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Public patch is OUT!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88289290

Whats up peepos? Hows your monday? Mine is... something I wish was friday.

Patch is almost here. And luckily so. I still need to do all the posing, which sounds like way too much, but somehow I dont have the feeling that I cant do it in time. Hopefully im not wrong, but well... I havent been yet.

You know,  of all the girls, theres still one thats a bit off in the amount of content they have. No, its not Ann even though she overall has the least. Its actually Bonnie. Her 2 routes are completely off in length currently, with her blackmail being far ahead of her paranoif route. I do plan to fix this soon, I just wonder when I will have the chance. I know the non-blackmail route has a lot of fans cause its pretty comical to see her stumble over herself.

Reminder that release is gonna be this weekend. I dont know why im so confident that I can do the remaining stuff in time, but somehow I am.

Anyways, that's all for now. Kinda short i know. I gotta get on with it. See ya soon.

- Leroy



Juraks (No Credits)

You'll get it there, but it's okay if you have to push it off.