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Here we have the blue liner, the whale ship that will allow you to travel between towns! It will also be the starting location of the game eventually. The color scheme used for it includes a lot of the neutral, 'base' colors, rather than variant colors, that will be found almost everywhere in the world, no matter which town you go too, so it blends in perfectly. You'll also be able to see various NPCs using these to travel between the towns on this ship once we turn on the world and allow active changes to it to happen automatically.

Sometimes when traveling, the ship will be diverted by disaster, malfunction, or pirate attack, and it'll be up to you to save the day!



Aron Marczylo

I like the idea of this as you only see it at the beggining, but I can't wait till the adventure starts!


Will you use different variant colors for each town? It would be nice to have a visual cue of which town you are in.


Oh you'll see it more often eventually! Once we put in multiple towns or special events requiring you to use it.


Nah, the Ship is meant to blend to each town and you pick the town you're headed to when you depart, then when you step outside you'll see the new color scheme. I should mention that the deep blue of the whale is it's own color, the 'neutral/universal' colors are in the trim and rest of the ship (the metal and wood for example)

Aron Marczylo

Wow, that sounds pretty amazing! Again, can't wait to see it and will be waiting for the male protagonist.


I cannot help but notice that a number of the areas where rooms go are empty. is that just so you can see inside or is that a hint that the gondola uses modular rooms that can be swapped out according to need?


It's probably more of a 'there are rooms where but if we made them it would hinder your vision' kinda of thing. Especially since there are stairs leading down, it might be hidden if the other rooms were filled (at least with the walls/ceiling).


Oh, I don't mean the ship changing color, I mean the destination locals having unique or semi-unique colors.