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Here is the gateway to Cloverton! A combination mail office and customs area! Here is also where you can buy tickets to different locations on the Blue Liner! You'll notice that there are posters on the walls, one for each of our planned towns, and then the banned objects. Cloverton is a frontier town, and so it's really only has two rules for imports: No Pirates, No Ancient Magical Doomsday Devices. If you follow those rules then you'll get past Cloverton's customs perfectly in tact and not  tossed off the docks at all!




So in addition to the cat, the cow wolf, the centaur, how do other monsters get


that "No Ancient Magical Doomsday Devices" statement really needs better clarification. do powerful creatures count as doomsday weapons if they are magical? does a device that can unleash mass destruction if used improperly count or is it only things that are purpose built? can a legendary pokemon be brought on the ship essentially.