am also in the same boat as whatever is most convenient for you. Also IF it came down to you needing to post reactions of you without the film in view that would work excellent as well. (I think we’re all nervous they’ll get taken down)


I have had no problem with google drive nor Vimeo. Also, I really have no problem with flipped video, as I know YOU are seeing it properly, and frankly this whole thing is about you experiencing these films for the first time. Also also, this is your show and you run it exactly the way you want to.


Oh Angelika, I'm so sorry! Does it say why it won't play for you? Is there an error?

Erik Lundmark

Def. Vimeo for the videos you have up; I've been thinking of telling you the same, so I'm glad you told us first; I'd be More than happy to get Just Your reaction and nothing else. Just a 3,2,1,Play is enough for me. However, I don't know if I'm in the majority. IF you can afford both full versions uploaded, that would be the perfect solution.. Also, you have to edit all your own pause/plays to be pretty perfect so we can all keep in sync :-)


My reason for preferring Vimeo is because I can watch it on my TV easily on Vimeo. I don't want to watch 90+ minute videos on my PC. That said if Drive is more convenient for you do that. Editing the videos down for YouTube seems like it would be PITA enough...

Angelika Birkeneder

Thank you all for your help! Now i can watch it on Google drive! I am so happy!!! 😊😍


I also wanted to add that I'm not sure copyright stuff is even an issue if you have a Vimeo premium account or are putting it on Drive. I do live streaming and I know people use Vimeo as a paid CDN so that they don't get copyright takedowns during livestreams of concerts, etc. that have music playing. If I'm wrong someone let me know. But you may be able to just post the plain ol' unedited/unflipped video for us here on Vimeo or Google Drive.

Michel Ferreira

I don't mid either Vimeo or GDrive would be fine - The idea to have everyone sync up their copy is a good one and def good to avoid problems in the future.


I agree, just syncing up playback sounds like the best solution. Maybe with a few points for re-syncing every few minutes (thinking of pausing etc.)

Tom Evans

Either one is OK with me, so I voted Google Drive since it's cheaper for you. I have seen sometimes with Google Drive it takes some extra time after a video is posted before streaming the video will work, but you can still download the video and then watch it OK. I watch a lot of reaction channels, and yes for Full Length reactions the usual way to do it is to only play a little of the movie at the beginning so people can sync up with their own copy. Unfortunately that means you can't have pauses or jumps in your playback or you throw off everyone's sync. I know you like to pause to talk about things, but it can be annoying to have to keep resyncing video. Another helpful thing I see people do is to show the movie playing but with the image completely blurred out. Even though it's not watchable at all, blurry shadows are enough to help us keep our playback in sync.


Google drive works best for me, but it's mainly because I have more experience using it


I dont acutally know hard it is with copyright on patreon. So i suggested this because I saw it on anothers pateron. For me on google drive its better streaming quality and I dont have to download it before. I just use the google chrome browser. If you want to watch it on tv you can use the tv browser, stream it, open the mp4 with a player or share screen over hdmi e.g.

Elisa H.

I didn't know copyright applied to videos on patreon that relinked to say Google drive


I'm fine either way. Whatever works best for you.


Vimeo with the option to download was the easiest way. Google drive seems to have capped the number who can download so it's tougher to watch on my phone. Thanks for asking, Natalie!


Vimeo or Google drive doesnt matter. But as a mobile viewer without a second screen nearby all the time I prefer to have the picture in picture of today, even of it is distorted in some way.

Gainz 4 Dayz

Google drive is absolute trash with their limited playback. Cant even watch your reaction


Doesn't matter much to me where it's uploaded, but to sync it up I would play like a few seconds so we actually know where exactly in the film you are. But I like the picture in picture too and would be cool if I dont have access to the specific movie otherwise.


Same, download limit. And I was so looking forward to this today

David Martin

Which ever one is best for everybody....picture in picture is definitely the easiest for us, the consumer, but with the copyright thing I don’t mind syncing up. I’m subscribed to a channel that does the syncing and they do it perfectly to where I can still see where they are in the movie or show...Storm Akima is the channel.


I wasn't able to download the reactions, but I was able to stream them this afternoon, but I just checked the link again and I can't even stream it now.

Neil Silverman

I've been running into issue with Google Drive on the latest uploads - as others have said, they put limits on how many downloads can take place in a given time, and I guess I'm just unlucky (or you've become too popular!), so I haven't been able to watch or download them yet. Never had that problem (so far) with Vimeo, so I've got to vote Vimeo.

Aaron Taft

I don't have a preference. I have never had any trouble watching any of your Extended Videos in any form you have presented them.


Either way is fine by me.


I clicked, ‘open in new window’, and that did work for me.


I don’t mind Vimeo or google drive but I’d prefer if you didn’t only post your reaction to the movie my internets crap so I won’t be able to run a movie and your reaction at the same time


I prefer Vimeo and picture in picture, as I mostly watch on a mobile device and can’t sync another screen. I watch a lot of reaction/watch-along on Patreon that use Vimeo this way and they’ve never had copyright issues.


Hands down Google Drive. I can download them and easily sync up with my own copy which is tricky when your reaction is streaming. If anyone has issues downloading from Google Drive, just click the quicklink of Natalie‘s reaction in your own Google Drive, make a copy and then download that. Works every time.

Chris Sosa

Please don't do what most other people do and follow what FailWhale34 does if you can! He reacts in front of a green screen and then has the film/show playing in the background taking over most of the screen. Your content is enjoyable to watch right now because you provide us an in-sync reaction with no blockage. Not everyone can sync a reaction because we may not have a certain show or movie purchased. That being said, I much rather prefer the first LOTR reaction/Star Wars saga than what you did for the the second LOTR movie. Stick to vimeo and try not to change up how you post your videos for the worst. As time goes on and your monthly revenue increases, you can definitely get a better system. You are one of the most entertaining reactors I have watched so far and would hate to see the way you change your videos.

Chris Sosa

They shouldn't get taken down on Patreon because it's a pay-to-use website.

Dave M.

Picture in picture is ideal. Most people don’t have access to the movies you watch, so that’s best. Also, syncing up is annoying af. Please do picture in picture.


Thank you for letting me know Neil! I'm going to be uploading the Two Towers reaction to Vimeo so will update the links later so everyone can view.


Thank you for letting me know DM! I'm going to be uploading the Two Towers reaction to Vimeo so will update the links later so everyone can view.


I understand why the change up, lord know you are starting to get quite a bit of attention - that would make anyone nervous. The editing and fair use is probably good enough for YouTube, sometimes the audio being turned down helps, other times, the editing. I didn't really like the Google Drive version, preferring the Vimeo. But, hey, its your channel, do what you gotta do.


I like picture in picture and I like sound, but I don't mind if it's flipped! I didn't vote for the google vs. vimeo because both work just as well as the other for me, so whichever is easiest for you is great!


Either option seems to be working fine for me!

Chess Red Eagle

Didn't even know you could have copyright issues on Patreon. I can get used to it being flipped and slightly distorted like that but if it's possible to do raw footage that would greatly appreciated. as for video player, both are fine but the problem I have with Vimeo is that doesn't do fullscreen on phones well. It gets cut off and the UI is bad.


Ok seems like the general consensus is that everyone can watch them on Vimeo and only half of people know how to use google drive. So Vimeo seems like the way to go.


I also thing that with mo movie footage it’s the best. We just need to sync it up somehow and than it’s the best way to watch reactions.


I voted for Vimeo. Also I don't believe the flipped and filtered version is necessary here on Patreon, but I understand the concern and will keep watching your reaction videos even if you modify the movie or don't show it at all :)


If you do it, make it so we can hear the audio, at least occasionally. Natalie's movie and ours can run at slightly different speeds and will drift apart. Hearing the audio lets us correct for that, occasionally. At least one other reactor uses a flipped, extremely distorted movie. Just enough is visible to allow you to see the scene cuts, which also lets you sink things up.

Troy B.

If you decide to go the safest route of say, just showing a time stamp so we can sync up our version of the movie (a bit like the company Rifftrax does), Google Drive would be easier since it can be tricky to have a Vimeo page running while also running a DVD or streaming site or wherever the movie might be. Because yeah, it is a huge gamble showing the whole film in whatever form. I've had 10-second snippets removed before, despite my claims of Fair Use.


I assumed the flipped video was something to do with copyright, but I dont know enough about it and such. Same goes for this poll. Wish I could help but not in this one

Logan Sandoval

I'm subscribed to other movie reactors and one of my favorite ways to watch them is having a blurred out movie with a timer on it. See Brandon Likes Movies for reference. you don't have to have worry too much about copyright because the people will have to have their own copy to watch :P


Whatever allows us to watch along side you!


Skipping is a huge pain in the ass on vimeo...


Whatever works best for you, I don't really notice much of a difference between google drive and vimeo. Also I don't think anyone really gets copyright strikes here on patreon. There are people watching full series on here. So... you should be good?

Chris Sosa

what do you mean? just press either arrow on your keyboard.

kazimir lai

i like google drive cause youtube's interface is slightly more convenient

Kenny Teeology

Another 'Reacter' I follow posts full videos on the service 'onehub'


Oh I hope you keep the footage in the video, it’s so much easier that way! As far as which platform, I’m good either way!


If you end up going the no footage route, I'd say go with Google Drive. That way the file can easily be downloaded and better synced up and used (with decent software like VLC) with whatever copy of the movie is at hand. Keeping sync with a 2+ hour movie is a massive pain.


The bigger the Channel will get the more likely it is that Copyright claims will occure. She will have no other choice then cut the Footage AND Audio out but have some Scenes and a Timer in to help sync over the length of the Movie. All other Reactors (i.e. Storm Akima) i follow do it the same Way. They are even in Contact with the "Owners" (Movie Studios PR i guess) of the Movies to get approve from them what is ok and what not.


I follow a reactor on here with 2,000 followers and he still uses the footage. So I hope she is still able to

Garren Haskell

I would also prefer to keep the footage in the video. I know it causes some copyright BS on youtube, but that's why we're supporting her Patreon!


The Problem is and will always be that it can be copystriked because it is illegal to show more than the 10minute Fair Use Footage. Worst Case is, she shows the whole Movies and in a Year there will be legal Sues against here and not only she hast to take all of here Videos down but has to pay a lot of Money because she showed Movies without a License. Do you even think what can happen to her!? It is absolutely irresponsible to suggest to here to keep the Footage online. Best Case the Studio just tell her to take the Movies down, worst case she has to pay a Fee and that can be f...ing expensive.


Definitely. With youtube I need to screen scrape it in order to join it back up with the raw footage in something like blender. Possible but a PITA. That being said, avoiding copyright strikes and getting your stuff removed is definitely worse than a bit of work on our end.

Garren Haskell

Yeah I'm cool with syncing up the video myself if it will keep her out of trouble. I am unsure about how copyright stuff works on Vimeo, I thought it might just be Youtube that would cause her demonitization or something.


Copyright law does not change from platform to platform because its external. You get caught doing it and the least of your concerns is a demonetization.


Vimeo kept timing out on me and I think I was watching a different version that you were. Is there any way to have to movie runtime on screen?