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Eyo, what's up everyone? It's me again. Did you miss me?

We (you) finally did it! An actual result. Ofc, that doesn't mean much when there are the patreon vote rank things to count. I can't exactly show you the excel arc cause there are hundred of columns (and it took me a while to count), but the final rankings are:

Ann: 396 votes

Shego: 403 votes!

Somehow, you nearly perfectly split this - which is impressive when the 15-50 tiers really adds a lot of votes at once. But in the end, the mean goth girl won. You know, I'm not SURPRISED Shego won. I am however very surprised she didn't win by a landslide. In the popularity contests she always ranks way below Shego.


Anyways, this means that in the patch after the one that is coming soon, Shego and Ann are both getting content - Shego is just getting more.

So what about the extra Ann stuff? Well, that's just coming later. Don't worry about it.

The patch is going well, and muplur has started streaming all the sketches for the drawings. Yesterday I got a whole bunch written at once. This always tends to happen when it gets closer to release date. It's kinda like homework - the stress gives better results.

Speaking of release, if everything goes well, then the next release will start in 2 weeks time - on the 8'th of october - for 50 dollar peepos.

This is a pretty important patch for a pretty obvious reason, and its the one I've been working towards the last like 3 release. After this one, we can start getting into some more comedic stuff rather than this hard focus on story it has had for Kim.

Anyways, that is all for now. I'll see you in a few days

- Leroy




i voted for shego, but ill admit the ann story so far has probably been my favorite so i can see why she did so good.