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Whats up people, going good? Great.

Next patch is close to being finished. This time around it seems much less stressed at least on the drawing front. Somehow, even though I've been trying to get it done in time, I'm likely still going to be done on the very day of release cause I guess that's just how I am. To be fair, I did turn in all my homework about 1 minute before the deadline so I guess its just exerience.

Drawings on the other hand are going really well. Muplur has been streaming for the last while and I hope those of you that checked in got excited. It's certainly some nice images, and I can't wait myself to see them done fully. The patch is gonna have more images than usual cause I had a bunch from last time I very simply didn't have time to add... So I just cut an entire girl from that one. No one noticed though, so I guess it was a good size without.

Anyways, when is the actual release date? I'm fairly sure I've written this before, but I didn't really call much attention to it, but the release is going to be in 10 days, on october 8'th!

This patch, like the last few, is pretty storyheavy. But starting from then onwards I'm going to spend some time filling in the world and just move the story of 1 maybe 2 girls ahead at a time, instead of only doing story for everyone. It's obviously still going to be "story", but in a way that fleshes out the girls rather than working towards some end goal.

Anyways, that's all for now. As I said above, I'm actually a bit behind - somehow  - and I have about 1 week to get all the shego stuff done... And by now I regret making it as big as I did. You know, I wanted this patch to be mainly about Kim, but somehow Shego edged ahead of Kim in amount of drawings. I have no clue how that happened. But then again, I feel like that happens absolutely every time I say a patch will have a certain focus.

- Leroy



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