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So we're doing some rearranging of priorities. The Male Protagonist is going to start being introduced into the game asap. Starting with the first male protagonist scene. So that's what we want your vote on today! Tell us which of the 6 monsters currently being put into the game do you want the Male Protagonist to have an animated scene for first?

1) Cat

2) Holstaur

3) Harpy

4) Centaur

5) Dog

6) Demon (yes, will get it before Eve gets hers if this is the winning option).

As always, votes are made by clicking on the 'like' button for an option. Simply posting your desires in a comment will not be counted as a vote.

~Judge Heath



Who should the Male Protag (Evan), bang first?




again, I just said, commenting will not be counted as a vote. You need to hit the like button on the option.

Aron Marczylo

Awesome! So many great choices that it's difficult to choose...I can't wait till the game is finished, but I'll continue my support along the way :D


How come we are voting on the male protag's first scene? (Not complaining, just curious) :D Also, is he going to start getting other scenes implemented automatically after this (without us voting), and this specific vote is just a way to determine his first scene for the next update, or is there going to be only one male protag scene for a while? Also, what was supposed to be the original voting pole for this month? A new monster? Is that coming next month, or are you guys changing the planning? Again, not complaining (because yaaaay, male protag :D ), just curious :D

Aron Marczylo

good question actually. I think they're just curious what people want to start with and I personally love all the options (Would love to see the protagonist take that dog, doggy style :D ) and I can't wait. Till then I've been supporting Roundscape which is a massive RPG (seriously, it's made in RPG maker and takes a few gig) with not just sex scenes, but deep story narrative, fun action sequences, a alignment system of sorts...wish I could play it more but i'm getting into the development bit myself.


Since he's got a lot of catchup to do right now, the vote will be held until he's caught up on his scenes. From then on out, he'll get scenes at the same time as the Female Protagonist. Secondly, the original vote planned was to be held when the dog's scene was done, that way you guys could pick the next female monster. As this update (Alpha v1.03) is going to be another 2 month, even three month update, due to the needs to optimize and overhaul the battle system before we even touch the shop interface and begin turning on the economy and inventory, we thought we might as well begin slipping in the male protagonist early.

Fiona McGreggor

It'd be great to have him go with a female centaur, but this is just concerning what is already there right?